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Caloric restriction (CR) is argued to positively affect general health, longevity and the normally occurring age-related reduction of cognition. This issue is well examined, but most studies investigated the effect of short-term periods of CR. Herein, 4 weeks old female mice were fed caloric restricted for 4, 20 and especially for 74 weeks. CR mice received 60% of food eaten by their ad libitum (AL) fed littermates, and all age-matched groups were behaviorally analyzed. The motor coordination, which was tested by rotarod/accelerod, decreased age-related, but was not influenced by the different periods of CR. In contrast, the age-related impairment of spontaneous locomotor activity and anxiety, both being evaluated by open field and by elevated plus maze test, was found aggravated by a lifelong CR. Measurement of cognitive performance with morris water maze showed that the working memory decreased age-related in AL mice, while a lifelong CR caused a better cognitive performance and resulted in a significantly better spatial memory upon 74 weeks CR feeding. However, a late-onset CR feeding in 66 weeks old mice did not ameliorate the working memory. Therefore, a lifelong CR seems to be necessary to improve working memory.  相似文献   

The activity of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) was measured in mouse oocytes arrested in metaphase II and following their activation parthenogenetically. In metaphase II-arrested oocytes CaMKII was inactive. However, following the exposure of oocytes to ethanol, the kinase was highly active, returning to baseline activity within 15 min of their removal from ethanol. The increase in kinase activity was similar in recently ovulated and older oocytes despite an age-dependent difference in their ability to progress to interphase. Moreover, the microtubule-depolymerizing drug necodazole, which blocks the exit from M phase in mouse oocytes, had no effect on CaMKII activation. These results inustrate clearly that CaMKII is activated in mouse oocytes in response to a rise in intracellular calcium and is acting upstream of the microtubule-dependent cyclin destruction machinery.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) and the activation of autophagy extend healthspan by delaying the onset of age-associated diseases in most living organisms. Because protein kinase CK2 (CK2) downregulation induces cellular senescence and nematode aging, we investigated CK2’s role in CR and autophagy. This study indicated that CR upregulated CK2’s expression, thereby causing SIRT1 and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation. CK2α overexpression, including antisense inhibitors of miR-186, miR-216b, miR-337-3p, and miR-760, stimulated autophagy initiation and nucleation markers (increase in ATG5, ATG7, LC3BII, beclin-1, and Ulk1, and decrease in SQSTM1/p62). The SIRT1 deacetylase, AKT, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), AMPK, and forkhead homeobox type O (FoxO) 3a were involved in CK2-mediated autophagy. The treatment with the AKT inhibitor triciribine, the AMPK activator AICAR, or the SIRT1 activator resveratrol rescued a reduction in the expression of lgg-1 (the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of LC3B), bec-1 (the C. elegans ortholog of beclin-1), and unc-51 (the C. elegans ortholog of Ulk1), mediated by kin-10 (the C. elegans ortholog of CK2β) knockdown in nematodes. Thus, this study indicated that CK2 acted as a positive regulator in CR and autophagy, thereby suggesting that these four miRs’ antisense inhibitors can be used as CR mimetics or autophagy inducers.  相似文献   

腺苷酸活化的蛋白激酶(AMP activated protein kinase,AMPK),是细胞内重要的能量感受器,在调控细胞和机体的能量代谢中起到极其重要的作用。活化的AMPK可以增强分解代谢,抑制合成代谢,应对细胞内外环境的刺激。并且影响细胞的生长、增殖、凋亡、自噬等基本生物学过程。肿瘤细胞具有独特的能量代谢方式——Warburg现象,用于应对营养和能量的相对缺乏。AMPK干扰肿瘤细胞的独特能量代谢方式,广泛影响肿瘤的发生、生长、转移,发挥重要的肿瘤拮抗作用。非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell cancer,NSCLC)是常见恶性肿瘤的一种,具有一般恶性肿瘤的特征,近年来在NSCLC的研究进程表明:AMPK及其相关信号分子LKB1,PI3K/AKT,Ca MKKβ,PTEN等与NSCLC密切相关,活化相应通路或抑制相应通路,可显著拮抗NSCLC。从而AMPK及其相关信号分子有可能作为抗NSCLC药物的作用靶点。  相似文献   

Mechanical ventilation, a fundamental therapy for acute lung injury, worsens pulmonary vascular permeability by exacting mechanical stress on various components of the respiratory system causing ventilator associated lung injury. We postulated that MK2 activation via p38 MAP kinase induced HSP25 phosphorylation, in response to mechanical stress, leading to actin stress fiber formation and endothelial barrier dysfunction. We sought to determine the role of p38 MAP kinase and its downstream effector MK2 on HSP25 phosphorylation and actin stress fiber formation in ventilator associated lung injury. Wild type and MK2−/− mice received mechanical ventilation with high (20 ml/kg) or low (7 ml/kg) tidal volumes up to 4 hrs, after which lungs were harvested for immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting and lung permeability assays. High tidal volume mechanical ventilation resulted in significant phosphorylation of p38 MAP kinase, MK2, HSP25, actin polymerization, and an increase in pulmonary vascular permeability in wild type mice as compared to spontaneous breathing or low tidal volume mechanical ventilation. However, pretreatment of wild type mice with specific p38 MAP kinase or MK2 inhibitors abrogated HSP25 phosphorylation and actin polymerization, and protected against increased lung permeability. Finally, MK2−/− mice were unable to phosphorylate HSP25 or increase actin polymerization from baseline, and were resistant to increases in lung permeability in response to HVT MV. Our results suggest that p38 MAP kinase and its downstream effector MK2 mediate lung permeability in ventilator associated lung injury by regulating HSP25 phosphorylation and actin cytoskeletal remodeling.  相似文献   

PCTAIRE kinase 3 (PCTK3)/cyclin-dependent kinase 18 (CDK18) is an uncharacterized member of the CDK family because its activator(s) remains unidentified. Here we describe the mechanisms of catalytic activation of PCTK3 by cyclin A2 and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Using a pulldown experiment with HEK293T cells, cyclin A2 and cyclin E1 were identified as proteins that interacted with PCTK3. An in vitro kinase assay using retinoblastoma protein as the substrate showed that PCTK3 was specifically activated by cyclin A2 but not by cyclin E1, although its activity was lower than that of CDK2. Furthermore, immunocytochemistry analysis showed that PCTK3 colocalized with cyclin A2 in the cytoplasm and regulated cyclin A2 stability. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that PCTK3 contained four putative PKA phosphorylation sites. In vitro and in vivo kinase assays showed that PCTK3 was phosphorylated by PKA at Ser12, Ser66, and Ser109 and that PCTK3 activity significantly increased via phosphorylation at Ser12 by PKA even in the absence of cyclin A2. In the presence of cyclin A2, PCTK3 activity was comparable to CDK2 activity. We also found that PCTK3 knockdown in HEK293T cells induced polymerized actin accumulation in peripheral areas and cofilin phosphorylation. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence for the mechanisms of catalytic activation of PCTK3 by cyclin A2 and PKA and a physiological function of PCTK3.  相似文献   

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a relentlessly progressive and usually fatal lung disease of unknown etiology for which no effective treatments currently exist. Hence, there is a profound need for the identification of novel drugable targets to develop more specific and efficacious therapeutic intervention in IPF. In this study, we performed immunohistochemical analyses to assess the cell type-specific expression and activation of protein kinase D (PKD) family kinases in normal and IPF lung tissue sections. We also analyzed PKD activation and function in human lung epithelial cells. We found that PKD family kinases (PKD1, PKD2 and PKD3) were increased and activated in the hyperplastic and regenerative alveolar epithelial cells lining remodeled fibrotic alveolar septa and/or fibroblast foci in IPF lungs compared with normal controls. We also found that PKD family kinases were increased and activated in alveolar macrophages, bronchiolar epithelium, and honeycomb cysts in IPF lungs. Interestingly, PKD1 was highly expressed and activated in the cilia of IPF bronchiolar epithelial cells, while PKD2 and PKD3 were expressed in the cell cytoplasm and nuclei. In contrast, PKD family kinases were not apparently increased and activated in IPF fibroblasts or myofibroblasts. We lastly found that PKD was predominantly activated by poly-L-arginine, lysophosphatidic acid and thrombin in human lung epithelial cells and that PKD promoted epithelial barrier dysfunction. These findings suggest that PKD may participate in the pathogenesis of IPF and may be a novel target for therapeutic intervention in this disease.  相似文献   

Plant growth and development are coordinately orchestrated by environmental cues and phytohormones. Light acts as a key environmental factor for fundamental plant growth and physiology through photosensory phytochromes and underlying molecular mechanisms. Although phytochromes are known to possess serine/threonine protein kinase activities, whether they trigger a signal transduction pathway via an intracellular protein kinase network remains unknown. In analyses of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK, also called MKK) mutants, the mkk3 mutant has shown both a hypersensitive response in plant hormone gibberellin (GA) and a less sensitive response in red light signaling. Surprisingly, light-induced MAPK activation in wild-type (WT) seedlings and constitutive MAPK phosphorylation in dark-grown mkk3 mutant seedlings have also been found, respectively. Therefore, this study suggests that MKK3 acts in negative regulation in darkness and in light-induced MAPK activation during dark-light transition.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that caloric restriction decreases mitochondrial oxygen radical production and oxidative DNA damage in rat organs, which can be linked to the slowing of aging rate induced by this regime. These two characteristics are also typical of long-lived animals. However, it has never been investigated if those decreases are linked to the decrease in the intake of calories themselves or to decreases in specific dietary components. In this study the possible role of the dietary protein was investigated. Using semipurified diets, the ingestion of proteins of Wistar rats was decreased by 40% below that of controls while the other dietary components were ingested at the same level as in animals fed ad libitum. After seven weeks in this regime the liver of the protein restricted animals showed 30–40% decreases in mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and in oxidative damage to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. The decreases in ROS generation occurred specifically at complex~I. They also occurred without changes in mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Instead, there was a decrease in the percent free radical leak (the percentage of total electron flow leading to ROS generation in the respiratory chain). These results are strikingly similar to those previously obtained after 40% caloric restriction in the liver of Wistar rats. Thus, the results suggest that part of the decrease in aging rate induced by caloric restriction can be due to the decreased intake of proteins acting through decreases in mitochondrial ROS production and oxidative DNA damage. Interestingly, these tissue oxidative stress-linked parameters can be lowered by restricting only the intake of dietary protein, probably a more feasible option than caloric restriction for adult humans.  相似文献   

Asparaginase depletes circulating asparagine and glutamine, activating amino acid deprivation responses (AADR) such as phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (p-eIF2) leading to increased mRNA levels of asparagine synthetase and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β homologous protein (CHOP) and decreased mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling. The objectives of this study were to assess the role of the eIF2 kinases and protein kinase R-like endoplasmic reticulum resident kinase (PERK) in controlling AADR to asparaginase and to compare the effects of asparaginase on mTORC1 to that of rapamycin. In experiment 1, asparaginase increased hepatic p-eIF2 in wild-type mice and mice with a liver-specific PERK deletion but not in GCN2 null mice nor in GCN2-PERK double null livers. In experiment 2, wild-type and GCN2 null mice were treated with asparaginase (3 IU per g of body weight), rapamycin (2 mg per kg of body weight), or both. In wild-type mice, asparaginase but not rapamycin increased p-eIF2, p-ERK1/2, p-Akt, and mRNA levels of asparagine synthetase and CHOP in liver. Asparaginase and rapamycin each inhibited mTORC1 signaling in liver and pancreas but maximally together. In GCN2 null livers, all responses to asparaginase were precluded except CHOP mRNA expression, which remained partially elevated. Interestingly, rapamycin blocked CHOP induction by asparaginase in both wild-type and GCN2 null livers. These results indicate that GCN2 is required for activation of AADR to asparaginase in liver. Rapamycin modifies the hepatic AADR to asparaginase by preventing CHOP induction while maximizing inhibition of mTORC1.  相似文献   

植物病原真菌的MAPK基因及其功能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
叙述在植物病原真菌中促分裂原活化蛋白激酶 (Mitogenactivatedproteinkinase,MAPK)基因的种类和特征 ,概括了MAPK基因在植物病原真菌生长发育、胁迫反应和侵染、致病过程中的作用及其研究现状 ,讨论了进行植物病原真菌MAPK基因研究的意义及重点研究的课题 ,并根据最新研究进展 ,提出了植物病原真菌MAPK基因研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

Rad52 is a key player in homologous recombination (HR), a DNA repair pathway that is dedicated to double strand breaks repair and recovery of perturbed replication forks. Here we show that fission yeast Rad52 homologue is phosphorylated when S phase cells are exposed to ROS inducers such as ultraviolet A radiation or hydrogen peroxide, but not to ultraviolet C or camptothecin. Phosphorylation does not depend on kinases Chk1, Rad3, Tel1 or Cdc2, but depends on a functional stress activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathway and can be partially prevented by anti-oxidant treatment. Indeed, cells lacking Sty1, the major fission yeast MAP kinase of the SAPK pathway, do not display Rad52 phosphorylation and have UVA induced Rad52 foci that persist longer if compared to wild type cells. In addition, spontaneous intrachromosomal HR is diminished in cells lacking Sty1 and, more precisely, gene conversion is affected. Moreover, HR induced by site-specific arrest of replication forks is twice less efficient in cells that do not express Sty1. Importantly, impairing HR by deletion of the gene encoding the recombinase Rhp51 leads to Sty1 dependent Rad52 phosphorylation. Thus, SAPK pathway impinges on early step of HR through phosphorylation of Rad52 in cells challenged by oxidative stress or lacking Rhp51 and is required to promote spontaneous gene conversion and recovery from blocked replication forks.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been postulated as a super-metabolic regulator, thought to exert numerous effects on skeletal muscle function, metabolism, and enzymatic signaling. Despite these assertions, little is known regarding the direct role(s) of AMPK in vivo, and results obtained in vitro or in situ are conflicting. Using a chronically catheterized mouse model (carotid artery and jugular vein), we show that AMPK regulates skeletal muscle metabolism in vivo at several levels, with the result that a deficit in AMPK activity markedly impairs exercise tolerance. Compared with wild-type littermates at the same relative exercise capacity, vascular glucose delivery and skeletal muscle glucose uptake were impaired; skeletal muscle ATP degradation was accelerated, and arterial lactate concentrations were increased in mice expressing a kinase-dead AMPKα2 subunit (α2-KD) in skeletal muscle. Nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) activity was significantly impaired at rest and in response to exercise in α2-KD mice; expression of neuronal NOS (NOSμ) was also reduced. Moreover, complex I and IV activities of the electron transport chain were impaired 32 ± 8 and 50 ± 7%, respectively, in skeletal muscle of α2-KD mice (p < 0.05 versus wild type), indicative of impaired mitochondrial function. Thus, AMPK regulates neuronal NOSμ expression, NOS activity, and mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle. In addition, these results clarify the role of AMPK in the control of muscle glucose uptake during exercise. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that AMPK is central to substrate metabolism in vivo, which has important implications for exercise tolerance in health and certain disease states characterized by impaired AMPK activation in skeletal muscle.The ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)2 is an αβγ heterotrimer postulated to play a key role in the response to energetic stress (1, 2), because of its sensitivity to increased cellular AMP levels (3). Pharmacological activation of AMPK (primarily via the AMP analogue ZMP) increases catabolic processes such as GLUT4 translocation (4, 5), glucose uptake (6, 7), long chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake (8), and substrate oxidation (6). Concomitantly, pharmacological activation of AMPK inhibits anabolic processes, and in skeletal muscle genetic reduction of the catalytic AMPKα2 subunit eliminates these pharmacological effects (912). Thus, AMPK has been proposed to act as a metabolic master switch (2, 13, 14). Physiologically, exercise at intensities sufficient to increase free cytosolic AMP (AMPfree) levels is a potent stimulus of AMPK, preferentially activating AMPKα2 in skeletal muscle (1517). The metabolic profile of skeletal muscle during moderate to high intensity exercise is remarkably similar to skeletal muscle in which AMPK has been pharmacologically activated (i.e. increases in catabolic processes). This is consistent with the hypothesis that AMPK activation is required for the metabolic response to increased cellular stress. Given this, it is surprising that the direct role(s) of skeletal muscle AMPK during exercise under physiological in vivo conditions is unknown.A number of studies have tried to attribute causality to the AMPK and metabolic responses to exercise using transgenic models. In mouse models in which AMPKα2 protein expression and/or activity has been impaired, contractions performed in isolated skeletal muscle in vitro, ex vivo, or in situ have demonstrated that skeletal muscle glucose uptake (MGU) is normal (9, 10), partially impaired (11, 18), or ablated (19). Furthermore, ex vivo skeletal muscle LCFA uptake and oxidation in response to contraction appears to be AMPK-independent (20, 21). A key limitation of these studies is that the experimental models were not physiological. Under in vivo conditions, mice expressing a kinase-dead (18) or inactive (22) AMPKα2 subunit in cardiac and skeletal muscle have impaired voluntary and maximal physical activity, respectively, indicative of a physiological role for AMPK during exercise. In this context, obese non-diabetic and diabetic individuals have impaired skeletal muscle AMPK activation during moderate intensity exercise (23) as well as during the post-exercise period (24), yet the contribution of this impairment to the disease state is unclear. Thus, in vivo studies are essential to define the role of AMPK in skeletal muscle during exercise.Physical exercise of a moderate intensity is an effective adjunct treatment for chronic metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes (25). Given the importance of elucidating the molecular mechanism(s) regulating skeletal muscle substrate metabolism during exercise and the putative role of AMPK as a critical mediator in this process, we tested the hypothesis that AMPKα2 is functionally linked to substrate metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

《Translational oncology》2020,13(7):100780
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive malignancy with poor outcomes. Nucleoside analogs are subject to resistance mechanisms including downregulation of equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT1) and deoxycytidine kinase (dCK). KPC34 is a novel phospholipid mimetic that when cleaved by phospholipase C (PLC) liberates gemcitabine monophosphate and a diacylglycerol mimetic that inhibits the classical isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC). KPC34 acts independently of ENT1 and dCK. KPC34 was active against all AML cell lines tested with IC50s in the nanomolar range. Enforced expression of PLC increased response to KPC34 in vivo. In an orthotopic, xenograft model, KPC34 treatment resulted in a significant increase in survival compared to control animals and those treated with high-dose cytarabine. In a PDX model with activated PKC, there was a significant survival benefit with KPC34, and at progression, there was attenuation of PKC activation in the resistant cells. In contrast, KPC34 was ineffective against a syngeneic, orthotopic AML model without activated PKC. However, when cells from that model were forced to express PKC, there were significantly increased sensitivity in vitro and survival benefit in vivo. These data suggest that KPC34 is active against AML and that the presence of activated PKC can be a predictive biomarker.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor in children and young adults. Surgical resection and adjunctive chemotherapy are the only widely available options of treatment for this disease. Anti-tumor compound 2-Methoxyestradiol (2-ME) triggers cell death through the induction of apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells, but not in normal osteoblasts. In this report, we have investigated whether autophagy plays a role in 2-ME actions on osteosarcoma cells. Transmission electron microscopy imaging shows that 2-ME treatment leads to the accumulation of autophagosomes in human osteosarcoma cells. 2-ME induces the conversion of the microtubule-associated protein LC3-I to LC3-II, a biochemical marker of autophagy that is correlated with the formation of autophagosomes. Conversion to LC3-II is accompanied by protein degradation in 2-ME-treated cells. 2-ME does not induce autophagosome formation in normal primary human osteoblasts. In addition, 2-ME-dependent autophagosome formation in osteosarcoma cells requires ATG7 expression. Furthermore, 2-ME does not induce accumulation of autophagosomes in osteosarcoma cells that express dominant negative mutant RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) and are resistant to anti-proliferative and anti-tumor effects of 2-ME. Taken together, our study shows that 2-ME treatment induces PKR-dependent autophagy in osteosarcoma cells, and that autophagy could play an important role in 2-ME-mediated anti-tumor actions and in the control of osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

The essential mycobacterial protein kinases PknA and PknB play crucial roles in modulating cell shape and division. However, the precise in vivo functional aspects of PknA have not been investigated. This study aims to dissect the role of PknA in mediating cell survival in vitro as well as in vivo. We observed aberrant cell shape and severe growth defects when PknA was depleted. Using the mouse infection model, we observe that PknA is essential for survival of the pathogen in the host. Complementation studies affirm the importance of the kinase, juxtamembrane, and transmembrane domains of PknA. Surprisingly, the extracytoplasmic domain is dispensable for cell growth and survival in vitro. We find that phosphorylation of the activation loop at Thr172 of PknA is critical for bacterial growth. PknB has been previously suggested to be the receptor kinase, which activates multiple kinases, including PknA, by trans-phosphorylating their activation loop residues. Using phospho-specific PknA antibodies and conditional pknB mutant, we find that PknA autophosphorylates its activation loop independent of PknB. Fluorescently tagged PknA and PknB show distinctive distribution patterns within the cell, suggesting that although both kinases are known to modulate cell shape and division, their modes of action are likely to be different. This is supported by our findings that expression of kinase-dead PknA versus kinase-dead PknB in mycobacterial cells leads to different cellular phenotypes. Data indicate that although PknA and PknB are expressed as part of the same operon, they appear to be regulating cellular processes through divergent signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Mutations that cause a reduction in protein kinase A (PKA) activity have been shown to extend lifespan in yeast. Loss of function of mammalian RIIβ, a regulatory subunit of PKA expressed in brain and adipose tissue, results in mice that are lean and insulin sensitive. It was therefore hypothesized that RIIB null (RIIβ−/−) mice would express anti-aging phenotypes. We conducted lifespan studies using 40 mutant and 40 wild type (WT) littermates of equal gender numbers and found that both the median and maximum lifespans were significantly increased in mutant males compared to WT littermates. The median lifespan was increased from 884 days to 1005 days (p = 0.006 as determined by the log rank test) and the 80% lifespan (defined here as 80% deaths) was increased from 941 days to 1073 days (p = 0.004 as determined by the Wang-Allison test). There was no difference in either median or 80% lifespan in female genotypes. WT mice of both genders became increasingly obese with age, while mutant mice maintained their lean phenotype into old age. Adiposity was found to correlate with lifespan for males only. 50% of male mice between 30 and 35 g, corresponding to about 5% body fat, for either genotype lived over 1000 days. No male mouse outside of this weight range achieved this lifespan. During their last month of life, WT mice began losing weight (a total of 8% and 15% of body weight was lost for males and females, respectively), but RIIβ−/− male mice maintained their lean body mass to end of life. This attenuation of decline was not seen in female mutant mice. Old male mutant mice were insulin sensitive throughout their life. Both genders showed modestly lower blood glucose levels in old mutants compared to WT. Male mutants were also resistant to age-induced fatty liver. Pathological assessment of tissues from end of life male mutant mice showed a decrease in tumor incidence, decreased severity of renal lesions, and a trend towards a decrease in age-related cardiac pathology. These findings help establish the highly conserved nature of PKA and suggest that disruption of PKA affects physiological mechanisms known to be associated with healthy aging.  相似文献   

Recruitment of effector T cells to sites of infection or inflammation is essential for an effective adaptive immune response. The chemokine CCL5 (RANTES) activates its cognate receptor, CCR5, to initiate cellular functions, including chemotaxis. In earlier studies, we reported that CCL5-induced CCR5 signaling activates the mTOR/4E-BP1 pathway to directly modulate mRNA translation. Specifically, CCL5-mediated mTOR activation contributes to T cell chemotaxis by initiating the synthesis of chemotaxis-related proteins. Up-regulation of chemotaxis-related proteins may prime T cells for efficient migration. It is now clear that mTOR is also a central regulator of nutrient sensing and glycolysis. Herein we describe a role for CCL5-mediated glucose uptake and ATP accumulation to meet the energy demands of chemotaxis in activated T cells. We provide evidence that CCL5 is able to induce glucose uptake in an mTOR-dependent manner. CCL5 treatment of ex vivo activated human CD3(+) T cells also induced the activation of the nutrient-sensing kinase AMPK and downstream substrates ACC-1, PFKFB-2, and GSK-3β. Using 2-deoxy-d-glucose, an inhibitor of glucose uptake, and compound C, an inhibitor of AMPK, experimental data are presented that demonstrate that CCL5-mediated T cell chemotaxis is dependent on glucose, as these inhibitors inhibit CCL5-mediated chemotaxis in a dose-dependent manner. Altogether, these findings suggest that both glycolysis and AMPK signaling are required for efficient T cell migration in response to CCL5. These studies extend the role of CCL5 mediated CCR5 signaling beyond lymphocyte chemotaxis and demonstrate a role for chemokines in promoting glucose uptake and ATP production to match energy demands of migration.  相似文献   

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