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Computational design has been used with mixed success for the design of protein surfaces, with directed evolution heretofore providing better practical solutions than explicit design. Directed evolution, however, requires a tractable high-throughput screen because the random nature of mutation does not enrich for desired traits. Here we demonstrate the successful design of the β-sheet surface of a red fluorescent protein (RFP), enabling control over its oligomerization. To isolate the problem of surface design, we created a hybrid RFP from DsRed and mCherry with a stabilized protein core that allows for monomerization without loss of fluorescence. We designed an explicit library for which 93 of 96 (97%) of the protein variants are soluble, stably fluorescent, and monomeric. RFPs are heavily used in biology, but are natively tetrameric, and creating RFP monomers has proven extremely difficult. We show that surface design and core engineering are separate problems in RFP development and that the next generation of RFP markers will depend on improved methods for core design.  相似文献   

Scanning experiments have shown that the putative TM2 domain of the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) lines the ionic pore. However, none has identified an α-helix structure, the paradigmatic secondary structure of ion channels in mammalian cells. In addition, some researchers have suggested a β-sheet conformation in the TM2 domain of P2X2. These data led us to investigate a new architecture within the P2X receptor family. P2X7R is considered an intriguing receptor because its activation induces nonselective large pore formation, in contrast to the majority of other ionic channel proteins in mammals. This receptor has two states: a low-conductance channel (∼10 pS) and a large pore (>400 pS). To our knowledge, one fundamental question remains unanswered: Are the P2X7R channel and the pore itself the same entity or are they different structures? There are no structural data to help solve this question. Thus, we investigated the hydrophobic M2 domain with the aim of predicting the fitted position and the secondary structure of the TM2 segment from human P2X7R (hP2X7R). We provide evidence for a β-sheet conformation, using bioinformatics algorithms and molecular-dynamics simulation in conjunction with circular dichroism in different environments and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. In summary, our study suggests the possibility that a segment composed of residues from part of the M2 domain and part of the putative TM2 segment of P2X7R is partially folded in a β-sheet conformation, and may play an important role in channel/pore formation associated with P2X7R activation. It is important to note that most nonselective large pores have a transmembrane β-sheet conformation. Thus, this study may lead to a paradigmatic change in the P2X7R field and/or raise new questions about this issue.  相似文献   

X-ray crystallography has been a useful tool in the development of site-directed spin labeling by resolving rotamers of the nitroxide spin-label side chain in a variety of α-helical environments. In this work, the crystal structure of a doubly spin-labeled N8C/K28C mutant of the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G (GB1) was solved. The double mutant formed a domain-swapped dimer under crystallization conditions. Two rotameric states of the spin-label were resolved at the solvent-exposed α-helical site, at residue 28; these are in good agreement with rotamers previously reported for helical structures. The second site, at residue 8 on an interior β-strand, shows the presence of three distinct solvent-exposed side-chain rotamers. One of these rotamers is rarely observed within crystal structures of R1 sites and suggests that the H(α) and S(δ) hydrogen bond that is common to α-helical sites is absent at this interior β-strand residue. Variable temperature continuous wave (CW) experiments of the β-strand site showed two distinct components that were correlated to the rotameric states observed in crystallography. Interestingly, the CW data at room temperature could be fit without the use of an order parameter, which is consistent with the lack of the H(α) and S(δ) interaction. Additionally, double electron electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy was performed on the GB1 double mutant in its monomeric form and yielded a most probable interspin distance of 25 ± 1 ?. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the measured DEER distance, the rotamers observed in the crystal structure of the domain-swapped GB1 dimer were modeled into a high-resolution structure of the wild type monomeric GB1. The distances generated in the resulting GB1 structural models match the most probable DEER distance within ~2 ?. The results are interesting as they indicate by direct experimental measurement that the rotameric states of R1 found in this crystal provide a very close match to the most probable distance measured by DEER.  相似文献   

Amyloidosis resulting from the deposition of aggregated protein has been linked to many debilitating degenerative diseases which include most notably Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The tendency for a protein to alternatively form highly ordered amyloid fibrils is dependent on many biological factors. Mutations, temperature, concentration, translational motion and pH play a pivotal role in inducing fibril aggregate assembly in vitro. The key feature appears to be the need to destabilize the native state structure as a required first step. In this paper we report on the detailed conversion of the death domain of the human Fas-associated death domain, an all α-helical protein with a Greek-key topology, into an all β-sheet amyloid fibril, using a comprehensive range of spectroscopic techniques that provide insight into this process. This transition from α-helical to β-sheet seems to require destabilization but not complete loss of the secondary structure to explore alternative conformations. This is a fascinating transition that supports the hypothesis that all proteins have the innate ability to form a fibril-like structure. Thus, the primary structure can encode two alternative three-dimensional structures: the native, functional state and the β-amyloid state. The Fas-associated death domain does not appear to naturally form amyloid fibrils in vivo. Our results clearly indicate that proteins evolved to avoid amyloid fibril formation because we find that the conditions required for formation in our model system are very specific and far from physiological.  相似文献   

The temperature-induced misfolding pathway of PDZ3, the third PDZ domain of the PSD95 neuronal protein, is populated by a trimeric β-sheet-rich intermediate state that leads to a stepwise and reversible formation of supramacromolecular structures. Using FTIR, we have found that misfolding of this pathway is not due to different ensembles of a variety of precursors, but comes mainly from the interconversion of a flexible β-sheet of the domain to wormlike fibrils. The appearance of the wormlike fibril FTIR component is also accompanied by a slight decrease of the band that corresponds to loops in the native state, whereas the rest of the regular elements of secondary structure are fairly well maintained upon misfolding. Transmission electron microscope micrographs have confirmed the presence of wormlike fibrils upon heating at 60°C, where the trimeric intermediate is maximally populated. Toxicity assays in the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y show that cytotoxicity increases as the aggregation pathway proceeds. NMR analysis of chemical shifts as a function of temperature has revealed, as one of the main conformational aspects of such an interconversion at the residue level, that the β-sheet arrangement around strand β3 promotes the change that drives misfolding of the PDZ3 domain.  相似文献   

Pirh2 is a p53 inducible gene that encodes a RING-H2 domain and is proposed to be a main regulator of p53 protein, thus fine tuning the DNA damage response. Pirh2 interacts physically with p53 and promotes its MDM2-independent ubiquitination and subsequent degradation as well as participates in an auto-regulatory feedback loop that controls p53 function. Pirh2 also self-ubiquitinates. Interestingly, Pirh2 is overexpressed in a wide range of human tumors. In this study, we investigated the domains and residues essential for Pirh2 self-ubiquitination. Deletions were made in each of the three major domains of Pirh2: the N-terminal domain (NTD), Ring domain (RING), and C-terminal domain (CTD). The effects of these deletions on Pirh2 self-ubiquitination were then assessed using in vitro ubiquitination assays. Our results demonstrate that the RING domain is essential, but not sufficient, for Pirh2 self-ubiquitination and that residues 240–250 of the C-terminal domain are also essential. Our results demonstrate that Pirh2 mediated p53 polyubiquitination occurs mainly through the K48 residue of ubiquitin in vitro. Our data further our understanding of the mechanism of Pirh2 self-ubiquitination and may help identify valuable therapeutic targets that play roles in reducing the effects of the overexpression of Pirh2, thus maximizing p53''s response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

The carboxysome is a bacterial organelle found in all cyanobacteria; it encapsulates CO2 fixation enzymes within a protein shell. The most abundant carboxysome shell protein contains a single bacterial microcompartment (BMC) domain. We present in vivo evidence that a hypothetical protein (dubbed CcmP) encoded in all β-cyanobacterial genomes is part of the carboxysome. We show that CcmP is a tandem BMC domain protein, the first to be structurally characterized from a β-carboxysome. CcmP forms a dimer of tightly stacked trimers, resulting in a nanocompartment-containing shell protein that may weakly bind 3-phosphoglycerate, the product of CO2 fixation. The trimers have a large central pore through which metabolites presumably pass into the carboxysome. Conserved residues surrounding the pore have alternate side-chain conformations suggesting that it can be open or closed. Furthermore, CcmP and its orthologs in α-cyanobacterial genomes form a distinct clade of shell proteins. Members of this subgroup are also found in numerous heterotrophic BMC-associated gene clusters encoding functionally diverse bacterial organelles, suggesting that the potential to form a nanocompartment within a microcompartment shell is widespread. Given that carboxysomes and architecturally related bacterial organelles are the subject of intense interest for applications in synthetic biology/metabolic engineering, our results describe a new type of building block with which to functionalize BMC shells.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is susceptible to the β-lactam antibiotics penicillin G and ampicillin, and these are the drugs of choice for the treatment of listerial infections. However, these antibiotics exert only a bacteriostatic effect on this bacterium and consequently, L. monocytogenes is regarded as β-lactam tolerant. It is widely accepted that the phenomenon of bacterial tolerance to β-lactams is due to the lack of adequate autolysin activity, but the mechanisms of L. monocytogenes tolerance to this class of antibiotics are poorly characterized. A ferritin-like protein (Fri) was recently identified as a mediator of β-lactam tolerance in L. monocytogenes, but its function in this process remains unknown. The present study was undertaken to improve our understanding of L. monocytogenes tolerance to β-lactams and to characterize the role of Fri in this phenomenon. A comparative physiological analysis of wild-type L. monocytogenes and a fri deletion mutant provided evidence of a multilevel mechanism controlling autolysin activity in cells grown under β-lactam pressure, which leads to a reduction in the level and/or activity of cell wall-associated autolysins. This is accompanied by increases in the amount of teichoic acids, cell wall thickness and cell envelope integrity of L. monocytogenes grown in the presence of penicillin G, and provides the basis for the innate β-lactam tolerance of this bacterium. Furthermore, this study revealed the inability of the L. monocytogenes Δ fri mutant to deplete autolysins from the cell wall, to adjust the content of teichoic acids and to maintain their D-alanylation at the correct level when treated with penicillin G, thus providing further evidence that Fri is involved in the control of L. monocytogenes cell envelope structure and stability under β-lactam pressure.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(2):403-414
Nanodiscs (NDs) are an excellent alternative to small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) for studies of membrane protein structure, but it has not yet been shown that membrane proteins are able to spontaneously fold and insert into a solution of freely diffusing NDs. In this article, we present SDS-PAGE differential mobility studies combined with fluorescence, circular dichroism, and ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy to confirm the spontaneous folding of outer membrane protein A (OmpA) into preformed NDs. Folded OmpA in NDs was incubated with Arg-C protease, resulting in the digestion of OmpA to membrane-protected fragments with an apparent molecular mass of ∼26 kDa (major component) and ∼24 kDa (minor component). The OmpA folding yields were greater than 88% in both NDs and SUVs. An OmpA adsorbed intermediate on NDs could be isolated at low temperature and induced to fold via an increase in temperature, analogous to the temperature-jump experiments on SUVs. The circular dichroism spectra of OmpA in NDs and SUVs were similar and indicated β-barrel secondary structure. Further evidence of OmpA folding into NDs was provided by ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy, which revealed the intense 785 cm−1 structural marker for folded OmpA in NDs. The primary difference between folding in NDs and SUVs was the kinetics; the rate of folding was two- to threefold slower in NDs compared to in SUVs, and this decreased rate can tentatively be attributed to the properties of NDs. These data indicate that NDs may be an excellent alternative to SUVs for folding experiments and offer benefits of optical clarity, sample homogeneity, control of ND:protein ratios, and greater stability.  相似文献   

The 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) is an intracellular glycoprotein that interacts with hitherto unknown sites in several members of the low-density-lipoprotein receptor gene family. Upon binding to these receptors, RAP inhibits all ligand interactions with the receptors. In the present study, the transglutaminase-catalyzed incorporation of radioactively labeled putrescine and a dansylated glutamine-containing peptide into human RAP has been studied. The results indicate the presence of both glutamine and lysine residues in RAP, accessible for transglutaminase cross-linking. Moreover, enzymatic digestion followed by sequence analysis of radiolabeled fractions demonstrated that Gln261 acts as the amine acceptor site. This residue is located in the third domain of RAP and is conserved among the RAP interspecies homologues. Insertion of a reporter group into the protein could prove useful to assess ligand/receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Pancreatic triglyceride lipase (PNLIP) is essential for dietary fat digestion in children and adults, whereas a homolog, pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 (PNLIPRP2), is critical in newborns. The two lipases are structurally similar, yet they have different substrate specificities. PNLIP only cleaves neutral fats. PNLIPRP2 cleaves neutral and polar fats. To test the hypothesis that the differences in activity between PNLIP and PNLIPRP2 are governed by surface loops around the active site, we created multiple chimeras of both lipases by exchanging the surface loops singly or in combination. The chimeras were expressed, purified, and tested for activity against various substrates. The structural determinants of PNLIPRP2 galactolipase activity were contained in the N-terminal domain. Of the surface loops tested, the lid domain and the β5-loop influenced activity against triglycerides and galactolipids. Any chimera on PNLIP with the PNLIPRP2 lid domain or β5-loop had decreased triglyceride lipase activity similar to that of PNLIPRP2. The corresponding chimeras of PNLIPRP2 did not increase activity against neutral lipids. Galactolipase activity was abolished by the PNLIP β5-loop and decreased by the PNLIP lid domain. The source of the β9-loop had minimal effect on activity. We conclude that the lid domain and β5-loop contribute to substrate specificity but do not completely account for the differing activities of PNLIP and PNLIPRP2. Other regions in the N-terminal domain must contribute to the galactolipase activity of PNLIPRP2 through direct interactions with the substrate or by altering the conformation of the residues surrounding the hydrophilic cavity in PNLIPRP2.  相似文献   

Oligogalacturonate lyases (OGLs; now also classified as pectate lyase family 22) are cytoplasmic enzymes found in pectinolytic members of Enterobacteriaceae, such as the enteropathogen Yersinia enterocolitica. OGLs utilize a β-elimination mechanism to preferentially catalyze the conversion of saturated and unsaturated digalacturonate into monogalacturonate and the 4,5-unsaturated monogalacturonate-like molecule, 5-keto-4-deoxyuronate. To provide mechanistic insights into the specificity of this enzyme activity, we have characterized the OGL from Y. enterocolitica, YeOGL, on oligogalacturonides and determined its three-dimensional x-ray structure to 1.65 Å. The model contains a Mn2+ atom in the active site, which is coordinated by three histidines, one glutamine, and an acetate ion. The acetate mimics the binding of the uronate group of galactourono-configured substrates. These findings, in combination with enzyme kinetics and metal supplementation assays, provide a framework for modeling the active site architecture of OGL. This enzyme appears to contain a histidine for the abstraction of the α-proton in the −1 subsite, a residue that is highly conserved throughout the OGL family and represents a unique catalytic base among pectic active lyases. In addition, we present a hypothesis for an emerging relationship observed between the cellular distribution of pectate lyase folding and the distinct metal coordination chemistries of pectate lyases.  相似文献   

Cadherin-mediated adhesion depends on the association of its cytoplasmic domain with the actin-containing cytoskeleton. This interaction is mediated by a group of cytoplasmic proteins: α-and β- or γ- catenin. Phosphorylation of β-catenin on tyrosine residues plays a role in controlling this association and, therefore, cadherin function. Previous work from our laboratory suggested that a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, bound to the cytoplasmic domain of N-cadherin, is responsible for removing tyrosine-bound phosphate residues from β-catenin, thus maintaining the cadherin–actin connection (Balsamo et al., 1996). Here we report the molecular cloning of the cadherin-associated tyrosine phosphatase and identify it as PTP1B. To definitively establish a causal relationship between the function of cadherin-bound PTP1B and cadherin-mediated adhesion, we tested the effect of expressing a catalytically inactive form of PTP1B in L cells constitutively expressing N-cadherin. We find that expression of the catalytically inactive PTP1B results in reduced cadherin-mediated adhesion. Furthermore, cadherin is uncoupled from its association with actin, and β-catenin shows increased phosphorylation on tyrosine residues when compared with parental cells or cells transfected with the wild-type PTP1B. Both the transfected wild-type and the mutant PTP1B are found associated with N-cadherin, and recombinant mutant PTP1B binds to N-cadherin in vitro, indicating that the catalytically inactive form acts as a dominant negative, displacing endogenous PTP1B, and rendering cadherin nonfunctional. Our results demonstrate a role for PTP1B in regulating cadherin-mediated cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains are found frequently on the surface of tailed double-stranded DNA bacteriophages, yet their functional role remains obscure. Here, we have investigated the structure and function of the C-terminal Ig-like domain of gpV (gpVC), the tail tube protein of phage λ. This domain has been predicted through sequence similarity to be a member of the bacterial Ig-like domain 2 (Big_2) family, which is composed of more than 1300 phage and bacterial sequences. Using trypsin proteolysis, we have delineated the boundaries of gpVC and have shown that its removal reduces the biological activity of gpV by 100-fold; thus providing a definitive demonstration of a functional role for this domain. Determination of the solution structure of gpVC by NMR spectroscopy showed that it adopts a canonical Ig-like fold of the I-set class. This represents the first structure of a phage-encoded Ig-like domain and only the second structure of a Big_2 domain. Structural and sequence comparisons indicate that the gpVC structure is more representative of both the phage-encoded Big_2 domains and Big_2 domains in general than the other available Big_2 structure. Bioinformatics analyses have identified two conserved clusters of residues on the surface of gpVC that may be important in mediating the function of this domain.  相似文献   

Studies on altered integrin receptor expression during cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure requires accurate knowledge of the distributional pattern of integrins in myocardial cells. At present the general consensus is that in cardiac muscle the β1 integrin receptor is mainly localized to the same sarcolemmal domain as vinculin at Z-band levels (‘costamere’). Since most previous studies have been focusing on myocardial integrin distribution in lower mammals, the myocardial localization of the β1 integrin subunit was investigated in biopsies collected from the auricle of patients undergoing a coronary bypass operation. Non-invasive serial optical sectioning was carried out by immuno-laser scanning confocal microscopy. Double-labelling for vinculin/α-actinin, and the cytoplasmic domain for the β1 integrin subunit, showed that β1 integrin is deposited throughout both the vinculin/α-actinin domains and the non-vinculin/α-actinin domains. These results were supported by a semi-quantitative analysis in extended focus images of the latter preparations. Higher magnification views at the electron microscopical levels of the large, extracellular domain of the β1 integrin subunit disclosed a pronounced labelling in the form of a dense, irregular punctuate pattern that was distributed at Z-disc domains as well as along the entire sarcolemmal area between Z-discs. Our findings show that in human, myocardial cells, the β1 integrin receptor does not only localize to the surface membrane at the Z-disc level (‘costamere’ in cardiac muscle), but has a widespread distribution along the sarcolemma.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) is an amphipathic 65-kDa β-pore-forming toxin with a C-terminal β-prism lectin domain. Because deletion or point mutation of the lectin domain seriously compromises hemolytic activity, it is thought that carbohydrate-dependent interactions play a critical role in membrane targeting of VCC. To delineate the contributions of the cytolysin and lectin domains in pore formation, we used wild-type VCC, 50-kDa VCC (VCC50) without the lectin domain, and mutant VCCD617A with no carbohydrate-binding activity. VCC and its two variants with no carbohydrate-binding activity moved to the erythrocyte stroma with apparent association constants on the order of 107 m−1. However, loss of the lectin domain severely reduced the efficiency of self-association of the VCC monomer with the β-barrel heptamer in the synthetic lipid bilayer from ∼83 to 27%. Notably, inactivation of the carbohydrate-binding activity by the D617A mutation marginally reduced oligomerization to ∼77%. Oligomerization of VCC50 was temperature-insensitive; by contrast, VCC self-assembly increased with increasing temperature, suggesting that the process is driven by entropy and opposed by enthalpy. Asialofetuin, the β1-galactosyl-terminated glycoprotein inhibitor of VCC-induced hemolysis, promoted oligomerization of 65-kDa VCC to a species that resembled the membrane-inserted heptamer in stoichiometry and morphology but had reduced global amphipathicity. In conclusion, we propose (i) that the β-prism lectin domain facilitated toxin assembly by producing entropy during relocation in the heptamer and (ii) that glycoconjugates inhibited VCC by promoting its assembly to a water-soluble, less amphipathic oligomer variant with reduced ability to penetrate the bilayer.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of mitochondrial F1-ATPase indicatesthat the and subunits fold into a structure defined by threedomains: the top -barrel domain, the middle nucleotide-binding domain,and the C-terminal -helix bundle domain (Abraham et al.1994); Bianchet et al., 1998). The -barrel domains of the and subunits form a crown structure at the top ofF1, which was suggested to stabilize it (Abraham et al.1994). In this study. the role of the -barrel domain in the and subunits of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae F1,with regard to its folding and assembly, was investigated. The -barreldomains of yeast F1 and subunits were expressedindividually and together in Escherichia coli. When expressedseperately, the -barrel domain of the subunit formed a largeaggregate structure, while the domain of the subunit waspredominately a monomer or dimer. However, coexpression of the -barreldomain of subunit domain. Furthermore, the two domains copurified incomplexes with the major portion of the complex found in a small molecularweight form. These results indicate that the -barrel domain of the and subunits interact specifically with each other and thatthese interactions prevent the aggregation of the -barrel domain of the subunit. These results mimic in vivo results and suggest thatthe interactions of the -barrel domains may be critical during thefolding and assembly of F1.  相似文献   

Many G-protein-coupled receptors carry C-terminal ligand motifs for PSD-95/discs large/ZO-1 (PDZ) domains; via interaction with PDZ domain-containing scaffold proteins, this allows for integration of receptors into signaling complexes. However, the presence of PDZ domain proteins attached to intracellular membranes suggests that PDZ-type interactions may also contribute to subcellular sorting of receptors. The protein interacting specifically with Tc10 (PIST; also known as GOPC) is a trans-Golgi-associated protein that interacts through its single PDZ domain with a variety of cell surface receptors. Here we show that PIST controls trafficking of the interacting β1-adrenergic receptor both in the anterograde, biosynthetic pathway and during postendocytic recycling. Overexpression and knockdown experiments show that PIST leads to retention of the receptor in the trans-Golgi network (TGN), to the effect that overexpressed PIST reduces activation of the MAPK pathway by β1-adrenergic receptor (β1AR) agonists. Receptors can be released from retention in the TGN by coexpression of the plasma membrane-associated scaffold PSD-95, which allows for transport of receptors to the plasma membrane. Stimulation of β1 receptors and activation of the cAMP pathway lead to relocation of PIST from the TGN to an endosome-like compartment. Here PIST colocalizes with SNX1 and the internalized β1AR and protects endocytosed receptors from lysosomal degradation. In agreement, β1AR levels are decreased in hippocampi of PIST-deficient mice. Our data suggest that PIST contributes to the fine-tuning of β1AR sorting both during biosynthetic and postendocytic trafficking.  相似文献   

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