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It was repeatedly demonstrated that a negative emotional context enhances memory for central details while impairing memory for peripheral information. This trade-off effect is assumed to result from attentional processes: a negative context seems to narrow attention to central information at the expense of more peripheral details, thus causing the differential effects in memory. However, this explanation has rarely been tested and previous findings were partly inconclusive. For the present experiment 13 negative and 13 neutral naturalistic, thematically driven picture stories were constructed to test the trade-off effect in an ecologically more valid setting as compared to previous studies. During an incidental encoding phase, eye movements were recorded as an index of overt attention. In a subsequent recognition phase, memory for central and peripheral details occurring in the picture stories was tested. Explicit affective ratings and autonomic responses validated the induction of emotion during encoding. Consistent with the emotional trade-off effect on memory, encoding context differentially affected recognition of central and peripheral details. However, contrary to the common assumption, the emotional trade-off effect on memory was not mediated by attentional processes. By contrast, results suggest that the relevance of attentional processing for later recognition memory depends on the centrality of information and the emotional context but not their interaction. Thus, central information was remembered well even when fixated very briefly whereas memory for peripheral information depended more on overt attention at encoding. Moreover, the influence of overt attention on memory for central and peripheral details seems to be much lower for an arousing as compared to a neutral context.  相似文献   

Object-based attention has been documented as an important mechanism with which to control attention in several studies. To date, two main hypotheses have been proposed to interpret object-based attention: attention spreading and prioritization of search. There is evidence that supports these hypotheses in the literature. In the present study, we sought to compare these two hypotheses systematically by manipulating two factors: the integration of the target and background and the presence of attention pre-allocation. For this purpose, we used a flanker task in which the location of the task-relevant target was fixed, but the relationship between the target and the background varied. In addition, attention pre-allocation was presented in only half of the conditions. The results revealed that the attention spreading hypothesis was supported only when attention was not pre-allocated and target-background integration was high; however, the prioritization hypothesis was supported in all other conditions. Our findings provide insight into the comparisons of the attention spreading and prioritization hypotheses. Furthermore, our findings suggest that attention resources may be the underlying factor determining appropriate strategy in the control of attention.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted from cellular phones on: (1) trace elements such as manganese, iron, copper, zinc, (2) T1 relaxation times in serum, and (3) rectal temperature of rats exposed to microwave radiation emitted from cellular phones. Sixteen Spraque–Dawley rats were separated into two groups of eight, one sham-exposed (control) and one exposed (experimental). The rats were confined in Plexiglas cages and a cellular phone was placed 0.5 cm under the cage. For the experimental group, cellular phones were activated 20 min per day, 7 days a week, for 1 month. For the control group, a cellular phone placed beneath the cage for 20 min a day was turned off. Rectal temperatures were measured weekly. For 250-mW-radiated powers, the whole body average specified absorption rate (SAR) (rms) is 0.52 W/kg and 1-g-averaged peak SAR (rms) is 3.13 W/kg. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical comparisons of groups. T1 relaxation time and the values of iron and copper in the serum of the experimental group were not changed compared to the control group (p > 0.05). However, manganese and zinc values in the serum of the experimental group were significantly different from the control group (p < 0.05). The difference in rectal temperature measured before and after exposure in the experimental groups was not statistically different from control (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

The perceptual load theory in selective attention literature proposes that the interference from task-irrelevant distractor is eliminated when perceptual capacity is fully consumed by task-relevant information. However, the biased competition model suggests that the contents of working memory (WM) can guide attentional selection automatically, even when this guidance is detrimental to visual search. An intriguing but unsolved question is what will happen when selective attention is influenced by both perceptual load and WM guidance. To study this issue, behavioral performances and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded when participants were presented with a cue to either identify or hold in memory and had to perform a visual search task subsequently, under conditions of low or high perceptual load. Behavioural data showed that high perceptual load eliminated the attentional capture by WM. The ERP results revealed an obvious WM guidance effect in P1 component with invalid trials eliciting larger P1 than neutral trials, regardless of the level of perceptual load. The interaction between perceptual load and WM guidance was significant for the posterior N1 component. The memory guidance effect on N1 was eliminated by high perceptual load. Standardized Low Resolution Electrical Tomography Analysis (sLORETA) showed that the WM guidance effect and the perceptual load effect on attention can be localized into the occipital area and parietal lobe, respectively. Merely identifying the cue produced no effect on the P1 or N1 component. These results suggest that in selective attention, the information held in WM could capture attention at the early stage of visual processing in the occipital cortex. Interestingly, this initial capture of attention by WM could be modulated by the level of perceptual load and the parietal lobe mediates target selection at the discrimination stage.  相似文献   



Emotion can either facilitate or impair memory, depending on what, when and how memory is tested and whether the paradigm at hand is administered as a working memory (WM) or a long-term memory (LTM) task. Whereas emotionally arousing single stimuli are more likely to be remembered, memory for the relationship between two or more component parts (i.e., relational memory) appears to be worse in the presence of emotional stimuli, at least in some relational memory tasks. The current study investigated the effects of both valence (neutral vs. positive vs. negative) and arousal (low vs. high) in an inter-item WM binding and LTM task.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A five-pair delayed-match-to-sample (WM) task was administered. In each trial, study pairs consisted of one neutral picture and a second picture of which the emotional qualities (valence and arousal levels) were manipulated. These pairs had to be remembered across a delay interval of 10 seconds. This was followed by a probe phase in which five pairs were tested. After completion of this task, an unexpected single item LTM task as well as an LTM task for the pairs was assessed. As expected, emotional arousal impaired WM processing. This was reflected in lower accuracy for pairs consisting of high-arousal pictures compared to pairs with low-arousal pictures. A similar effect was found for the associative LTM task. However, the arousal effect was modulated by affective valence for the WM but not the LTM task; pairs with low-arousal negative pictures were not processed as well in the WM task. No significant differences were found for the single-item LTM task.


The present study provides additional evidence that processes during initial perception/encoding and post-encoding processes, the time interval between study and test and the interaction between valence and arousal might modulate the effects of “emotion” on associative memory.  相似文献   



Selective attention and memory seem to be related in human experience. This appears to be the case as well in simple model organisms such as the fly Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations affecting olfactory and visual memory formation in Drosophila, such as in dunce and rutabaga, also affect short-term visual processes relevant to selective attention. In particular, increased optomotor responsiveness appears to be predictive of visual attention defects in these mutants.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To further explore the possible overlap between memory and visual attention systems in the fly brain, we screened a panel of 36 olfactory long term memory (LTM) mutants for visual attention-like defects using an optomotor maze paradigm. Three of these mutants yielded high dunce-like optomotor responsiveness. We characterized these three strains by examining their visual distraction in the maze, their visual learning capabilities, and their brain activity responses to visual novelty. We found that one of these mutants, D0067, was almost completely identical to dunce1 for all measures, while another, D0264, was more like wild type. Exploiting the fact that the LTM mutants are also Gal4 enhancer traps, we explored the sufficiency for the cells subserved by these elements to rescue dunce attention defects and found overlap at the level of the mushroom bodies. Finally, we demonstrate that control of synaptic function in these Gal4 expressing cells specifically modulates a 20–30 Hz local field potential associated with attention-like effects in the fly brain.


Our study uncovers genetic and neuroanatomical systems in the fly brain affecting both visual attention and odor memory phenotypes. A common component to these systems appears to be the mushroom bodies, brain structures which have been traditionally associated with odor learning but which we propose might be also involved in generating oscillatory brain activity required for attention-like processes in the fly brain.  相似文献   

The term “own-race bias” refers to the phenomenon that humans are typically better at recognizing faces from their own than a different race. The perceptual expertise account assumes that our face perception system has adapted to the faces we are typically exposed to, equipping it poorly for the processing of other-race faces. Sociocognitive theories assume that other-race faces are initially categorized as out-group, decreasing motivation to individuate them. Supporting sociocognitive accounts, a recent study has reported improved recognition for other-race faces when these were categorized as belonging to the participants'' in-group on a second social dimension, i.e., their university affiliation. Faces were studied in groups, containing both own-race and other-race faces, half of each labeled as in-group and out-group, respectively. When study faces were spatially grouped by race, participants showed a clear own-race bias. When faces were grouped by university affiliation, recognition of other-race faces from the social in-group was indistinguishable from own-race face recognition. The present study aimed at extending this singular finding to other races of faces and participants. Forty Asian and 40 European Australian participants studied Asian and European faces for a recognition test. Faces were presented in groups, containing an equal number of own-university and other-university Asian and European faces. Between participants, faces were grouped either according to race or university affiliation. Eye tracking was used to study the distribution of spatial attention to individual faces in the display. The race of the study faces significantly affected participants'' memory, with better recognition of own-race than other-race faces. However, memory was unaffected by the university affiliation of the faces and by the criterion for their spatial grouping on the display. Eye tracking revealed strong looking biases towards both own-race and own-university faces. Results are discussed in light of the theoretical accounts of the own-race bias.  相似文献   

氯胺酮是一种N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)阻滞剂,低剂量氯胺酮具有良好的镇痛、抗炎和抗抑郁作用,近年来受到了广泛的关注。但是低剂量氯胺酮对于高级认知功能的影响尚未全面阐明。工作记忆是涉及众多复杂认知活动的关键功能,有研究显示低剂量氯胺酮急性或慢性使用均会损伤工作记忆,其神经机制也开始受到关注。深入分析低剂量氯胺酮对于工作记忆的影响及其机制对于指导氯胺酮的临床使用具有重要意义。本文首先介绍了低剂量氯胺酮作用于神经系统的药理作用途径,以及工作记忆本身的神经环路机制,进而回顾了近年来关于低剂量氯胺酮对工作记忆的急性和慢性作用的相关研究,并重点分析了低剂量氯胺酮损伤工作记忆的可能的神经机制,希望对低剂量氯胺酮在临床中的合理使用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:观察电休克对大鼠空间记忆和海马磷酸化细胞外调节蛋白激酶(p-ERK)活性的影响。方法:大鼠随机分为电休克组和伪电休克组,每组12只。电休克组每天给予电痉挛刺激,伪电休克组每天给予假电痉挛刺激,共10天;第11天用水迷宫检测各组大鼠的空间学习记忆,然后每组大鼠再随机分为两组,每组6只。一组于学习后1小时处死取海马用Western blot法检测p-ERK活性,另一组于48小时后行水迷宫空间位置探寻实验检测大鼠的存储记忆。结果:电休克组的潜伏期显著长于伪电休克组(P0.01)。电休克组在隐匿平台周围区域/相反区域的搜寻时间无显著性差异(P0.05);伪电休克组在隐匿平台周围区域/相反区域的搜寻时间有显著性差异(P0.05)。电休克组海马p-ERK活性较伪电休克组显著下降(P0.01)。结论:电休克可导致大鼠显著空间记忆障碍,海马p-ERK活性的降低可能是其机制之一。  相似文献   

记忆的形成阶段包含着神经元突触的可塑性变化过程.近年来的研究表明,神经细胞粘附分子可同时增进突触的可塑性和维持突触结构的稳定性.许多研究证实神经细胞粘附分子对与学习和记忆相关的过程起着一定的调节作用.  相似文献   

成敬  李承晏  王高华  陈振华  肖玲 《生物磁学》2013,(27):5230-5233
目的:研究石杉碱甲对电休克模型大鼠记忆和海马活性调节的细胞骨架联合基因(Activity-regulatedcytoskeletal—associatedgene,ARC)表达的影响。方法:大鼠随机分为假电休克对照组和电休克组,再随机分为生理盐水对照组(CS组、ES组)和石杉碱甲组(CH组、EH组)。第l-17天行生理盐水或石杉碱甲灌胃;第8—17天给予假电痉挛刺激或电痉挛刺激;第18天水迷宫定位航线实验;然后各组大鼠随机分成两组,一组取海马用RT.PCR检测ARCmRNA表达,Westem--blot法检测ARC蛋白表达水平,一组于48小时后行水迷宫空间位置探寻实验。结果:电休克导致大鼠显著记忆障碍,ARCmRNA、ARC蛋白表达水平较假电休克对照组显著下降;而石杉碱甲干预的电休克大鼠记忆保持较好,ARCmRNA、ARC蛋白表达水平显著高于生理盐水干预的电休克大鼠,与假电休克大鼠相比无显著性差异。结论:石杉碱甲能减轻电休克模型大鼠记忆损害,其机制可能与海马ARC的表达增加有关。  相似文献   

Recently, it has been demonstrated that objects held in working memory can influence rapid oculomotor selection. This has been taken as evidence that perceptual salience can be modified by active working memory representations. The goal of the present study was to examine whether these results could also be caused by feature-based priming. In two experiments, participants were asked to saccade to a target line segment of a certain orientation that was presented together with a to-be-ignored distractor. Both objects were given a task-irrelevant color that varied per trial. In a secondary task, a color had to be memorized, and that color could either match the color of the target, match the color of the distractor, or it did not match the color of any of the objects in the search task. The memory task was completed either after the search task (Experiment 1), or before it (Experiment 2). The results showed that in both experiments the memorized color biased oculomotor selection. Eye movements were more frequently drawn towards objects that matched the memorized color, irrespective of whether the memory task was completed after (Experiment 1) or before (Experiment 2) the search task. This bias was particularly prevalent in short-latency saccades. The results show that early oculomotor selection performance is not only affected by properties that are actively maintained in working memory but also by those previously memorized. Both working memory and feature priming can cause early biases in oculomotor selection.  相似文献   

T细胞记忆的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CD8+ T记忆细胞的线性和逆线性分化假说分别建立了数学模型,并研究了各种T细胞亚类的动力学.发现在优化剂量抗原入侵的条件下,两个模型均能产生记忆,并可较好地模拟实验结果.通过进一步模拟发现CD8+ T细胞记忆与抗原的存在紧密相关,再次证实了抗原在维持T细胞记忆中的作用.另外还讨论了记忆细胞寿命的问题.认为逆线性假说具有更强的反应性和记忆性.  相似文献   

记忆性CD8细胞产生、维持及CD4细胞的辅助作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记忆性T淋巴细胞的形成及其在体内的长期维持,是一个复杂的多层次调控过程,CD4细胞及相关的细胞因子通过间接和直接作用,对CD8记忆细胞的形成起到重要的促进作用。CD8记忆细胞需要不同信号的刺激以保证其在体内的长期维持,是一个动态平衡的过程。  相似文献   

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