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To inquire how male size interacts with alloparental behaviour and mating success in the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi, males were given a choice of nests with or without eggs; subsequent nest occupancy, takeovers and egg deposits were monitored. Subordinate males readily occupied available nests with eggs but were often evicted by dominant males, suggesting that males of all sizes compete for the opportunity to provide allopaternal care in this species.  相似文献   

<正> Theory suggests that males that are larger than their competitors may have increased mating success, due to bothgreater competitive ability and increased attractiveness to females. We examined how male mating success varies with male sizein the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi. Previous work has shown that large males tend to move around and breed in vacantbreeding sites, and consequently provide less care for their eggs, while smaller individuals can be allopaternal, caring for the eggsof other males as well as for their own. We studied female egg deposition in a natural breeding population using artificial breedingsites and in the laboratory, where female choice of spawning site was restricted to two breeding sites tended by two males ofdifferent sizes. In both the field and the laboratory, nests tended by larger males were more likely to receive new eggs. Additionally,the mean size of males associated with a nest was positively correlated with both the maximum coverage of eggs at the nestand the number of times new eggs were deposited. We discuss how the increased mating success of larger males, despite their decreasedparental care, may help explain allopaternal care in this species  相似文献   

Theory suggests that males that are larger than their competitors may have increased mating success, due to both greater competitive ability and increased attractiveness to females. We examined how male mating success varies with male size in the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi. Previous work has shown that large males tend to move around and breed in vacant breeding sites, and consequently provide less care for their eggs, while smaller individuals can be allopaternal, caring for the eggs of other males as well as for their own. We studied female egg deposition in a natural breeding population using artificial breeding sites and in the laboratory, where female choice of spawning site was restricted to two breeding sites tended by two males of different sizes. In both the field and the laboratory, nests tended by larger males were more likely to receive new eggs. Additionally, the mean size of males associated with a nest was positively correlated with both the maximum coverage of eggs at the nest and the number of times new eggs were deposited. We discuss how the increased mating success of larger males, despite their decreased parental care, may help explain allopaternal care in this species [Current Zoology 56 (1): 1-5, 2010].  相似文献   

山地次生林长耳鴞对喜鹊巢址的利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年至 1 998年夏季 ,在左家自然保护区对长耳 ( Aiso otus)的巢位及巢树进行了系统观察和初步研究。结果表明 :喜鹊 ( Pica pica)巢址是长耳选择巢位的重要资源 ,占发现总巢数的 83%。在长耳所利用的 2 0棵喜鹊巢树中 ,蒙古栎 ( Quercusmongolica)所占的比例最大。喜鹊巢树的树种、胸径、及其附近的灌木数量等生态因子是该巢址能否被长耳所利用的重要生态指标。被长耳所利用的喜鹊巢址距农田的距离与那些未被利用的巢址差异显著。  相似文献   

The response of introduced (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.) and native (Stipa aristiglumis F. Muell., Themeda australis (R. Br.) Stapf, Danthonia spp. (L.) grasses to the herbicide atrazine was studied in plants with the potential for use in vegetated filters (biofilters) designed to reduce chemical loads in agricultural runoff. The response was detected by photosynthetic inhibition using leaf chlorophyll fluorescence. With continuous short-term (14 days) dosing with atrazine in sand culture, P. clandestinum showed the greatest tolerance, regardless of the dose (20–500 μg/L). In a clay vertosol soil in the glasshouse, the four species were tolerant to longer-term (84 days) application of three successive doses of simulated run-on, each dose containing 100 μg/L atrazine, a concentration which is comparable to the highest reported in runoff from agricultural land in Australia. Even with a subsequent single atrazine dose at ∼ ∼5000 μg/L, established plants of the four species showed signs of quick recovery (7–21 days) to normal photosynthetic activity. In a field experiment with simulated run-on, applied to P. clandestinum pasture in sandy loam soil, repeated doses at concentrations up to 1000 μg/L gave no significant response; only a subsequent single dose of 5000 μg/L had significant effects, from which plants soon recovered. Although damage from atrazine can be demonstrated with continuous dosing in non-adsorbing media, in soil culture the tolerance of the four selected species to repeat doses of atrazine shows they may be used confidently for biofiltering purposes. P. clandestinum was especially tolerant.  相似文献   

Under haplodiploidy, a characteristic trait of all Hymenoptera, females develop from fertilised eggs, and males from unfertilised ones. Males are therefore typically haploid. Yet, inbreeding can lead to the production of diploid males that often fail in development, are sterile or are of lower fertility. In most Hymenoptera, inbreeding is avoided by dispersal flights of one or both sexes, leading to low diploid male loads. We investigated causes for the production of diploid males and their performance in a highly inbred social Hymenopteran species. In the ant Hypoponera opacior, inbreeding occurs between wingless sexuals, which mate within the mother nest, whereas winged sexuals outbreed during mating flights earlier in the season. Wingless males mate with queen pupae and guard their mating partners. We found that they mated randomly with respect to relatedness, indicating that males do not avoid mating with close kin. These frequent sib‐matings lead to the production of diploid males, which are able to sire sterile triploid offspring. We compared mating activity and lifespan of haploid and diploid wingless males. As sexual selection acts on the time of emergence and body size in this species, we also investigated these traits. Diploid males resembled haploid ones in all investigated traits. Hence, albeit diploid males cannot produce fertile offspring, they keep up with haploid males in their lifetime mating success. Moreover, by fathering viable triploid workers, they contribute to the colonies' work force. In conclusion, the lack of inbreeding avoidance led to frequent sib‐matings of wingless sexuals, which in turn resulted in the regular production of diploid males. However, in contrast to many other Hymenopteran species, diploid males exhibit normal sexual behaviour and sire viable, albeit sterile daughters.  相似文献   

When males engage in conspicuous courtship displays, it seems obvious that females would use characteristics of that display in mating decisions. However, males must also have a way to identify and evaluate females prior to engaging in what might be a costly mating ritual. Although it was known that female wolf spiders of the species Pardosa milvina (Araneae; Lycosidae) attract males using volatile chemical cues, the nature of the cues used by males and females in mate selection had not been investigated. Specifically we determined whether males could detect the mating status of the female and if chemotactile cues from the female played a role in that process. In addition, we quantified conspicuous aspects of the male courtship (leg raises and body shakes) to determine if courtship intensity was related to female choice. Although repeated mating occurred in our studies, males were more likely to court and mate with virgin females. Males used substrate‐borne cues deposited by females to discriminate between mated and virgin females. Females used the conspicuous behaviors of males during courtship, body shakes and leg raises, in mate selection. Thus males and females use different kinds of information and different sensory modalities to assess the suitability of a potential mate.  相似文献   

Kremer  Klaus  Promis  &#;lvaro  Bauhus  J&#;rgen 《Ecosystems》2022,25(5):1096-1116
Ecosystems - Restoration of natural forests previously replaced by plantations is a widespread challenge for forestry in Chile and elsewhere. However, there is little documented evidence for...  相似文献   

In a few homoiothermic host species, Eimeria spp. in a schizogonic stage, a gamogonic stage, or as resting sporozoites infect nonepithelial tissues. However, epithelium serves as a critical site in the cycle of these and all other species known from warm-blooded hosts. Eimeria funduli, infecting at least four different killifishes, undergoes both schizogony and gamogony in non-epithelial hepatic and pancreatic cells and requires an invertebrate host to complete its cycle. Oocysts are not released from the living fish into the environment. The cycle for this species, or aspects of it, may exemplify those found in several piscine species infecting nonepithelial (and possibly epithelial) cells. Eimeriu funduli differs from most species of Eimeria infecting homoiotherms in other respects, some of which may also characterize traits for piscine and other poikilotherm eimerians in general. Endogenous development is affected by temperature and host-age, sporogony occurs in the host, and infections occur in several related fishes. The presence of an intermediate host in at least E. funduli and the presence of sporozoites in macrophages of several eimerians of homoiotherms, as well as other features, suggest a closer relationship between eimeriids and Lankesterella, Schellackia, and even the Haemosporina than previously assumed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Optimal management of invasive pests can benefit from quantitative measures of rates of recruitment, and particularly, relative contributions of immigration and reproduction. However, these vital rates are difficult to estimate by trapping or observation. Recent studies have demonstrated that analyses with DNA markers may provide detailed information on the origin of immigrants into pest populations, but these studies have not provided comparable data on reproductive rates. We integrated genetic and demographic information from a unique longitudinal data set to comprehensively quantify recruitment during the past 15 years into an island population of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and to reveal relative contributions of immigration and reproduction. This population established 100 years ago and persists despite several decades of management aimed at population suppression. Primary source of recruits on the island was in situ reproduction (>95%/annum), although the number of foxes reproducing was small relative to the total number present. Immigration occurred at rates up to 3.6%/annum and was primarily by dispersing males, but is unlikely to be demographically important. We also show that although fox control effectively reduced fox density, there was evidence that control did not reduce the net number of recruits, most likely because the population exhibited a density-dependent release from reproductive suppression. Our results imply that fox control on Phillip Island should primarily focus on reducing on-island abundance and reproduction, but eradication will not be sustained unless immigration ceases.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) is constrained to the Pinaleño Mountains in southeastern Arizona, USA. The population's endangered status and extensive forest damage from insects and fire warrants a better understanding of habitat variables important for nest site selection. We examined characteristics of cavity (n = 91) and drey (n = 38) nests and compared these to random sites (n = 113). Dreys were found primarily in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and corkbark fir (Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica). Cavity nests occurred primarily in aspen (Populus tremuloides) and corkbark fir. Squirrels selected nest sites with higher canopy cover and more corkbark fir, decayed logs, and living trees. Forest management plans emphasizing thinning must consider how altering these habitat characteristics could affect availability and suitability of tree stands for nesting squirrels.  相似文献   

It is known from previous laboratory studies that female choice in the river bullhead, Cottus gobio, is mainly influenced by the size of the male, and that the presence of eggs in the nest also plays a role. However, the process by which females visit and choose among prospective mates is still poorly understood. We examined eight possible tactics of female choice through computer simulation, and we compared their fit to the reproductive patterns observed in two natural populations. Neither of the tactics proposed for other species, nor combinations of them, were able to predict accurately the field data, although one of them (fixed threshold) provided a fairly good fitting. Conversely, a new model (cluster sampling), which takes into account the spatial distribution of males, produced for both populations a set of predictions on the male mating success not significantly different from the data recorded in the field. Under this model, females sample more males when males are clumped, thus reducing substantially, on the average, the ratio between the distance travelled before spawning and the number of sampled males. When models incorporated the preference for already mated males, good fitting was obtained if females preferred nests containing eggs not older than 36 h, a finding that agrees with field results.  相似文献   

Liu  Hai-Shuang  Guo  Xiao-Nong  Chai  Wei-Wei  Zhang  Rui-Xin  Li  Pei-Qin  Ma  Cui-Min  Ma  Qing  Wang  Suo-Min 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2022,41(6):2476-2490
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Zygophyllum xanthoxylum, a succulent xerophyte, possesses excellent salt tolerance which is closely associated with vacuolar Na+ compartmentation via ZxNHX1....  相似文献   

Parasitoid fitness depends on the ability of females to locate a host. In some species of Ichneumonoidea, female parasitoids detect potential hosts through vibratory cues emanating from them or through vibrational sounding produced by antennal tapping on the substrate. In this study, we (1) describe host location behaviors in Grotea gayi Spinola (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Labena sp. on nests of Manuelia postica Spinola (Hymenoptera: Apidae), (2) compare nest dimensions between parasitized and unparasitized nests, (3) correlate the length of M. postica nests with the number of immature individuals developing, and (4) establish the relative proportion of parasitized nests along the breeding period of M. postica. Based on our results, we propose that these parasitoids use vibrational sounding as a host location mechanism and that they are able to assess host nest dimensions and choose those which may provide them with a higher fitness. Finally, we discuss an ancestral host?Cparasitoid relationship between Manuelia and ichneumonid species.  相似文献   

活性氧(reaction oxygen species,ROS)是真核细胞在生命活动过程中产生的一种中间产物,它在胞内信号转导、细胞应答、损伤修复等过程发挥着重要的作用。线粒体在合成三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate,ATP)过程中有部分电子会从电子传递链(electron transport chain,ETC)上泄漏,与细胞质中O2、H2O及NO等结合产生ROS,是细胞内ROS的主要来源。目前,人们对真核线粒体内ROS的产生位点已有初步的了解,大多数研究证实复合物Ⅰ和复合物Ⅲ是ROS的主要来源,复合物Ⅱ也能产生部分的ROS,但其具体的靶标位点还未得到全面的阐述,使得深入了解线粒体内ROS的功能受到限制。现就诱导线粒体产生ROS的主要方法和线粒体内产生ROS的靶标位点进行简要的综述,以期为日后相关生理学、毒理学及病理学等研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Temperature is an important factor in affecting population dynamics and diffusion distribution of organisms. Alien species can successfully invade and colonize to various temperature environments, and one of important reasons is that alien species have a strong resistance to stress temperature. Recently, researchers have focused on the mechanisms of temperature sensing to determine the sensing and regulation mechanisms of temperature adaptation. The transient receptor potential (TRP) is one of the key components of an organism’s temperature perception system. TRP plays important roles in perceiving temperature, such as avoiding high temperature, low temperature and choosing the optimum temperature. To assess high temperature sensation and the heat resistance role of the TRP gene, we used 3′ and 5′ rapid-amplification of cDNA ends to isolate the full-length cDNA sequence of the TRP gene from Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) MEAM1 (Middle East Asia Minor 1), examined the mRNA expression profile under various temperature conditions, and identified the heat tolerance function. This is the first study to characterize the TRP gene of invasive B. tabaci MEAM1 (MEAM1 BtTRP). The full-length cDNA of MEAM1 BtTRP was 3871 bp, and the open reading frames of BtTRP was 3501 bp, encoding 1166 amino acids. Additionally, the BtTRP mRNA expression level was significantly increased at 35°C. Furthermore, compared with control treatments, the survival rate of B. tabaci MEAM1 adults was significantly decreased under high temperature stress conditions after feeding with dsRNA BtTRP. Collectively, these results showed that MEAM1 BtTRP is a key element in sensing high temperature and plays an essential role in B. tabaci MEAM1 heat tolerance ability. Our data improved our understanding of the mechanism of temperature sensation in B. tabaci MEAM1 at the molecular level and could contribute to the understanding of the thermal biology of B. tabaci MEAM1 within the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

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