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Modern Arctic Siberia provides a wealth of resources for archaeological, geological, and paleontological research to investigate the population dynamics of faunal communities from the Pleistocene, particularly as the faunal material coming from permafrost has proven suitable for genetic studies. In order to examine the history of the Canid species in the Siberian Arctic, we carried out genetic analysis of fourteen canid remains from various sites, including the well-documented Upper Paleolithic Yana RHS and Early Holocene Zhokhov Island sites. Estimated age of samples range from as recent as 1,700 years before present (YBP) to at least 360,000 YBP for the remains of the extinct wolf, Canis cf. variabilis. In order to examine the genetic affinities of ancient Siberian canids species to the domestic dog and modern wolves, we obtained mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and compared them to published ancient and modern canid sequences. The older canid specimens illustrate affinities with pre-domestic dog/wolf lineages while others appear in the major phylogenetic clades of domestic dogs. Our results suggest a European origin of domestic dog may not be conclusive and illustrates an emerging complexity of genetic contribution of regional wolf breeds to the modern Canis gene pool.  相似文献   

Investigation into DNA from archeological remains offers an inestimable tool for unraveling the history of humankind. However, a series of basic and technical difficulties renders the analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) molecules troublesome, depending either on their own peculiar characteristics or on the complexity of processes affecting the bone matrix over time, all compromising the preservation of ancient DNA. This review underlines the contribution of many different disciplines, in particular molecular biology and genetics, to overcome these obstacles. The role of each expertise is illustrated to appropriately address the questions arising in aDNA investigations.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the genetic diversity of ancient and modern sheep can shed light on the origin of these animals and their distribution as well as help to evaluate the role of humans at each formation stage of different sheep breeds. Here we isolated ancient DNA and performed sequencing of the mitochondrial DNA D‐loop from 17 sheep bone remains (~4000–1000 years old) found in the archaeological complexes in the south of Altai (Western Siberia). The length of the sequences obtained ranged between 318 and 586 bp. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.801 ± 0.081 and 0.0096 ± 0.0014 respectively. The average number of nucleotide differences was ~3.1. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that 15 specimens were nested within previously described A,B,C,D and E lineages and that two specimens had a basal position relative to the rest of the analyzed samples. A relatively high diversity of sheep haplotypes, including the presence of two basal haplotypes, indicates that the Altai region may have been a transport route of human migration. Further ancient DNA analysis of other specimens and deeper genome sequencing of samples with novel haplotypes is needed to better understand the demographic history of sheep in Southern Siberia.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA was obtained from skeletal remains from the Norris Farms #36 cemetery, a pre-Columbian archeological site in central Illinois that dates to A. D. 1300. Four mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers were analyzed that delineate the four primary mtDNA lineages found in contemporary Amerindian populations. mtDNA types were determined for 50 individuals; 49 belonged to one of these four lineages. One lineage occurred only in males, suggesting an immigration of maternally related males into this community. There was no significant spatial patterning of mtDNA lineages within the cemetery. This survey of ancient DNA variation in a preColumbian population supports the view that the initial colonization of the New World comprised just four primary mtDNA lineages. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The genetic code is the syntactic foundation underlying the structure and function of every protein in the history of the biological world. Its highly ordered degenerate complexity suggests an incremental evolution, the result of a combination of selective, mechanistic, and random processes. These evolutionary processes are still poorly understood and remain an open question in the study of early life on Earth. We perform a compositional analysis of ribosomal proteins and ATPase subunits in bacterial and archaeal lineages, using conserved positions that came and remained under purifying selection before and up to the most recent common ancestor. An observable shift in amino acid usage at these conserved positions likely provides an untapped window into the history of protein sequence space, allowing events of genetic code expansion to be identified. We identify Cys, Glu, Phe, Ile, Lys, Val, Trp, and Tyr as recent additions to the genetic code, with Asn, Gln, Gly, and Leu among the more ancient. Our observations are consistent with a scenario in which genetic code expansion primarily favored amino acids that promoted an increase in polypeptide size and functionality. We propose that this expansion would have been critical in the takeover of many RNA-mediated processes, as well as the addition of novel biological functions inaccessible to an RNA-based physiology, such as crossing lipid membranes. Thus, expansion of the genetic code likely set the stage for the transition from RNA-based to protein-based life. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Recent paleogenetic studies have confirmed that the spread of the Neolithic across Europe was neither genetically nor geographically uniform. To extend existing knowledge of the mitochondrial European Neolithic gene pool, we examined six samples of human skeletal material from a French megalithic long mound (c.4200 cal BC). We retrieved HVR‐I sequences from three individuals and demonstrated that in the Neolithic period the mtDNA haplogroup N1a, previously only known in central Europe, was as widely distributed as western France. Alternative scenarios are discussed in seeking to explain this result, including Mesolithic ancestry, Neolithic demic diffusion, and long‐distance matrimonial exchanges. In light of the limited Neolithic ancient DNA (aDNA) data currently available, we observe that all three scenarios appear equally consistent with paleogenetic and archaeological data. In consequence, we advocate caution in interpreting aDNA in the context of the Neolithic transition in Europe. Nevertheless, our results strengthen conclusions demonstrating genetic discontinuity between modern and ancient Europeans whether through migration, demographic or selection processes, or social practices. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Up to recently, studies on dog genetics were rather scare notwithstanding the enormous potential that the canine model can offer in the study of the genotype/phenotype relationship and the analysis of the causes of many genetic diseases, with simple or complex inheritance, that affect dogs but also the human population. This potentiality is essentially due to the natural history of dogs whose domestication from wolves dated back 15,000 years, at least. All modern dogs originated from a limited number of female wolves from Eastern Asia. By applying a combination of selections and strong inbreeding practices, humans have created over 350 breeds, each of them corresponding to a genetic isolate and altogether offering a unique panel of polymorphism never encountered in any other mammals. In this review we summarized what makes dogs an unavoidable model. Contrary to the classical models like the two yeasts, nematode, fish, fly, mouse, or rat mainly used to understand the function of genes, dog with the creation across the centuries of numerous breeds offers a unique opportunity to study the role of their alleles. We report recent data on the construction of genomic maps and on the sequencing program of the dog genome launched by the National Institute of Health (NIH). To take fully advantage of the canine model, we advocate for the systematic construction of a rich canine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) ressource to perform linkage desiquilibrium studies of normal or pathological traits as well as to get insight into the genetic diversity of the canine species.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA extraction from bones and teeth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This method is designed to maximize recovery of PCR-amplifiable DNA from ancient bone and teeth specimens and at the same time to minimize co-extraction of substances that inhibit PCR. This is achieved by a combination of DNA extraction from bone powder using a buffer consisting solely of EDTA and proteinase K, and purification of the DNA by binding to silica in the presence of high concentrations of guanidinium thiocyanate. All steps are performed at room temperature (20-23 degrees C), thereby reducing further degradation of the already damaged and fragile ancient DNA and providing an optimal trade-off between DNA release and degradation. Furthermore, the purification step removes most of the various types of PCR inhibitors present in ancient bone samples, thereby optimizing the amount of ancient DNA available for subsequent enzymatic manipulation, such as PCR amplification. The protocol presented here allows DNA extraction from ancient bone and teeth with a minimum of working steps and equipment and yields DNA extracts within 2 working days.  相似文献   

The question how far the ontogeny of social behaviour shows similarities and to what extent it is genetically determined is investigated for 3 F2 canid hybrids of one litter by the example of contact play behaviour. It is known that jackals, especially the golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) display a number of differences in social behaviour and a very early ontogeny compared with the wolf (C. lupus L.) and the domesticated dog (C. I. forma familiaris). In this study behaviours were classified by timing the duration of single events from video records. The analysis bases on the duration of special patterns of behaviour and not, as is usually done, on single observations. Readiness to play is of special importance. It is measured by the number of plays initiated and behaviour during play. Whereas individual duration of play of these 3 F2 hybrids is greatly influenced by exogene factors, the maximum readiness to play, occurring over a marked time interval, seems endogenously determined. The different inborn development of readiness to play leads to very different frequencies of partner combinations during the various phases of development. Animals with much play initiative more often take part in contact play of their own accord. This establishes the order of frequencies of the playmates chosen. The frequency of successfully triggering contact play and the duration of the individual play initiative turn out to be a suitable measure of the — otherwise hardly recordable — genetically determined readiness to play.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of the major noncoding region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA D loop, 528 bp) has been studied in samples from three modern Kazakh populations (from Almaty, the Semipalatinsk Region, and the Altai Mountains) and in DNA samples of ancient human populations of the Kazakhstani Altai. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for 13 restriction sites, including BamHI, EcoRV, Sau3AI (one site each), KpnI (two sites), HaeIII (three sites), and RsaI (five sites) were used. The frequency distributions of all sites have been determined. The gene diversity (h) and the genetic distances between different Kazakh populations and other populations of the world have been calculated. The RFLP analysis of the mtDNA control region of fossil samples has been performed similarly to the analysis of modern mtDNA samples. Two fossil mtDNA samples from burial mound 11 are monomorphic with respect to all restriction sites analyzed.  相似文献   

Most genetic studies of Holocene fauna have been performed with ancient samples from dry and cold regions, in which preservation of fossils is facilitated and molecular damage is reduced. Ancient DNA work from tropical regions has been precluded owing to factors that limit DNA preservation (e.g. temperature, hydrolytic damage). We analysed ancient DNA from rodent jawbones identified as Ototylomys phyllotis, found in Holocene and Late Pleistocene stratigraphic layers from Loltún, a humid tropical cave located in the Yucatan peninsula. We extracted DNA and amplified six short overlapping fragments of the cytochrome b gene, totalling 666 bp, which represents an unprecedented success considering tropical ancient DNA samples. We performed genetic, phylogenetic and divergence time analyses, combining sequences from ancient and modern O. phyllotis, in order to assess the ancestry of the Loltún samples. Results show that all ancient samples fall into a unique clade that diverged prior to the divergence of the modern O. phyllotis, supporting it as a distinct Pleistocene form of the Ototylomys genus. Hence, this rodent''s tale suggests that the sister group to modern O. phyllotis arose during the Miocene–Pliocene, diversified during the Pleistocene and went extinct in the Holocene.  相似文献   

Summary Parsimony trees relating DNA sequences coding for lysozymesc and -lactalbumins suggest that the gene duplication that allowed lactalbumin to evolve from lysozyme preceded the divergence of mammals and birds. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences of additional lysozymes and lactalbumins are consistent with this view. When all base positions are considered, the probability that the duplication leading to the lactalbumin gene occurred after the start to mammalian evolution is estimated to be 0.05–0.10. Elimination of the phylogenetic noise generated by fast evolution and compositional bias at third positions of codons reduced this probability to 0.002–0.03. Thus the gene duplication may have long preceded the acquisition of lactalbumin function.  相似文献   


The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (GDBA) wished to evaluate its service to Guide Dog Owners (GDOs) undergoing a transition between guide dog partners. Therefore, a survey was carried out that was designed to gain an understanding of the end of a guide dog partnership from the owner's point of view.

Participants included 75 GDOs whose previous partnership had ended within the past year. Emotional distress was measured by the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and a specially constructed Grief Rating Scale (GRS). Among the 59 GDOs who had no other reason for being upset at the time the partnership ended, high distress levels were found in those whose dog had died, been withdrawn from the partnership, or rehomed through GDBA, and low levels in those whose dog retired and continued to live with the owner or was placed in a home of the owner's choosing. Sixteen GDOs with other adverse events in their lives around the time the partnership ended recorded high levels of distress irrespective of why the dog stopped work or what happened to it thereafter.

Other evidence from the survey questionnaire suggested that the ending of a partnership is especially painful if the dog has had some special significance for the owner; if the partnership ends abruptly; if it is the end of the first partnership; or if there is a poor relationship with GDBA. Emotions experienced at the end of a partnership may be similar to those following the death of a pet, the loss of a close friend or relative, or the loss of sight.

Transitions between guide dog partners are a recurring consequence of guide dog mobility, and support as a partnership ends is beneficial in making a smooth transition. The issues raised in this study are relevant to assistance dog partnerships of all types. Methodological problems in designing a study for a vulnerable population are discussed.  相似文献   

Xinjiang is at the crossroads between East and West Eurasia, and it harbors a relatively complex genetic history. In order to better understand the population movements and interactions in this region, mitochondrial and Y chromosome analyses on 40 ancient human remains from the Tianshanbeilu site in eastern Xinjiang were performed. Twenty‐nine samples were successfully assigned to specific mtDNA haplogroups, including the west Eurasian maternal lineages of U and W and the east Eurasian maternal lineages of A, C, D, F, G, Z, M7, and M10. In the male samples, two Y chromosome haplogroups, C* and N1 (xN1a, N1c), were successfully assigned. Our mitochondrial and Y‐chromosomal DNA analyses combined with the archaeological studies revealed that the Di‐qiang populations from the Hexi Corridor had migrated to eastern Xinjiang and admixed with the Eurasian steppe populations in the early Bronze Age. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:71–80, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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