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Simulating the Long-term Response of Tropical Wet Forests to Fragmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the coming decades, a large fraction of the world's tropical forests will be fragmented into remnants surrounded by secondary vegetation, land-use areas, or roads. It is important to develop integrative tools to monitor the evolution of these fragmented ecosystems. We used the individual-oriented and process-based forest growth simulator FORMIND2.0 to investigate the spatial and temporal effects on standing biomass and functional diversity of various intensities and patterns of fragmentation within a forest landscape. The simulator was calibrated for an old-growth wet forest in French Guiana, South America. We found that the standing biomass of forest remnants was reduced significantly compared to a similar area of nonfragmented forest. When fewer but larger remnants were created rather than many small ones, the total loss in biomass and the increase in the abundance of early-successional species were significantly reduced, confirming that edge effects dominate the functioning of forest remnants. We also performed simulations of secondary succession after the landscape had been abandoned. The simulated recovery time in those secondary forests depends on both the size of cleared area and the spatial pattern of the remnant forests. Received 30 January 2002; accepted 16 July 2002.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of Continental United States Forests   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
We report a multiple-scale analysis of forest fragmentation based on 30-m (0.09 ha pixel−1) land-cover maps for the conterminous United States. Each 0.09-ha unit of forest was classified according to fragmentation indexes measured within the surrounding landscape, for five landscape sizes including 2.25, 7.29, 65.61, 590.49, and 5314.41 ha. Most forest is found in fragmented landscapes. With 65.61-ha landscapes, for example, only 9.9% of all forest was contained in a fully forested landscape, and only 46.9% was in a landscape that was more than 90% forested. Overall, 43.5% of forest was located within 90 m of forest edge and 61.8% of forest was located within 150 m of forest edge. Nevertheless, where forest existed, it was usually dominant—at least 72.9% of all forest was in landscapes that were at least 60% forested for all landscape sizes. Small (less than 7.29 ha) perforations in otherwise continuous forest cover accounted for about half of the fragmentation. These results suggest that forests are connected over large regions, but fragmentation is so pervasive that edge effects potentially influence ecological processes on most forested lands. Received 22 October 2001; accepted 30 April 2002.  相似文献   

Habitat structure and anthropogenic disturbance are known to affect primate diversity and abundance. However, researchers have focused on lowland rain forests, whereas endangered deciduous forests have been neglected. We aimed to investigate the relationships between primate diversity and abundance and habitat parameters in 10 deciduous forest fragments southeast of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We obtained primate data via line-transect surveys and visual and acoustic observations. In addition, we assessed the vegetation structure (canopy height, understory density), size, isolation time, and surrounding forest area of the fragments. We interpreted our results in the context of the historical distribution data for primates in the area before fragmentation and interviews with local people. We detected 5 of the 8 historically observed primate species: Alouatta caraya, Aotus azarae boliviensis, Callithrix melanura, Callicebus donacophilus, and Cebus libidinosus juruanus. Total species number and detection rates decreased with understory density. Detection rates also negatively correlated with forest areas in the surroundings of a fragment, which may be due to variables not assessed, i.e., fragment shape, distance to nearest town. Observations for Alouatta and Aotus were too few to conduct further statistics. Cebus and Callicebus were present in 90% and 70% of the sites, respectively, and their density did not correlate with any of the habitat variables assessed, signaling high ecological plasticity and adaptability to anthropogenic impact in these species. Detections of Callithrix were higher in areas with low forest strata. Our study provides baseline data for future fragmentation studies in Neotropical dry deciduous forests and sets a base for specific conservation measures.  相似文献   

Ariel E. Lugo 《Biotropica》2009,41(5):589-591
In 1966 Eugene P. Odum delivered a speech before the Ecological Society of America that transformed the way ecologists looked at succession. His comparison of mature and successional systems lead ecologists to place secondary forests in an inferior position relative to mature ones to the point that today, prominent tropical biologists argue for and against the conservation value of secondary forests. Nevertheless, we live in the era of secondary forests that is rapidly giving way to a new era of novel tropical forests. Research in Puerto Rico documents the emergence of novel forests, which are different in terms of species composition, dominance, and relative importance of species from forests that were present before the island was deforested. These novel forests emerged without assistance. They are a natural response to the new environmental conditions created by human activity. Natural processes have remixed or reassembled native and introduced plant and animal species into novel communities adapted to anthropogenic environmental conditions. Novel forests are expected to protect soils, cycle nutrients, support wildlife, store carbon, maintain watershed functions, and mitigate species extinctions. The dawn of the age of tropical novel forests is upon us and must not be ignored.  相似文献   

Lowland tropical forests once covered a large fraction of tropical southern China, but currently have an extent of ca 633,800 ha, mostly in Xishuangbanna of southern Yunnan. The Xishuangbanna region has a typical monsoon climate with a mean annual temperature ranging between 15.1°C and 21.7°C, and precipitation between 1200 and 2500 mm. There is a pronounced dry season between November and April with frequent occurrence of heavy fog. Rainfall during the wet season between May and October accounts for over 80 percent of total annual precipitation. Water deposition from fog accounts for over one‐third of total water input during the dry season in the forests, suggesting an important role that fog may play in pushing up the northern limit of tropical rain forest in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that, where fire has historically been infrequent, wooded areas that have been invaded by grasses and converted to grassland by fire are predisposed to future fire compared to adjacent areas that remain wooded; thus, an initial forest fire may promote future fires. We compared microclimate between a grass-dominated burned area and a nearby grass-invaded woodland that has not burned in recent history, both located in the submontane dry forest of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. The results were used to parameterize BEHAVE, a fire behavior prediction model developed by the USDA Forest Service. The model's predictions include probability of ignition, intensity, rate of spread, and tree mortality. Contrary to expectations, daytime hourly mean temperatures were higher and relative humidity was lower in the woodland site. However, the differences in temperature and humidity were not great enough to affect spread rate or probability of ignition. Wind speeds were substantially greater in the grassland, and this was most important in driving differences in modeled fire spread. Given similar synoptic conditions, a fire started in the grassland can be expected to spread an order of magnitude faster than one started in the woodland.  相似文献   

木质藤本是热带森林的一个重要组分, 直接或间接地影响着森林中树木的生长和更新, 改变森林树木的种类组成, 并且可以通过改变森林碳固定量等方式在生态系统水平上发挥作用。全球气候的变化, 以及热带森林片断化程度的加剧, 将很大程度上影响着木质藤本的多样性和丰富度, 其特殊的生物学特性将在森林动态中发挥更加重要的作用。本文结合国内外目前木质藤本研究现状, 概述了木质藤本的一般知识(包括木质藤本的定义和生物学特性等), 介绍了木质藤本全球分布格局、其多样性维持机理以及木质藤本在森林生态系统中的功能与作用, 并就存在的一些问题以及需进一步开展的工作展开了讨论。  相似文献   

木质藤本及其在热带森林中的生态学功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
木质藤本是热带森林的一个重要组分,直接或间接地影响着森林中树木的生长和更新,改变森林树木的种类组成,并且可以通过改变森林碳固定量等方式在生态系统水平上发挥作用。全球气候的变化,以及热带森林片断化程度的加剧,将很大程度上影响着木质藤本的多样性和丰富度,其特殊的生物学特性将在森林动态中发挥更加重要的作用。本文结合国内外目前木质藤本研究现状,概述了木质藤本的一般知识(包括木质藤本的定义和生物学特性等),介绍了木质藤本全球分布格局、其多样性维持机理以及木质藤本在森林生态系统中的功能与作用,并就存在的一些问题以及需进一步开展的工作展开了讨论。  相似文献   

热带林下的砂仁栽培   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
阳春砂仁(Amomum villosumL。)是中国的传统药用植物,它的种子团称为砂仁,果皮称为砂壳,皆可入药,有温脾、健胃、消食、行气之功效,主治胃炎、积食不消等,是30多种中成药的主要成分,还可用作调味佐料等,具有很高的经济价值。阳春砂仁原产广东省阳  相似文献   

When net deforestation declines in the tropics, attention will be drawn to the composition and structure of the retained, restored, invaded, and created forests. At that point, the seemingly inexorable trends toward increased intensities of exploitation and management will be recognized as having taken their tolls of biodiversity and other forest values. Celebrations when a country passes this ‘forest transition’ will then be tempered by realization that what has been accepted as ‘forest’ spans the gamut from short‐rotation mono‐clonal stands of genetically engineered trees to fully protected old growth natural forest. With management intensification, climate change, species introductions, landscape fragmentation, fire, and shifts in economics and governance, forests will vary along gradients of biodiversity, novelty of composition, stature, permanence, and the relative roles of natural and anthropogenic forces. Management intensity will increase with the increased availability of financial capital associated with economic globalization, scarcity of wood and other forest products, demand for biofuels, improved governance (e.g., security of property rights), improved accessibility, and technological innovations that lead to new markets for forest products. In a few places, the trend toward land‐use intensification will be counterbalanced by recognition of the many benefits of natural and semi‐natural forests, especially where forest‐fate determiners are compensated for revenues foregone from not intensifying management. Land‐use practices informed by research designed and conducted by embedded scientists will help minimize the tradeoffs between the financial profits from forest management and the benefits of retention of biodiversity and the full range of environmental services.  相似文献   

We have investigated the processes of community assembly using size classes of trees. Specifically our work examined (1) whether point process models incorporating an effect of size-class produce more realistic summary outcomes than do models without this effect; (2) which of three selected models incorporating, respectively environmental effects, dispersal and the joint-effect of both of these, is most useful in explaining species-area relationships (SARs) and point dispersion patterns. For this evaluation we used tree species data from the 50-ha forest dynamics plot in Barro Colorado Island, Panama and the comparable 20 ha plot at Bubeng, Southwest China. Our results demonstrated that incorporating an size-class effect dramatically improved the SAR estimation at both the plots when the dispersal only model was used. The joint effect model produced similar improvement but only for the 50-ha plot in Panama. The point patterns results were not improved by incorporation of size-class effects using any of the three models. Our results indicate that dispersal is likely to be a key process determining both SARs and point patterns. The environment-only model and joint-effects model were effective at the species level and the community level, respectively. We conclude that it is critical to use multiple summary characteristics when modelling spatial patterns at the species and community levels if a comprehensive understanding of the ecological processes that shape species’ distributions is sought; without this results may have inherent biases. By influencing dispersal, the effect of size-class contributes to species assembly and enhances our understanding of species coexistence.  相似文献   

The complexity of factors driving tropical deforestation demand integrated approaches from concerned researchers and policy makers. Strict protection is sometimes the most appropriate mode of conservation, but conservation through management is often the better option. In either case, this essay highlights the importance of considering the social/cultural, economic, and political contexts in which these forests are threatened. By attempting to understand the cultural settings, institutional architectures and dynamics, and local expectations, and then by combining the concepts and tools of a range of disciplines, researchers will be more likely to forge lasting partnerships and increase their potential for sustained improvement in resource management and overall forest conservation.  相似文献   

Chernov  T. I.  Zhelezova  A. D.  Tkhakakhova  A. K.  Bgazhba  N. A.  Zverev  A. O. 《Microbiology》2019,88(4):489-498
Microbiology - Numbers of bacterial, archaeal, and fungal ribosomal gene copies and the taxonomic structure of prokaryotic communities in virgin tropical soils under weakly impacted monsoon forests...  相似文献   

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