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Desert ungulates live in adverse ecosystems that are particularly sensitive to degradation and global climate change. Here, we asked how two ungulate species with contrasting feeding habits, grazing gemsbok (Oryx g. gazella) and browsing springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), respond to an increase in food availability during a pronounced rain period. We used a stable isotope approach to delineate the feeding habits of these two ungulates in the arid Kunene Region of Namibia. Our nineteen months field investigation included two time periods of drought when food availability for ungulates was lowest and an intermediate period with extreme, unusual rainfalls. We documented thirteen isotopically distinct food sources in the isotopic space of the study area. Our results indicated a relatively high dietary plasticity of gemsbok, which fed on a mixture of plants, including more than 30% of C3 plants during drought periods, but almost exclusively on C4 and CAM plant types when food was plentiful. During drought periods, the inferred gemsbok diets also consisted of up to 25% of Euphorbia damarana; an endemic CAM plant that is rich in toxic secondary plant compounds. In contrast, springbok were generalists, feeding on a higher proportion of C3 than C4/CAM plants, irrespective of environmental conditions. Our results illustrate two dietary strategies in gemsbok and springbok which enable them to survive and coexist in the hostile Kunene arid ecosystem.  相似文献   

The marine sponge Lamellodysidea chlorea contains large populationsof the host-specific, filamentous cyanobacterium Oscillatoriaspongeliae. Other marine sponges, including Xestospongia exigua,contain the generalist, unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcusspongiarum. The impact of cyanobacterial photosynthesis on hostsponges was manipulated by shading these sponge-cyanobacteriaassociations. If cyanobacteria benefit their hosts, shadingshould reduce this benefit. Chlorophyll a concentrations weremeasured as an index of cyanobacterial abundance. After twoweeks, shaded L. chlorea lost more mass than controls, whileshaded and control X. exigua did not lose a significant amountof mass. Chlorophyll a concentrations in shaded X. exigua werelower than in controls, but were not significantly differentbetween shaded and control L. chlorea. In addition, L. chloreashaded in situ lost over 40% of their initial area, but didnot differ in chlorophyll a concentrations from controls. Theseresults suggest that Oscillatoria symbionts benefit their hostsponges in a mutualistic association. Synechococcus symbiontsmay be commensals that exploit the resources provided by theirsponge hosts without significantly affecting sponge mass. Whenshaded, Synechococcus symbionts may be consumed by their hostsor may be able to disperse from this unfavorable environment.These data support the hypothesis that more specialized symbiontsprovide a greater benefit to their hosts, but hypotheses concerningthe dispersal abilities of these symbionts remain to be explored.Sponge-cyanobacteria symbioses provide model systems for investigatingthe costs and benefits of symbiosis and the roles of dispersal,environmental conditions, and phylogenetic history in determiningthe specificity of endosymbionts for their hosts.  相似文献   

Much evidence from laboratory experiments and theoretical studies show that plasticity of clonal growth traits like lateral spread provides advantage in heterogeneous conditions. However, few tests of whether species with plastic clonal growth have an advantage over non-plastic species in natural conditions exist. I analyzed whether spacer length (i.e., length of a stolon or a rhizome branch between two ramets) and the variation of it (as a surrogate to its plasticity) relate to species presence and abundance in open meadow, wooded meadow and forest habitats with varying environmental conditions at Laelatu wooded meadow, Estonia. In fertilized, compared to unfertilized conditions, a weak and non-conclusive advantage of both long spacers and high variability of spacer length was detected. Abandonment in open meadows lead to a prevalence of species with shorter spacers, while on abandoned wooded meadows the species with longer spacers dominated. There was no difference in variability of spacer length between managed and abandoned meadows. In more heterogeneous forest habitats high variability of spacer length was more common, but the effect of lengthy spacers was more pronounced. The results suggest that while the variability of spacer length indeed corresponds with larger abundance in some conditions, the actual length of spacers has a more pronounced relationship with abundance of plants in natural vegetation.  相似文献   

Why and how specialist and generalist strategies evolve are important questions in evolutionary ecology. In this paper, with the method of adaptive dynamics and evolutionary branching, we identify conditions that select for specialist and generalist strategies. Generally, generalist strategies evolve if there is a switching benefit; specialists evolve if there is a switching cost. If the switching cost is large, specialists always evolve. If the switching cost is small, even though the consumer will first evolve toward a generalist strategy, it will eventually branch into two specialists.  相似文献   

Searching for resources is often a challenging task, especially for small organisms such as insects. Complex stimuli have to be extracted from the environment and translated into a relevant behavioral output. A first step in this process is to investigate the relative roles of the different senses during search for various resources. While the role of olfaction is well documented in nocturnal moths, the olfactory abilities of the closely related diurnal butterflies are poorly explored. Here we investigated how olfactory information is used in the search for host plants and asked if these abilities varied with levels of stimulus complexity. Thus, we tested two nymphalid butterfly species with divergent host plant range in a two-choice olfactometer testing different combinations of host and non-host plants. The experiments show both the monophagous Aglais urticae and the polyphagous Polygonia c-album could navigate towards an odor source, but this ability varied with context. While mated females exhibited a preference for their host plant, unmated females of both species did not show a preference for host plant cues. Furthermore, both species showed inabilities to make fine-tuned decisions between hosts. We conclude that olfactory cues are important for butterflies to navigate towards targets. We argue that there are limitations on how much information can be extracted from host volatiles. These results are discussed in the light of neural processing limitations and degree of host plant specialization, suggesting the necessity of other sensory modalities to sharpen the decision process and facilitate the final oviposition event.  相似文献   

The crown of many trees is composed of a main axis and branches. All branches arise from axillary or lateral buds and two types of branches exist: proleptic and sylleptic. Proleptic branches form from buds that have undergone a rest period, typically associated with winter dormancy, whereas sylleptic branches emerge without a rest and without complete bud formation. All trees have proleptic branches; some trees with the indeterminant growth habit have both proleptic and sylleptic branches. Sylleptic branches may play an important role in determining tree growth, architecture and adaptation for many temperate-zone woody plants. We review evidence for the phenotypic plasticity of sylleptic branches and its genetic, environmental, and developmental control.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic marine flagellates (HF) are ubiquitous in the world''s oceans and represented in nearly all branches of the domain Eukaryota. However, the factors determining distributions of major taxonomic groups are poorly known. The Arctic Ocean is a good model environment for examining the distribution of functionally similar but phylogenetically diverse HF because the physical oceanography and annual ice cycles result in distinct environments that could select for microbial communities or favor specific taxa. We reanalyzed new and previously published high-throughput sequencing data from multiple studies in the Arctic Ocean to identify broad patterns in the distribution of individual taxa. HF accounted for fewer than 2% to over one-half of the reads from the water column and for up to 60% of reads from ice, which was dominated by Cryothecomonas. In the water column, many HF phylotypes belonging to Telonemia and Picozoa, uncultured marine stramenopiles (MAST), and choanoflagellates were geographically widely distributed. However, for two groups in particular, Telonemia and Cryothecomonas, some species level taxa showed more restricted distributions. For example, several phylotypes of Telonemia favored open waters with lower nutrients such as the Canada Basin and offshore of the Mackenzie Shelf. In summary, we found that while some Arctic HF were successful over a range of conditions, others could be specialists that occur under particular conditions. We conclude that tracking species level diversity in HF not only is feasible but also provides a potential tool for understanding the responses of marine microbial ecosystems to rapidly changing ice regimes.  相似文献   

P. Dutilleul  C. Potvin 《Genetics》1995,139(4):1815-1829
The impact of among-environment heteroscedasticity and genetic autocorrelation on the analysis of phenotypic plasticity is examined. Among-environment heteroscedasticity occurs when genotypic variances differ among environments. Genetic autocorrelation arises whenever the responses of a genotype to different environments are more or less similar than expected for observations randomly associated. In a multivariate analysis-of-variance model, three transformations of genotypic profiles (reaction norms), which apply to the residuals of the model while preserving the mean responses within environments, are derived. The transformations remove either among-environment heteroscedasticity, genetic autocorrelation or both. When both nuisances are not removed, statistical tests are corrected in a modified univariate approach using the sample covariance matrix of the genotypic profiles. Methods are illustrated on a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii data set. When heteroscedasticity was removed, the variance component associated with the genotype-by-environment interaction increased proportionally to the genotype variance component. As a result, the genetic correlation r(g) was altered. Genetic autocorrelation was responsible for statistical significance of the genotype-by-environment interaction and genotype main effects on raw data. When autocorrelation was removed, the ranking of genotypes according to their stability index dramatically changed. Evolutionary implications of our methods and results are discussed.  相似文献   

Many habitat specialist species are originally composed of small, discontinuous populations because their habitats are naturally fragmented or patchy. They may have suffered the long-term effects of natural patchiness. Mediterranean heathlands, a representative habitat in the Strait of Gibraltar region, are associated with nutrient-poor, acidic sandstone soils. Sandstone soil patches in the African side of the Strait (Tangier) are, in general, smaller and more scattered than in the European side (Algeciras). In this study, we analyze the effect of this sandstone patchiness on the population genetic diversity and structure of two Erica species from these Mediterranean heathlands that differ in their edaphic specificity, E. australis, sandstone specialist, and E. arborea, generalist. Average levels of within-population genetic diversity and gene flow between populations were significantly lower in Tangier (high sandstone patchiness) than in Algeciras (low patchiness) for the sandstone specialist, whereas no differences between both sides of the Strait were detected in the edaphic generalist. Since most endemic species in Mediterranean heathlands of the Strait of Gibraltar are sandstone specialists, these results highlight an increased vulnerability to loss of genetic diversity and local extinction of the heathland endemic flora in the Tangier side of the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

The threespine stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus, has undergone a remarkable postglacial adaptive radiation in which an ancient oceanic ancestor has given rise to uncountable freshwater populations. The radiation is characterized by repeated, independent evolution of similar derived phenotypes under similar environmental conditions. A common pattern of divergence is caused by differences in habitat that favor morphological and behavioral features that enhance efficiency of feeding on plankton (limnetic ecotypes) vs. those that enhance efficiency of feeding on benthic invertebrates (benthic ecotypes). These two ecotypes exhibit consistently different patterns of courtship and of foraging and cannibalistic behavior (divergent behavioral syndromes). Here, we demonstrate that there also exist differences in aggression toward conspecifics that are likely to be characteristic of the ecotypes. We report differences in patterns of aggression toward rivals between the ecotypes and offer evidence of differences in the patterns of phenotypic plasticity (norms of reaction) for these traits across population types, and of differences in the incorporation of aggressive elements of behavior in courtship. These data support an earlier suggestion that differences in aggressive tendencies could have facilitated assortative mating between the four benthic–limnetic species pairs found in British Columbia lakes, and they demonstrate the need to evaluate divergent behavioral phenotypes in this radiation as phenotypic norms of reaction rather than as fixed traits.  相似文献   

Novel phenotypes can originate either through mutations in existing genotypes or through phenotypic plasticity, the ability of one genotype to form multiple phenotypes. From molecules to organisms, plasticity is a ubiquitous feature of life, and a potential source of exaptations, adaptive traits that originated for nonadaptive reasons. Another ubiquitous feature is robustness to mutations, although it is unknown whether such robustness helps or hinders the origin of new phenotypes through plasticity. RNA is ideal to address this question, because it shows extensive plasticity in its secondary structure phenotypes, a consequence of their continual folding and unfolding, and these phenotypes have important biological functions. Moreover, RNA is to some extent robust to mutations. This robustness structures RNA genotype space into myriad connected networks of genotypes with the same phenotype, and it influences the dynamics of evolving populations on a genotype network. In this study I show that both effects help accelerate the exploration of novel phenotypes through plasticity. My observations are based on many RNA molecules sampled at random from RNA sequence space, and on 30 biological RNA molecules. They are thus not only a generic feature of RNA sequence space but are relevant for the molecular evolution of biological RNA.  相似文献   

Novel phenotypes can originate either through mutations in existing genotypes or through phenotypic plasticity, the ability of one genotype to form multiple phenotypes. From molecules to organisms, plasticity is a ubiquitous feature of life, and a potential source of exaptations, adaptive traits that originated for nonadaptive reasons. Another ubiquitous feature is robustness to mutations, although it is unknown whether such robustness helps or hinders the origin of new phenotypes through plasticity. RNA is ideal to address this question, because it shows extensive plasticity in its secondary structure phenotypes, a consequence of their continual folding and unfolding, and these phenotypes have important biological functions. Moreover, RNA is to some extent robust to mutations. This robustness structures RNA genotype space into myriad connected networks of genotypes with the same phenotype, and it influences the dynamics of evolving populations on a genotype network. In this study I show that both effects help accelerate the exploration of novel phenotypes through plasticity. My observations are based on many RNA molecules sampled at random from RNA sequence space, and on 30 biological RNA molecules. They are thus not only a generic feature of RNA sequence space but are relevant for the molecular evolution of biological RNA.  相似文献   

Both phenotypic plasticity and genetic determination can be important for understanding how plants respond to environmental change. However, little is known about the plastic response of leaf teeth and leaf dissection to temperature. This gap is critical because these leaf traits are commonly used to reconstruct paleoclimate from fossils, and such studies tacitly assume that traits measured from fossils reflect the environment at the time of their deposition, even during periods of rapid climate change. We measured leaf size and shape in Acer rubrum derived from four seed sources with a broad temperature range and grown for two years in two gardens with contrasting climates (Rhode Island and Florida). Leaves in the Rhode Island garden have more teeth and are more highly dissected than leaves in Florida from the same seed source. Plasticity in these variables accounts for at least 6–19 % of the total variance, while genetic differences among ecotypes probably account for at most 69–87 %. This study highlights the role of phenotypic plasticity in leaf-climate relationships. We suggest that variables related to tooth count and leaf dissection in A. rubrum can respond quickly to climate change, which increases confidence in paleoclimate methods that use these variables.  相似文献   

According to present hypotheses on the evolution of life history traits and social systems in Malagasy lemurs, nocturnality and infant parking are associated with a solitary lifestyle and a polygynous mating system. However, theoretically extreme seasonality of reproduction could limit the number of females that can be monopolized by a given male and thus hinder the evolution of polygyny. The aim of this ongoing study is to test these contrasting expectations by looking at the social and mating system of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur Cheirogaleus medius . This species hibernates for up to 7 mo, so that time for breeding and raising offspring is extremely limited.
A mark-recapture study in western Madagascar was combined with observations and radio-tracking of 36 individuals during the rainy seasons from 1995 to 1998. According to these data, fat-tailed dwarf lemurs live in permanent sleeping groups consisting of a male and a female (n = 8) or one male and two females (n = 1). One or two offspring from the previous year were frequently observed to sleep together with an adult pair. Members of each sleeping group were the exclusive users of their nest holes and home ranges. During the birth season, males and females took turns at baby-sitting their offspring. Females without paternal help were unable to raise their offspring successfully. Since females did not exhibit oestrus synchrony, the ultimate selective factor favouring pair-living could be obligate paternal investment. The results, together with the lack of sexual size dimorphism and relatively small testis size, suggest that the fat-tailed dwarf lemur lives in family groups with a monogamous mating system. A review of the mating systems of nocturnal lemurs shows that monogamy appears to be the rule rather the exception.  相似文献   

Retrovirus maturation involves sequential cleavages of the Gag polyprotein, initially arrayed in a spherical shell, leading to formation of capsids with polyhedral or conical morphology. Evidence suggests that capsids assemble de novo inside maturing virions from dissociated capsid (CA) protein, but the possibility persists of a displacive pathway in which the CA shell remains assembled but is remodeled. Inhibition of the final cleavage between CA and spacer peptide SP1/SP blocks the production of mature capsids. We investigated whether retention of SP might render CA assembly incompetent by testing the ability of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) CA-SP to assemble in vitro into icosahedral capsids. Capsids were indeed assembled and were indistinguishable from those formed by CA alone, indicating that SP was disordered. We also used cryo-electron tomography to characterize HIV-1 particles produced in the presence of maturation inhibitor PF-46396 or with the cleavage-blocking CA5 mutation. Inhibitor-treated virions have a shell that resembles the CA layer of the immature Gag shell but is less complete. Some CA protein is generated but usually not enough for a mature core to assemble. We propose that inhibitors like PF-46396 bind to the Gag lattice where they deny the protease access to the CA-SP1 cleavage site and prevent the release of CA. CA5 particles, which exhibit no cleavage at the CA-SP1 site, have spheroidal shells with relatively thin walls. It appears that this lattice progresses displacively toward a mature-like state but produces neither conical cores nor infectious virions. These observations support the disassembly-reassembly pathway for core formation.  相似文献   

Female sand tilefish (Malacanthus plumieri) inhabiting a deep channel in the fringing reef at Glover's Atoll, Belize (channel females) spawned planktonic eggs more frequently than those occupying the shallow sand‐rubble slopes adjacent to patch coral reefs inside the atoll lagoon (reef‐slope females). We tested five non‐exclusive hypotheses to explain habitat differences in female spawning frequency. We found no evidence that spawning frequency variation was a consequence of differences in food availability, variation in male fertility, or the intensity of predation on spawned eggs. On reef slopes, barracuda stalked tilefish near their benthic burrows, whereas these piscivores attacked channel tilefish by diving suddenly from higher in the water column. Differences in the hunting behavior of barracuda suggested that the behavior of tilefish females might be influenced by temporal variation in predation risk (risk allocation hypothesis). Consistent with this hypothesis, reef‐slope females had a much higher frequency of retreats to burrows in response to barracuda, spent more time burrowing and ventured less far from these refugia in response to a simulated predatory threat. As predicted by the risk allocation hypothesis, reef‐slope females also had lower and more variable frequencies of foraging bites, and shorter and more variable travel distances to forage than channel females. Estimated mortality from predation was over nine times higher in channel tilefish. Consistent with the hypothesis that investment in current vs. future reproduction is influenced by rates of adult mortality (mortality risk hypothesis), channel females invested more supplemental energy in egg production whereas reef‐slope females invested more in growth. Our results indicate that behavioral and life‐history traits of female tilefish show phenotypic plasticity depending upon the nature and intensity of localized predation risk.  相似文献   

Andrew L. Mack 《Biotropica》1998,30(4):604-608
Although large seeds might be more attractive and apparent to seed predators, large seed size could enable tolerance of seed predators. If seeds are large enough to sustain damage that would kill smaller seeds yet still produce viable seedlings, investment above the minimum by the maternal plant could be advantageous. I tested this hypothesis by removing 0–80 percent of the cotyledons of four large-seeded (4–180 g) tree species from Papua New Guinea and monitoring germination and seedling growth for eight months. All species showed little negative effect on seedling size with up to 50 percent removal of cotyledons and the larger species showed a less serious effect on growth than smaller-seeded species above 50 percent removal. Large-seeded species clearly have more than the minimum-required cotyledonary reserves. Observations of viable seedlings with heavily damaged cotyledons suggest that these species withstand attack by rodents and beetles by virtue of their large size.  相似文献   

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