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异质养分环境中一年生分蘖草本黍根系的生长特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)根系对异质养分环境的生长反应,作研究了黍根系从起始斑块向目标斑块水平生长时,时始斑块和目标斑块养分水平根生长的影响,就低养分起始珏块而言,粗根生物量,粗根长度,粗根表面积和细极长度在高养分目标斑块中的分配比例均小于其在低养分目标斑块中的分配比例,而细根长度及其密度,细根表面积指及其密度的变化恰好相反,就高养分起始斑块而言,高养分目标斑块的细根长度,细根长度密度,细根表面积指数和细根表面积密均不于低养分目标斑块,而粗根对目标斑块中养分状的反应不明显。当黍根系从桢的起始斑块进入不同的目标斑块后,目标斑块的养分状况对细根生物量及其分配无影响,而显影响细根长度和表现积,这指示细根是通过长度和表面积可塑性而不是生物量变化响应目标斑块中的养分差异。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence indicates that fast-growing species generallydisplay a higher degree of selective root placement in heterogeneousenvironments than slow-growing species. Such root foraging isaccomplished by root morphological responses, but since somemorphological responses are simply the result of enhanced growthof the roots in the enriched patch it is difficult to separatethe effects of root foraging and growth rate on the biomassaccumulation of species in heterogeneous environments. Herea simple model is presented to disentangle these effects. Rootforaging is incorporated as the selective allocation of rootbiomass per unit time to the nitrogen-rich patch. Growth ratedifferences among the model plants result from differences innitrogen utilization efficiency. In the model, the degree ofselective root placement can be varied independently of growthrate. The model shows that when plants are compared at a commonpoint in time, selective root placement and growth rate interactpositively with respect to the enhancement of plant biomassaccumulation in heterogeneous compared to homogeneous environments.However, by evaluating the model at a common plant biomass,the main and interactive effects of growth rate are eliminated.These results suggest that growth rate by itself does not conferan advantage in terms of resource acquisition and biomass accumulationin heterogeneous environments. Only the selective placementof resource acquiring structures (such as roots) leads to suchbenefits. The essential differences between foraging and growth,as well as the consequences of differences in foraging abilityand growth rate between species on competition for a limitedresource, are discussed. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Environmental heterogeneity, foraging, growth rate, model, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen utilization, patchiness, plant growth, plasticity, root placement.  相似文献   

分蘖型克隆植物黍分株和基株对异质养分环境的等级反应   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
何维明  董鸣 《生态学报》2002,22(2):169-175
为揭示 1年生分蘖草本黍对异质养分环境的等级反应 ,比较了 4种异质养分环境中黍分株和基株的生长、繁殖特征。在分株水平 ,异质养分环境显著影响源株高度、叶面积、繁殖分配、千粒重和种子数 ,而对生物量无影响 ;异质养分环境显著影响分蘖株的这 6个指标。在基株水平 ,生物量、分蘖数和种子数随环境中养分总量的提高而逐渐增大 ,根重比恰好相反 ;繁殖分配不受异质养分环境的影响 ;除一种处理外 ,其它 3种环境中的千粒重不受养分状况的影响。这些结果指示 :黍分株和基株对异质养分环境的反应具有等级性 ,源株和分蘖株对相同环境的反应存在差异。  相似文献   

Ramet-pairs of Potentilla reptans L. var.sericophylla Franch from forest gap and forest understory were subjected to unshading, shading and partial shading treatments in a pot experiment. The genet biomass, total length of stolons, number of ramets, specific stolon weight, petiole length and specific petiole weight of the plant species under the shaded condition were smaller than those under the unshaded condition. The stolon internode length did not respond to the various treatments. In the plants from the forest gap, the petiloes of ramet grown in the shaded patch were longer as connected to plant part in the unshaded patch than as connected to plant part under the same shaded condition. Such modification of local response of ramet petiole to shading due to physiological integration was not observed in the plants from the understory. There was no effect of connection to ramets in shaded patches on the local response of the rest ramet characters to the partial unshading.  相似文献   

To study growth responses of the roots of Panicum miliaceum L. to heterogeneous supply of nutrients. The authors analyzed the effects of the nutrient levels in both original patches (O) and destination patches (D) on the root growth of P. miliaceum when its roots were allowed to extend from original patch into destination patch. When the nutrient levels in the original patches were low, coarse root biomass ratio (coarse root biomass in the D/total coarse root biomass), coarse root length ratio (coarse root length in the D/total coarse root length), coarse root surface area ratio (coarse root surface area in the D/total coarse root surface area) and fine root length ratio (fine root length in the D/total fine root length) were greater in the destination patches with lower nutrient levels than in the destination patches with higher nutrient levels, while fine root length, fine root length density, fine root surface index, and fine root surface area density were smaller in the former than in the latter. When the nutrient levels in the original patches were high, fine root length, fine root length density, fine root surface area index and fine root surface density were greater in the destination patches with lower nutrient levels than in the destination patches with higher nutrient levels, coarse roots did not respond to the nutrient levels in the destination patches significantly. When the roots extended from the original patches with the same nutrient level into the destination patches with contrasting nutrient levels, fine root biomass and its percentage allocation did not respond to the nutrient levels in the destination patches significantly, whereas both root length and root surface area did. This indicates that the fine roots of P. miliaceum responded to difference in nutrient supply by plasticity in their length and surface area, rather than in their root biomass.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior, one of the adaptive strategies of clonal plants, has stimulated a tremendous amount of research. However, it is a matter of debate whether there is any general pattern in the foraging traits (functional traits related to foraging behavior) of clonal plants in response to diverse environments. We collected data from 97 published papers concerning the relationships between foraging traits (e.g., spacer length, specific spacer length, branch intensity and branch angle) of clonal plants and essential resources (e.g., light, nutrients and water) for plant growth and reproduction. We incorporated the phylogenetic information of 85 plant species to examine the universality of foraging hypotheses using phylogenetic meta-analysis. The trends toward forming longer spacers and fewer branches in shaded environments were detected in clonal plants, but no evidence for a relation between foraging traits and nutrient availability was detected, except that there was a positive correlation between branch intensity and nutrient availability in stoloniferous plants. The response of the foraging traits of clonal plants to water availability was also not obvious. Additionally, our results indicated that the foraging traits of stoloniferous plants were more sensitive to resource availability than those of rhizomatous plants. In consideration of plant phylogeny, these results implied that the foraging traits of clonal plants (notably stoloniferous plants) only responded to light intensity in a general pattern but did not respond to nutrient or water availability. In conclusion, our findings on the effects of the environment on the foraging traits of clonal plants avoided the confounding effects of phylogeny because we incorporated phylogeny into the meta-analysis.  相似文献   

异质性生境中的植物克隆生长:风险分摊   总被引:116,自引:13,他引:116       下载免费PDF全文
董鸣 《植物生态学报》1996,20(6):543-548
在异质生境中克隆生长使克隆分株处于不同的小生境中,从而将基株死亡风险以不同方式分摊。分摊有利于维持或提高基株适合度,因此,植物克隆生长被认为具有对小尺度生境异质性的生态对策性意义。拟—年生克隆草本Trientalis europaea对养分梯度的反应给出了基株风险分摊的实例。文中提出—个关于分株间连接维持时间对生境异质性反应的假说。  相似文献   

Plants growing in different environments develop with different photosynthetic capacities—developmental acclimation of photosynthesis. It is also possible for fully developed leaves to change their photosynthetic capacity—dynamic acclimation. The importance of acclimation has not previously been demonstrated. Here, we show that developmental and dynamic acclimation are distinct processes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that dynamic acclimation plays an important role in increasing the fitness of plants in natural environments. Plants of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) were grown at low light and then transferred to high light for up to 9 d. This resulted in an increase in photosynthetic capacity of approximately 40%. A microarray analysis showed that transfer to high light resulted in a substantial but transient increase in expression of a gene, At1g61800, encoding a glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate translocator GPT2. Plants where this gene was disrupted were unable to undergo dynamic acclimation. They were, however, still able to acclimate developmentally. When grown under controlled conditions, fitness, measured as seed output and germination, was identical, regardless of GPT2 expression. Under naturally variable conditions, however, fitness was substantially reduced in plants lacking the ability to acclimate. Seed production was halved in gpt2− plants, relative to wild type, and germination of the seed produced substantially less. Dynamic acclimation of photosynthesis is thus shown to play a crucial and previously unrecognized role in determining the fitness of plants growing in changing environments.It has long been recognized that when plants are grown under a particular set of conditions they adjust their photosynthetic capacity to match those conditions (for review, see Walters, 2005). For example, early work from Bjorkman and Holmgren (1963) showed that plants of Solidago virgaurea had different photosynthetic capacities when grown either in sun or shade. In spite of its long history, however, neither the mechanism nor the significance of this response is understood (Walters, 2005). Work from Murchie and Horton (1997) showed that there is substantial variation between species in their ability to acclimate, with plants from semishaded habitats having the greatest variation in photosynthetic capacity, suggesting that there is both a benefit and cost of acclimation. Neither benefit nor cost has been demonstrated.Photosynthetic acclimation can be observed at levels ranging from whole-plant morphology to the detailed stoichiometry of the photosynthetic apparatus (Boardman, 1977; Walters, 2005). Plants grown at low light tend to invest more in leaves than in roots and to have thinner leaves. They have more chlorophyll-containing light-harvesting proteins relative to light-using enzymes involved in electron transport and metabolism, meaning that photosynthesis saturates with light at a lower irradiance. Plants can also adjust the relative proportions of the different photosystems to suit the light quality they experience (Chow et al., 1990; Walters and Horton, 1995a, 1995b).Most studies that have examined the acclimation of plants have done so by making measurements on material that has experienced only one set of conditions—e.g. either high or low light. Differences between plants therefore reflect the conditions experienced as the leaves develop, with leaf morphology and composition being optimized for the conditions seen. Plants do not, however, exist in static environments. Even for a plant growing in an unshaded location, the light incident on a leaf can vary by an order of magnitude from second to second, day to day, and week to week depending on the weather conditions. This variation will typically be accompanied by variation in the temperature, which will also impact on metabolic capacity.When plants are exposed to light at irradiances that are above saturating for photosynthesis, which may result from increases in light or from environmental conditions (e.g. cold, drought) restricting metabolism, they are liable to suffer from stress (Demmig-Adams and Adams, 1992). Specifically, excess light can give rise to reactive oxygen species (Asada, 2006). The damaging effects of this can be limited by investing in antioxidant systems; however, these are metabolically expensive with, for example, substantial amounts of individual antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, being found in the chloroplast (Asada, 2006). It seems likely therefore that the ability of a plant to minimize stress, by adjusting photosynthetic capacity to suit as well as possible the prevailing conditions, will benefit the plant and increase overall fitness.In this study, we have investigated photosynthetic acclimation of the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Starting with a microarray analysis, we have identified a gene that is essential for acclimation to increases in irradiance. We further show that the ability to acclimate to changes in light has a major role in determining fitness under naturally variable light conditions.  相似文献   

Many notorious invasive plants are clonal, however, little is known about the different roles of clonal integration effects between invasive and native plants. Here, we hypothesize that clonal integration affect growth, photosynthetic performance, biomass allocation and thus competitive ability of invasive and native clonal plants, and invasive clonal plants benefit from clonal integration more than co-occurring native plants in heterogeneous habitats. To test these hypotheses, two stoloniferous clonal plants, Alternanthera philoxeroides (invasive), Jussiaea repens (native) were studied in China. The apical parts of both species were grown either with or without neighboring vegetation and the basal parts without competitors were in nutrient- rich or -poor habitats, with stolon connections were either severed or kept intact. Competition significantly reduced growth and photosynthetic performance of the apical ramets in both species, but not the biomass of neighboring vegetation. Without competition, clonal integration greatly improved the growth and photosynthetic performance of both species, especially when the basal parts were in nutrient-rich habitats. When grown with neighboring vegetation, growth of J. repens and photosynthetic performance of both species were significantly enhanced by clonal integration with the basal parts in both nutrient-rich and -poor habitats, while growth and relative neighbor effect (RNE) of A. philoxeroides were greatly improved by clonal integration only when the basal parts were in nutrient-rich habitats. Moreover, clonal integration increased A. philoxeroides''s biomass allocation to roots without competition, but decreased it with competition, especially when the basal ramets were in nutrient-rich sections. Effects of clonal integration on biomass allocation of J. repens was similar to that of A. philoxeroides but with less significance. These results supported our hypothesis that invasive clonal plants A. philoxeroides benefits from clonal integration more than co-occurring native J. repens, suggesting that the invasiveness of A. philoxeroides may be closely related to clonal integration in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Cytokinin is a plant hormone and an important regulator of root growth. Reduced cytokinin levels increase root systems, which can be beneficial for crops grown...  相似文献   

Clonal plants have been shown to successfully survive in stressful environments, including salinity stress, drought and depleted nutrients through clonal integration between original and subsequent ramets. However, relatively little is known about whether clonal integration can enhance the performance of clonal plants under alkalinity stress. We investigated the effect of clonal integration on the performance of a typical rhizomatous clonal plant, Leymus chinensis, using a factorial experimental design with four levels of alkalinity and two levels of rhizome connection treatments, connected (allowing integration) and severed (preventing integration). Clonal integration was estimated by comparing physiological and biomass features between the rhizome-connected and rhizome-severed treatments. We found that rhizome-connected treatment increased the biomass, height and leaf water potential of subsequent ramets at highly alkalinity treatments but did not affect them at low alkalinity treatments. However, rhizome-connected treatment decreased the root biomass of subsequent ramets and did not influence the photosynthetic rates of subsequent ramets. The biomass of original ramets was reduced by rhizome-connected treatment at the highest alkalinity level. These results suggest that clonal integration can increase the performance of clonal plants under alkalinity stress. Rhizome-connected plants showed dramatically increased survival of buds with negative effects on root weight, indicating that clonal integration influenced the resource allocation pattern of clonal plants. A cost-benefit analysis based on biomass measures showed that original and subsequent ramets significantly benefited from clonal integration in highly alkalinity stress, indicating that clonal integration is an important adaptive strategy by which clonal plants could survive in local alkalinity soil.  相似文献   

Using a new experimental set up, the way in which height growth of stoloniferous plants is adjusted to that of their neighbours, as well as differences between genotypes in their ability to keep up with neighbour height growth were tested. Five Potentilla reptans genotypes inherently differing in petiole length were subjected to three experimental light gradients, involving light intensity and red : far-red ratio. Each plant was placed in a vertically adjustable cylinder of green foil, and the treatments differed in the speed of cylinder height increase and final height. Total weight of plants decreased from the 'Slow' to the 'Fast' treatment, while petiole length increased. Leaves reaching the top of the cylinder stopped petiole elongation, resulting in similar final heights for all genotypes in the 'Slow' treatment. In the 'Fast' treatment only the fastest-growing genotype maintained its position in the top of the cylinder and genotypes differed strongly in final height within the cylinders. Plants adjust their height growth to that of the surrounding vegetation, leading to height convergence in short light gradients that slowly increase. These adjustments and genotypic differences in ability to keep up with fast-growing neighbours can influence the outcome of competition for light.  相似文献   

Clonal plants could modify phenotypic responses to nutrients heterogeneously distributed both in space and time by physiological integration. It will take times to do phenotypic responses to modifications which are various in different growth periods. An optimal phenotype is reached when there is a match between nutrient conditions and foraging ability. A single plantlet of Buchloe dactyloides with two stolons was transplanted into heterogeneous nutrient conditions. One stolon grew in homogeneous nutrient patch, while the other cultured in different scales of heterogeneous nutrient patches. As compared to the other nutrient treatment, heterogeneous nutrient treatments with small scale of 25×25 cm resulted in a higher biomass, and larger number of ramets, clumps and stolons in B. dactyloides at both genet and clonal fragment levels. Significant differences of number of ramets, clumps and stolons were detected at the rapid growth stage, but not in the early stage of the experiment. Foraging ability was more efficient in heterogeneous than in homogeneous nutrient conditions as assessed by higher root mass and root to shoot ratio. Different nutrient treatments did not prompt significant differences in internode and root length. Physiological integration significantly increased biomass, but did not influence other growth or morphological characters. These results suggest that physiological integration modifies phenotypic plasticity of B. dactyloides for efficient foraging of nutrients in heterogeneous nutrient conditions. These effects are more pronounced at genet and clonal fragment levels when the patch scale is 25×25 cm. Time is a key factor when phenotypic plasticity of B. dactyloides in heterogeneous nutrient conditions is examined.  相似文献   



We have limited understanding of root foraging responses when plants were simultaneously exposed to nutrient heterogeneity and competition, and our goal was to determine whether and how plants integrate information about nutrients and neighbors in root foraging processes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The experiment was conducted in split-containers, wherein half of the roots of spruce (Picea asperata) seedlings were subjected to intraspecific root competition (the vegetated half), while the other half experienced no competition (the non-vegetated half). Experimental treatments included fertilization in the vegetated half (FV), the non-vegetated half (FNV), and both compartments (F), as well as no fertilization (NF). The root architecture indicators consisted of the number of root tips over the root surface (RTRS), the length percentage of diameter-based fine root subclasses to total fine root (SRLP), and the length percentage of each root order to total fine root (ROLP). The target plants used novel root foraging behaviors under different combinations of neighboring plant and localized fertilization. In addition, the significant increase in the RTRS of 0–0.2 mm fine roots after fertilization of the vegetated half alone and its significant decrease in fertilizer was applied throughout the plant clearly showed that plant root foraging behavior was regulated by local responses coupled with systemic control mechanisms.


We measured the root foraging ability for woody plants by means of root architecture indicators constructed by the roots possessing essential nutrient uptake ability (i.e., the first three root orders), and provided new evidence that plants integrate multiple forms of environmental information, such as nutrient status and neighboring competitors, in a non-additive manner during the root foraging process. The interplay between the responses of individual root modules (repetitive root units) to localized environmental signals and the systemic control of these responses may well account for the non-additive features of the root foraging process.  相似文献   

A negative, genetic correlation between the total number and average size of progeny is a classical life‐history trade‐off that can greatly affect the fitness of organisms in their natural environments. This trade‐off has been investigated for animals and for sexually reproducing plants. However, evidence for a genetical size‐number trade‐off for clonal progeny in plants is still scarce. This study provides experimental evidence for such a trade‐off in the stoloniferous herb Potentilla reptans, and it studies phenotypic plasticity to light availability for the involved traits. Genotypes of P. reptans were collected from distinctively different environments, clonally replicated and exposed to high light and to shaded conditions. We found a significant negative correlation between the average size and the total number of offspring across genotypes for both light environments. Shading reduced ramet numbers, but hardly affected average ramet size.  相似文献   

Spatially heterogeneous distribution of interspecific competitors and intraspecific aggregation of offspring ramets may affect the growth and size structure of clonal plant populations, but these have been rarely studied. We conducted a greenhouse experiment in which we grew a population of eight offspring ramets (plants) of the stoloniferous clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris aggregately or segregately in two homogeneous treatments with or without a competing grass Festuca elata and a heterogeneous treatment with a patchy distribution of the grass. In patchy grass treatments, H. vulgaris produced markedly more biomass, ramets and stolons in open patches (without grasses) than in grass patches, but displayed lower size variations as measured by coefficient of variation of biomass, ramets and stolons among the eight plants. In open areas, H. vulgaris produced statistically the same amounts of biomass and even more stolons and showed higher size variations in patchy grass treatments than in open (no grass) treatments. In grass areas, H. vulgaris grew much worse and displayed higher size variations in patchy grass treatments than in full grass treatments. Ramet aggregation decreased the growth of H. vulgaris in open treatments and in both open and grass patches in patchy grass treatments, but had little effect in full grass treatments. Ramet aggregation had little effect on size variations. Therefore, heterogeneous distribution of competitors can affect the growth and size structure of clonal plant populations, and ramet aggregation may decrease population growth when they grow in open environments or heterogeneous environments with a patchy distribution of interspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Abstract: In many clonal plant species seedling recruitment is restricted to short colonization episodes early in the development of the population, and clonal diversity (i.e., genet diversity) in the population is expected to decrease with increasing population age. In established populations of the pseudo-annual Circaea lutetiana seedling recruitment has previously not been observed. Therefore, we expected established populations to have low clonal diversities. We analysed number and frequency of genets and spatial distribution of genets in six differently-aged C. lutetiana populations with the use of four informative RAPD primers. We found relatively low clonal diversities in young populations but very high clonal diversities in established populations. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected that seedling recruitment does not occur in established populations. Moreover, we did not find large genet size asymmetries in established populations. Genet size differences can be caused by stochastic processes or by fitness related traits, such as differences in vegetative reproduction. Because vegetative propagation of ramets is dependent on ramet size, and the number of ramets and the size of each ramet determine genet size, we expected that large genets produced, on average, large ramets. However, this was not the case, suggesting that stochastic processes caused genet size differences. Genet size may also be bounded if spatial distribution of genets is affected by micro-habitat differences. For this we expected to find a clumped spatial distribution of ramets of the same genet. However, ramets of large genets were always found intermingled with ramets belonging to other genets.  相似文献   

Insect societies are normally closed entities from which alien individuals are excluded. The occasional fusion of unrelated colonies of the thelytokous ant Platythyrea punctata is therefore puzzling, because it strongly intensifies competition among nestmates for the replacement of an old reproductive. Most colonies of P. punctata have only one or few reproductives, which produce female offspring from unfertilized eggs, and therefore have a clonal structure. Fusion leads to multi‐clone colonies. We compared the occurrence of dominance and policing behavior between single‐ and double‐clone colonies. We find that the frequency of aggression is higher in double‐clone colonies, but that individuals do not preferentially direct attacks toward non‐clonemates. This matches observations in other species that social insects perceive genetic homogeneity but are not capable of reliable discrimination among nestmates of different degree of relatedness.  相似文献   

Verbal and mathematical models that consider the costs and benefits of behavioral strategies have been useful in explaining animal behavior and are often used as the basis of evolutionary explanations of human behavior. In most cases, however, these models do not account for the effects that group structure and cultural traditions within a human population have on the costs and benefits of its members'' decisions. Nor do they consider the likelihood that cultural as well as genetic traits will be subject to natural selection. In this paper, we present an agent-based model that incorporates some key aspects of human social structure and life history. We investigate the evolution of a population under conditions of different environmental harshness and in which selection can occur at the level of the group as well as the level of the individual. We focus on the evolution of a socially learned characteristic related to individuals'' willingness to contribute to raising the offspring of others within their family group. We find that environmental harshness increases the frequency of individuals who make such contributions. However, under the conditions we stipulate, we also find that environmental variability can allow groups to survive with lower frequencies of helpers. The model presented here is inevitably a simplified representation of a human population, but it provides a basis for future modeling work toward evolutionary explanations of human behavior that consider the influence of both genetic and cultural transmission of behavior.  相似文献   

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