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We describe Sarmientosaurus musacchioi gen. et sp. nov., a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian—Turonian) Lower Member of the Bajo Barreal Formation of southern Chubut Province in central Patagonia, Argentina. The holotypic and only known specimen consists of an articulated, virtually complete skull and part of the cranial and middle cervical series. Sarmientosaurus exhibits the following distinctive features that we interpret as autapomorphies: (1) maximum diameter of orbit nearly 40% rostrocaudal length of cranium; (2) complex maxilla—lacrimal articulation, in which the lacrimal clasps the ascending ramus of the maxilla; (3) medial edge of caudal sector of maxillary ascending ramus bordering bony nasal aperture with low but distinct ridge; (4) ‘tongue-like’ ventral process of quadratojugal that overlaps quadrate caudally; (5) separate foramina for all three branches of the trigeminal nerve; (6) absence of median venous canal connecting infundibular region to ventral part of brainstem; (7) subvertical premaxillary, procumbent maxillary, and recumbent dentary teeth; (8) cervical vertebrae with ‘strut-like’ centroprezygapophyseal laminae; (9) extremely elongate and slender ossified tendon positioned ventrolateral to cervical vertebrae and ribs. The cranial endocast of Sarmientosaurus preserves some of the most complete information obtained to date regarding the brain and sensory systems of sauropods. Phylogenetic analysis recovers the new taxon as a basal member of Lithostrotia, as the most plesiomorphic titanosaurian to be preserved with a complete skull. Sarmientosaurus provides a wealth of new cranial evidence that reaffirms the close relationship of titanosaurs to Brachiosauridae. Moreover, the presence of the relatively derived lithostrotian Tapuiasaurus in Aptian deposits indicates that the new Patagonian genus represents a ‘ghost lineage’ with a comparatively plesiomorphic craniodental form, the evolutionary history of which is missing for at least 13 million years of the Cretaceous. The skull anatomy of Sarmientosaurus suggests that multiple titanosaurian species with dissimilar cranial structures coexisted in the early Late Cretaceous of southern South America. Furthermore, the new taxon possesses a number of distinctive morphologies—such as the ossified cervical tendon, extremely pneumatized cervical vertebrae, and a habitually downward-facing snout—that have rarely, if ever, been documented in other titanosaurs, thus broadening our understanding of the anatomical diversity of this remarkable sauropod clade. The latter two features were convergently acquired by at least one penecontemporaneous diplodocoid, and may represent mutual specializations for consuming low-growing vegetation.  相似文献   

A new taxon of ornithopod dinosaur is described as Siamodon nimngami nov. gen, nov. sep., on the basis of a well-preserved maxilla from the Khok Kruat Formation (Aptian) of northeastern Thailand. An isolated tooth and a braincase are referred to this taxon, and the status of other ornithopod specimens from Thailand and Laos is discussed. S. nimngami nov. gen, nov. sep. is considered as an advanced iguanodontian, apparently close to Probactrosaurus, from which it differs by various characters of the maxilla. Siamodon is an addition to the already long list of advanced iguanodontian taxa from the late Early Cretaceous of Asia. The diversity and abundance of these forms may suggest that advanced iguanodontians first appeared in Asia, before spreading to other parts of the world.  相似文献   

A moderate diversity biota of foraminifers, algae and calcareous microproblematica is recorded from the Lower Carboniferous Yindagindy Formation within the intracratonic Southern Carnarvon Basin in Western Australia. Very shallow metahaline to hypersaline conditions are suggested. The palaeobotanical components are sporadic calcitarcha, tuberitinaceans, codiaceans Orthriosiphon? sp. 1, dasycladaleans? Koninckopora tenuiramosa, and algosponges Issinella devonica, Serrisinella cf. serrensis, Issinella? sp. 1, Kamaena cf. awirsi, Proninella? sp. and Stacheoides spp. The foraminiferal assemblage is dominated by a new koktjubinid taxon: Praekoktjubina yindagindyensis nov. gen., nov. sp. Subordinate associated foraminifers are more sporadic Salpingothurammina? sp. 1, Plectinopsis michelseni nov. gen., nov. sp., Rectopravina multifida nov. gen., nov. sp. (with 4 morphotypes), and scarce Endothyra spp. Despite many of these taxa being endemic, a middle Visean age is probable, based on: (1) the maximum global geographic extent of K. tenuiramosa reached during the middle Visean, (2) the disappearance of Plectinopsis nov. gen. in Palaeotethys and the Urals, and (3) the first occurrence of Praekoktjubina nov. gen. in Palaeotethys. An age no older than the middle Visean is supported by sparse conodonts from the Formation and comparison to episodes of carbonate deposition in the Bonaparte Basin, further north in the East Gondwana rift system. Absence of middle Visean archaediscoids may be due to high salinity. The following algal and foraminiferal families and superfamilies are emended: Scribroporellaceae (a lectotype is selected for Orthriosiphon saskatchewanense); Palaeospiroplectamminidae (due to the creation of Plectinopsis nov. gen.); Haplophragminoidea (due to the creation of Rectopravina nov. gen.); and Globivalvulinoidea and Koktjubinidae (due to the creation of Praekoktjubina nov. gen.).  相似文献   

A new genus and species of eutherian mammal, Acristatherium yanensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Early Cretaceous Jehol biota, China. The new taxon is based on a partial skull that is preserved in three dimensions from the Lujiatun bed of the Yixian Formation and dated 123.2±1.0 Ma. Its right upper and lower dentitions are nearly complete and it has a dental formula The new mammal reveals several craniodental characteristics of Early Cretaceous eutherians previously unknown in fossil records of therians, such as a possible vestige of the septomaxilla. The craniodental features of the new taxon are compared with those of relevant Early Cretaceous eutherians and therians. Phylogenetic analyses based on a data matrix containing 70 taxa and 408 characters place A. yanensis as the most basal eutherian in the selected group. The morphological differences between Acristatherium and Eomaia indicate that eutherians already had a significant degree of generic diversification ca 125 Ma.  相似文献   

South-central Florida’s latest Hemphillian Palmetto Fauna includes two machairodontine felids, the lion-sized Machairodus coloradensis and a smaller, jaguar-sized species, initially referred to Megantereon hesperus based on a single, relatively incomplete mandible. This made the latter the oldest record of Megantereon, suggesting a New World origin of the genus. Subsequent workers variously accepted or rejected this identification and biogeographic scenario. Fortunately, new material, which preserves previously unknown characters, is now known for the smaller taxon. The most parsimonious results of a phylogenetic analysis using 37 cranio-mandibular characters from 13 taxa place it in the Smilodontini, like the original study; however, as the sister-taxon to Megantereon and Smilodon. Accordingly, we formally describe Rhizosmilodon fiteae gen. et sp. nov. Rhizosmilodon, Megantereon, and Smilodon ( =  Smilodontini) share synapomorphies relative to their sister-taxon Machairodontini: serrations smaller and restricted to canines; offset of P3 with P4 and p4 with m1; complete verticalization of mandibular symphysis; m1 shortened and robust with widest point anterior to notch; and extreme posterior “lean” to p3/p4. Rhizosmilodon has small anterior and posterior accessory cusps on p4, a relatively large lower canine, and small, non-procumbent lower incisors; all more primitive states than in Megantereon and Smilodon. The former also differs from Megantereon and Smilodon gracilis by having a very small mandibular flange. Rhizosmilodon is the oldest known member of the Smilodontini, suggesting that the tribe originated in North America. Two more derived, similar-sized species evolved in parallel during the Blancan, Megantereon hesperus and Smilodon gracilis. The former is rarer, known only from the north-central and northwestern US, and presumably dispersed into the Old World. The latter is known from the eastern and southern US, and dispersed into South America.  相似文献   

A new artiodactyl of moderate size, Rajouria gunnelli nov. gen., nov. sp., is described on the basis of several dentaries, maxillae and isolated teeth from the middle Eocene Subathu Group of the Kalakot area, Rajouri District, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Despite its general resemblance with the family Dichobunidae by the retention of a paraconid on m1-2 and a simple P4 where endocristids do not form an anterior loph, this taxon shares with Raoellidae two unambiguous characters: the presence of a hypoconid on p4, and an asymmetrical P4. The phylogenetic position of the new taxon within the Cetacea–Raoellidae clade is strongly supported by seven non ambiguous synapomorphies, among which a cristid obliqua on lower molars anteriorly pointing towards the postectoprotocristid, and a P3 with only two roots. The presence of a new basal raoellid in the middle Eocene Subathu Group sheds new light on the phylogeny and paleobiogeography of raoellid artiodactyls.  相似文献   

Mosasauroids are conventionally conceived of as gigantic, obligatorily aquatic marine lizards (1000s of specimens from marine deposited rocks) with a cosmopolitan distribution in the Late Cretaceous (90–65 million years ago [mya]) oceans and seas of the world. Here we report on the fossilized remains of numerous individuals (small juveniles to large adults) of a new taxon, Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov. from the Csehbánya Formation, Hungary (Santonian, Upper Cretaceous, 85.3–83.5 mya) that represent the first known mosasauroid that lived in freshwater environments. Previous to this find, only one specimen of a marine mosasauroid, cf. Plioplatecarpus sp., is known from non-marine rocks in Western Canada. Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov. uniquely possesses a plesiomorphic pelvic anatomy, a non-mosasauroid but pontosaur-like tail osteology, possibly limbs like a terrestrial lizard, and a flattened, crocodile-like skull. Cladistic analysis reconstructs P. inexpectatus in a new clade of mosasauroids: (Pannoniasaurus (Tethysaurus (Yaguarasaurus, Russellosaurus))). P. inexpectatus is part of a mixed terrestrial and freshwater faunal assemblage that includes fishes, amphibians turtles, terrestrial lizards, crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds.  相似文献   

A new horned dinosaur, Gobiceratops minutus gen. et sp. nov. (Bagaceratopidae, Neoceratopsia), from the Upper Cretaceous Baruungoyot Formation of the Khermin Tsav locality (southern Mongolia) is described based on a 3.5-cm-long skull. The nasal included in the orbital border suggests relationship between the new taxon and Bagaceratops rozdestvenskyi. It is proposed that, unlike other neoceratopsian families, the family Bagaceratopidae is of Paleoasiatic origin.  相似文献   

The fossil record is a unique source of evidence for important evolutionary phenomena such as transitions between major clades. Frustratingly, relevant fossils are still comparatively rare, most transitions have yet to be documented in detail and the mechanisms that underpin such events, typified by rapid large scale changes and for which microevolutionary processes seem insufficient, are still unclear. A new pterosaur (Mesozoic flying reptile) from the Middle Jurassic of China, Darwinopterus modularis gen. et sp. nov., provides the first insights into a prominent, but poorly understood transition between basal, predominantly long-tailed pterosaurs and the more derived, exclusively short-tailed pterodactyloids. Darwinopterus exhibits a remarkable ‘modular’ combination of characters: the skull and neck are typically pterodactyloid, exhibiting numerous derived character states, while the remainder of the skeleton is almost completely plesiomorphic and identical to that of basal pterosaurs. This pattern supports the idea that modules, tightly integrated complexes of characters with discrete, semi-independent and temporally persistent histories, were the principal focus of natural selection and played a leading role in evolutionary transitions.  相似文献   

A nearly complete specimen of a sarcopterygian fish from the Lower Permian (Autunian) of the Saar-Nahe Basin, southwest Germany, is described as a new genus and species of megalichthyids, Palatinichthys laticeps. It is characterized by the following unique list of characters: (1) lacrimal forms lateral margin of external naris, (2) postparietal short with respect to parietal, (3) tabular broad and shorter than supratemporal, (4) anterior margin of median extrascapular very narrow, (5) supraorbitals short, thus parietal and intertemporal participating in formation of orbital margin, (6) distance between external naris and orbit very short, and (7) squamosal abbreviated and deep. A phylogenetic analysis finds a monophyletic Megalichthyidae consisting of two clades, (Palatinichthys nov. gen. + Ectosteorhachis) and [(Megalichthys + Sengoerichthys) + Cladarosymblema)]. The sister taxa Palatinichthys nov. gen. and Ectosteorhachis share a short posterior skull table as a derived character, whereas Megalichthys, Sengoerichthys and Cladarosymblema retain an elongate postorbital region of the skull, regarded as plesiomorphic for “osteolepiforms”. After their nearly worldwide distribution in the Late Devonian and Carboniferous, megalichthyids had become rare in the Permian and have so far been reported only from North America (Ectosteorhachis) and Norway (?Megalichthys). Palatinichthys nov. gen. is a further representative within the European-North American equatorial distribution of megalichthyids during the Permian. It was probably not a common inhabitant of the large Saar-Nahe lakes. Rather, it might have lived in a different habitat within the same general area, such as deltaic streams or rivers.  相似文献   

Until recently, it was considered axiomatic that the skull of lizards and snakes arose from that of a diapsid ancestor by loss of the lower temporal bar. The presence of the bar in the living New Zealand Tuatara, Sphenodon, was thus considered primitive, corroborating its status as a ‘living fossil’. A combination of new fossils and rigorous phylogeny has demonstrated unequivocally that the absence of the bar is the primitive lepidosaurian condition, prompting questions as to its function. Here we describe new material of Tianyusaurus, a remarkable lizard from the Late Cretaceous of China that is paradoxical in having a complete lower temporal bar and a fixed quadrate. New material from Jiangxi Province is more complete and less distorted than the original holotype. Tianyusaurus is shown to be a member of the Boreoteiioidea, a successful clade of large herbivorous lizards that were dispersed through eastern Asia, Europe and North America in the Late Cretaceous, but disappeared in the end-Cretaceous extinction. A unique combination of characters suggests that Tianyusaurus took food items requiring a large gape.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(7):587-597
The Devonian (Frasnian) of Colombia has provided important information on the taxonomical diversity and palaeobiogeographic relationships of the Late Devonian marginal marine vertebrate faunas of South America (northwestern margin of Gondwana). This fauna is mostly composed of Gondwanan endemics, but includes two taxa also known in Euramerica: the antiarchan placoderm Asterolepis and the porolepiform sarcopterygian Holoptychius. The occurrence of holoptychiid porolepiforms in Colombia was previously suggested based solely on the presence of scales attributed to Holoptychius, although with caution. Here, we describe further holoptychiid remains that include a large isolated tooth with dendrodont microstructure, typical of porolepiforms, and additional Holoptychius scales. These new findings increase the record of holoptychiid porolepiform occurrences in Gondwana and suggest that dispersion of fish faunas between Euramerica and Gondwana by the beginning of the Late Devonian was possible through South America.  相似文献   



Basal sauropodomorphs, or ‘prosauropods,’ are a globally widespread paraphyletic assemblage of terrestrial herbivorous dinosaurs from the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic. In contrast to several other landmasses, the North American record of sauropodomorphs during this time interval remains sparse, limited to Early Jurassic occurrences of a single well-known taxon from eastern North America and several fragmentary specimens from western North America.

Methodology/Principal Findings

On the basis of a partial skeleton, we describe here a new basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of southern Utah, Seitaad ruessi gen. et sp. nov. The partially articulated skeleton of Seitaad was likely buried post-mortem in the base of a collapsed dune foreset. The new taxon is characterized by a plate-like medial process of the scapula, a prominent proximal expansion of the deltopectoral crest of the humerus, a strongly inclined distal articular surface of the radius, and a proximally and laterally hypertrophied proximal metacarpal I.


Phylogenetic analysis recovers Seitaad as a derived basal sauropodomorph closely related to plateosaurid or massospondylid ‘prosauropods’ and its presence in western North America is not unexpected for a member of this highly cosmopolitan clade. This occurrence represents one of the most complete vertebrate body fossil specimens yet recovered from the Navajo Sandstone and one of the few basal sauropodomorph taxa currently known from North America.  相似文献   

A new Early Eocene tapiromorph, Meridiolophus expansus gen. et sp. nov., from the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province, China, is described and discussed. It is the first reported Eocene mammal from the basin. The new taxon, represented by a left fragmentary mandible, is characterized by an expanded anterior symphyseal region, a long diastema between c1 and p1, a rather short diastema between p1 and p2, smaller premolars relative to molars, an incipient metaconid appressed to the protoconid on p3, a prominent entoconid on p4, molar metaconid not twinned, cristid obliqua extending mesially and slightly lingually from the hypoconid, inclined metalophid and hypolophid, and small hypoconulid on the lower preultimate molars. Meridiolophus is morphologically intermediate between basal Homogalax-like taxa and derived tapiromorphs (such as Heptodon). Phylogenetic analysis indicates Equidae is more closely related to Tapiromorpha than to Palaeotheriidae, although the latter is only represented by a single species Pachynolophus eulaliensis. ‘Isectolophidae’, with exception of Meridiolophus and Karagalax, has the closest affinity with Chalicotherioidea. Furthermore, the majority rule consensus tree shows that Meridiolophus is closer to Karagalax than to any other ‘isectolophid’, and both genera represent stem taxa to crown group Ceratomorpha.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to present a new genus and species of Dasypodidae from the Lumbrera Formation (“lower Lumbrera”), early-middle Eocene of Salta Province, northwest Argentina. The new taxon, documented by one specimen, consists of an incomplete skull and jaw with teeth housed in their alveoli, postcranial remains, and isolated osteoderms. Lumbreratherium oblitum, gen. et sp. nov., is characterized by heterodont dentition, with a caniniform as the first tooth, diastema between caniniform and first molariform, teeth with closed roots, and a peculiar morphology of the osteoderms. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that Lumbreratherium oblitum, gen. et sp. nov., and Pucatherium parvum belong to a monophyletic clade in a basal position within the Cingulata. The singularity of the morphological characteristics of these Paleogene armadillos of northwest Argentina reinforces the hypothesis of an intertropical origin of mammal clades different from those of the Paleogene in more austral regions of Argentina.  相似文献   

Pentamerids (Brachiopoda) are described from the Lower and Middle Devonian of northeastern Asia: Antirhynchonella cherkesovae sp. nov. belonging to the family Clorindidae and Devonogypa indigirica (Sidjachenko), Vadimia gen. nov. with the type species V. gonensis sp. nov. and V. naanchanensis sp. nov., and Vladimiria gen. nov. with the type species Vl. yanensis sp. nov. all belonging to the subfamily Devonogypinae.  相似文献   

Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is described based on isolated but possibly associated cervical and dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, and previously published pedal elements from the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian?) Ilek Formation at Shestakovo 1 locality (Kemerovo Province, Western Siberia, Russia). Some isolated sauropod teeth from the Shestakovo 1 locality are referred to the same taxon. The phylogenetic parsimony analyses place Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., as a non-titanosaurian somphospondyl titanosauriform. The new taxon exhibits four titanosauriform and one somphospondylan synapomorphies, and one autapomorphy – a hyposphene ridge that extends between the neural canal and the postzygapophyses. It differs from all other Somphospondyli by having only five sacral vertebrae. The new taxon shares with Euhelopus and Epachtosaurus sacral ribs that converge towards the middle of the sacrum in dorsal view. Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is only the second sauropod taxon from Russia and one of the oldest titanosauriform described so far in Asia.  相似文献   

Brachiopods from the family Ambocoeliidae George from the Emsian (Lower Devonian) of northeastern Russia are described: Bisinocoelia despecta sp. nov.; Yakutospirifer gen. nov. with the type species Y. krivensis sp. nov.; Micospirifer gen. nov. with the type species M. simplex sp. nov.; Kolymospirifer gen. nov. with the type species K. optatus sp. nov. (subfamily Ambocoeliinae); Datnospirifer gen. nov. with the type species D. alius sp. nov.; Khalimospirifer gen. nov. with the type species Kh. microscopicus sp. nov.; Gerospirifer gen. nov. with the type species G. normalis sp. nov., and G. gerensis sp. nov.; Dogdospirifer gen. nov. with the type species D. yolkini sp. nov. (subfamily Rhynchospiriferinae).  相似文献   

Members of the Mycobacterium abscessus complex are rapidly growing mycobacteria that are emerging as human pathogens. The M. abscessus complex was previously composed of three species, namely M. abscessus sensu stricto, ‘M. massiliense’, and ‘M. bolletii’. In 2011, ‘M. massiliense’ and ‘M. bolletii’ were united and reclassified as a single subspecies within M. abscessus: M. abscessus subsp. bolletii. However, the placement of ‘M. massiliense’ within the boundary of M. abscessus subsp. bolletii remains highly controversial with regard to clinical aspects. In this study, we revisited the taxonomic status of members of the M. abscessus complex based on comparative analysis of the whole-genome sequences of 53 strains. The genome sequence of the previous type strain of ‘Mycobacterium massiliense’ (CIP 108297) was determined using next-generation sequencing. The genome tree based on average nucleotide identity (ANI) values supported the differentiation of ‘M. bolletii’ and ‘M. massiliense’ at the subspecies level. The genome tree also clearly illustrated that ‘M. bolletii’ and ‘M. massiliense’ form a distinct phylogenetic clade within the radiation of the M. abscessus complex. The genomic distances observed in this study suggest that the current M. abscessus subsp. bolletii taxon should be divided into two subspecies, M. abscessus subsp. massiliense subsp. nov. and M. abscessus subsp. bolletii, to correspondingly accommodate the previously known ‘M. massiliense’ and ‘M. bolletii’ strains.  相似文献   

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