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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 2 shows limited geographical distribution compared with HIV type 1. Although 8 genetic groups of HIV type 2 (HIV-2) have been described, recombinant viruses between these groups are rarely observed. Recently, three HIV-2 patients in Japan were described with rapidly progressive, acquired immunodeficiency. These patients were infected with an A/B inter-group recombinant designated CRF01_AB. Here, we characterize the capsid protein (CA) encoded by the viruses from these patients. HIV-2 CRF01_AB CA showed unique amino acid sequence almost equally distinct from group A and group B viruses. Notably, HIV-2 CRF01_AB CA showed potent resistance to human TRIM5α. In addition to the previously identified amino acid position 119 in the N-terminal domain of CA, we found that HIV-2 CRF01_AB-specific amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal domain also were necessary for resistance to human TRIM5α. These results indicate that retroviruses can evade TRIM5α by substitution at residues within the C-terminal domain of CA.  相似文献   

A retroviral capsid (CA) protein consists of two helical domains, CAN and CAC, which drive hexamer and dimer formations, respectively, to form a capsid lattice. The N-terminal 13 residues of CA refold to a β-hairpin motif upon processing from its precursor polyprotein Gag. The β-hairpin is essential for correct CA assembly but unexpectedly it is not within any CA oligomeric interfaces. To understand the β-hairpin function we studied the full-length CA protein from equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), a lentivirus sharing the same cone-shaped capsid core as HIV-1. Solution NMR spectroscopy is perfectly suited to study EIAV-CA that dimerizes weaker than HIV-1-CA. Comparison between the wild-type (wt) EIAV-CA and a variant lacking the β-hairpin structure demonstrated that folding of the β-hairpin specifically extended the N terminus of helix α1 from Tyr20 to Pro17. This coil to helix transition involves the conserved sequence of Thr16-Pro17-Arg18 (Ser16-Pro17-Arg18 in HIV-1-CA). The extended region of helix α1 constituted an expanded EIAV-CAN oligomeric interface and overlapped with the HIV-1-CA hexamer-core residue Arg18, helical in structure and pivotal in assembly. Therefore we propose the function of the maturational refolding of the β-hairpin in CA assembly is to extend helix α1 at the N terminus to enhance the CAN oligomerization along the capsid assembly core interface. In addition, NMR resonance line broadening indicated the presence of micro-millisecond exchange kinetics due to the EIAV-CAN domain oligomerization, independent to the faster EIAV-CAC domain dimerization.  相似文献   

Although it may be asked how effective glycolysis is in retaining the chemical energy in the bonds of glucose during its breakdown in the formation of ATP, the reasons for the coupled pathway of glycolysis having evolved as it has are probably as much as a consequence of the need to find reactions that can lead to formation of phosphoryl groups able to transfer to ADP as to the overall thermodynamics of the pathway. It is not meaningful to talk of optimization of energy coupling solely in terms of free energy changes.  相似文献   

Solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) is a major environmental factor that dramatically alters the homeostasis of the skin as an organ by affecting the survival, proliferation and differentiation of various cutaneous cell types. The effects of UV on the skin include direct damage to DNA, apoptosis, growth arrest, and stimulation of melanogenesis. Long‐term effects of UV include photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. Epidermal melanocytes synthesize two main types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Melanin, particularly eumelanin, represents the major photoprotective mechanism in the skin. Melanin limits the extent of UV penetration through the epidermal layers, and scavenges reactive oxygen radicals that may lead to oxidative DNA damage. The extent of UV‐induced DNA damage and the incidence of skin cancer are inversely correlated with total melanin content of the skin. Given the importance of the melanocyte in guarding against the adverse effects of UV and the fact that the melanocyte has a low self‐renewal capacity, it is critical to maintain its survival and genomic integrity in order to prevent malignant transformation to melanoma, the most fatal form of skin cancer. Melanocyte transformation to melanoma involves the activation of certain oncogenes and the inactivation of specific tumor suppressor genes. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge about the role of melanin and the melanocyte in photoprotection, the responses of melanocytes to UV, the signaling pathways that mediate the biological effects of UV on melanocytes, and the most common genetic alterations that lead to melanoma.  相似文献   

In the kidney the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is regulated by the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone, which is essential for long-term blood pressure control. Evidence has accumulated showing that ENaC is expressed in endothelial cells. Moreover, its activity modifies the biomechanical properties of the endothelium. Therefore, the vascular system is also an important target for aldosterone and responds to the hormone with an increase in cell volume, surface area, and mechanical stiffness. These changes occur in a concerted fashion from minutes to hours and can be prevented by the specific sodium channel blocker amiloride and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) blocker spironolactone. Aldosterone acts on cells of the vascular system via genomic and non-genomic pathways. There is evidence that the classical cytosolic MR could mediate both types of response. Using a nanosensor covalently linked to aldosterone, binding sites at the plasma membrane were identified by atomic force microscopy. The interaction of aldosterone and this newly identified surface receptor could precede the slow classic genomic aldosterone response resulting in fast activation of endothelial ENaC. Recent data suggest that aldosterone-induced ENaC activation initiates a sequence of cellular events leading to a reduced release of vasodilating nitric oxide. We propose a model in which ENaC is the key mediator of aldosterone-dependent blood pressure control in the vascular endothelium.  相似文献   


Combinations of high concentrations of AZT with BVDU, acyclovir (ACV) or ganciclovir (GCV) show antagonism against TK+ HSV-1, but not TK+ VZV strains, in cell cultures. When BVDU and AZT were used in combination against TK? HSV-1, TK? HSV-2 and TK? VZV strains, a pronounced inhibition of viral replication was observed. This potentiating effect was not seen if AZT was combined with ACV or GCV.  相似文献   

The ecology of viruses has been studied only in a limited number of rivers and streams. In light of a recent re‐appraisal of the global fluvial surface area, issues such as abundance and production, host mortality and the influence of suspended particles and biofilms are addressed. Viral life cycles, potential impacts of viruses on water biochemistry and carbon flow, and viral diversity are considered. Variability in trophic levels along with the heterogeneous nature and hydrological dynamics of fluvial environments suggest a prevailingly physical control of virus‐related processes under lotic conditions and more biological control under lentic conditions. Viral lysis likely contributes to a pool of rapidly cycling carbon in environments typically characterized by high proportions of recalcitrant terrestrial carbon. On average, 33.6% (equalling 0.605 Pg C year?1) of the globally respired carbon from fluvial systems may pass through a viral loop. Virus distribution and the proportion of organic material in horizontal transport versus processes in retention zones remain to be determined in detail. The need for up‐scaling the contribution of virus‐related processes in fluvial systems is of global relevance. Further, the role of climate change and the effect of anthropogenic alterations of fluvial systems on viruses require attention. The identification of these considerable knowledge gaps should foster future research efforts.  相似文献   

Most genes have multiple polyadenylation sites (PAS), which are often selected in a tissue-specific manner, altering protein products and affecting mRNA stability, subcellular localization and/or translability. Here we studied the polyadenylation mechanisms associated to the beta-adducin gene (Add2). We have previously shown that the Add2 gene has a very tight regulation of alternative polyadenylation, using proximal PAS in erythroid tissues, and a distal one in brain. Using chimeric minigenes and cell transfections we identified the core elements responsible for polyadenylation at the distal PAS. Deletion of either the hexanucleotide motif (Hm) or the downstream element (DSE) resulted in reduction of mature mRNA levels and activation of cryptic PAS, suggesting an important role for the DSE in polyadenylation of the distal Add2 PAS. Point mutation of the UG repeats present in the DSE, located immediately after the cleavage site, resulted in a reduction of processed mRNA and in the activation of the same cryptic site. RNA-EMSA showed that this region is active in forming RNA-protein complexes. Competition experiments showed that RNA lacking the DSE was not able to compete the RNA-protein complexes, supporting the hypothesis of an essential important role for the DSE. Next, using a RNA-pull down approach we identified some of the proteins bound to the DSE. Among these proteins we found PTB, TDP-43, FBP1 and FBP2, nucleolin, RNA helicase A and vigilin. All these proteins have a role in RNA metabolism, but only PTB has a reported function in polyadenylation. Additional experiments are needed to determine the precise functional role of these proteins in Add2 polyadenylation.  相似文献   

While the broad framework of deuterostome evolution is now clear, the remarkable diversity of extant forms within this group has rendered the nature of the ancestral types problematic: what, for example, does the common ancestor of a sea urchin and lamprey actually look like? The answer to such questions can be addressed on the basis of remarkably well-preserved fossils from Cambrian Lagerstätten, not least the celebrated Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Yunnan, China). This deposit is particularly important because of its rich diversity of deuterostomes. These include some of the earliest known representatives, among which are the first vertebrates, as well as more enigmatic groups, notably the vetulicolians and yunnanozoans. The latter groups, in particular, have been the subject of some radical divergences in opinion as to their exact phylogenetic placements. Here, we both review the known diversity of Chengjiang deuterostomes and in particular argue that the vetulicolians and yunnanozoans represent very primitive deuterostomes. Moreover, in the latter case we present new data to indicate that the yunnanozoans are unlikely to be any sort of chordate.  相似文献   

Based on field research and experimental treatments of trees, we investigated the formation of the brush-like shape of digging sticks used by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). Evidence obtained in the field consisted of digging sticks found in Mboete, Equatorial Guinea, which is a newly reported locality for this type of tool, and Campo, Cameroon. Digging sticks used by chimpanzees in these areas had a brush-like shape at one end, which was quite different from the other end that was probably used for digging. In our tree-breaking experiment, 8 out of 17 species acquired a typical brush-like shape without human modification when broken off, and the shapes of the stumps were similar to those found in the field. Other species did not acquire the brush-like shape naturally or even after human modifications, and the stumps had different shapes from those found in the field. Our findings suggest that the brush-like shapes of digging sticks are often naturally formed when broken off from trees, depending on the nature of the fibre structure, and that the brush-like end is not used as the digging tool. We conclude that the vegetation surrounding termite mounds might influence how chimpanzees combine different types of tools, i.e., digging stick, brush-stick and fishing tool, for obtaining termites.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the aged population. Early-onset familial AD (FAD) involves mutations in a gene on chromosome 21 encoding the amyloid protein precursor or on chromosomes 14 or 1 encoding genes known as presenilins. All mutations examined have been found to increase the production of amyloidogenic forms of the amyloid protein (A), a 4 kDa peptide derived from APP. Despite the remarkable progress in elucidating the biochemical mechanisms responsible for AD, little is known about the normal function of APP. A model of how APP and A are involved in pathogenesis is presented. This model may explain why certain neuronal populations are selectively vulnerable in AD. It is suggested that those neurons which more readily undergo neuritic sprouting and synaptic remodelling are more vulnerable to A neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Karyotype studies support the view that modern genera of the family Ctenodactylidae originated in Africa. Karyotype differences between the genera are less obvious than morphological differences but coincide in relating Massoutiera to Felovia and deriving this line from the Pectinator -like ancestor which, in turn, was closely related to a Ctenodactylus ancestor. 43% of the chromosomes are standard throughout the family; 25% seem to be very susceptible to fragmentation, translocation and inversion. These changeable chromosomes are the only ones that show differences in their G-band patterns. The ctenodactylid karyotype resembles caviomorph karyotypes in its NF, predominantly metacentric chromosomes and in its nucleolar organiser, or marker, chromosomes.  相似文献   

Multiple hypotheses have been put forward to explain the rise of angiosperms to ecological dominance following the Cretaceous. A unified scheme incorporating all these theories appears to be an inextricable knot of relationships, processes and plant traits. Here, we revisit these hypotheses, categorising them within frameworks based on plant carbon economy, resistance to climatic stresses, nutrient economy, biotic interactions and diversification. We maintain that the enigma remains unresolved partly because our current state of knowledge is a result of the fragmentary nature of palaeodata. This lack of palaeodata limits our ability to draw firm conclusions. Nonetheless, based on consistent results, some inferences may be drawn. Our results indicate that a complex multidriver hypothesis may be more suitable than any single‐driver theory. We contend that plant carbon economy and diversification may have played an important role during the early stages of gymnosperms replacement by angiosperms in fertile tropical sites. Plant tolerance to climatic stresses, plant nutrition, biotic interactions and diversification may have played a role in later stages of angiosperm expansion within temperate and harsh environments. The angiosperm knot remains partly tied, but to unravel it entirely will only be feasible if new discoveries are made by scientific communities.  相似文献   

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