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Mechanisms Involved in Biological Control of Dutch Elm Disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An effective suppression of Dutch elm disease symptom development was observed in elms resistant to the non-aggressive strain of Ophiostoma ulmi, but not to the aggressive strain, after a preventive treatment by this non-aggressive strain. Anequally effective isolate of Verticillium dabliae suppressed symptom development even in the very susceptible field elm (Ulmus carpinifolia). Induction of resistance is proposed for the major mechanism explaining these and earlier experiments. The primary stimuli initiating a resistance reaction are unknown, but the intermediates of the univalent reduction of oxygen may play a role. In an experiment the activities of two groups of enzymes involved in the catalytical scavenging of these radicals, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, were monitored, but no correlation with induction of resistance was observed. Resistant elms showed the highest activities, probably reflecting a more effective defence against radicals than susceptible ones.  相似文献   

Newly acquired Ulmus species from the temperate regions of China growing at The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, were evaluated in laboratory bioassays for feeding preference and suitability for larvae and adults of the elm leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta luteola (Müller). Larval and adult no-choice and adult multiple-choice feeding studies revealed that U changii, U. lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis were the least suitable for feeding and reproduction by the elm leaf beetle. Ulmus wallichiana and the highly preferred U pumila were more suitable for feeding and reproduction. Suitability had no significant effect on male and female longevity. The least suitable species of U. changii, U. lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis show promise for future elm breeding programs.  相似文献   

Two enormously destructive pandemics of Dutch elm disease occurred in the 20th century, resulting in the death of a majority of mature elms across much of the northern hemisphere. The first pandemic, caused by Ophiostoma ulmi, occurred as this pathogen spread across Europe, North America and Southwest and Central Asia during the 1920s–1940s. The current pandemic is caused by another Ophiostoma species, O. novo-ulmi. Since the 1940s, O. novo-ulmi has been spreading into the regions previously affected by O. ulmi. It has also spread as two distinct subspecies, termed subsp. americana and subsp. novo-ulmi. This sequence of events has resulted in competitive interactions between these previously geographically isolated pathogens. This article summarizes the biological properties of the Dutch elm disease pathogens and their history of spread. It reviews the remarkable series of genetic events that have occurred during their migrations; including the emergence of genetic clones, the spread of deleterious fungal viruses within the pathogen clones, and the rapid and continuing evolution of O. novo-ulmi via horizontal gene flow. The wider role of horizontal gene flow in the evolutionary potential of migratory plant pathogens is discussed.  相似文献   


Members of the genus Hygrocybe are ubiquitous and colourful components of many undisturbed and nutrient-poor grasslands in the UK. Through a number of detailed surveys of the distribution of Hygrocybe spp. and of genera showing similar patterns of occurrence (e.g. Clavaria spp., Entoloma spp., Geoglossum spp.) a picture is gradually emerging of the more important ‘waxcap grassland’ sites, and of those species in greatest need of protection. Waxcap fungi are far from ideal experimental organisms which explains why so little has been published about their biology and ecology. They cannot be cultured on laboratory media and the correct conditions for inducing spores of most species to germinate have yet to be established. Nevertheless approaches such as isotope ratio mass spectrometry and the use of molecular biology techniques are beginning to provide an insight into the role played by these organisms in grassland ecosystems, and why they are so adversely affected by many agricultural practices. Current field experiments at various sites including Sourhope near Kelso will also permit investigations into waxcap ecology to be correlated with parallel studies of other members of the soil biota.  相似文献   

Aim:  To gain a better understanding of the survival and persistence of Enterobacter sakazakii in severe environments.
Methods and Results:  We evaluated the resistance of Ent. sakazakii to various environmental stresses, including heating, drying, water activity ( a w), and pH. The resistance of Ent. sakazakii to heat varies widely among strains. Most tested strains of Ent. sakazakii exhibited unusual resistance to dry stress, which depends on drying media. Growth of most strains occurred within 24 h at 37°C when the initial a w of the medium was adjusted to 0·94 with sucrose or sodium chloride. The minimum pH for growth within 24 h at 37°C was 3·9 or 4·1 for most strains tested. Additionally, there did not appear to be any relationship between resistance to stresses and biofilm-forming ability in Ent. sakazakii planktonic cells.
Conclusions:  These results indicate that Ent. sakazakii is much more resistant than other Enterobacteriaceae to environmental stresses. Moreover, it is likely that Ent. sakazakii has cross-resistance to dry and thermal stresses.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The findings of this study will contribute to an improved understanding of the survival and behaviour of Ent. sakazakii , which will lead to improved strategies for preventing outbreaks of Ent. sakazakii infection.  相似文献   

The effects of various temperature regimes in the range 29-17/21-9 degrees C day/night on each stage of the parasitism process of Orobanche cumana and O. aegyptiaca on sunflower were studied under controlled conditions in polyethylene bags. The response of the resistant sunflower variety 'Ambar' was expressed as the degeneration of the parasite tissues after its establishment in the plant roots, and this stage was found to be temperature dependent. The degeneration rate of Orobanche tubercles in the resistant sunflower variety was also found to be temperature dependent and was about five times as great as that in the sensitive variety in the highest temperature regime tested of 29/21 degrees C day/night. The ability to reject the parasite by causing its degeneration and death is the main factor that determines the resistance. As the temperature rises, more tubercles degenerate and die, that is the sunflower plant expresses higher levels of resistance.  相似文献   

Little is known of the biology of most insects that are endemic to prairie ecosystems of North America, with the exception of large and conspicuous species. In particular, species that are sequestered within plant tissues are commonly overlooked. In this paper, we assess the biodiversity of endophytic insects that inhabit stems of Silphium laciniatum L. and S. terebinthinaceum Jacquin (Asteraceae), endemic plants of tallgrass prairies. Endophytic herbivores, gall wasps Antistrophus rufus Gillette and A. minor Gillette (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and stem-boring larvae of the beetle Mordellistena aethiops Smith (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) were attacked by 10 species of natural enemies. We report new host plant associations for herbivores, and new host insect associations for parasitoids. The two plant species differed significantly in their densities of gall wasps and the vertical dispersion of galls within stems. Interactions within and between trophic levels attest to the biodiversity of endophytic insect communities, and the specialized nature of these insects suggests they are highly vulnerable to habitat conservation practices that involve destruction of dead vegetation.  相似文献   

Two fungal species were isolated with different frequencies from pine tissue cultures originating from buds. One species was detected in 33.1% of the cultures initiated in March, and another was present in 1.7% of cultures initiated in June. Based on analyses of phylogenetic and physiological characteristics these fungi were identified as Hormonema dematioides (isolated in March) and Rhodotorula minuta (isolated in June). Probes targeted towards the 18S rRNA of H. dematioides and R. minuta were made. When in situ hybridizations were performed on pine bud tissue, R. minuta was detected inside the cells of meristematic tissue in 40% of the samples, in contrast to H. dematioides, which was not found in this tissue. Using light microscopy, H. dematioides was found to be localized in the scale tissues of the buds. Fungal endophytes have previously been detected in scale tissues, but not in the meristematic tissues of buds. The habitats of these fungi may reflect their different roles in the plant.  相似文献   

白木香内生真菌的分离鉴定及其抑菌活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从白木香Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Gilg木质部的树脂形成部位和健康部位中共分离获得42株内生真菌,经初步鉴定,产孢的33株分属于3目4科7属,其余未产孢的9株暂归为无孢菌群。采用杯碟法和MTT法分别测定了各菌株的发酵上清液对3种病原菌的体外抑菌活性和2种肿瘤细胞的体外细胞毒活性。结果表明,白木香木质部健康部位内生真菌以枝顶孢霉属为优势属,而树脂形成部位的内生真菌种类比健康部位要多,且以青霉属为优势属。其中26株至少能抑制一种指示菌,占总数的61.9%;7株对指示瘤株具有细胞毒活性,占总数的16.7%。抑菌活性菌株主要分布在枝顶孢霉属和青霉属。枝顶孢霉属菌株抑菌活性较强,其抗菌活性成分值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify lines of subterranean clover (Trifolium spp.) with resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal, 1989) Chitwood, 1949, race 1; M. incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949, race 3; and M. javanica (Treub, 1885) Chitwood, 1949. A collection of 134 subterranean clover lines was evaluated and all had intermediate to high susceptibility. Root galling was negatively correlated with both seed and dry matter yields. Soil fumigation significantly reduced the nematode population in the field. Results indicate there is limited genetic resistance to root-knot nematodes among subterranean clover lines. Alternative sources of variation for this trait should be investigated.  相似文献   

Four winter wheat cultivars with different levels of resistance to Septoria nodorum were investigated at four locations during two vegetation periods. Forty plants per cultivar and site were collected at random at seven defined growth stages from crop emergence to harvest. Samples from roots, culms, leaves, glumes and kernels were examined for the occurrence of endophytic fungi after surface sterilization. 83% of the 26944 isolates sporulated and were assigned to 213 species. The most frequent were: Septoria nodorum (20.1%), Alternaria tenuissima (9.8%), Epicoccum purpurascens (9.1%), Idriella bolleyi (6.9%), Fusarium graminearum (5.3%), Fusarium culmorum (4.0%), Cladosporium oxysporum (3.7%), Didymella exitialis (3.1%), Fusarium nivale (2.8%) and Rhizoctonia solani (2.1%). Each species occurred preferentially in one or more plant organs. A factorial analysis of variance showed that plant organ, sampling site, vegetation, period and cultivar in decreasing order of importance influenced the quantitative and qualitative composition of the fungal populations. No relationship between endophytic fungi was found to be constantly antagonistic or mutualistic. Septoria nodorum was isolated mainly from culms. The number of S. nodorum isolates differed significantly between cultivars in culms and glumes but not in flag leaves. The results are discussed in relation to resistance breeding and the effect endophytic fungi, might have on yield.  相似文献   

Trees of newly acquired Ulmus species originating from the temperate regions of China and growing at The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, were evaluated in no-choice and multiple-choice laboratory bioassays and cage-studies for feeding preference for adults of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman. Ulmus lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis were less preferred for feeding by adult Japanese beetles. No-choice, multiple-choice, and cage feeding studies revealed that Ulmus wallichiana was moderately preferred, and U. procera and U. americana were highly preferred for feeding. Dry fecal pellet weights were strongly correlated with the percent of leaf tissue removed. Feeding preference in the multiple-choice study was strongly correlated with feeding preference in the cage study and in the no-choice study. Likewise, adult feeding preference in the cage study was strongly correlated with preference in the multiple-choice and no-choice studies. The less preferred species of U. lanceafolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis show promise for future elm breeding programs.  相似文献   

Cocoyam (Colocasia spp.) corms and cormels showing spoilage symptoms were collected from many stores in Nsukka locality and examined for rot and associated fungal pathogens. Aspergillus niger, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Corticium rolfsii, Geotrichum candidum, Fusarium oxysporum, and F. solani were recovered from rotten cocoyams. The representative isolates of these species caused cocoyam rot in pathogenicity tests. The rot due to A. niger, B. theobromae and C. rolfsii was extensive resulting in complete maceration of cocoyam tissue. Potassium sorbate (0.1 mg/ml) protected cocoyams from fungal rot with the exception of C. rolfsii.  相似文献   

A wide range of susceptibility exists across elm (Ulmus) species and hybrids to the elm leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta luteola (Müller) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). We evaluated various elm species, hybrids, or cultivars (taxa) growing in an experimental plantation in the city of Holbrook, AZ, for leaf anatomical (toughness and trichome density) and nutritional (minerals and sugars) traits that may be associated with host resistance. Leaf toughness and percentage of defoliation (susceptibility) were not correlated. However, we found weak negative correlations between percentage of defoliation and density of trichomes on the leaf abaxial surface. Of the 11 leaf nutrients examined, concentrations of iron and phosphorus correlated inversely with percentage of defoliation. The remaining nine traits did not show any correlation with percentage of defoliation. We concluded that individual anatomical and nutritional traits of elm species/hybrids do not seem to create a strong barrier to elm leaf beetle defoliation. However, the results from a stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that collectively, these traits may play an important role in determining susceptibility.  相似文献   

目的:药用植物内生真菌是一类重要的微生物资源,其代谢产物有着广泛的生物学活性。该研究拟从野葛(Pueraria lobata(Willd.)Ohwi)中分离有细胞毒活性的内生真菌。方法:组织块改良法分离内生真菌;细胞毒活性测定采用Alamar blue法;结合形态学和分子生物学方法进行菌种鉴定。结果:获得的34株内生真菌中菌株KLBMP f0027对HepG2、HO-8910、NCI-H460、SGC-7901等细胞株均有显著活性,ID50分别为437.4、460.0、542.5、771.2。而且活性产物相对稳定,对温度、pH变化及蛋白酶不敏感。代谢过程研究显示菌株KLBMP f0027的活性产物合成与细胞生长属于部分耦联关系类型。形态学和ITS-rDNA序列分析鉴定菌株为Aspergillus ostianus strain KLBMP f0027。结论:野葛内生真菌A.ostianus strain KLBMP f0027可作为细胞毒活性候选菌株进行深入研究。  相似文献   

We evaluated elm leaf beetle, Pyrhalta luteola (Müller) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), defoliation of 32 elm species or hybrids (taxa) established under field conditions in Holbrook, AZ. Percentage of defoliation, number of eggs, and number of larvae were estimated on randomly selected 15-cm shoot lengths annually in July, from 1996 to 2001. The following nine taxa consistently sustained 15-46% mean overall defoliation: 1) Siberian elm, U. pumila L.; 2) 'Dropmore' elm, U. pumila; 3) 'Camperdownii' elm, U. glabra Huds.; 4) 'Regal' elm, U. glabra x U. carpinifolia Gledisch x U. pumila); 5) 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' elm (U. pumila x U. japonica Sang.); 6) 'New Horizon' elm (U. pumila x U. japonica); 7) 'Charisma' elm [(U. japonica x U. wilsoniana Schneid.) x (U. japonica x U. pumila)]; 8) 'W2115-1' elm (U. parvifolia Jacq. x U. procera Salisb.); and 9) 'Homestead' elm [(U. hollandica Mill. x U. carpinifolia) x (U. pumila-racemosa Dieck x U. carpinifolia)]. Percentage of defoliation was significantly low on four Chinese elm (U. parvifolia) cultivars ('Allee', 'Athena', 'Glory'/lace bark, and 'Kings Choice'). Percentage of defoliation was also low on seven Asian elms (including U. chemnoui Cheng, U. bergmaniana Sneid., U. szechuanica Fang, and species of the U. davidiana Planch. complex [U. davidiana, U. japonica, U. wilsoniana, and U. propinqua Koidz.]) and the American elm (U. americana L.) 'Valley Forge'. Percentage of defoliation and the number of eggs or larvae per plant were highly correlated. The results of this study are generally consistent with results of past laboratory screening trials.  相似文献   

对药用植物二色补血草内生真菌进行分离,以番茄灰霉病菌、黄瓜枯萎病菌、枸杞黑果病菌、黄瓜立枯病菌、小麦全蚀病菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌为靶标菌,采用对峙法和改进的菌块法进行抗菌活性初步筛选。结果表明:(1)从二色补血草根、茎、叶组织器官中分离出18株内生真菌,其中以叶部最多,根部和茎部次之;经形态学初步鉴定归于2目,2科,4属。(2)有10株内生真菌对2种或多种植物病原真菌有不同程度的抑制作用,占分离菌株总数的55.6%;8株内生真菌对1种或多种供试细菌具有不同程度的抑制作用,占分离菌株总数的44.4%;菌株LBEFL001和LBEFL006分别对5种供试真菌具有明显抑制作用,属于曲霉属和青霉属;菌株LBEFR006、LBEFS002分别对金黄色葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌2种供试细菌具有明显抑制作用,属于梭孢霉属;菌株LBEFL004对枯草芽胞杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌2种供试细菌具有明显抑制作用,属于曲霉属。研究发现,二色补血草具有较为丰富的内生真菌资源,对植物病原真菌具有明显的抑菌活性,且抑菌范围较宽;对病原细菌抑制作用具有一定的选择性,总体上对金黄色葡萄球菌抑制作用明显。  相似文献   

The survival of eggs of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was studied in a series of experiments comparing the infectivity of egg masses (EM) to that of separated eggs (SE). The EM or SE were placed in the centers of pots containing citrus orchard soil and incubated for 24 hours, 10 days, or 20 days. Following each incubation time, 10-day-old tomato plants were planted in each pot, and 3 to 4 weeks later the plants were harvested and the galling indices determined. In the EM treatments, galling indices of ca. 4.0 to 5.0 were recorded after all three incubation periods; in the SE treatments, the infectivity gradually declined to trace amounts by 20 days. Incubating EM and SE for 2 weeks in four different soil types showed the same pattern in all the soil types: EM caused heavy infection of the test plants while the infection rate from the SE was extremely low. Incubating EM and SE in soil disinfested with formaldehyde resulted in comparable galling indices in most treatments. In petri dish experiments, 100 mg of natural soil was spread at the perimeter of a Phytagel surface and EM or SE of M. incognita were placed in the center. Light microscopy revealed that within 5 to 10 days the SE were attacked by a broad spectrum of microorganisms and were obliterated while the eggs within the EM remained intact. Separated eggs placed within sections of gelatinous matrix (GM) were not attacked by the soil microorganisms. When selected microbes were placed on Phytagel surfaces with EM of M. incognita, electron microscopy demonstrated that at least some microbes colonized the GM. As the major difference between the EM and the SE was the presence of the GM, the GM may serve as a barrier to the invasion of some microorganisms.  相似文献   

Xylem cell length of juvenile tree rings was investigated in poplars in order to check the hypotheses that fiber length or vessel element length are indicative of drought tolerance and have predictive value for final stem base diameter at the end of rotation. The radial increment in the drought year 2003 served as the reference indicator for quantifying drought tolerance. All nine investigated cultivars suffered severely. In terms of their moderately decreased radial increment in 2003, the two aspen cultivars were clearly less drought susceptible than the seven hybrid poplar cultivars. The variance components of xylem cell length data explained by the two genetic factors ‘cultivar’ and ‘botanic section’ as well as the ‘tree ring’ (of the years 2002 and 2003) were compared by means of ANOVAs. The cultivar effects were superior to the effects of the critical precipitation status in 2003 and the botanic section. Fiber and vessel element length were found to be less sensitive to the drought compared with radial increment. They did neither correlate with radial increment in the drought year 2003 nor in 2002. Therefore, higher xylem cell length cannot indicate drought tolerance in poplars. However, a linear relationship between fiber length of both juvenile tree rings and the stem base diameter proved to be highly significant to a linear mixed effect model. Higher fiber length of a juvenile tree ring was considered to be predictive of larger stem base diameter at the end of rotation.  相似文献   

The watermark disease, caused by Brenneria salicis (formerly Erwinia salicis), is of significant concern wherever tree-forming willows are grown or occur naturally. The movement of infected, asymptomatic cuttings is a major cause of pathogen dispersal. A reliable and sensitive diagnostic procedure is necessary for the safe movement of willow planting material. We derived primers from the nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene of B. salicis for the development of a PCR to detect this pathogen. One set of primers, Es1a-Es4b, directed the amplification of a 553-bp fragment from B. salicis genomic DNA as well as B. salicis cells. PCR products were not observed when genomic DNA was tested for 27 strains of other, related plant-associated bacteria. Genomic fingerprinting by amplification fragment length polymorphism of B. salicis strains, originating from four different countries, and related Brenneria, Pectobacterium, and Erwinia strains revealed a very high similarity among the B. salicis genomes, indicating that the spread of the pathogen is mainly due to the transportation of infected cuttings. The PCR had to be preceded by a DNA extraction in order to detect the pathogen in the vascular fluid of willows. The minimum number of cells that could be detected from vascular fluid was 20 CFU/ml. The PCR assays proved to be very sensitive and reliable in detecting B. salicis in willow plant material.  相似文献   

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