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Peroxisomes are ubiquitous organelles that proliferate under different physiological conditions and can form de novo in cells that lack them. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been shown to be the source of peroxisomes in yeast and plant cells. It remains unclear, however, whether the ER has a similar role in mammalian cells and whether peroxisome division or outgrowth from the ER maintains peroxisomes in growing cells. We use a new in cellula pulse-chase imaging protocol with photoactivatable GFP to investigate the mechanism underlying the biogenesis of mammalian peroxisomes. We provide direct evidence that peroxisomes can arise de novo from the ER in both normal and peroxisome-less mutant cells. We further show that PEX16 regulates this process by being cotranslationally inserted into the ER and serving to recruit other peroxisomal membrane proteins to membranes. Finally, we demonstrate that the increase in peroxisome number in growing wild-type cells results primarily from new peroxisomes derived from the ER rather than by division of preexisting peroxisomes.  相似文献   

PEX19 is a chaperone and import receptor for newly synthesized, class I peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs). PEX19 binds these PMPs in the cytoplasm and delivers them to the peroxisome for subsequent insertion into the peroxisome membrane, indicating that there may be a PEX19 docking factor in the peroxisome membrane. Here we show that PEX3 is required for PEX19 to dock at peroxisomes, interacts specifically with the docking domain of PEX19, and is required for recruitment of the PEX19 docking domain to peroxisomes. PEX3 is also sufficient to dock PEX19 at heterologous organelles and binds PEX19 via a conserved motif that is essential for this docking activity and for PEX3 function in general. Not surprisingly, transient inhibition of PEX3 abrogates class I PMP import but has no effect on class II PMP import or peroxisomal matrix protein import. Taken together, these results suggest that PEX3 plays a selective, essential, and direct role in PMP import as a docking factor for PEX19.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the interaction between mTOR and ERK in primary endothelial cells (EC) following MHC class I and integrin ligation. Ligation of MHC class I molecules or integrins on the surface of EC leads to phosphorylation of ERK at Thr202/Tyr204. We utilized small interfering RNA (siRNA) blockade of mTOR and proteins involved in mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) to define a relationship between mTOR and ERK following MHC class I signaling. We found mTORC2 was responsible for MHC class I and integrin induced phosphorylation of ERK at Thr202/Tyr204. We corroborated these results demonstrating that long-term exposure to rapamycin also inhibited ERK pathway activation in response to MHC class I signaling. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that engagement of either MHC class I or integrin on the surface of EC leads to ERK activation through an mTORC2-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

We here demonstrate that ligand binding to MHC class I molecules induces homotypic cell adhesion of lymphocytes and monocytes. mAb to beta 2-microglobulin caused sustained, largely LFA-1-independent adhesion whereas mAb to the MHC class I alpha H chain caused transient LFA-1-dependent adhesion. Both the protein kinase C inhibitor sphingosine and the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein abrogated MHC class I-mediated cellular adhesion. These results indicate that MHC class I molecules transduce signals that induce cell adhesion and suggest that interaction between MHC class I-restricted T cells and APC may result in reciprocal enhanced adhesiveness of these cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs), especially plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs), produce large amounts of alpha/beta interferon (IFN-α/β) upon infection with DNA or RNA viruses, which has impacts on the physiopathology of the viral infections and on the quality of the adaptive immunity. However, little is known about the IFN-α/β production by DCs during infections by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses. We present here novel information about the production of IFN-α/β induced by bluetongue virus (BTV), a vector-borne dsRNA Orbivirus of ruminants, in sheep primary DCs. We found that BTV induced IFN-α/β in skin lymph and in blood in vivo. Although BTV replicated in a substantial fraction of the conventional DCs (cDCs) and pDCs in vitro, only pDCs responded to BTV by producing a significant amount of IFN-α/β. BTV replication in pDCs was not mandatory for IFN-α/β production since it was still induced by UV-inactivated BTV (UV-BTV). Other inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and IL-12p40, were also induced by UV-BTV in primary pDCs. The induction of IFN-α/β required endo-/lysosomal acidification and maturation. However, despite being an RNA virus, UV-BTV did not signal through Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) for IFN-α/β induction. In contrast, pathways involving the MyD88 adaptor and kinases dsRNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) and stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)/Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) were implicated. This work highlights the importance of pDCs for the production of innate immunity cytokines induced by a dsRNA virus, and it shows that a dsRNA virus can induce IFN-α/β in pDCs via a novel TLR-independent and Myd88-dependent pathway. These findings have implications for the design of efficient vaccines against dsRNA viruses.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (LF) is a component of innate immunity and is known to interact with accessory molecules involved in the TLR4 pathway, including CD14 and LPS binding protein, suggesting that LF may activate components of the TLR4 pathway. In the present study, we have asked whether bovine LF (bLF)-induced macrophage activation is TLR4-dependent. Both bLF and LPS stimulated IL-6 production and CD40 expression in RAW 264.7 macrophages and in BALB/cJ peritoneal exudate macrophages. However, in macrophages from congenic TLR4(-/-) C.C3-Tlr4(lps-d) mice, CD40 was not expressed while IL-6 secretion was increased relative to wild-type cells. The signaling components NF-kappaB, p38, ERK and JNK were activated in RAW 264.7 cells and BALB/cJ macrophages after bLF or LPS stimulation, demonstrating that the TLR4-dependent bLF activation pathway utilizes signaling components common to LPS activation. In TLR4 deficient macrophages, bLF-induced activation of NF-kappaB, p38, ERK and JNK whereas LPS-induced cell signaling was absent. We conclude from these studies that bLF induces limited and defined macrophage activation and cell signaling events via TLR4-dependent and -independent mechanisms. bLF-induced CD40 expression was TLR4-dependent whereas bLF-induced IL-6 secretion was TLR4-independent, indicating potentially separate pathways for bLF mediated macrophage activation events in innate immunity.  相似文献   

As a part of a project to develop a plant-made plague vaccine, we expressed the Yersinia pestis F1-V antigen fusion protein in tomato. We discovered that in some of these plants the expression of the f1-v gene was undetectable in leaves and fruit by ELISA, even though they had multiple copies of f1-v according to Southern-blot analysis. A likely explanation of these results is the phenomenon of RNA silencing, a group of RNA-based processes that produces sequence-specific inhibition of gene expression and may result in transgene silencing in plants. Here we report the reversion of the f1-v gene silencing in transgenic tomato plants through two different mechanisms. In the P19-dependent Reversion or Type I, the viral suppressor of gene silencing, P19, induces the reversion of gene silencing. In the P19-independent Reversion or Type II, the f1-v gene expression is restored after the substantial loss of gene copies as a consequence of transgene segregation in the progeny. The transient and stable expression of the p19 gene driven by a constitutive promoter as well as an ethanol inducible promoter induced a P19-dependent reversion of f1-v gene silencing. In particular, the second generation plant 3D1.6 had the highest P19 protein levels and correlated with the highest F1-V protein accumulation, almost a three-fold increase of F1-V protein levels in fruit than that previously reported for the non-silenced F1-V elite tomato lines. These results confirm the potential exploitation of P19 to substantially increase the expression of value-added proteins in plants.  相似文献   

Integral peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported posttranslationally. Here, we demonstrate that PEX19 binds and stabilizes newly synthesized PMPs in the cytosol, binds to multiple PMP targeting signals (mPTSs), interacts with the hydrophobic domains of PMP targeting signals, and is essential for PMP targeting and import. These results show that PEX19 functions as both a chaperone and an import receptor for newly synthesized PMPs. We also demonstrate the existence of two PMP import mechanisms and two classes of mPTSs: class 1 mPTSs, which are bound by PEX19 and imported in a PEX19-dependent manner, and class 2 mPTSs, which are not bound by PEX19 and mediate protein import independently of PEX19.  相似文献   

Anti-HLA Abs have been shown to contribute to the process of transplant vasculopathy by binding to HLA class I molecules expressed by the endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the graft and transducing intracellular signals that elicit cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to determine the role of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in HLA class I-induced endothelial cell proliferation and to explore in depth the relationship between mTOR complexes and their downstream targets following ligation of HLA class I molecules by anti-HLA Abs. We used small interfering RNA technology to abrogate mTOR, rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR (rictor), or regulatory associated protein of mTOR (raptor) to study the function of these gene products to activate proteins involved in MHC class I-induced cell proliferation and survival. Knockdown of mTOR inhibited class I-mediated phosphorylation of proteins downstream of mTOR complex 1 and mTOR complex 2. Furthermore, knockdown of mTOR, rictor, or raptor blocked HLA class I-induced endothelial cell proliferation. Long-term pretreatment with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin significantly blocked both mTOR-raptor and mTOR-rictor complex formation. Interestingly, rapamycin also blocked class I-induced Akt phosphorylation at Ser(473) and Bcl-2 expression. These results support the role of anti-HLA Abs in the process of transplant vasculopathy and suggest that exposure of the graft endothelium to anti-HLA Abs may promote proliferation through the mTOR pathway.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors, phytochromes and cryptochromes regulate hypocotyl growth under specific conditions, by suppressing negative gravitropism, modulating phototropism and inhibiting elongation. Although these effects seem to be partially caused via the regulation of the phytohormone auxin, the molecular mechanisms underlying this process are still poorly understood. In our present study, we demonstrate that the flabby mutation enhances both phytochrome- and cryptochrome-inducible hypocotyl bending in Arabidopsis. The FLABBY gene encodes the ABC-type auxin transporter, PGP19, and its expression is suppressed by the activation of phytochromes and cryptochromes. Our current results therefore indicate that the phytochromes and cryptochromes have at least two effects upon the tropic responses of the hypocotyls in Arabidopsis: the enhancement of hypocotyl bending through the suppression of PGP19, and a PGP19-independent mechanism that induces hypocotyl bending. By the using an auxin polar transport assay and DR5:GUS expression analysis, we further find that the phytochromes inhibit basipetal auxin transport, and induce the asymmetric distribution of auxin in the hypocotyls. These data suggest that the control of auxin transport by phytochromes and cryptochromes is a critical regulatory component of hypocotyl growth in response to light.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus protein, US11, initiates the destruction of MHC class I heavy chains by targeting them for dislocation from the ER to the cytosol and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. We report the development of a permeabilized cell system that recapitulates US11-dependent degradation of class I heavy chains. We have used this system, in combination with experiments in intact cells, to identify and order intermediates in the US11-dependent degradation pathway. We find that heavy chains are ubiquitinated before they are degraded. Ubiquitination of the cytosolic tail of heavy chain is not required for its dislocation and degradation, suggesting that ubiquitination occurs after at least part of the heavy chain has been dislocated from the ER. Thus, ubiquitination of the heavy chain does not appear to be the signal to start dislocation. Ubiquitinated heavy chains are associated with membrane fractions, suggesting that ubiquitination occurs while the heavy chain is still bound to the ER membrane. Our results support a model in which US11 co-opts the quality control process by which the cell destroys misfolded ER proteins in order to specifically degrade MHC class I heavy chains.  相似文献   

Cellular pre-mRNA splicing is inhibited by ICP27, a herpes simplex virus regulatory protein, resulting in the shutoff of host protein synthesis. Here we reveal that ICP27 also mediates the export of some virus RNAs via a Crm1-dependent pathway and present evidence that independent domains are required for these functions. Sorting of some viral mRNAs for nuclear export requires Crm1, while other virus mRNAs are exported via another pathway.  相似文献   

Upon arriving at their targets, developing axons cease pathfinding and begin instead to arborize and form synapses. To test whether CNS arborization and synaptogenesis are controlled by Slit-Robo signaling, we followed single retinal ganglion cell (RGC) arbors over time. ast (robo2) mutant and slit1a morphant arbors had more branch tips and greater arbor area and complexity compared to wild-type and concomitantly more presumptive presynaptic sites labeled with YFP-Rab3. Increased arborization in ast was phenocopied by dominant-negative Robo2 expressed in single RGCs and rescued by full-length Robo2, indicating that Robo2 acts cell-autonomously. Time-lapse imaging revealed that ast and slit1a morphant arbors stabilized earlier than wild-type, suggesting a role for Slit-Robo signaling in preventing arbor maturation. Genetic analysis showed that Slit1a acts both through Robo2 and Robo2-independent mechanisms. Unlike previous PNS studies showing that Slits promote branching, our results show that Slits inhibit arborization and synaptogenesis in the CNS.  相似文献   

Protein N-terminal acetylation is an abundant post-translational modification in eukaryotes implicated in various fundamental cellular and biochemical processes. This modification is catalysed by evolutionarily conserved N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) whose deregulation has been linked to cancer development and thus, are emerging as useful diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Naa40 is a highly selective NAT that acetylates the amino-termini of histones H4 and H2A and acts as a sensor of cell growth in yeast. In the present study, we examine the role of Naa40 in cancer cell survival. We demonstrate that depletion of Naa40 in HCT116 and HT-29 colorectal cancer cells decreases cell survival by enhancing apoptosis, whereas Naa40 reduction in non-cancerous mouse embryonic fibroblasts has no effect on cell viability. Specifically, Naa40 knockdown in colon cancer cells activates the mitochondrial caspase-9-mediated apoptotic cascade. Consistent with this, we show that caspase-9 activation is required for the induced apoptosis because treatment of cells with an irreversible caspase-9 inhibitor impedes apoptosis when Naa40 is depleted. Furthermore, the effect of Naa40-depletion on cell-death is mediated through a p53-independent mechanism since p53-null HCT116 cells still undergo apoptosis upon reduction of the acetyltransferase. Altogether, these findings reveal an anti-apoptotic role for Naa40 and exhibit its potential as a therapeutic target in colorectal cancers.  相似文献   

In cultured porcine aortic smooth muscle cells,sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), ATP, or bradykinin (BK) induced arapid dose-dependent increase in the cytosolicCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)and also stimulated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate(IP3) generation. Pretreatmentof cells with pertussis toxin blocked the SPC-induced IP3 generation and[Ca2+]iincrease but had no effect on the action of ATP or BK. In addition, SPCstimulated the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and increasedDNA synthesis, whereas neither ATP nor BK produced such effects. Boththe SPC-induced MAPK activation and DNA synthesis were pertussis toxinsensitive. SPC-induced MAPK activation was blocked by treatment ofcells with the phospholipase C inhibitor, U-73122, or the intracellularCa2+-ATPase inhibitor,thapsigargin, but not by removal of extracellular Ca2+. Lysophosphatidic acidinduced cellular responses similar to SPC in a pertussistoxin-sensitive manner in terms of[Ca2+]iincrease, IP3 generation, MAPKactivation, and DNA synthesis. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)also induced a[Ca2+]iincrease, MAPK activation, and DNA synthesis in the same cells; however, the PDGF-induced MAPK activation was not sensitive to pertussis toxin and changes in[Ca2+]i.SPC-induced MAPK activation was inhibited by pretreatment of cells withstaurosporine, W-7, or calmidazolium. Our results suggest that, inporcine aortic smooth muscle cells, MAPK is not activated by theincrease in[Ca2+]iunless a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein is simultaneously stimulated, indicating the role ofCa2+ in pertussis toxin-sensitiveG protein-mediated MAPK activation.


Fibrosis is characterized by the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM), especially collagen. Because Ets factors are implicated in physiological and pathological ECM remodeling, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of Ets factors in collagen production. We demonstrate that the expression of collagenous proteins and collagen alpha2(I) (COL1A2) mRNA was inhibited following stable transfection of Fli-1 in dermal fibroblasts. Subsequent analysis of the COL1A2 promoter identified a critical Ets binding site that mediates Fli-1 inhibition. In contrast, Ets-1 stimulates COL1A2 promoter activity. In vitro binding assays demonstrate that both Fli-1 and Ets-1 form DNA-protein complexes with sequences present in COL1A2 promoter. Furthermore, Fli-1 binding to the COL1A2 is enhanced via Sp1-dependent interaction. Studies using Fli-1 dominant interference and DNA binding mutants indicate that Fli-1 inhibition is mediated by both direct (DNA binding) and indirect (via protein-protein interaction) mechanisms and that Sp1 is an important mediator of the Fli-1 function. Furthermore, experiments using the Gal4 system in the context of different cell types as well as experiments with the COL1A2 promoter in different cell lines demonstrate that the direction and magnitude of the effect of Fli-1 is promoter- and cell context-specific. We propose that Fli-1 inhibits COL1A2 promoter activity by competition with Ets-1. In addition, we postulate that another factor (co-repressor) may be required for maximal inhibition after recruitment to the Fli-1-Sp1 complex. We conclude that the ratio of Fli-1 to Ets-1 and the presence of co-regulatory proteins ultimately control ECM production in fibroblasts.  相似文献   

In vivo studies suggest that vascular endothelial cells (ECs) can acquire and cross-present exogenous Ag on MHC-I but the cellular mechanisms underlying this observation remain unknown. We tested whether primary female mouse aortic ECs could cross-present exogenous male Ag to the T cell hybridoma, MHH, specific for HYUty plus D(b). MHC-I-deficient male spleen cells provided a source of male Ag that could not directly stimulate the MHH cells. Addition of male but not female MHC-I-deficient spleen cells to wild-type syngeneic female EC induced MHH stimulation, demonstrating EC cross-presentation. Lactacystin treatment of the donor male MHC-I-deficient spleen cells, to inhibit proteasome function, markedly enhanced EC cross-presentation showing that the process is most efficient for intact proteins rather than degraded peptide fragments. Additional experiments revealed that this EC Ag-processing pathway is both proteasome and TAP1 dependent. These studies demonstrate that cultured murine aortic ECs can process and present MHC-I-restricted Ag derived from a separate, live cell, and they offer insight into the molecular requirements involved in this EC Ag presentation process. Through this pathway, ECs expressing cross-presented peptides can participate in the effector phase of T cell-mediated inflammatory responses such as autoimmunity, anti-tumor immunity, and transplant rejection.  相似文献   

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