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Matrilin-1 is the prototypical member of the matrilin protein family and is highly expressed in cartilage. However, gene targeting of matrilin-1 in mouse did not lead to pronounced phenotypes. Here we used the zebrafish as an alternative model to study matrilin function in vivo. Matrilin-1 displays a multiphasic expression during zebrafish development. In an early phase, with peak expression at about 15 h post-fertilization, matrilin-1 is present throughout the zebrafish embryo with exception of the notochord. Later, when the skeleton develops, matrilin-1 is expressed mainly in cartilage. Morpholino knockdown of matrilin-1 results both in overall growth defects and in disturbances in the formation of the craniofacial cartilage, most prominently loss of collagen II deposition. In fish with mild phenotypes, certain cartilage extracellular matrix components were present, but the tissue did not show features characteristic for cartilage. The cells showed endoplasmic reticulum aberrations but no activation of XBP-1, a marker for endoplasmic reticulum stress. In severe phenotypes nearly all chondrocytes died. During the early expression phase the matrilin-1 knockdown had no effects on cell morphology, but increased cell death was observed. In addition, the broad deposition of collagen II was largely abolished. Interestingly, the early phenotype could be rescued by the co-injection of mRNA coding for the von Willebrand factor C domain of collagen IIα1a, indicating that the functional loss of this domain occurs as a consequence of matrilin-1 deficiency. The results show that matrilin-1 is indispensible for zebrafish cartilage formation and plays a role in the early collagen II-dependent developmental events.  相似文献   

Cellular receptors for collagens belong to the family of β(1) integrins. In the epidermis, integrin α(2)β(1) is the only collagen-binding integrin present. Its expression is restricted to basal keratinocytes with uniform distribution on the cell surface of those cells. Although α(2)β(1) receptors localized at the basal surface interact with basement membrane proteins collagen IV and laminin 111 and 332, no interaction partners have been reported for these integrin molecules at the lateral and apical membranes of basal keratinocytes. Solid phase binding and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy demonstrate that collagen XXIII, a member of the transmembrane collagens, directly interacts with integrin α(2)β(1) in an ion- and conformation-dependent manner. The two proteins co-localize on the surface of basal keratinocytes. Furthermore, collagen XXIII is sufficient to induce adhesion and spreading of keratinocytes, a process that is significantly reduced in the absence of functional integrin α(2)β(1).  相似文献   

Capillary plexuses form during both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis and are remodeled into mature vessel types and patterns which are delicately orchestrated with the sizes and shapes of other tissues and organs. We isolated a zebrafish mutation named prp (for persistent plexus) that causes persistent formation of vascular plexuses in the caudal fins and consequent mispatterning of bony fin rays and the fin shape. Detailed analyses revealed that the prp mutation causes a significant reduction in the size and dramatic structural defects in collagen II-rich extracellular matrices called actinotrichia of both embryonic finfolds and adult fins. prp was mapped to chromosome 19 and found to encode the zebrafish collagen9α1 (col9α1) gene which is abundantly expressed in developing finfolds. A point mutation resulting in a leucine-to-histidine change was detected in the thrombospondin domain of the col9α1 gene in prp. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of col9α1 phenocopied the prp small-finfold phenotype in wild-type embryos, and an injection of plasmids containing the col9α1 cDNA into prp embryos locally restored the finfold size. Furthermore, we found that osteoblasts in prp mutants were mispatterned apparently following the abnormal vascular plexus pattern, demonstrating that blood vessels play an important role in the patterning of bony rays in zebrafish caudal fins.  相似文献   

Interaction of collagen with fibronectin is important for extracellular matrix assembly and regulation of cellular processes. A fibronectin-binding region in collagen was identified using unfolded fragments, but it is not clear if the native protein binds fibronectin with the same primary sequence. A recombinant bacterial collagen is utilized to characterize the sequence requirement for fibronectin binding. Chimeric collagens were generated by inserting the putative fibronectin-binding region from human collagen into the bacterial collagen sequence. Insertion of a sufficient length of human sequence conferred fibronectin affinity. The minimum sequence requirement was identified as a 6-triplet sequence near the unique collagenase cleavage site and was the same in both triple-helix and denatured states. Denaturation of the chimeric collagen increased its affinity for fibronectin, as seen for mammalian collagens. The fibronectin binding recombinant collagen did not contain hydroxyproline, indicating hydroxyproline is not essential for binding. However, its absence may account, in part, for the higher affinity of the native chimeric protein and the lower affinity of the denatured protein compared with type II collagen. Megakaryocytes cultured on chimeric collagen with fibronectin affinity showed improved adhesion and differentiation, suggesting a strategy for generating bioactive materials in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Collagen XVIII is characterized by three variant N termini, an interrupted collagenous domain, and a C-terminal antiangiogenic domain known as endostatin. We studied here the roles of this collagen type and its variant isoforms in the mouse kidney. Collagen XVIII appeared to be in a polarized orientation in the tubular basement membranes (BMs), the endostatin domain embedded in the BM, and the N terminus residing at the BM-fibrillar matrix interface. In the case of the glomerular BM (GBM), collagen XVIII was expressed in different isoforms depending on the side of the GBM. The orientation appeared polarized here, too, both the endothelial promoter 1-derived short variant of collagen XVIII and the epithelial promoter 2-derived longer variants having their C-terminal endostatin domains embedded in the BM and the N termini at the respective BM-cell interfaces. In addition to loosening of the proximal tubular BM structure, the Col18a1(-/-) mice showed effacement of the glomerular podocyte foot processes, and microindentation studies showed changes in the mechanical properties of the glomeruli, the Col18a1(-/-) glomeruli being ~30% softer than the wild-type. Analysis of promoter-specific knockouts (Col18a1(P1/P1) and Col18a1(P2/P2)) indicated that tubular BM loosening is due to a lack of the shortest isoform, whereas the glomerular podocyte effacement was due to a lack of the longer isoforms. We suggest that lack of collagen XVIII may also have disparate effects on kidney function in man, but considering the mild physiological findings in the mutant mice, such effects may manifest themselves only late in life or require other compounding molecular changes.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction of ECM1 (extracellular matrix protein 1) using yeast two-hybrid screening and identified the type II transmembrane protein, PLSCR1 (phospholipid scramblase 1), as a binding partner. This interaction was then confirmed by in vitro and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation experiments, and additional pull-down experiments with GST-tagged ECM1a fragments localized this interaction to occur within the tandem repeat region of ECM1a. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining revealed a partial overlap of ECM1 and PLSCR1 in human skin at the basal epidermal cell layer. Moreover, in human skin equivalents, both proteins are expressed at the basal membrane in a dermal fibroblast-dependent manner. Next, immunogold electron microscopy of ultrathin human skin sections showed that ECM1 and PLSCR1 co-localize in the extracellular matrix, and using antibodies against ECM1 or PLSCR1 cross-linked to magnetic immunobeads, we were able to demonstrate PLSCR1-ECM1 interaction in human skin extracts. Furthermore, whereas ECM1 is secreted by the endoplasmic/Golgi-dependent pathway, PLSCR1 release from HaCaT keratinocytes occurs via a lipid raft-dependent mechanism, and is deposited in the extracellular matrix. In summary, we here demonstrate that PLSCR1 interacts with the tandem repeat region of ECM1a in the dermal epidermal junction zone of human skin and provide for the first time experimental evidence that PLSCR1 is secreted by an unconventional secretion pathway. These data suggest that PLSCR1 is a multifunctional protein that can function both inside and outside of the cell and together with ECM1 may play a regulatory role in human skin.  相似文献   

Energy-dependent uphill transport but not energy-independent downhill transport by lactose permease (LacY) is impaired when expressed in Escherichia coli cells or reconstituted in liposomes lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and containing only anionic phospholipids. The absence of PE results in inversion of the N-terminal half and misfolding of periplasmic domain P7, which are required for uphill transport of substrates. Replacement of PE in vitro by lipids with no net charge (phosphatidylcholine (PC), monoglucosyl diacylglycerol (GlcDAG), or diglucosyl diacylglycerol (GlcGlcDAG)) supported wild type transmembrane topology of the N-terminal half of LacY. The restoration of uphill transport in vitro was dependent on LacY native topology and proper folding of P7. Support of uphill transport by net neutral lipids in vitro (PE > PC ≫ GlcDAG ≠ GlcGlcDAG provided that PE or PC contained one saturated fatty acid) paralleled the results observed previously in vivo (PE = PC > GlcDAG ≠ GlcGlcDAG). Therefore, a free amino group is not required for uphill transport as previously concluded based on the lack of in vitro uphill transport when fully unsaturated PC replaced E. coli-derived PE. A close correlation was observed in vivo and in vitro between the ability of LacY to carry out uphill transport, the native conformation of P7, and the lipid headgroup and fatty acid composition. Therefore, the headgroup and the fatty acid composition of lipids are important for defining LacY topological organization and catalytically important structural features, further illustrating the direct role of lipids, independent of other cellular factors, in defining membrane protein structure/function.  相似文献   

The tensile and scaffolding properties of skin rely on the complex extracellular matrix (ECM) that surrounds cells, vasculature, nerves, and adnexus structures and supports the epidermis. In the skin, collagen I fibrils are the major structural component of the dermal ECM, decorated by proteoglycans and by fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices such as collagens XII and XIV. Here we show that the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), an abundant component of cartilage ECM, is expressed in healthy human skin. COMP expression is detected in the dermal compartment of skin and in cultured fibroblasts, whereas epidermis and HaCaT cells are negative. In addition to binding collagen I, COMP binds to collagens XII and XIV via their C-terminal collagenous domains. All three proteins codistribute in a characteristic narrow zone in the superficial papillary dermis of healthy human skin. Ultrastructural analysis by immunogold labeling confirmed colocalization and further revealed the presence of COMP along with collagens XII and XIV in anchoring plaques. On the basis of these observations, we postulate that COMP functions as an adapter protein in human skin, similar to its function in cartilage ECM, by organizing collagen I fibrils into a suprastructure, mainly in the vicinity of anchoring plaques that stabilize the cohesion between the upper dermis and the basement membrane zone.  相似文献   

Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are the master regulators of hypoxia-responsive genes. They play a critical role in the survival, development, and differentiation of chondrocytes in the avascular hypoxic fetal growth plate, which is rich in extracellular matrix (ECM) and in its main component, collagens. Several genes involved in the synthesis, maintenance, and degradation of ECM are regulated by HIFs. Collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases (C-P4Hs) are key enzymes in collagen synthesis because the resulting 4-hydroxyprolines are necessary for the stability of all collagen molecules. The vertebrate C-P4Hs are α2β2 tetramers with three isoforms of the catalytic α subunit, yielding C-P4Hs of types I–III. C-P4H-I is the main form in most cells, but C-P4H-II is the major form in chondrocytes. We postulated here that post-translational modification of collagens, particularly 4-hydroxylation of proline residues, could be one of the modalities by which HIF regulates the adaptive responses of chondrocytes in fetal growth plates. To address this hypothesis, we used primary epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes isolated from newborn mice with conditionally inactivated genes for HIF-1α, HIF-2α, or the von Hippel-Lindau protein. The data obtained showed that C-P4H α(I) and α(II) mRNA levels were increased in hypoxic chondrocytes in a manner dependent on HIF-1 but not on HIF-2. Furthermore, the increases in the C-P4H mRNA levels were associated with both increased amounts of the C-P4H tetramers and augmented C-P4H activity in hypoxia. The hypoxia inducibility of the C-P4H isoenzymes is thus likely to ensure sufficient C-P4H activity for collagen synthesis occurring in chondrocytes in a hypoxic environment.  相似文献   

Site-1 protease (S1P) is a proprotein convertase with essential functions in lipid homeostasis and unfolded protein response pathways. We previously studied a mouse model of cartilage-specific knock-out of S1P in chondroprogenitor cells. These mice exhibited a defective cartilage matrix devoid of type II collagen protein (Col II) and displayed chondrodysplasia with no endochondral bone formation even though the molecular program for endochondral bone development appeared intact. To gain insights into S1P function, we generated and studied a mouse model in which S1P is ablated in postnatal chondrocytes. Postnatal ablation of S1P results in chondrodysplasia. However, unlike early embryonic ablations, the growth plates of these mice exhibit a lack of Ihh, PTHrP-R, and Col10 expression indicating a loss of chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation and thus disruption of the molecular program required for endochondral bone development. S1P ablation results in rapid growth plate disruption due to intracellular Col II entrapment concomitant with loss of chondrocyte hypertrophy suggesting that these two processes are related. Entrapment of Col II in the chondrocytes of the prospective secondary ossification center precludes its development. Trabecular bone formation is dramatically diminished in the primary spongiosa and is eventually lost. The primary growth plate is eradicated by apoptosis but is gradually replaced by a fully functional new growth plate from progenitor stem cells capable of supporting new bone growth. Our study thus demonstrates that S1P has fundamental roles in the preservation of postnatal growth plate through chondrocyte differentiation and Col II deposition and functions to couple growth plate maturation to trabecular bone development in growing mice.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) deposition is often correlated with mucosal inflammatory responses, where HA mediates both protective and pathological responses. By modifying the HA matrix, Tnfip6 (TNF-α-induced protein-6; also known as TSG-6 (TNF-stimulated gene-6)) is thought to potentiate anti-inflammatory and anti-plasmin effects that are inhibitory to leukocyte extravasation. In this study, we examined the role of endogenous TSG-6 in the pathophysiological responses associated with acute allergic pulmonary inflammation. Compared with wild-type littermate controls, TSG-6−/− mice exhibited attenuated inflammation marked by a significant decrease in pulmonary HA concentrations measured in the bronchoalveolar lavage and lung tissue. Interestingly, despite the equivalent induction of both humoral and cellular Th2 immunity and the comparable levels of cytokines and chemokines typically associated with eosinophilic pulmonary inflammation, airway eosinophilia was significantly decreased in TSG-6−/− mice. Most importantly, contrary to their counterpart wild-type littermates, TSG-6−/− mice were resistant to the induction of airway hyperresponsiveness and manifested improved lung mechanics in response to methacholine challenge. Our study demonstrates that endogenous TSG-6 is dispensable for the induction of Th2 immunity but is essential for the robust increase in pulmonary HA deposition, propagation of acute eosinophilic pulmonary inflammation, and development of airway hyperresponsiveness. Thus, TSG-6 is implicated in the experimental murine model of allergic pulmonary inflammation and is likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma.  相似文献   

Ankyrin-G (AnkG) coordinates protein composition of diverse membrane domains, including epithelial lateral membranes and neuronal axon initial segments. However, how AnkG itself localizes to these membrane domains is not understood. We report that AnkG remains on the plasma membrane in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown in low calcium, although these cells lack apical-basal polarity and exhibit loss of plasma membrane association of AnkG partners, E-cadherin and β2-spectrin. We subsequently demonstrate using mutagenesis and mass spectrometry that AnkG is S-palmitoylated exclusively at Cys-70, which is located in a loop of the first ankyrin repeat and is conserved in the vertebrate ankyrin family. Moreover, C70A mutation abolishes membrane association of 190-kDa AnkG in MDCK cells grown in low calcium. C70A 190-kDa AnkG fails to restore biogenesis of epithelial lateral membranes in MDCK cells depleted of endogenous AnkG. In addition, C70A 270-kDa AnkG fails to cluster at the axon initial segment of AnkG-depleted cultured hippocampal neurons and fails to recruit neurofascin as well as voltage-gated sodium channels. These effects of C70A mutation combined with evidence for its S-palmitoylation are consistent with a requirement of palmitoylation for targeting and function of AnkG in membrane domain biogenesis at epithelial lateral membranes and neuronal axon initial segments.  相似文献   

Src homology and collagen A (ShcA) is an adaptor protein that binds to tyrosine kinase receptors. Its germ line deletion is embryonic lethal with abnormal cardiovascular system formation, and its role in cardiovascular development is unknown. To investigate its functional role in cardiovascular development in mice, ShcA was deleted in cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells by crossing ShcA flox mice with SM22a-Cre transgenic mice. Conditional mutant mice developed signs of severe dilated cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarctions, and premature death. No evidence of a vascular contribution to the phenotype was observed. Histological analysis of the heart revealed aberrant sarcomeric Z-disk and M-band structures, and misalignments of T-tubules with Z-disks. We find that not only the ErbB3/Neuregulin signaling pathway but also the baroreceptor reflex response, which have been functionally associated, are altered in the mutant mice. We further demonstrate that ShcA interacts with Caveolin-1 and the costameric protein plasma membrane Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent ATPase (PMCA), and that its deletion leads to abnormal dystrophin signaling. Collectively, these results demonstrate that ShcA interacts with crucial proteins and pathways that link Z-disk and costamere.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated cation channels that are responsible for cell communication via the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The predominant nAChR subtype in the mammalian brain with a high affinity for nicotine is composed of α4 and β2 subunits. This nAChR subtype is responsible for addiction to nicotine and is thought to be implicated in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases and therefore presents an important target for drug design. In an effort to obtain water-soluble, ligand-binding domains of the human α4β2 nAChR for structural studies, we expressed the extracellular domains (ECDs) of these subunits in the eukaryotic expression system Pichia pastoris. The wild-type ECDs and their mutants containing the more hydrophilic Cys-loop from the snail acetylcholine-binding protein (individually expressed or coexpressed) did not demonstrate any specific interaction with ligands. We then linked the mutated ECDs with the 24-amino acid peptide (AGS)(8) and observed that the β2-24-α4 ECD concatamer, but not the α4-24-β2 one, exhibited very satisfactory water solubility and ligand binding properties. The (125)I-epibatidine and [(3)H]nicotine bound to β2-24-α4 with dissociation constants (K(d)) of 0.38 and 19 nm, respectively, close to the published values for the intact α4β2 AChR. In addition, (125)I-epibatidine binding was blocked by nicotine, cytisine, acetylcholine, and carbamylcholine with inhibition constants (K(i)) of 20.64, 3.24, 242, and 2,254 nm, respectively. Interestingly, deglycosylation of the concatamer did not affect its ligand binding properties. Furthermore, the deglycosylated β2-24-α4 ECD existed mainly in monomeric form, thus forming an appropriate material for structural studies and possibly for pharmacological evaluation of novel α4β2 nAChR-specific agonists.  相似文献   

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