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In this issue of JCB, Welch et al. (2021. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202106115) show that GOLPH3 mediates the sorting of numerous Golgi proteins into recycling COPI transport vesicles. This explains how many resident proteins are retained at the Golgi and reveals a key role for GOLPH3 in maintaining Golgi homeostasis.

The Golgi apparatus lies at the heart of the secretory pathway, where its major functions are the posttranslational modification of cargo proteins and lipids, particularly at the level of glycosylation, and the sorting of cargo to its correct onward destination. The Golgi is composed of stacked membrane compartments called cisternae, which contain numerous resident enzymes that act on the cargo as it passes through the organelle, from the entry or cis side to the exit or trans side. Each resident enzyme has its own distribution within the Golgi stack, resulting in the sequential modification of the secretory cargo as it moves through the Golgi.Various mechanisms exist to ensure that Golgi residents are retained within the Golgi despite the huge flux of protein and lipid through this organelle (1). Major players are COPI vesicles, which recycle Golgi residents from later to earlier cisternae, at the same time as the cisternae are thought to slowly migrate across the stack, as on a conveyor belt, progressively changing composition in a process referred to as cisternal maturation (2). Unlike the Golgi resident enzymes, which enter recycling vesicles, cargo is thought to remain within the maturing cisternae as it moves through the Golgi. Certain Golgi enzymes can bind directly to the COPI coat, explaining their inclusion in COPI vesicles (3), but for other enzymes and resident proteins, their retention mechanism is less obvious.Previous studies on the peripheral Golgi membrane protein GOLPH3 and its paralogue GOLPH3L (herein I will refer to both proteins as GOLPH3) indicated it can bind to certain Golgi enzymes and to the COPI coat, thereby acting as an adaptor to mediate sorting of these enzymes into COPI vesicles (4, 5). This was first shown for the yeast orthologue Vps74p (6, 7) and has also been demonstrated for the Drosophila version of the protein (8), consistent with a conserved function in Golgi enzyme retention. However, the extent to which GOLPH3 might participate in retention of different Golgi enzymes and other resident proteins, and its importance relative to other methods of protein retention in the Golgi, has remained unclear. Indeed, a recent study suggested that GOLPH3 selectively mediates the retention of enzymes involved in glycosphingolipid synthesis, consistent with a fairly selective role in retaining only a subset of resident Golgi enzymes (9). It should also be noted that GOLPH3 has been implicated in other functions, namely budding of exocytic vesicles from the Golgi, the DNA damage response, and mechanistic target of rapamycin signaling (10).In their current paper, Welch et al. used a combination of approaches to reassess the role of GOLPH3 at the Golgi (11). Using proteomics, they could identify numerous GOLPH3 binding partners, which included COPI, as expected, and a large number of other Golgi residents, including numerous Golgi enzymes and other membrane proteins. The ability of GOLPH3 to retain enzymes at the Golgi was confirmed using microscopy and an innovative flow cytometry–based assay to quantify surface versus Golgi abundance. The large number of possible interactors suggested that GOLPH3 could mediate the Golgi retention of many proteins. To further assess this possibility, the authors took advantage of previous observations showing that Golgi enzymes may be misrouted to the lysosome and degraded upon their failure to be retained in the Golgi (6, 7, 9). Using mass spectrometry, they could show that numerous Golgi resident proteins were depleted in GOLPH3 knockout cells, many of which were also found in the GOLPH3 interactome. This included many enzymes involved in glycosylation, consistent with GOLPH3 playing an important role in maintaining Golgi-dependent glycosylation of proteins and lipids. This was supported by lectin analysis, which showed marked changes in a broad range of glycans in the GOLPH3 knockout cells.The large number of GOLPH3 clients raises the question as to how it can recognize so many proteins. Previous work has shown binding to the cytoplasmic tails of Golgi enzymes and an interaction motif has been described for Vps74p and more recently for GOLPH3 (6, 9). However, bioinformatics analysis of the many GOLPH3 clients combined with mutational analysis, as performed in the current study, revealed the lack of a consensus sequence for GOLPH3 binding, with the common feature being a strong net positive charge combined with short cytoplasmic tail length. This would result in a high positive charge proximal to the membrane, which likely allows interaction with an acidic patch on the surface of GOLPH3. This mode of binding could mediate selective retention of many Golgi residents, while allowing for the forward trafficking of cargo proteins that have longer, less charged, or folded cytoplasmic domains.GOLPH3 is an oncogene associated with many types of cancer (12). Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the oncogenic properties of GOLPH3, but most compelling is that changes in glycosylation are responsible. It was recently shown that GOLPH3-dependent changes in glycosphingolipids affects cell growth by altering mitogenic signaling (9). Changes in glycosylation of surface receptors has also been reported, which can affect surface abundance and hence signaling (13). The new results from Welch et al. suggest that glycosylation of many proteins and lipids may be relevant in cancer and that potentially a broad range of downstream targets contribute to oncogenesis. Such targets could influence processes beyond signaling, including cell adhesion and migration, that are known to be sensitive to changes in the surface glycome and which have been reported in previous studies on GOLPH3 (12).The study by Welch et al. indicates a major role for GOLPH3 in Golgi protein retention (Fig. 1). Clearly though, other retention mechanisms exist, including direct binding to COPI, and transmembrane domain length is also important, where the short transmembrane domain of resident proteins favors partitioning into recycling COPI vesicles and Golgi cisternal membranes of a similar thickness (1). Additional COPI adaptors are also likely, with TM9SF2 recently identified as a likely candidate, being present in Golgi vesicles and able to bind certain Golgi enzymes (1). It is possible that different resident proteins use different adaptors, or that a combination of retention mechanisms act in conjunction for certain residents, providing robustness to the retention process. However, any redundancy would seem incomplete given the strong phenotype seen upon loss of GOLPH3. GOLPH3 is localized toward the trans side of the Golgi, so it is possible that other adaptors, such as TM9SF2 and possibly others, might act earlier in the Golgi, or that direct coat binding is more important within the early Golgi. Hence different residents may be more likely to use different retention mechanisms depending on their location in the Golgi. Because GOLPH3 acts late in the Golgi and can bind many clients, we may think of it as a gatekeeper to prevent loss of numerous Golgi residents from the organelle.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.GOLPH3 plays a major role in Golgi protein retention. Golgi resident proteins, including many glycosylation enzymes, depicted by lollipops, are sorted into recycling COPI vesicles to maintain retention in the Golgi in the face of onward cisternal maturation and secretory cargo transport. Different enzymes are depicted by different lollipop shapes and colors, with GOLPH3 clients indicated by horizontal ovals. Enzymes retained by other mechanisms are depicted by lollipops with circles (transmembrane domain length), squares or vertical ovals (binding to other COPI adaptors, indicated in turquoise and purple), or hexagons (direct binding to the COPI coat). GOLPH3, which is more abundant toward the trans side of the Golgi, has many clients.With regard to possible future studies, although we have a good idea of how GOLPH3 recognizes its clients, detailed structural analysis will prove informative in elucidating how it can bind so many proteins. Similarly, identification of additional adaptors linking Golgi residents to the COPI coat will be important to generate a more comprehensive view of Golgi protein retention. Finally, in the context of disease, further analysis of the glycoproteins and glycolipids whose levels are altered because of changes in GOLPH3 expression, of which there are likely to be many, should provide significant new insights into the mechanisms underlying GOLPH3-mediated tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Although the Golgi apparatus has been studied extensively for over 100 years, the complex structure-function relationships have yet to be elucidated. It is well known that the Golgi complex plays an important role in the transport, processing, sorting, and targeting of numerous proteins and lipids destined for secretion, plasma membrane, and lysosomes. Increasing evidence suggests that the Golgi apparatus is a sensor and common downstream effector of stress signals in cell death pathways. It undergoes disassembly and fragmentation in several neurological disorders. Recent studies indicate that Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GOLPH3 also known as GPP34/GMx33/MIDAS), a peripheral membrane protein of trans-Golgi network, represents an exciting new class of oncoproteins involved in cell signal transduction and is potentially mobilized by stress. In this review, we focus on the importance of GOLPH3 in vesicular trafficking, Golgi architecture maintenance, receptor sorting, protein glycosylation, and further discuss its potential in signal sensing in stress response.  相似文献   

The fidelity of Golgi glycosylation is, in part, ensured by compartmentalization of enzymes within the stack. The COPI adaptor GOLPH3 has been shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tails of a subset of Golgi enzymes and direct their retention. However, other mechanisms of retention, and other roles for GOLPH3, have been proposed, and a comprehensive characterization of the clientele of GOLPH3 and its paralogue GOLPH3L is lacking. GOLPH3’s role is of particular interest as it is frequently amplified in several solid tumor types. Here, we apply two orthogonal proteomic methods to identify GOLPH3+3L clients and find that they act in diverse glycosylation pathways or have other roles in the Golgi. Binding studies, bioinformatics, and a Golgi retention assay show that GOLPH3+3L bind the cytoplasmic tails of their clients through membrane-proximal positively charged residues. Furthermore, deletion of GOLPH3+3L causes multiple defects in glycosylation. Thus, GOLPH3+3L are major COPI adaptors that impinge on most, if not all, of the glycosylation pathways of the Golgi.  相似文献   

Targeting and retention of resident integral membrane proteins of the Golgi apparatus underly the function of the Golgi in glycoprotein and glycolipid processing and sorting. In yeast, steady-state Golgi localization of multiple mannosyltransferases requires recognition of their cytosolic domains by the peripheral Golgi membrane protein Vps74, an orthologue of human GOLPH3/GPP34/GMx33/MIDAS (mitochondrial DNA absence sensitive factor). We show that targeting of Vps74 and GOLPH3 to the Golgi apparatus requires ongoing synthesis of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 4-phosphate (PtdIns4P) by the Pik1 PtdIns 4-kinase and that modulation of the levels and cellular location of PtdIns4P leads to mislocalization of these proteins. Vps74 and GOLPH3 bind specifically to PtdIns4P, and a sulfate ion in a crystal structure of GOLPH3 indicates a possible phosphoinositide-binding site that is conserved in Vps74. Alterations in this site abolish phosphoinositide binding in vitro and Vps74 function in vivo. These results implicate Pik1 signaling in retention of Golgi-resident proteins via Vps74 and show that GOLPH3 family proteins are effectors of Golgi PtdIns 4-kinases.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids are important components of the plasma membrane where they modulate the activities of membrane proteins including signalling receptors. Glycosphingolipid synthesis relies on competing reactions catalysed by Golgi‐resident enzymes during the passage of substrates through the Golgi cisternae. The glycosphingolipid metabolic output is determined by the position and levels of the enzymes within the Golgi stack, but the mechanisms that coordinate the intra‐Golgi localisation of the enzymes are poorly understood. Here, we show that a group of sequentially‐acting enzymes operating at the branchpoint among glycosphingolipid synthetic pathways binds the Golgi‐localised oncoprotein GOLPH3. GOLPH3 sorts these enzymes into vesicles for intra‐Golgi retro‐transport, acting as a component of the cisternal maturation mechanism. Through these effects, GOLPH3 controls the sub‐Golgi localisation and the lysosomal degradation rate of specific enzymes. Increased GOLPH3 levels, as those observed in tumours, alter glycosphingolipid synthesis and plasma membrane composition thereby promoting mitogenic signalling and cell proliferation. These data have medical implications as they outline a novel oncogenic mechanism of action for GOLPH3 based on glycosphingolipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Golgi phosphoprotein 2 (GOLPH2/GP73/GOLM1), a type-II Golgi transmembrane protein of unknown function, is up-regulated in many cancers. Its Golgi luminal domain is potentially the major functional domain. The goal of this study is to identify the proteins interacting with GOLPH2. Using secretory GOLPH2 (sGOLPH2, amino acid residues 55–401) as bait, secretory clusterin (sCLU) was identified as one interacting candidate by yeast two-hybrid screening, and the coiled-coil domain of GOLPH2 was found to be sufficient for interaction with sCLU. The interaction between GOLPH2 and sCLU was confirmed intracellularly and extracellularly. The intracellular co-localization of GOLPH2 and sCLU in Golgi was also shown. These results can help in understanding the biological and pathological significance of GOLPH2.  相似文献   

Multilayer interactions determine the Golgi localization of GRIP golgins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Golgin-97, RanBP2alpha, Imh1p and p230/golgin-245 (GRIP) domain golgins are targeted to the Golgi membrane through their GRIP domains. By analyzing more than 30 mutants of golgin-97 and golgin-245 GRIP domains for their properties of dimerization, interaction with ARF like protein 1 (Arl1)-GTP and Golgi targeting, we found hierarchically organized three-tier interactions governing the Golgi targeting of GRIP domain golgins. GRIP domain self-dimerization is necessary for bivalent interaction with Arl1-GTP. Unexpectedly, however, these two interactions are not sufficient for Golgi targeting, as a third group of residues, including positive-charged arginine between alpha1 and alpha2 and hydrophobic residues C-terminal to the GRIP domain, turn out to be essential. Surface plasmon resonance analysis indicates that GRIP domain interacts directly with membrane lipid, partially through the third group of residues such as W744 of golgin-97. This third tier of interaction with the membrane could be mediated by non-specific hydrophobic and electrostatic forces.  相似文献   

Human Golgi phosphoprotein 2 gene (also known as GOLPH2, GP73 or GOLM1) encodes an epithelial-specific Golgi membrane protein which can be induced by virus infection. It is also overexpressed in a number of tumors and is currently considered as an early diagnosis marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. However, little is known about how GOLPH2 is dysregulated in these disease conditions and the functional implications of its overexpression. The aim of this study is to investigate human GOLPH2 regulation mechanisms. We cloned a 2599 bp promoter fragment of GOLPH2 and found it maintained epithelial specificity. By deletion analysis, a repressive region (-864 to -734 bp), a positive regulatory region (-734 to -421 bp) and a core promoter region (-421 to -79 bp) were identified. Sequence analysis revealed that GOLPH2 core promoter was devoid of canonical TATA element and classified as a TATA-less promoter. Adenoviral early region 1A (E1A) was able to activate GOLPH2 and the CtBP interaction domain of E1A was sufficient but not required for activation. A GC-box motif (-89 to -83 bp) in GOLPH2 core promoter region partly mediated E1A transactivation. These results delineated regulatory regions and functional element in GOLPH2 promoter, elucidated adenoviral E1A stimulation mechanisms and provided insight into GOLPH2 functions.  相似文献   

The Golgi protein GM130 regulates centrosome morphology and function   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Golgi apparatus (GA) of mammalian cells is positioned in the vicinity of the centrosome, the major microtubule organizing center of the cell. The significance of this physical proximity for organelle function and cell cycle progression is only beginning to being understood. We have identified a novel function for the GA protein, GM130, in the regulation of centrosome morphology, position and function during interphase. RNA interference-mediated depletion of GM130 from five human cell lines revealed abnormal interphase centrosomes that were mispositioned and defective with respect to microtubule organization and cell migration. When GM130-depleted cells entered mitosis, they formed multipolar spindles, arrested in metaphase, and died. We also detected aberrant centrosomes during interphase and multipolar spindles during mitosis in ldlG cells, which do not contain detectable GM130. Although GA proteins have been described to regulate mitotic centrosomes and spindle formation, this is the first report of a role for a GA protein in the regulation of centrosomes during interphase.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is the central hub of intracellular trafficking and consists of tethered stacks of cis, medial, and trans cisternae. In mammalian cells, these cisternae are stitched together as a perinuclear Golgi ribbon, which is required for the establishment of cell polarity and normal subcellular organization. We previously identified FHDC1 (also known as INF1) as a unique microtubule-binding member of the formin family of cytoskeletal-remodeling proteins. We show here that endogenous FHDC1 regulates Golgi ribbon formation and has an apparent preferential association with the Golgi-derived microtubule network. Knockdown of FHDC1 expression results in defective Golgi assembly and suggests a role for FHDC1 in maintenance of the Golgi-derived microtubule network. Similarly, overexpression of FHDC1 induces dispersion of the Golgi ribbon into functional ministacks. This effect is independent of centrosome-derived microtubules and instead likely requires the interaction between the FHDC1 microtubule-binding domain and the Golgi-derived microtubule network. These effects also depend on the interaction between the FHDC1 FH2 domain and the actin cytoskeleton. Thus our results suggest that the coordination of actin and microtubule dynamics by FHDC1 is required for normal Golgi ribbon formation.  相似文献   

Hu L  Li L  Xie H  Gu Y  Peng T 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e28207
Golgi phosphoprotein 2 (GOLPH2) is a resident Golgi type-II membrane protein upregulated in liver disease. Given that GOLPH2 traffics through endosomes and can be secreted into the circulation, it is a promising serum marker for liver diseases. The structure of GOLPH2 and the functions of its different protein domains are not known. In the current study, we investigated the structural determinants for Golgi localization using a panel of GOLPH2 truncation mutants. The Golgi localization of GOLPH2 was not affected by the deletion of the C-terminal part of the protein. A truncated mutant containing the N-terminal portion (the cytoplasmic tail and transmembrane domain (TMD)) localized to the Golgi. Sequential deletion analysis of the N-terminal indicated that the TMD with a positively charged residue in the cytoplasmic N-terminal tail were sufficient to support Golgi localization. We also showed that both endogenous and secreted GOLPH2 exist as a disulfide-bonded dimer, and the coiled-coil domain was sufficient for dimerization. This structural knowledge is important for the understanding the pathogenic role of GOLPH2 in liver diseases, and the development of GOLPH2-based hepatocellular cancer diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

The Golgi silver impregnation technique gives detailed information on neuronal morphology of the few neurons it labels, whereas the majority remain unstained. In contrast, the Nissl staining technique allows for consistent labeling of the whole neuronal population but gives very limited information on neuronal morphology. Most studies characterizing neuronal cell types in the context of their distribution within the tissue slice tend to use the Golgi silver impregnation technique for neuronal morphology followed by deimpregnation as a prerequisite for showing that neuron's histological location by subsequent Nissl staining. Here, we describe a rapid method combining Golgi silver impregnation with cresyl violet staining that provides a useful and simple approach to combining cellular morphology with cytoarchitecture without the need for deimpregnating the tissue. Our method allowed us to identify neurons of the facial nucleus and the supratrigeminal nucleus, as well as assessing cellular distribution within layers of the dorsal cochlear nucleus. With this method, we also have been able to directly compare morphological characteristics of neuronal somata at the dorsal cochlear nucleus when labeled with cresyl violet with those obtained with the Golgi method, and we found that cresyl violet-labeled cell bodies appear smaller at high cellular densities. Our observation suggests that cresyl violet staining is inadequate to quantify differences in soma sizes.  相似文献   

Summary Stem segments ofPisum sativum L. when plasmolyzed with mannitol show a continued secretion through the dictyosome-vesicle pathway. While incorporation into the cell wall is inhibited during plasmolysis, the secreted material, expressed as an ethanol insoluble fraction of the homogenate supernatant after removal of cell organelles and cell wall, apparently accumulates between the protoplast and cell wall. The inhibition of cell wall incorporation and the accumulation of ethanol insoluble material may be reversed upon removal of the mannitol. The relevance of this effect for nonplasmolyzing turgor changes is discussed.  相似文献   

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