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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-induced cell fusion is mediated by viral glycoproteins and other membrane proteins expressed on infected cell surfaces. Certain mutations in the carboxyl terminus of HSV-1 glycoprotein B (gB) and in the amino terminus of gK cause extensive virus-induced cell fusion. Although gB is known to be a fusogenic glycoprotein, the mechanism by which gK is involved in virus-induced cell fusion remains elusive. To delineate the amino-terminal domains of gK involved in virus-induced cell fusion, the recombinant viruses gKΔ31-47, gKΔ31-68, and gKΔ31-117, expressing gK carrying in-frame deletions spanning the amino terminus of gK immediately after the gK signal sequence (amino acids [aa] 1 to 30), were constructed. Mutant viruses gKΔ31-47 and gKΔ31-117 exhibited a gK-null (ΔgK) phenotype characterized by the formation of very small viral plaques and up to a 2-log reduction in the production of infectious virus in comparison to that for the parental HSV-1(F) wild-type virus. The gKΔ31-68 mutant virus formed substantially larger plaques and produced 1-log-higher titers than the gKΔ31-47 and gKΔ31-117 mutant virions at low multiplicities of infection. Deletion of 28 aa from the carboxyl terminus of gB (gBΔ28syn) caused extensive virus-induced cell fusion. However, the gBΔ28syn mutation was unable to cause virus-induced cell fusion in the presence of the gKΔ31-68 mutation. Transient expression of a peptide composed of the amino-terminal 82 aa of gK (gKa) produced a glycosylated peptide that was efficiently expressed on cell surfaces only after infection with the HSV-1(F), gKΔ31-68, ΔgK, or UL20-null virus. The gKa peptide complemented the gKΔ31-47 and gKΔ31-68 mutant viruses for infectious-virus production and for gKΔ31-68/gBΔ28syn-mediated cell fusion. These data show that the amino terminus of gK modulates gB-mediated virus-induced cell fusion and virion egress.Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) specifies at least 11 virally encoded glycoproteins, as well as several nonglycosylated and lipid-anchored membrane-associated proteins, which serve important functions in virion infectivity and virus spread. Although cell-free enveloped virions can efficiently spread viral infection, virions can also spread by causing cell fusion of adjacent cellular membranes. Virus-induced cell fusion, which is caused by viral glycoproteins expressed on infected cell surfaces, enables transmission of virions from one cell to another, avoiding extracellular spaces and exposure of free virions to neutralizing antibodies (reviewed in reference 56). Most mutations that cause extensive virus-induced cell-to-cell fusion (syncytial or syn mutations) have been mapped to at least four regions of the viral genome: the UL20 gene (5, 42, 44); the UL24 gene (37, 58); the UL27 gene, encoding glycoprotein B (gB) (9, 51); and the UL53 gene, coding for gK (7, 15, 35, 53, 54, 57).Increasing evidence suggests that virus-induced cell fusion is mediated by the concerted action of glycoproteins gD, gB, and gH/gL. Recent studies have shown that gD interacts with both gB and gH/gL (1, 2). Binding of gD to its cognate receptors, including Nectin-1, HVEM, and others (12, 29, 48, 59, 60, 62, 63), is thought to trigger conformation changes in gH/gL and gB that cause fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes during virus entry and virus-induced cell fusion (32, 34). Transient coexpression of gB, gD, and gH/gL causes cell-to-cell fusion (49, 68). However, this phenomenon does not accurately model viral fusion, because other viral glycoproteins and membrane proteins known to be important for virus-induced cell fusion are not required (6, 14, 31). Specifically, gK and UL20 were shown to be absolutely required for virus-induced cell fusion (21, 46). Moreover, syncytial mutations within gK (7, 15, 35, 53, 54, 57) or UL20 (5, 42, 44) promote extensive virus-induced cell fusion, and viruses lacking gK enter more slowly than wild-type virus into susceptible cells (25). Furthermore, transient coexpression of gK carrying a syncytial mutation with gB, gD, and gH/gL did not enhance cell fusion, while coexpression of the wild-type gK with gB, gD, and gH/gL inhibited cell fusion (3).Glycoproteins gB and gH are highly conserved across all subfamilies of herpesviruses. gB forms a homotrimeric type I integral membrane protein, which is N glycosylated at multiple sites within the polypeptide. An unusual feature of gB is that syncytial mutations that enhance virus-induced cell fusion are located exclusively in the carboxyl terminus of gB, which is predicted to be located intracellularly (51). Single-amino-acid substitutions within two regions of the intracellular cytoplasmic domain of gB were shown to cause syncytium formation and were designated region I (amino acid [aa] positions 816 and 817) and region II (aa positions 853, 854, and 857) (9, 10, 28, 69). Furthermore, deletion of 28 aa from the carboxyl terminus of gB, disrupting the small predicted alpha-helical domain H17b, causes extensive virus-induced cell fusion as well as extensive glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion in the gB, gD, and gH/gL transient-coexpression system (22, 49, 68). The X-ray structure of the ectodomain of gB has been determined and is predicted to assume at least two major conformations, one of which may be necessary for the fusogenic properties of gB. Therefore, perturbation of the carboxyl terminus of gB may alter the conformation of the amino terminus of gB, thus favoring one of the two predicted conformational structures that causes membrane fusion (34).The UL53 (gK) and UL20 genes encode multipass transmembrane proteins of 338 and 222 aa, respectively, which are conserved in all alphaherpesviruses (15, 42, 55). Both proteins have multiple sites where posttranslational modification can occur; however, only gK is posttranslationally modified by N-linked carbohydrate addition (15, 35, 55). The specific membrane topologies of both gK and UL20 protein (UL20p) have been predicted and experimentally confirmed using epitope tags inserted within predicted intracellular and extracellular domains (18, 21, 44). Syncytial mutations in gK map predominantly within extracellular domains of gK and particularly within the amino-terminal portion of gK (domain I) (18), while syncytial mutations of UL20 are located within the amino terminus of UL20p, shown to be located intracellularly (44). A series of recent studies have shown that HSV-1 gK and UL20 functionally and physically interact and that these interactions are necessary for their coordinate intracellular transport and cell surface expression (16, 18, 21, 26, 45). Specifically, direct protein-protein interactions between the amino terminus of HSV-1 UL20 and gK domain III, both of which are localized intracellularly, were recently demonstrated by two-way coimmunoprecipitation experiments (19).According to the most prevalent model for herpesvirus intracellular morphogenesis, capsids initially assemble within the nuclei and acquire a primary envelope by budding into the perinuclear spaces. Subsequently, these virions lose their envelope through fusion with the outer nuclear lamellae. Within the cytoplasm, tegument proteins associate with the viral nucleocapsid and final envelopment occurs by budding of cytoplasmic capsids into specific trans-Golgi network (TGN)-associated membranes (8, 30, 47, 70). Mature virions traffic to cell surfaces, presumably following the cellular secretory pathway (33, 47, 61). In addition to their significant roles in virus-induced cell fusion, gK and UL20 are required for cytoplasmic virion envelopment. Viruses with deletions in either the gK or the UL20 gene are unable to translocate from the cytoplasm to extracellular spaces and accumulated as unenveloped virions in the cytoplasm (5, 15, 20, 21, 26, 35, 36, 38, 44, 55). Current evidence suggests that the functions of gK and UL20 in cytoplasmic virion envelopment and virus-induced cell fusion are carried out by different, genetically separable domains of UL20p. Specifically, UL20 mutations within the amino and carboxyl termini of UL20p allowed cotransport of gK and UL20p to cell surfaces, virus-induced cell fusion, and TGN localization, while effectively inhibiting cytoplasmic virion envelopment (44, 45).In this paper, we demonstrate that the amino terminus of gK expressed as a free peptide of 82 aa (gKa) is transported to infected cell surfaces by viral proteins other than gK or UL20p and facilitates virus-induced cell fusion caused by syncytial mutations in the carboxyl terminus of gB. Thus, functional domains of gK can be genetically separated, as we have shown previously (44, 45), as well as physically separated into different peptide portions that retain functional activities of gK. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the amino terminus of gK directly or indirectly interacts with and modulates the fusogenic properties of gB.  相似文献   

To facilitate detection of glycoprotein K (gK) specified by herpes simplex virus, a 12-amino-acid epitope tag was inserted within gK domain III. Recombinant virus gKprotC-DIII, expressing the tagged gK, was isolated. This virus formed wild-type plaques and replicated as efficiently as the wild-type KOS virus in Vero cells. Anti-protein C MAb detected high-mannose and Golgi complex-dependent glycosylated gK within cells as well as on purified virions. The gK-null virus DeltagK (gK(-/-)) entered Vero cells substantially more slowly than the wild-type KOS (gK(+/+)), while DeltagK virus grown in complementing VK302 cells (gK(-/+)) entered with entry kinetics similar to those of the KOS virus.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein K (gK) and the UL20 protein (UL20p) are strictly required for virus-induced cell fusion, and mutations within either the gK or UL20 gene cause extensive cell fusion (syncytium formation). We have shown that gK forms a functional protein complex with UL20p, which is required for all gK and UL20p-associated functions in the HSV-1 life cycle. Recently, we showed that the amino-terminal 82 amino acids (aa) of gK (gKa) were required for the expression of the syncytial phenotype of the mutant virus gBΔ28 lacking the carboxyl-terminal 28 amino acids of gB (V. N. Chouljenko, A. V. Iyer, S. Chowdhury, D. V. Chouljenko, and K. G. Kousoulas, J. Virol. 83:12301-12313, 2009). This work suggested that the amino terminus of gK may directly or indirectly interact with gB and/or other viral glycoproteins. Two-way coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that UL20p interacted with gB in infected cells. Furthermore, the gKa peptide was coimmunoprecipitated with gB but not gD. Three recombinant baculoviruses were constructed, expressing the amino-terminal 82 aa of gKa together with either the extracellular portion of gB (30 to 748 aa), gD (1 to 340 aa), or gH (1 to 792 aa), respectively. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that gKa physically interacted with the extracellular portions of gB and gH but not gD. Three additional recombinant baculoviruses expressing gKa and truncated gBs encompassing aa 30 to 154, 30 to 364, and 30 to 500 were constructed. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments showed that gKa physically interacted with all three truncated gBs. Computer-assisted prediction of possible gKa binding sites on gB suggested that gKa may interact predominantly with gB domain I (E. E. Heldwein, H. Lou, F. C. Bender, G. H. Cohen, R. J. Eisenberg, and S. C. Harrison, Science 313:217-220, 2006). These results imply that the gK/UL20p protein complex modulates the fusogenic properties of gB and gH via direct physical interactions.Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) can enter into cells via the fusion of its viral envelope with cellular membranes. Also, the virus can spread from infected to uninfected cells by causing virus-induced cell fusion, allowing virions to enter into uninfected cells without being exposed to extracellular spaces. These membrane fusion phenomena are known to be mediated by viral glycoproteins and other viral proteins (reviewed in reference 36). Although wild-type viruses cause a limited amount of virus-induced cell fusion, certain mutations cause extensive virus-induced cell-to-cell fusion (syncytial, or syn, mutations). These syncytial mutations are located predominantly within the UL20 gene (5, 27, 28); the UL24 gene (25, 38); the UL27 gene, encoding glycoprotein gB (7, 15, 18, 32); and the UL53 gene, coding for gK (6, 11, 24, 34, 35, 37).The presence of syncytial mutations within different viral genes, as well as other accumulating evidence, suggests that virus-induced cell fusion is mediated by the concerted action and interactions of the viral glycoproteins gD, gB, and gH/gL as well as gK and the membrane protein UL20p. Specifically, recent studies have shown that gD interacts with both gB and gH/gL (1, 2, 21). However, gB and gH/gL can also interact with each other even in the absence of gD (3). In this membrane fusion model, the binding of gD to its cognate receptors, including nectin-1, herpesvirus entry mediator (HVEM), and other receptors (8, 19, 30, 39-42), is thought to trigger sequential conformational changes in gH/gL and gB causing the fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes during virus entry as well as fusion among cellular membranes (22, 23). The transient coexpression of gB, gD, and gH/gL causes cell-to-cell fusion (31, 43), suggesting that these four viral glycoproteins are necessary and sufficient for membrane fusion. However, this transient fusion system does not accurately depict virus-induced cell fusion. Specifically, viral glycoprotein K (gK) and the UL20 membrane protein (UL20p) have been shown to be strictly required for virus-induced cell fusion (10, 27, 29). Moreover, syncytial mutations within gK (6, 11, 24, 34, 35, 37) or UL20 (5, 27, 28) promote extensive virus-induced cell fusion, and viruses lacking gK enter more slowly than the wild-type virus into susceptible cells (17). In contrast, the transient coexpression of gK carrying a syncytial mutation with gB, gD, and gH/gL did not enhance cell fusion, while the coexpression of wild-type gK with gB, gD, and gH/gL was reported previously to inhibit cell fusion in certain cell lines (4). To date, there is no direct evidence that either gK or UL20p interacts with gB, gD, gH, or gL.The X-ray structure of the ectodomain of HSV-1 gB has been determined and was predicted to assume at least two major conformations, one of which may be necessary for the fusogenic properties of gB (23). Single-amino-acid changes within the carboxyl terminus of gB located intracellularly as well as the deletion of the terminal 28 amino acids (aa) of gB cause extensive virus-induced cell fusion, presumably because they alter the extracellular conformation of gB (15, 31, 43). We have previously shown that HSV-1 gK and UL20p functionally and physically interact and that these interactions are absolutely necessary for their coordinate intracellular transport, cell surface expression, and functions in the HSV-1 life cycle (13, 16). In contrast to gB, syncytial mutations in gK map predominantly within extracellular domains of gK and particularly within the amino-terminal portion of gK (domain I) (12), while syncytial mutations of UL20 are located within the amino terminus of UL20p shown to be located intracellularly (27).Recently, we showed that the a peptide composed of the amino-terminal 82 amino acids of gK (gKa) can complement in trans for gB-mediated cell fusion caused by the deletion of the carboxyl-terminal 28 amino acids of gB, suggesting that the gKa peptide interacted with gB or other viral glycoproteins involved in virus-induced cell fusion (10). In this work, we demonstrate that UL20p and the amino terminus of gKa physically interact with gB in infected cells, while the gKa peptide is also capable of binding to the extracellular portion of gH, suggesting that gK/UL20p modulates virus-induced cell fusion via direct interactions with gB and gH.  相似文献   

The pseudorabies virus (PrV) gene homologous to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL53, which encodes HSV-1 glycoprotein K (gK), has recently been sequenced (J. Baumeister, B. G. Klupp, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 69:5560–5567, 1995). To identify the corresponding protein, a rabbit antiserum was raised against a 40-kDa glutathione S-transferase–gK fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli. In Western blot analysis, this serum detected a 32-kDa polypeptide in PrV-infected cell lysates as well as a 36-kDa protein in purified virion preparations, demonstrating that PrV gK is a structural component of virions. After treatment of purified virions with endoglycosidase H, a 34-kDa protein was detected, while after incubation with N-glycosidase F, a 32-kDa protein was specifically recognized. This finding indicates that virion gK is modified by N-linked glycans of complex as well as high-mannose type. For functional analysis, the UL53 open reading frame was interrupted after codon 164 by insertion of a gG-lacZ expression cassette into the wild-type PrV genome (PrV-gKβ) or by insertion of the bovine herpesvirus 1 gB gene into a PrV gB genome (PrV-gKgB). Infectious mutant virus progeny was obtained only on complementing gK-expressing cells, suggesting that gK has an important function in the replication cycle. After infection of Vero cells with either gK mutant, only single infected cells or small foci of infected cells were visible. In addition, virus yield was reduced approximately 30-fold, and penetration kinetics showed a delay in entry which could be compensated for by phenotypic gK complementation. Interestingly, the plating efficiency of PrV-gKβ was similar to that of wild-type PrV on complementing and noncomplementing cells, pointing to an essential function of gK in virus egress but not entry. Ultrastructurally, virus assembly and morphogenesis of PrV gK mutants in noncomplementing cells were similar to wild-type virus. However, late in infection, numerous nucleocapsids were found directly underneath the plasma membrane in stages typical for the entry process, a phenomenon not observed after wild-type virus infection and also not visible after infection of gK-complementing cells. Thus, we postulate that presence of gK is important to inhibit immediate reinfection.Herpesvirions are complex structures consisting of a nucleoprotein core, capsid, tegument, and envelope. They comprise at least 30 structural proteins (35). Pseudorabies virus (PrV), a member of the Alphaherpesvirinae, is an economically important animal pathogen, causing Aujeszky’s disease in swine. It is also highly pathogenic for most other mammals except higher primates, including humans (28, 45), and a wide range of cultured cells from different species support productive virus replication, reflecting the wide in vivo host range. Envelope glycoproteins play major roles in the early and late interactions between virion and host cell. They are required for virus entry and participate in release of free virions and viral spread by direct cell-to-cell transmission (27, 37). For PrV, 10 glycoproteins, designated gB, gC, gD, gE, gG, gH, gI, gL, gM, and gN, have been characterized (20, 27); these glycoproteins are involved in the attachment of virion to host cell (gC and gD), fusion of viral envelope and cellular cytoplasmic membrane (gB, gD, gH, and gL), spread from infected to noninfected cells (gB, gE, gH, gI, gL, and gM), and egress (gC, gE, and gI) (27, 37). Homologs of these glycoproteins are also present in other alphaherpesviruses (37). The gene coding for a potential 11th PrV glycoprotein, gK, has been described recently (3), but the protein and its function have not been identified.The product of the homologous UL53 open reading frame (ORF) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is gK (13, 32). gK was detected in nuclear membranes and in membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum but was not observed in the plasma membrane (14). Also, it did not appear to be present in purified virion preparations (15). The latter result was surprising since earlier studies identified several mutations in HSV-1 gK resulting in syncytium-inducing phenotypes (7, 14), which indicates participation of gK in membrane fusion events during HSV-1 infection. Moreover, HSV-1 mutants in gK exhibited a delayed entry into noncomplementing cells, which is difficult to reconcile with absence of gK from virions (31). Mutants deficient for gK expression have been isolated and investigated by different groups (16, 17). Mutant F-gKβ carries a lacZ gene insertion in the HSV-1 strain F gK gene, which interrupts the ORF after codon 112 (16). In mutant ΔgK, derived from HSV-1 KOS, almost all of the UL53 gene was deleted (17). Both mutants formed small plaques on Vero cells, and virus yield was reduced to an extent which varied with the different confluencies of the infected cells, cell types, and mutants used for infection. However, both HSV-1 gK mutants showed a defect in efficient translocation of virions from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space, and only a few enveloped virions were present in the extracellular space after infection of Vero cells (16, 17). The authors therefore suggested that HSV-1 gK plays a role in virion transport during egress.Different routes of final envelopment and egress of alphaherpesvirions are discussed. It has been suggested that HSV-1 nucleocapsids acquire their envelope at the inner nuclear membrane and are transported as enveloped particles through the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi stacks, where glycoproteins are modified in situ during transport (5, 6, 19, 39), although other potential egress pathways cannot be excluded (4). In contrast, maturation of varicella-zoster virus and PrV involves primary envelopment at the nuclear membrane, followed by release of nucleocapsids into the cytoplasm and secondary envelopment in the trans-Golgi area (10, 12, 43). Final egress of virions appears to occur via transport vesicles containing one or more virus particles by fusion of vesicle and cell membrane. The possibility of different routes of virion egress is supported by studies of other proteins involved in egress, e.g., the UL20 proteins of HSV-1 and PrV and the PrV UL3.5 protein, which lacks a homolog in the HSV-1 genome (1, 8, 9). In UL20-negative HSV-1, virions accumulated in the perinuclear cisterna of Vero cells (1), while PrV UL20 virions accumulated and were retained in cytoplasmic vesicles (9). PrV UL3.5 is important for budding of nucleocapsids into Golgi-derived vesicles during secondary envelopment (8). Thus, there appear to be profound differences in the egress pathways. Since HSV-1 gK was also implicated in egress, we were interested in identifying the PrV homolog and analyzing its function.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) facilitates virus entry into cells and cell-to-cell spread by mediating fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes and fusion of adjacent cellular membranes. Although virus strains isolated from herpetic lesions cause limited cell fusion in cell culture, clinical herpetic lesions typically contain large syncytia, underscoring the importance of cell-to-cell fusion in virus spread in infected tissues. Certain mutations in glycoprotein B (gB), gK, UL20, and other viral genes drastically enhance virus-induced cell fusion in vitro and in vivo. Recent work has suggested that gB is the sole fusogenic glycoprotein, regulated by interactions with the viral glycoproteins gD, gH/gL, and gK, membrane protein UL20, and cellular receptors. Recombinant viruses were constructed to abolish either gM or UL11 expression in the presence of strong syncytial mutations in either gB or gK. Virus-induced cell fusion caused by deletion of the carboxyl-terminal 28 amino acids of gB or the dominant syncytial mutation in gK (Ala to Val at amino acid 40) was drastically reduced in the absence of gM. Similarly, syncytial mutations in either gB or gK did not cause cell fusion in the absence of UL11. Neither the gM nor UL11 gene deletion substantially affected gB, gC, gD, gE, and gH glycoprotein synthesis and expression on infected cell surfaces. Two-way immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the membrane protein UL20, which is found as a protein complex with gK, interacted with gM while gM did not interact with other viral glycoproteins. Viruses produced in the absence of gM or UL11 entered into cells more slowly than their parental wild-type virus strain. Collectively, these results indicate that gM and UL11 are required for efficient membrane fusion events during virus entry and virus spread.  相似文献   

The interferon-inducible membrane protein tetherin (Bst-2, or CD317) is an antiviral factor that inhibits enveloped virus release by cross-linking newly formed virus particles to the producing cell. The majority of viruses that are sensitive to tetherin restriction appear to be those that acquire their envelopes at the plasma membrane, although many viruses, including herpesviruses, envelope at intracellular membranes, and the effect of tetherin on such viruses has been less well studied. We investigated the tetherin sensitivity and possible countermeasures of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). We found that overexpression of tetherin inhibits HSV-1 release and that HSV-1 efficiently depletes tetherin from infected cells. We further show that the virion host shutoff protein (Vhs) is important for depletion of tetherin mRNA and protein and that removal of tetherin compensates for defects in replication and release of a Vhs-null virus. Vhs is known to be important for HSV-1 to evade the innate immune response in vivo. Taken together, our data suggest that tetherin has antiviral activity toward HSV-1 and that the removal of tetherin by Vhs is important for the efficient replication and dissemination of HSV-1.  相似文献   

Tetherin is a broadly active antiviral effector that works by tethering nascent enveloped virions to a host cell membrane, thus preventing their release. In this study, we demonstrate that herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is targeted by tetherin. We identify the viral envelope glycoprotein M (gM) as having moderate anti-tetherin activity. We show that gM but not gB or gD efficiently removes tetherin from the plasma membrane and can functionally substitute for the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu protein, the prototypic viral tetherin antagonist, in rescuing HIV-1 release from tetherin-expressing cells. Our data emphasize that tetherin is a broadly active antiviral effector and contribute to the emerging hypothesis that viruses must suppress or evade an array of host cell countermeasures in order to establish a productive infection.  相似文献   

The interferon (IFN)-inducible viperin protein restricts a broad range of viruses. However, whether viperin plays a role during herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infection is poorly understood. In the present study, it was shown for the first time that wild-type (WT) HSV-1 infection couldn''t induce viperin production, and ectopically expressed viperin inhibited the replication of UL41-null HSV-1 but not WT viruses. The underlying molecular mechanism is that UL41 counteracts viperin''s antiviral activity by reducing its mRNA accumulation.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which herpesviruses acquire their tegument is not yet clear. One model is that outer tegument proteins are recruited by the cytoplasmic tails of viral glycoproteins. In the case of herpes simplex virus tegument protein VP22, interactions with the glycoproteins gE and gD have been shown. We have previously shown that the C-terminal half of VP22 contains the necessary signal for assembly into the virus. Here, we show that during infection VP22 interacts with gE and gM, as well as its tegument partner VP16. However, by using a range of techniques we were unable to demonstrate VP22 binding to gD. By using pulldown assays, we show that while the cytoplasmic tails of both gE and gM interact with VP22, only gE interacts efficiently with the C-terminal packaging domain of VP22. Furthermore, gE but not gM can recruit VP22 to the Golgi/trans-Golgi network region of the cell in the absence of other virus proteins. To examine the role of the gE-VP22 interaction in infection, we constructed a recombinant virus expressing a mutant VP22 protein with a 14-residue deletion that is unable to bind gE (ΔgEbind). Coimmunoprecipitation assays confirmed that this variant of VP22 was unable to complex with gE. Moreover, VP22 was no longer recruited to its characteristic cytoplasmic trafficking complexes but exhibited a diffuse localization. Importantly, packaging of this variant into virions was abrogated. The mutant virus exhibited poor growth in epithelial cells, similar to the defect we have observed for a VP22 knockout virus. These results suggest that deletion of just 14 residues from the VP22 protein is sufficient to inhibit binding to gE and hence recruitment to the viral envelope and assembly into the virus, resulting in a growth phenotype equivalent to that produced by deleting the entire reading frame.The herpesvirus tegument is the virion compartment located between the DNA-containing capsid and the virus envelope (6). Although it is well defined that the viral capsid assembles in the nucleus (37, 38) and the viral envelope is acquired from cellular membranes (3, 24), the mechanism of tegument protein acquisition is still to be established. At least 20 virus-encoded components are recruited into the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) tegument (32), and there is increasing evidence to suggest that subsets of these proteins may be added as assembly progresses along the maturation pathway (28). To ensure efficient incorporation, it is likely that individual tegument proteins are specifically targeted to their cellular site of recruitment. Such targeting could involve interaction with a viral partner, a cellular partner, or both. A clearer understanding of how individual tegument proteins are acquired by newly assembling virions will help to define the herpesvirus assembly pathway.A number of protein-protein interactions between individual tegument proteins (13, 40, 42), and between tegument proteins and glycoproteins (19, 20, 22, 32), have been described that may provide useful insight into the assembly process. In particular, the interaction of tegument proteins with the cytoplasmic tails of virus glycoproteins provides an attractive mechanism for the virion recruitment of at least the outer components of the tegument. In the case of VP22, the homologues from pseudorabies virus (PRV) and HSV-1 have been shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tail of gE (19, 20, 32). However, the role of this interaction in virus infection has not yet been clearly defined and the fact that additional glycoprotein interactions have been described, with gM in the case of PRV and gD in the case of HSV-1, may point to potential redundancy in the mechanism of VP22 packaging (4, 19, 20). In addition, we and others have previously shown that HSV-1 VP22 interacts directly with a second tegument protein, namely, VP16 (13, 33), an interaction that could provide an alternative route for VP22 to enter the virion. In a previous study, we concluded that the region of VP22 containing its VP16 interaction domain was required but not sufficient for optimal VP22 packaging into the assembling virion, with an additional C-terminal determinant also involved (23). We also demonstrated that the same region of VP22 that was required for virion packaging was essential to target the protein to its characteristic cytoplasmic trafficking complexes, suggesting that these specific sites may be the location in the cell for VP22 assembly into the virion (23). Since that study, O''Regan and coworkers have reported that the C-terminal half of HSV-1 VP22 also contains the binding site for gE (32), providing a possible candidate for an additional VP22 binding partner. Furthermore, as HSV-1 VP22 has been shown to bind to gD and PRV VP22 interacts with gM, it is possible that the C terminus of VP22 contains a gD and/or a gM binding site (4, 20).In the present study, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanism by which VP22 is recruited into the virus particle. We show that HSV-1 VP22 binds efficiently to VP16, gE, and gM in the infected cell, but we cannot detect an interaction with gD. We show that the packaging domain of VP22 binds to the cytoplasmic tail of gE but not gM and that the same region of VP22 is recruited to the secretory pathway by gE in the absence of other virus proteins. Finally, we show that a mutant VP22 protein lacking a 14-residue peptide from its packaging domain is unable to interact with gE during infection, exhibits a different subcellular localization, and fails to assemble into the virus particle. This is the first characterization of a single protein-protein interaction essential for the packaging of an HSV-1 tegument protein.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of herpes simplex virus 1 DNA polymerase (HSV-1 Pol) has been extensively studied; however, its full complement of functional domains has yet to be characterized. A crystal structure has revealed a previously uncharacterized pre-NH2-terminal domain (residues 1 to 140) within HSV-1 Pol. Due to the conservation of the pre-NH2-terminal domain within the herpesvirus Pol family and its location in the crystal structure, we hypothesized that this domain provides an important function during viral replication in the infected cell distinct from 5′-3′ polymerase activity. We identified three pre-NH2-terminal Pol mutants that exhibited 5′-3′ polymerase activity indistinguishable from that of wild-type Pol in vitro: deletion mutants PolΔN43 and PolΔN52 that lack the extreme N-terminal 42 and 51 residues, respectively, and mutant PolA6, in which a conserved motif at residues 44 to 49 was replaced with alanines. We constructed the corresponding pol mutant viruses and found that the polΔN43 mutant displayed replication kinetics similar to those of wild-type virus, while polΔN52 and polA6 mutant virus infection resulted in an 8-fold defect in viral yield compared to that achieved with wild type and their respective rescued derivative viruses. Additionally, both polΔN52 and polA6 viruses exhibited defects in viral DNA synthesis that correlated with the observed reduction in viral yield. These results strongly indicate that the conserved motif within the pre-NH2-terminal domain is important for viral DNA synthesis and production of infectious virus and indicate a functional role for this domain.  相似文献   

The conserved membrane-associated tegument protein pUL11 and envelope glycoprotein M (gM) are involved in secondary envelopment of herpesvirus nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm. Although deletion of either gene had only moderate effects on replication of the related alphaherpesviruses herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and pseudorabies virus (PrV) in cell culture, simultaneous deletion of both genes resulted in a severe impairment in virion morphogenesis of PrV coinciding with the formation of huge inclusions in the cytoplasm containing nucleocapsids embedded in tegument (M. Kopp, H. Granzow, W. Fuchs, B. G. Klupp, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 78:3024-3034, 2004). To test whether a similar phenotype occurs in HSV-1, a gM and pUL11 double deletion mutant was generated based on a newly established bacterial artificial chromosome clone of HSV-1 strain KOS. Since gM-negative HSV-1 has not been thoroughly investigated ultrastructurally and different phenotypes have been ascribed to pUL11-negative HSV-1, single gene deletion mutants were also constructed and analyzed. On monkey kidney (Vero) cells, deletion of either pUL11 or gM resulted in ca.-fivefold-reduced titers and 40- to 50%-reduced plaque diameters compared to those of wild-type HSV-1 KOS, while on rabbit kidney (RK13) cells the defects were more pronounced, resulting in ca.-50-fold titer and 70% plaque size reduction for either mutant. Electron microscopy revealed that in the absence of either pUL11 or gM virion formation in the cytoplasm was inhibited, whereas nuclear stages were not visibly affected, which is in line with the phenotypes of corresponding PrV mutants. Simultaneous deletion of pUL11 and gM led to additive growth defects and, in RK13 cells, to the formation of large intracytoplasmic inclusions of capsids and tegument material, comparable to those in PrV-ΔUL11/gM-infected RK13 cells. The defects of HSV-1ΔUL11 and HSV-1ΔUL11/gM could be partially corrected in trans by pUL11 of PrV. Thus, our data indicate that PrV and HSV-1 pUL11 and gM exhibit similar functions in cytoplasmic steps of virion assembly.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus (HSV) is essential for virus entry and has four functional regions (I to IV) important for this process. We previously showed that a truncated form of a functional region IV variant, gD1(Δ290-299t), had an enhanced ability to block virus entry and to bind to the herpesvirus entry mediator (HveAt; formerly HVEMt), a cellular receptor for HSV. To explore this phenotype further, we examined other forms of gD, especially ones with mutations in region IV. Variant proteins with deletions of amino acids between 277 and 300 (region IV), as well as truncated forms lacking C-terminal residues up to amino acid 275 of gD, were able to block HSV entry into Vero cells 1 to 2 logs better than wild-type gD1(306t). In contrast, gD truncated at residue 234 did not block virus entry into Vero cells. Using optical biosensor technology, we recently showed that gD1(Δ290-299t) had a 100-fold-higher affinity for HveAt than gD1(306t) (3.3 × 10−8 M versus 3.2 × 10−6 M). Here we found that the affinities of other region IV variants for HveAt were similar to that of gD1(Δ290-299t). Thus, the affinity data follow the same hierarchy as the blocking data. In each case, the higher affinity was due primarily to a faster kon rather than to a slower koff. Therefore, once the gDt-HveAt complex formed, its stability was unaffected by mutations in or near region IV. gD truncated at residue 234 bound to HveAt with a lower affinity (2.0 × 10−5 M) than did gD1(306t) due to a more rapid koff. These data suggest that residues between 234 and 275 are important for maintaining stability of the gDt-HveAt complex and that functional region IV is important for modulating the binding of gD to HveA. The binding properties of any gD1(234t)-receptor complex could account for the inability of this form of gDt to block HSV infection.  相似文献   

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