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The formation of first nodules inhibits subsequent nodulation in younger regions of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) roots by a feedback regulatory mechanism that controls nodule number systemically (G Caetano-Anollés, WD Bauer [1988] Planta 175: 546-557). Following inoculation with wild-type Rhizobium meliloti, almost all infections associated with cortical cell division developed into mature nodules. While the distribution of Rhizobium- induced cell divisions closely paralleled the distribution of first emergent nodules, only 9 to 15% of total cell division foci failed to become functional nodules. Nodule formation was restricted to the primary root when plants were inoculated before lateral root emergence. Excision of these primary root nodules allowed nodules to reappear in lateral roots clustered around the location of the root tip at the time of nodule removal. Apparently, this region regained susceptibility to infection within the first hours after excision of primary nodules and suppression of nodulation was restored a day later probably due to the development of new infection foci. Our results suggest that alfalfa controls nodulation during the onset of cell division in the root cortex and not during infection development as in soybean.  相似文献   

In the last few years, genome‐based studies in diatoms have received a major boost following the genome sequencing of the centric species Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal and the pleiomorphic raphid pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. In addition, molecular tools, such as genetic transformation, have been developed for both species. Despite these molecular advances, relatively little is known regarding the genetic diversity of the available strains of these diatoms. In this study, we have compiled a historical summary of the known P. tricornutum species resources and have provided a genetic and phenotypic overview of 10 different axenic strains. Examination of intraspecies genetic diversity based on internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequence and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses indicate four different genotypes. Seven strains are predominantly fusiform, whereas one strain is predominantly oval, and another is predominantly triradiate. Another is defined as a tropical strain because it appears better acclimated to growth at higher temperatures. Observations in the natural environment indicate that P. tricornutum is a coastal marine diatom that is able to adapt to unstable environments, such as estuaries and rock pools. Because it has rarely been noted in nature, we have developed specific primers to amplify ITS2 sequences and have successfully identified it in environmental samples. These resources should become useful tools for the diatom community when combined with the whole genome sequence and will open up a range of new possibilities for experimental investigations that can exploit the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics described.  相似文献   

Cell growth prior to cell division is restricted by the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1)/cyclin B1 complexes. Recently, we identified that the death-effector domain (DED) containing protein, DEDD, acts as a novel inhibitor of mitotic Cdk1/cyclin B1, influencing cell size. Like cyclin B1, DEDD protein levels specifically peak during the G2/M phase. In the nucleus, DEDD associates with Cdk1/cyclin B1 complexes, via direct binding to cyclin B1, and reduces their function. In agreement, kinase activity of nuclear Cdk1/cyclin B1 in DEDD-null (DEDD-/-) embryonic fibroblasts is increased compared to that in DEDD+/+ cells. This accelerates mitotic progression in DEDD-/- cells, with a shortened G2/M phase, reduced rRNA, and diminished cell volume. Likewise, DEDD-/- mice show decreased body and organ weights relative to DEDD+/+ mice. Interestingly, the DED domain is not involved in the association of DEDD with Cdk1/cyclin B1, but is indispensable for the cell sizing function of DEDD. Together, in addition to the well-established machinery for activation of Cdk1 through dephosphorylation of its inhibitory-residues, we propose a novel mechanism for impeditive regulation of mitotic Cdk1/cyclin B1 mediated by DEDD within the nucleus, which allows sufficient cell growth prior to cell division.  相似文献   

Abstract Photon requirements for growth (φg?1) of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum were determined under nutrient-sufficient conditions at two photon flux densities corresponding to light limited and near-saturating conditions for growth. The value of φg?1 based on assimilated carbon was light-dependent and varied from 8.8 to 14.0 mol photon mol C?1 with the minimum value at the lowest photon flux density. These results are lower than might be predicted for microalgal growth based on the Z scheme of photosynthesis. Conversion of these values for carbon fixation to estimates based on oxygen evolution is problematical due to uncertainty over the appropriate assimilatory quotient (Qa= mol O2 mol C?1). Minimum values based on oxygen evolution rates ranged from 6.2 to 7.6 mol photon mol O2?1 using a Qa of 1.41 mol O2 mol C?1 obtained by Myers (1980). These estimates are similar to our previous measurements for photosynthesis and indicate a high efficiency for light energy transforming reactions during growth. The values of (φg?1 obtained in this work indicate a number of inadequacies in our understanding of the energetics of microalgal growth and are inconsistent with our present knowledge of photosynthetic energy coupling in plant cells.  相似文献   

Progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle is controlled by diverse cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) that might be associated to numerous cyclin isoforms. Given such complexity, regulation of cyclin degradation should be crucial for coordinating progression through the cell cycle. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SCF is the only E3 ligase known to date to be involved in G1 cyclin degradation. Here, we report the design of a genetic screening that uncovered Dma1 as another E3 ligase that targets G1 cyclins in yeast. We show that the cyclin Pcl1 is ubiquitinated in vitro and in vivo by Dma1, and accordingly, is stabilized in dma1 mutants. We demonstrate that Pcl1 must be phosphorylated by its own CDK to efficiently interact with Dma1 and undergo degradation. A nonphosphorylatable version of Pcl1 accumulates throughout the cell cycle, demonstrating the physiological relevance of the proposed mechanism. Finally, we present evidence that the levels of Pcl1 and Cln2 are independently controlled in response to nutrient availability. This new previously unknown mechanism for G1 cyclin degradation that we report here could help elucidate the specific roles of the redundant CDK-cyclin complexes in G1.  相似文献   

Abstract Nitrate limited growth of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in chemostat cultures produced marked changes in biochemical composition and a six-fold reduction in the specific growth rate. This was associated with a reduction in the carbon and chlorophyll a specific light saturated rates, with little effect on light limited photosynthesis. Variations in specific growth rate were quantitatively related to carbon specific net photosynthesis and maximum chlorophyll a specific light saturated rates were positively correlated with cell nitrogen contents. The correlation between nitrogen content and photosynthesis for P. tricornutum and the differential effect of nitrogen supply on the light response curve of photosynthesis is qualitatively and quantitatively similar to published results for terrestrial vascular plants. There was little change in the photon (quantum) yield of photosynthesis which was not significantly different from 0.125mol O2 mol photon-1 the theoretical upper limit based on the Z scheme, even under severe nitrate deficiency. The capacity to maintain a high photon yield under nitrate limitation is discussed in relation to the nitrogen requirements of the stromal and membrane components of the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in the control of the energy balance and also retains neurogenic potential into adulthood. Recent studies have reported the severe alteration of the cell turn-over in the hypothalamus of obese animals and it has been proposed that a neurogenic deficiency in the hypothalamus could be involved in the development of obesity. To explore this possibility, we examined hypothalamic cell renewal during the homeostatic response to dietary fat in mice, i.e., at the onset of diet-induced obesity. We found that switching to high-fat diet (HFD) accelerated cell renewal in the hypothalamus through a local, rapid and transient increase in cell proliferation, peaking three days after introducing the HFD. Blocking HFD-induced cell proliferation by central delivery of an antimitotic drug prevented the food intake normalization observed after HFD introduction and accelerated the onset of obesity. This result showed that HFD-induced dividing brain cells supported an adaptive anorectic function. In addition, we found that the percentage of newly generated neurons adopting a POMC-phenotype in the arcuate nucleus was increased by HFD. This observation suggested that the maturation of neurons in feeding circuits was nutritionally regulated to adjust future energy intake. Taken together, these results showed that adult cerebral cell renewal was remarkably responsive to nutritional conditions. This constituted a physiological trait required to prevent severe weight gain under HFD. Hence this report highlighted the amazing plasticity of feeding circuits and brought new insights into our understanding of the nutritional regulation of the energy balance.  相似文献   

The effect of Fe(III) deficiency on qualitative and quantitative changes in pigment composition in Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin was demonstrated by HPLC and AAS. Maximum content of pigments showed the diatom cells incubated at the optimum iron concentration, i.e., 10 M. The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c 1+c 2, fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin and ,-carotene were 109.99, 20.16, 40.39, 1.29 and 1.48 fg per cell, respectively. The results obtained showed that Fe(III) affected qualitative and quantitative pigment composition in P. tricornutum. The content of individual pigments, proportions between accompanying pigments and their ratios to chlorophyll a were important indicators of phytoplankton response to iron stress. The strong reduction in ,-carotene content, several times (2–5) increase in diadinoxanthin level as compared to ,-carotene, and high amount of diadinoxanthin in relation to chlorophyll a were observed in algae growing at very low Fe(III) concentrations, 0.001 and 0.01 M. The data suggested that phytoplankton pigments could be a potential physiological marker.  相似文献   

Responses of the photosynthetic activity of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyta) to organic carbon glycerol were investigated. The growth rate, photosynthetic pigments, 77 K fluorescence spectra, and chloroplast ultrastructure of P. tricornutum were examined under photoautotrophic, mixotrophic, and photoheterotrophic conditions. The results showed that the specific growth rate was the fastest under mixotrophic conditions. The cell photosynthetic pigment content and values of Chl a/Chl c were reduced under mixotrophic and photoheterotrophic conditions. The value of carotenoid/Chl a was enhanced under mixotrophic conditions, but was decreased under photoheterotrophic conditions. In comparison with photoautotrophic conditions, the fluorescence emission peaks and fluorescence excitation peaks were not shifted. The relative fluorescence of photosystem (PS) Ⅰ and PS Ⅱ and the values of F6851F710 and F685/F738 were decreased. Chloroplast thylakoid pairs were less packed under mixotrophic and photoheterotrophic conditions. There was a strong correlation between degree of chloroplast thylakoid packing and the excitation energy kept in PS Ⅱ. These results suggested that the PS Ⅱ activity was reduced by glycerol under mixotrophic conditions, thereby leading to repression of the photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Diatoms accumulate triacylglycerols (TAGs) as storage lipids, but the knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of lipid metabolism is still sparse. Starting from a partial sequence for a putative TAG-lipase of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum retrieved from the data bases, we have identified the full length coding sequence, tgl1. The gene encodes an 813 amino acid sequence that shows distinct motifs for so called “true” TAG-lipases [EC] that have been functionally characterized in model organisms like Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These lipases mediate the first initial step of TAG breakdown from storage lipids. To test whether Tgl1 can act as a TAG-lipase, a His-tagged version was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the protein indeed showed esterase activity. To identify the TAG degrading function of Tgl1 in P. tricornutum, knock-down mutant strains were created using an antisense RNA approach. In the mutant cell lines the relative tgl1-mRNA-level was reduced up to 20% of that of the wild type, accompanied by a strong increase of TAG in the lipid extracts. In spite of the TAG accumulation, the polar lipid species pattern appeared to be unchanged, confirming the TAG-lipase function of Tgl1.  相似文献   

Diatoms (Bacillarophyceae) are photosynthetic unicellular microalgae that have risen to ecological prominence in oceans over the past 30 million years. They are of interest as potential feedstocks for sustainable biofuels. Maximizing production of these feedstocks will require genetic modifications and an understanding of algal metabolism. These processes may benefit from genome‐scale models, which predict intracellular fluxes and theoretical yields, as well as the viability of knockout and knock‐in transformants. Here we present a genome‐scale metabolic model of a fully sequenced and transformable diatom: Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The metabolic network was constructed using the P. tricornutum genome, biochemical literature, and online bioinformatic databases. Intracellular fluxes in P. tricornutum were calculated for autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions, as well as knockout conditions that explore the in silico role of glycolytic enzymes in the mitochondrion. The flux distribution for lower glycolysis in the mitochondrion depended on which transporters for TCA cycle metabolites were included in the model. The growth rate predictions were validated against experimental data obtained using chemostats. Two published studies on this organism were used to validate model predictions for cyclic electron flow under autotrophic conditions, and fluxes through the phosphoketolase, glycine and serine synthesis pathways under mixotrophic conditions. Several gaps in annotation were also identified. The model also explored unusual features of diatom metabolism, such as the presence of lower glycolysis pathways in the mitochondrion, as well as differences between P. tricornutum and other photosynthetic organisms.  相似文献   



miR-26a plays a critical role in tumorigenesis, either as a tumor suppressor or as an oncogenic miRNA, depending on different tumor types. However, the function of miR-26a in pancreatic cancer has not been clearly elucidated. The present study was designed to determine the roles of miR-26a in pancreatic cancer and its association with the survival of patients with pancreatic cancer.


The expression of miR-26a was examined in 15 pairs of pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and their adjacent benign pancreatic tissues (ABPT), by qRT-PCR. The results were confirmed by in situ hybridization using two panels of 106 PDACs and their ABPT microarray. The association of miR-26a expression with overall survival was determined. The proliferation and cell cycle distribution of Capan-2, SW-1990, and Panc-1 cells, transfected with miR-26a mimics or a miR-26a inhibitor, were assessed using the Cell Counting Kit-8 assay and flow cytometry, respectively. The cell tumorigenicity was evaluated via murine xenograft experiments. Cyclin D2, E2, EZH2, and PCNA levels were analyzed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry.


miR-26a was expressed in the cytoplasm of pancreatic ductal epithelial cells, whereas its expression was significantly downregulated in PDAC tissues compared with that of ABPT. Patients with low miR-26a expression had a significantly shorter survival than those with high miR-26a expression. The in vitro and in vivo assays showed that overexpression of miR-26a resulted in cell cycle arrest, inhibited cell proliferation, and decreased tumor growth, which was associated with cyclin E2 downregulation.


miR-26a is an important suppressor of pancreatic ductal carcinoma, and can prove to be a novel prognostic factor and therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The influence of fluid-dynamic conditions on the yield of Phaeodactylum tricornutum microalgal cultures was analyzed in two stages: first, the influence of air flow rate; second, the influence of using fluid-moving pumps for recirculating the culture. With respect to the air flow rate, the yield of the cultures increased with the aeration rate up to values of 2.0 v/v/min, then stress was observed and the yield of the cultures decreased. With respect to the influence of mechanical power supply for liquid impulsion, three different types of pumps--centrifugal, pulse, and peristaltic--were essayed at different power supplies. The cultures were stressed for the three types of pumps essayed. For each pump, the higher the power supply the lower was the Fv/Fm value and the higher was the stress at which cells were exposed. The highest measured stress was when the culture was moved with the centrifugal pump. Despite measured stress, for all the experiments stable steady states were reached, thus indicating that cells reduced their yield but did not die, as was verified by cell viability measurements. It was observed that the increase of the power supply improved the frequency of light exposition thus enhancing the yield of the cultures. However, the higher the power supply, the lower the microeddy length scale; therefore, stress could appear. Data demonstrated that the microeddy length scale was always much higher than cell size and therefore the turbulence was not responsible for stress. Also, the mass transfer was discarded as responsible for yield reduction. It was concluded that the shear rate was the factor determining the existence of stress phenomena. The evaluation of these shear rates demonstrated that values above 30-80 s(-1) damaged the cells strongly. These data were verified in an outdoor pilot-scale tubular photobioreactor that was implemented with the same type of pumps, thus demonstrating the necessity to take into account this factor in the design and scale-up of microalgal photobioreactors.  相似文献   

Chlorophyllase from a diatom alga (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) was obtained and the partially purified extract has been further purified using preparative isoelectric focusing on a Rotofor cell. Three fractions, FI, FII, and FIII, were separated from the Rotofor cell and salt and ampholytes were removed to give fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′, respectively. Enzyme fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′, respectively. Enzyme fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′ showed specific activities of 15.2 × 10?4, 226.7 ×10?4 and 33.8 × 10?4 µmol/mg protein/min, respectively. Most of the enzyme activity (84%) was in fraction FII′. The optimum pH for chlorophyllase activity was 8.0 for FI′ and 8.5 for both FII′ and FIII′. Apparent Km values for enzyme fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′ were 2.1nM, 2.3nM, and 2.0 nM, respectively. Enzyme fractions FII′ and FIII′ showed higher chlorophyllase activity towards the partially purified chlorophyll when it was compared to that with the crude chlorophyll as well as with both chlorophylls a and b. However, the enzyme fraction FI′ had higher activity towards the crude chlorophyll when it was compared to that with both chlorophylls a and b, but with a preference for chlorophyll a over chlorophyll b. The inhibitory effect of diisopropyl flurophosphate (DIFP) on chlorophyllase activity demonstrates a noncompetitive inhibitor kinetics with Ki values of 1.29mM, 2.14mM, and 0.71mM for FI′. FII′, and FIII′, respectively.  相似文献   

Circadian variations of pigment content in the diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutum were analyzed in different light regimes. The studywas aimed at discerning the role of putative endogenous controlsfrom the constraint imposed by the alternation of light (L)and dark (D) periods. Our experiments showed that in a typicalLD cycle of illumination, pigment synthesis follows the somaticgrowth of the cell, both arresting during D periods. In particular,the diurnal increase of chlorophyll a content was proportionalto the increase in cell size and preceding cell division, occurringat night. By contrast, diadinoxanthin and ß–carotene displayed different phases, which is likely to be relatedto their involvement in photoprotection mechanisms. The experimentsalso showed that the synthesis of both photosynthetic and photoprotectivepigments was dependent not only on light availability and thephasing of somatic growth, but also responded to other internalregulation. Over the time scale of the experiments (hours todays), the removal of LD–DL triggers impaired cell physiology,whereas the circadian patterns in pigment synthesis persisted.Our results support the hypothesis that an internal regulationof cell biosynthetic machinery can improve phytoplankton fitness,even in high variable environments such as the oceanic mixedlayers. Therefore, we suggest that phytoplankton growth dependsnot only on the availability of external resources, but alsoon internal regulatory mechanisms whose unveiling would furtherour understanding of phytoplankton diversity and dynamics.  相似文献   



Marine diatoms constitute a major component of eukaryotic phytoplankton and stand at the crossroads of several evolutionary lineages. These microalgae possess peculiar genomic features and novel combinations of genes acquired from bacterial, animal and plant ancestors. Furthermore, they display both DNA methylation and gene silencing activities. Yet, the biogenesis and regulatory function of small RNAs (sRNAs) remain ill defined in diatoms.


Here we report the first comprehensive characterization of the sRNA landscape and its correlation with genomic and epigenomic information in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The majority of sRNAs is 25 to 30 nt-long and maps to repetitive and silenced Transposable Elements marked by DNA methylation. A subset of this population also targets DNA methylated protein-coding genes, suggesting that gene body methylation might be sRNA-driven in diatoms. Remarkably, 25-30 nt sRNAs display a well-defined and unprecedented 180 nt-long periodic distribution at several highly methylated regions that awaits characterization. While canonical miRNAs are not detectable, other 21-25 nt sRNAs of unknown origin are highly expressed. Besides, non-coding RNAs with well-described function, namely tRNAs and U2 snRNA, constitute a major source of 21-25 nt sRNAs and likely play important roles under stressful environmental conditions.


P. tricornutum has evolved diversified sRNA pathways, likely implicated in the regulation of largely still uncharacterized genetic and epigenetic processes. These results uncover an unexpected complexity of diatom sRNA population and previously unappreciated features, providing new insights into the diversification of sRNA-based processes in eukaryotes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-698) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Prior analysis of inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum has indicated that transport of Ci into the chloroplast from the cytoplasm is the major Ci flux in the cell and the primary driving force for the CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM). This flux drives the accumulation of Ci in the chloroplast stroma and generates a CO2 deficit in the cytoplasm, inducing CO2 influx into the cell. Here, the “chloroplast pump” model of the CCM in P. tricornutum is formalized and its consistency with data on CO2 and HCO3 ? uptake rates, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, intracellular Ci concentration, intracellular pH, and RubisCO characteristics is assessed. The chloroplast pump model can account for the major features of the data. Analysis of photosynthetic and Ci uptake rates as a function of external Ci concentration shows that the model has the most difficulty obtaining sufficiently low cytoplasmic CO2 concentrations to support observed CO2 uptake rates at low external Ci concentrations and achieving high rates of photosynthesis. There are multiple ways in which model parameters can be varied, within a plausible range, to match measured rates of photosynthesis and CO2 uptake. To increase CO2 uptake rates, CA activity can be increased, kinetic characteristics of the putative chloroplast pump can be enhanced to increase HCO3 ? export, or the cytoplasmic pH can be raised. To increase the photosynthetic rate, the permeability of the pyrenoid to CO2 can be reduced or RubisCO content can be increased.  相似文献   

A general purpose transformation vector, designated pPha-T1, was constructed for use with the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. This vector harbors the sh ble cassette for primary selection on medium containing the antibiotic zeocin, and a multiple cloning site flanked by the P. tricornutum fcp A promoter. pPha-T1 was used to establish the utility of three selectable marker genes and two reporter genes for P. tricornutum transformation. The nat and sat-1 genes confer resistance to the antibiotic nourseothricin, and npt II confers resistance to G418. Each of these genes was effective as a selectable marker for identifying primary transformants. These markers could also be used for dual selections in combination with the sh ble gene. The reporter genes uid A and gfp were also introduced into P. tricornutum using pPha-T1. Gus expression in some transformants reached 15 μg·μg−1 of total soluble protein and permitted excellent cell staining, while GFP fluorescence was readily visible with standard fluorescence microscopy. The egfp gene, which has optimal codon usage for expression in human cells, was the only version of gfp that produced a strong fluorescent signal in P. tricornutum. The codon bias of the egfp gene is similar to that of P. tricornutum genes. This study suggests that codon usage has a significant effect on the efficient expression of reporter genes in P. tricornutum. The results presented here demonstrate that a variety of selectable markers and reporter genes can be expressed in P. tricornutum , enhancing the potential of this organism for exploring basic biological questions and industrial applications.  相似文献   

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