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Auxin is an essential hormone for plant growth and development. Auxin influx carriers AUX1/LAX transport auxin into the cell, while auxin efflux carriers PIN pump it out of the cell. It is well established that efflux carriers play an important role in the shoot vascular patterning, yet the contribution of influx carriers to the shoot vasculature remains unknown. Here, we combined theoretical and experimental approaches to decipher the role of auxin influx carriers in the patterning and differentiation of vascular tissues in the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem. Our theoretical analysis predicts that influx carriers facilitate periodic patterning and modulate the periodicity of auxin maxima. In agreement, we observed fewer and more spaced vascular bundles in quadruple mutants plants of the auxin influx carriers aux1lax1lax2lax3. Furthermore, we show AUX1/LAX carriers promote xylem differentiation in both the shoot and the root tissues. Influx carriers increase cytoplasmic auxin signaling, and thereby differentiation. In addition to this cytoplasmic role of auxin, our computational simulations propose a role for extracellular auxin as an inhibitor of xylem differentiation. Altogether, our study shows that auxin influx carriers AUX1/LAX regulate vascular patterning and differentiation in plants.  相似文献   

Local efflux-dependent auxin gradients and maxima mediate organ and tissue development in plants. Auxin efflux is regulated by dynamic expression and subcellular localization of the PIN auxin-efflux proteins, which appears to be established not only through a self-organizing auxin-mediated polarization mechanism, but also through other means, such as cell fate determination and auxin-independent mechanisms. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana NO VEIN (NOV) gene, encoding a novel, plant-specific nuclear factor, is required for leaf vascular development, cellular patterning and stem cell maintenance in the root meristem, as well as for cotyledon outgrowth and separation. nov mutations affect many aspects of auxin-dependent development without directly affecting auxin perception. NOV is required for provascular PIN1 expression and region-specific expression of PIN7 in leaf primordia, cell type–specific expression of PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7 in the root, and PIN2 polarity in the root cortex. NOV is specifically expressed in developing embryos, leaf primordia, and shoot and root apical meristems. Our data suggest that NOV function underlies cell fate decisions associated with auxin gradients and maxima, thus establishing cell type–specific PIN expression and polarity. We propose that NOV mediates the acquisition of competence to undergo auxin-dependent coordinated cell specification and patterning, thereby eliciting context-dependent auxin-mediated developmental responses.  相似文献   

CULLIN3 (CUL3) together with BTB-domain proteins form a class of Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (called CRL3s) that control the rapid and selective degradation of important regulatory proteins in all eukaryotes. Here, we report that in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, CUL3 regulates plant growth and development, not only during embryogenesis but also at post-embryonic stages. First, we show that CUL3 modulates the emission of ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone that is an important growth regulator. A CUL3 hypomorphic mutant accumulates ACS5, the rate-limiting enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis and as a consequence exhibits a constitutive ethylene response. Second, we provide evidence that CUL3 regulates primary root growth by a novel ethylene-dependant pathway. In particular, we show that CUL3 knockdown inhibits primary root growth by reducing root meristem size and cell number. This phenotype is suppressed by ethylene-insensitive or resistant mutations. Finally, we identify a function of CUL3 in distal root patterning, by a mechanism that is independent of ethylene. Thus, our work highlights that CUL3 is essential for the normal division and organisation of the root stem cell niche and columella root cap cells.  相似文献   

When perceiving microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) or plant-derived damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), plants alter their root growth and development by displaying a reduction in the root length and the formation of root hairs and lateral roots. The exogenous application of a MAMP peptide, flg22, was shown to affect root growth by suppressing meristem activity. In addition to MAMPs, the DAMP peptide PEP1 suppresses root growth while also promoting root hair formation. However, the question of whether and how these elicitor peptides affect the development of the vascular system in the root has not been explored. The cellular receptors of PEP1, PEPR1 and PEPR2 are highly expressed in the root vascular system, while the receptors of flg22 (FLS2) and elf18 (EFR) are not. Consistent with the expression patterns of PEP1 receptors, we found that exogenously applied PEP1 has a strong impact on the division of stele cells, leading to a reduction of these cells. We also observed the alteration in the number and organization of cells that differentiate into xylem vessels. These PEP1-mediated developmental changes appear to be linked to the blockage of symplastic connections triggered by PEP1. PEP1 dramatically disrupts the symplastic movement of free green fluorescence protein (GFP) from phloem sieve elements to neighboring cells in the root meristem, leading to the deposition of a high level of callose between cells. Taken together, our first survey of PEP1-mediated vascular tissue development provides new insights into the PEP1 function as a regulator of cellular reprogramming in the Arabidopsis root vascular system.  相似文献   

The cell-to-cell transport of plant viruses depends on one or more virus-encoded movement proteins (MPs). Some MPs are integral membrane proteins that interact with the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, but a detailed understanding of the interaction between MPs and biological membranes has been lacking. The cell-to-cell movement of the Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is facilitated by a single MP of the 30K superfamily. Here, using a myriad of biochemical and biophysical approaches, we show that the PNRSV MP contains only one hydrophobic region (HR) that interacts with the membrane interface, as opposed to being a transmembrane protein. We also show that a proline residue located in the middle of the HR constrains the structural conformation of this region at the membrane interface, and its replacement precludes virus movement.Plant viruses encode movement proteins (MPs) that mediate the intra- and intercellular spread of the viral genome via plasmodesmata, membranous channels that traverse the walls of plant cells and enable intercellular transport and communication. There is a range of diversity in the number and type of viral proteins required for viral movement (21). Research on tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) has played a leading role in understanding MP activity (2). The genome of TMV encodes a single 30-kDa multidomain protein, the namesake of the 30K superfamily (7). Viral RNA is associated with the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and microtubules in the presence of this MP (23, 30).A large number of plant viruses have 30K MPs, which share common abilities, including binding nucleic acids, localizing and increasing the size exclusion limit of plasmodesmata, and interacting with the ER membrane. A topological model has been proposed in which the TMV MP has two putative transmembrane (TM) helices, both the N and C termini oriented toward the cytoplasm, and a short loop exposed in the ER lumen (4). There is less experimental information for other 30K MPs, but they are likely to have some membrane interaction.Direct experimental evidence of the integration of MPs into the membrane has been obtained only for small hydrophobic MPs that do not belong to the 30K superfamily. There are two TM segments in the p9 protein of carnation mottle virus (41), whereas the p6 protein of beet yellow virus (29) and the p7B protein of melon necrotic spot virus (22) have a single TM segment. In viruses with genomes that include three partially overlapping open reading frames, termed the triple-gene block (TGB), all three TGB proteins are required for movement where the two smaller proteins, TGBp2 and TGBp3, are also TM proteins (24). Furthermore, cross-linking experiments with carnation mottle virus p9 protein demonstrated that its membrane insertion occurs cotranslationally in a signal recognition particle-dependent manner and throughout the cellular membrane integration components, the translocon (33, 34).Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is a tripartite, positive-strand RNA virus in the genus Ilarvirus of the family Bromoviridae. RNAs 1 and 2 encode the polymerase proteins P1 and P2, respectively. RNA 3 is translated into a single 30K-type MP. The coat protein is translated from a subgenomic RNA 4 produced during virus replication.The present study tackled the association of the PNRSV MP with biological membranes. The in vitro translation of model integral membrane protein constructs in the presence of microsomal membranes demonstrated that the hydrophobic region (HR) of the PNRSV MP did not span the membranes. Different biochemical and biophysical experiments suggested that the protein is tightly associated with, but does not traverse, the membrane, leaving both its N- and C-terminal hydrophilic regions facing the cytosol. Finally, a mutational analysis of the HR revealed that both the helicity and hydrophobicity of the region are essential for viral cell-to-cell movement.  相似文献   

Directional root expansion is governed by nutrient gradients, positive gravitropism and hydrotropism, negative phototropism and thigmotropism, as well as endogenous oscillations in the growth trajectory (circumnutation). Null mutations in phylogenetically related Arabidopsis thaliana genes MILDEW RESISTANCE LOCUS O 4 (MLO4) and MLO11, encoding heptahelical, plasma membrane–localized proteins predominantly expressed in the root tip, result in aberrant root thigmomorphogenesis. mlo4 and mlo11 mutant plants show anisotropic, chiral root expansion manifesting as tightly curled root patterns upon contact with solid surfaces. The defect in mlo4 and mlo11 mutants is nonadditive and dependent on light and nutrients. Genetic epistasis experiments demonstrate that the mutant phenotype is independently modulated by the Gβ subunit of the heterotrimeric G-protein complex. Analysis of expressed chimeric MLO4/MLO2 proteins revealed that the C-terminal domain of MLO4 is necessary but not sufficient for MLO4 action in root thigmomorphogenesis. The expression of the auxin efflux carrier fusion, PIN1-green fluorescent protein, the pattern of auxin-induced gene expression, and acropetal as well as basipetal auxin transport are altered at the root tip of mlo4 mutant seedlings. Moreover, addition of auxin transport inhibitors or the loss of EIR1/AGR1/PIN2 function abolishes root curling of mlo4, mlo11, and wild-type seedlings. These results demonstrate that the exaggerated root curling phenotypes of the mlo4 and mlo11 mutants depend on auxin gradients and suggest that MLO4 and MLO11 cofunction as modulators of touch-induced root tropism.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2020,52(2):223-235.e5
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以甘草属2种耐盐植物胀果甘草、乌拉尔甘草为材料,用不同浓度(50、100、150、200、250mmol·L-1)NaCl处理幼苗21d后,分析其生物量和根、茎、叶中的Na+、K+含量以及K+/Na+,计算根的离子选择吸收和运输系数,并应用光学显微镜观察比较二者的维管组织结构变化,以揭示2种药用甘草幼苗根对Na+的响应及其维管组织结构的变化特征,探讨甘草的耐盐机理。结果表明:(1)NaCl胁迫使2种甘草幼苗生物量均下降,在NaCl浓度为250mmol·L-1时,胀果甘草、乌拉尔甘草幼苗生物量分别是对照的53.34%、46.21%,胀果甘草耐盐性强于乌拉尔甘草。(2)随着NaCl浓度上升,2种甘草根积累的Na+显著增多,其中胀果甘草在所有盐处理下,根Na+含量均高于其它器官,说明其根对吸收的Na+具有显著截留效应;而乌拉尔甘草只在0~150mmol·L-1 NaCl范围内,根Na+含量显著高于叶片,当NaCl为200、250mmol·L-1时,叶片Na+含量显著高于根,说明乌拉尔甘草根对Na+的截留能力有限。(3)在相同盐处理下,胀果甘草离子选择吸收系数SAK,Na、离子运输系数STK,Na均大于乌拉尔甘草,胀果甘草根抑制Na+、促进K+向地上部运输的能力强于乌拉尔甘草。(4)乌拉尔甘草在NaCl为150、200mmol·L-1、胀果甘草在250mmol·L-1时,根结构对盐胁迫产生应激性响应,维管组织比例显著上升,有助于提高根向上的运输能力,减少盐害。研究表明,2种药用甘草根对Na+截留作用和向上运输时促K+抑Na+能力的差异,是导致其耐盐能力不同的主要原因,根对Na+的积累和截留作用的差异与根的结构响应相吻合,能较好地解释二者的耐盐性差异。  相似文献   

Propagation of viral infection in host plants comprises two distinct and sequential stages: viral transport from the initially infected cell into adjacent neighboring cells, a process termed local or cell-to-cell movement, and a chain of events collectively referred to as systemic movement that consists of entry into the vascular tissue, systemic distribution with the phloem stream, and unloading of the virus into noninfected tissues. To achieve intercellular transport, viruses exploit plasmodesmata, complex cytoplasmic bridges interconnecting plant cells. Viral transport through plasmodesmata is aided by virus-encoded proteins, the movement proteins (MPs), which function by two distinct mechanisms: MPs either bind viral nucleic acids and mediate passage of the resulting movement complexes (M-complexes) between cells, or MPs become a part of pathogenic tubules that penetrate through host cell walls and serve as conduits for transport of viral particles. In the first mechanism, M-complexes pass into neighboring cells without destroying or irreversibly altering plasmodesmata, whereas in the second mechanism plasmodesmata are replaced or significantly modified by the tubules. Here we summarize the current knowledge on both local and systemic movement of viruses that progress from cell to cell as M-complexes in a nondestructive fashion. For local movement, we focus mainly on movement functions of the 30 K superfamily viruses, which encode MPs with structural homology to the 30 kDa MP of Tobacco mosaic virus, one of the most extensively studied plant viruses, whereas systemic movement is primarily described for two well-characterized model systems, Tobacco mosaic virus and Tobacco etch potyvirus. Because local and systemic movement are intimately linked to the molecular infrastructure of the host cell, special emphasis is placed on host factors and cellular structures involved in viral transport.  相似文献   

In roots two distinct polar movements of auxin have been reported that may control different developmental and growth events. To test the hypothesis that auxin derived from the shoot and transported toward the root controls lateral root development, the two polarities of auxin transport were uncoupled in Arabidopsis. Local application of the auxin-transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) at the root-shoot junction decreased the number and density of lateral roots and reduced the free indoleacetic acid (IAA) levels in the root and [3H]IAA transport into the root. Application of NPA to the basal half of or at several positions along the root only reduced lateral root density in regions that were in contact with NPA or in regions apical to the site of application. Lateral root development was restored by application of IAA apical to NPA application. Lateral root development in Arabidopsis roots was also inhibited by excision of the shoot or dark growth and this inhibition was reversible by IAA. Together, these results are consistent with auxin transport from the shoot into the root controlling lateral root development.  相似文献   

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