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Exposure to airborne particulate matter has adverse effects on human health and ecosystem. Mutagenic activity of airborne particulate organic matter extracts in three time periods from total suspended particles (TSP) and particles less than 10 microm (PM10) was evaluated in an area under the influence of a petrochemical industry located in the town of Triunfo, Brazil. The extracts were investigated using the Salmonella/microsome assay, with the microsuspension method. The extracts were obtained by sonication extracted using dichloromethane (DCM) solvent. The fractions were tested for mutagenicity with the Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 (with and without metabolic activation), TA98NR and TA98/1,8DNP(6); or YG1021 and YG1024. A positive frameshift mutagenic response was observed for the environmental samples during the different periods. The responses according to percentage of extractable organic matter (EOM%), EOM/m(3), revertants/microg (rev/microg) and revertants/m(3) (rev/m(3)) were lower for TSP than for PM10 extracts. The highest rev/m(3) values were observed in PM10 extract samples collected in winter, July 2005, in the presence (13.79 rev/m(3)) or absence (6.87 rev/m(3)) of S9 fraction. Similarly in the first (1995) or second period (2000) the highest values for TSP were observed in winter, but with lower activity (3.00 and 0.89 rev/m(3) respectively). The responses observed for the nitrosensitive strains suggest the contribution of nitro, amino and/or hydroxylamino derivatives of PAHs to the total mutagenicity of matter extracted from airborne particles. The Salmonella/microsome assay was a sensitive method to define areas contaminated by genotoxic compounds, even in samples with TSP or PM10 values that are acceptable according to legal environmental quality standards, favoring environmental control measures with an effective response seen in the population's improved quality of life.  相似文献   

Since 1992, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been promoting studies of air pollution using a standard design of air sampler that provides separation on filters into two size fractions with cutoffs of 2.5 and 10 Μm (approximately). These are the size ranges presently considered to have the most important health consequences. Such filter samples are highly amenable to analysis using nuclear and related techniques. After reviewing some of the health effects of airborne particulate matter and current air quality standards and guidelines, this article provides an overview of current and recent IAEA programs in this area, which involve collaborative activities with participants in more than 40 countries.  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on the application of an in vitro assay in elucidating the role of lung lining fluid antioxidants in the protection against inhaled particles, and to compare the toxicities of different airborne particulate matter (PM), PM10, collections from South Wales, UK. PM collections from both urban and industrial sites caused 50% oxidative degradation of DNA in vitro at concentrations as low as 12.9 +/- 2.1 microg ml(-1) and 4.9 0.9 mg ml-1 respectively. The primary source of this bioreactivity was found to be the soluble fraction of both particle collections. The coarser PM(10-2.5) fraction also showed greater oxidative bioreactivity than the PM(2.5-0.1) in both cases. When repeated in the presence of a low molecular weight fraction of fresh pulmonary lavage fluid, as well as in artificial lung lining fluid (200 microM urate, glutathione and ascorbate), the DNA damage was significantly reduced in all cases (P < 0.05). The antioxidants exerted a greater effect on the industrial samples than on the urban samples, and on the PM(10-2.5) fractions than on the PM(2.5-0.1) fractions, supporting the previous findings that respirable PM and urban samples contain fewer free radical sources than inhalable PM and industrial samples.  相似文献   

The present study reports mutagenic and genotoxic activities associated with ambient air collected at 15 sites characteristic for urban, industrial or rural conditions in Flanders. Airborne particulates (PM10) and semi-volatile compounds were collected on quartz filters (QF) and polyurethane foam (PUF) cartridges using a high-volume sampling device. The mutagenic and genotoxic potency of the organic extracts – Soxhlet extraction with acetone – was determined by use of the Salmonella mutagenicity standard plate-incorporation assay and the Vitotox® assay, respectively. Concentrations of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the extracts were determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Ambient air samples contained significant PAH levels and mutagenic activities at all 15 sites: direct mutagenicity of up to 47 revertants per cubic meter was found in the QF extracts and more limited activity of up to 11 rev m−3 in the PUF extracts. Metabolic activation of PUF extracts resulted in an important increase in mutagenic activity, up to 30 rev m−3, but no such increase was observed for QF extracts. The highest values were observed outside large cities at industrial sites and at a rural site contaminated by pollution from a chemical plant at a distance of 4 km. Also at the background location near the North Sea a significant mutagenic activity was measured in the QF extracts (+S9: 9 rev m−3; −S9: 7 rev m−3). Apparently, there is in Flanders a significant background exposure level to airborne mutagenicity, even in areas with limited or no nearby pollution sources. Based on the concentrations of 10 mutagenic PAHs and supposing additivity of their specific mutagenicities, only a few percent (mean 3%) of the observed indirect mutagenic activity could be explained. This implies that most mutagenic activity originated from other substances that were not identified or measured in our chemical analysis. This underscores the importance of bio-monitoring measurements.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess antibiotic resistance in airborne bacteria associated with coarse particulate matter (PM10) in an urban area, with specific considerations about the Staphylococcus genus. Methods and Results: Disc diffusion test was performed on 243 microbial strains, isolated from PM10 in winter and summer and belonging to families Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae and genera Acinetobacter, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus. Staphylococci resistances were the most heterogeneous, being distributed among almost all tested antibiotics. Staphylococcus isolates resistant to some selected antibiotics were further investigated for the presence of the corresponding genetic determinants. Only tetK, which mediates the tetracycline resistance through the action of an efflux protein, was found in almost all resistant isolates. Conclusions: The lack of specific genetic determinants makes their transmission among staphylococci less likely. This may reduce the theoretical risk associated with the inhalation of airborne micro‐organisms. Significance and Impact of Study: Although the spreading of antibiotic resistant micro‐organisms is of particular concern in clinical settings, the origin of antibiotic resistance genes can be traced in natural environments. As behaviour, viability and transport of bacteria in the atmospheric compartment suffer from a lack of information, the evaluation of the actual risk posed by airborne micro‐organisms to human health is still challenging.  相似文献   

The mutagenic activity of cigarette smoke condensates (CSC) made from tobacco before and after removal of protein was assessed by the Ames Salmonella assay in bacterial strains TA98 and TA100. Removal of protein and peptides from flue-cured tobacco via water extraction followed by protease digestion reduced the mutagenicity of the resultant CSC by 80% in the TA98 strain and 50% in the TA100 strain. Similarly, reductions of 81% in TA98 and 54% in TA100 were seen following water extraction and protease digestion of burley tobacco. The significant reductions in Ames mutagenicity following protein removal suggest that protein pyrolysis products are a principal contributor to the genotoxicity of CSC as measured in this assay.  相似文献   

Summary We have constructed a small, transposition-defective derivative of the transposon Tn10 that carries the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene of pACYC184. This new genetic element, Tn10d-Cam, transposes when Tn10 transposase is provided from a multi-copy plasmid. Transposon insertion mutagenesis of Salmonella typhimurium was performed by using a strain carrying a Tn10d-Cam insertion in an Escherichia coli F' episome as the donor in transductional crosses into recipients that carried a plasmid expressing Tn10 transposase. Tn10d-Cam insertion mutations were also generated by complementation in cis of Tn10d-Cam by a cotransducible Tn10 element that overproduces transposase. Here, transposase was provided only transiently, and the Tn10d-Cam insertion mutations were recovered in a transposase-free strain. Cis complementation was used for mutagenesis of a plasmid target. The site specificity of insertion and the effect of insertions on expression of a downstream gene were investigated, using Tn10d-Cam insertions in a plasmid carrying a segment of the histidine operon.  相似文献   

In 2003, 50 game carcasses (ungulates) originating from one Austrian hunting ground were subject to visual examination for (fecal) contamination of the body cavities and microbiological testing of the body cavities in order to assess variations in microbial surface contamination in the season June–August compared to October–December. No carcass tested positive for the bacterial pathogens Salmonella or Listeria. Bacterial surface counts in October–December (median values: total aerobic count: 4.12 log10 colony-forming-units (cfu)/cm2; Enterobacteriaceae: 2.48 log10 cfu/cm2) were significantly lower than those in June–August (median values: total aerobic count: 5.65 log10 cfu/cm2; Enterobacteriaceae: 3.45 log10 cfu/cm2). The cooling regime (0.4 °C, 62% relative humidity) allowed no microbial growth for 96 h but was associated with weight loss of the carcasses. All carcasses had undergone a precooling phase of 8–12 h, with temperatures of 17.8±1.2 °C in the season June–August and 9.8±1.2 °C in October–December. This temperature difference was identified as the most probable effector for the observed seasonal variation. The results demonstrate the need for a continuous cool chain after evisceration of game carcasses.  相似文献   

There are few studies on the biological activity of aminohydroxy derivates of 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We determined the mutagenic activity of 5-amino-8-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (ANQ) and 5-amino-2,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (ANQ-OH) as compared to the unsubstituted 1,4-NQ in Salmonella/microsome assay. Potential mutagenic and recombinogenic effects and cytotoxicity were analyzed in haploid and diploid cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In Salmonella/microsome assay, 1,4-NQ was not mutagenic, whereas aminohydroxynaphthoquinones were weakly mutagenic in TA98 and TA102 strains. In haploid yeast in stationary growth phase (STAT), mutagenic response was only observed for the hom3 locus at the highest dose. In diploid yeast, aminohydroxynaphthoquinones did not induce any recombinogenic events, but 1,4-NQ was shown to be a recombinogenic agent. These results suggest that aminohydroxynaphthoquinones are weak mutagenic agents only in prokaryotic cells. The cytotoxicity of 1,4-NQ in yeast stationary cells was more significant in diploid cells as compared to that observed in haploid cells. However, ANQ and ANQOH were slightly cytotoxic in all treatments. Genotoxicity of these naphthoquinone compounds was also determined in V79 Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells using standard Comet, as well as modified Comet assay with the bacterial enzymes formamidopyrimidine DNA-glycosylase (FPG) and endonuclease III (ENDOIII). Both 1,4-NQ and ANQ induced pronounced DNA damage in the standard Comet assay. The genotoxic effect of ANQ-OH was observed only at the highest dose. In presence of metabolic activation all substances showed genotoxic effects on V79 cells. Post-treatment of V79 cells with ENDOIII and FPG proteins did not have a significant effect on ANQ-OH-induced oxidative DNA damage as compared to standard alkaline Comet assay. However, all naphthoquinones were genotoxic in V79 cells in the presence of metabolic activation and post-treatment with enzymes, indicating that all compounds induced oxidative DNA damage in V79 cells. Our data suggest that aminohydroxynaphthoquinone pro-oxidant activity, together with their capability of DNA intercalation, have an important role in mutagenic and genotoxic activities.  相似文献   

The initial quantitative breakdown of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) was investigated by measuring the loss (over 73 days) of substrate mass of particles of known size ranges (53–125 µm, 125–250 µm, 250–500 µm, 500 µm-1 mm) and derived from known organic sources (Alnus rubra, Acer macrophyllum, Polystichum munitum). Qualitative examinations (organic content, C : N ratio) also were made. Particles ranging from 500 µm to 1 mm in diameter differed greatly from particles in other size ranges, and results of studies with these particles closely resembled results of coarse particulate (CPOM) leaf pack studies. Despite variation, alder particles generally exhibited the greatest mass loss, those of sword-fern, the least, and mass loss of bigleaf maple particles was intermediate. Organic contents of all particle substrates decreased over time. In general, the C : N ratios of alder particles increased, those of bigleaf maple decreased, and those of sword-fern exhibited little change. All particle substrates were incubated in the field in vials, which allowed for influx of natural detritus of unknown source and period of residence. Given the overall abundance and prevalence of the FPOM resource in lotic systems, standardization of a procedure such as that used in this investigation would be useful in extending understanding of stream system processes, including detrital processing and decomposition.  相似文献   

The carriage rate of Salmonella in the gut of three lizard species, namely the Agama lizard (Agama agama) (64), the wall gecko (Geckonidae) (60), the snake lizard (Ameiva ameiva) (52), and 60 samples of lizard dropping; and their survival under various environmental conditions was investigated. A gastrointestinal Salmonella carriage rate of 32, 39 and 48% were observed for the wall gecko, the Agama and snake lizards respectively. An isolation rate of 35% was also recorded for pooled lizard droppings. Salmonella survived in the droppings for 4 weeks in tap water and wet sand, 6 weeks in direct contact with air and up to 8 weeks when mixed with dry sand. An inoculum of 106 c.f.u./g of a pure Salmonella isolate obtained from the lizard droppings proliferated extensively in sterile wet and dry soil samples, but decreased rapidly in the other environments. Salmonella was still detectable after 3 weeks in non-sterile wet and dry soil samples, up to 2 weeks in tap water, and approximately 8 days in powdered milk and gari. The potential public health significance of the observations is discussed.  相似文献   

The antimutagenic effect of selenium as sodium selenite, sodium selenate, selenium dioxide, and seleno-methionine was studied in the AmesSalmonella/microsome mutagenicity test using 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) and some of its metabolites. Selenium (20 ppm) as sodium selenite reduced the number of histidine revertants on plates containing up to 100 μg DMBA/plate. Increasing concentrations of selenium as sodium selenite, sodium selenate, and selenium dioxide up to 40 ppm Se progressively decreased the number of revertants caused by 50 μg DMBA. DMBA and its metabolites 7-hydroxymethyl-12-methylbenz(a)anthracene, 12-hydroxymethyl-7-methylbenz(a)anthracene, and 3-hydroxy-7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene were mutagenic forSalmonella typhimurium TA100 in the presence of an S-9 mixture. Selenium supplementation as Na2SeO3 reduced the number of revertants induced by these metabolites to background levels. The antimutagenic effect of inorganic selenium compounds cannot be explained by toxicity of selenium as determined by viability tests withSalmonella typhimurium TA100. Selenium supplementation in all forms examined, except sodium selenate, decreased the rate of spontaneous reversion. Selenium as sodium selenate was slightly mutagenic at concentrations of 4 ppm or less. Higher concentration of Na2SeO4 inhibited the mutagenicity of DMBA. The present studies support the anticarcinogenic potential of selenium and indicate that form and concentration are important factors in this trace element's efficacy.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of river water and sediment including interstitial water was evaluated by microscreen phage-induction and Salmonella/microsome assays. Different processes used to fractionate the sediment sample were compared using solvents with different polarities. The results obtained for mutagenic activity using the Salmonella/microsome test were negative in the water and interstitial water samples analysed using the direct concentration method. The responses in the microscreen phage-induction assay showed the presence of genotoxic or indicative genotoxic activity for at least one water sample of each site analysed using the same concentration method. Similar results were obtained for interstitial water samples, i.e. absence of mutagenic activity in the Salmonella/microsome test and presence of genotoxic activity in the microscreen phage-induction assay. Metal contamination, as evidenced by the concentrations in stream sediments, may also help explain some of these genotoxic results. Stream sediment organic extracts showed frameshift mutagenic activity in the ether extract detected by Salmonella/microsome assay. The concentrates evaluated by microscreen phage-induction assay identified the action of organic compounds in the non-polar, medium polar and polar fractions. Thus, the microscreen phage-induction assay has proven to be a more appropriate methodology than the Salmonella/microsome test to analyse multiple pollutants in this ecosystem where both organic compounds and heavy metals are present.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the genotoxic potential of different wastewaters collected in the Rouen area was performed with the SOS chromotest (on Escherichia coli PQ37) and the Salmonella fluctuation test on Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100 and TA102 with or without metabolic activation. The samples were taken during two 1-week periods, one in January and one in April 2003. Six sites were selected for wastewater sampling in order to allow a comparative study between an area of mixed discharge (industrial, hospital and domestic) and an area of primarily domestic discharge.Out of a total of 71 daytime samples tested, 46 (65%) were positive in at least one assay: 22 samples out of 33 in January (67%), and 24 samples out of 38 in April (63%). The two genotoxicity tests have different sensitivities. Indeed, the Salmonella fluctuation test allowed the detection of 56% of the samples as genotoxic in January (18 out of 33), and 63% in April (24 out of 38) while the SOS chromotest allowed the detection of 18% of the samples as genotoxic, whatever the sampling period. The samples collected in domestic wastewater are at least as genotoxic as the samples collected in mixed wastewater. The possible source of the detected genotoxicity (industrial, hospital or domestic) is discussed.The results of this study show that the different types of wastewaters present a genotoxic risk. Additional studies should be undertaken in the analytical field in order to try to identify and quantify the compounds responsible for the genotoxicity. This difficult task will be necessary in order to identify the sources of toxicants and thus to take preventive and/or curative measures to limit the toxicity of the wastewater.  相似文献   

A group of low molecular-weight ColE1-like plasmids carrying the aph sequence type aph(ii) from three different Salmonella serovars were sequenced. These plasmids carry two or more copies of IS903 elements, with up to 21bp sequence differences to one another, two of which flank the aph gene. This group of plasmids did not appear to carry any known mobilization genes and instead carry three open reading frames encoding hypothetical proteins of unknown function possibly organized in an operon. The plasmid replication region (RNA I/II--rom) of this plasmid group showed extensive homology to that of pKPN2 plasmid of Klebsiella pneumoniae and pCol-let plasmid of Escherichia coli. Three of the four plasmids had identical sequences, and the fourth had an extra copy of IS903 with target duplication, suggesting a recent divergence in the different Salmonella serovars from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

The region of Lisbon and south of Lisbon (Sado estuary) is densely industrialized, and, therefore, air pollution should be studied in a more detailed scale there. The topography of the Sado estuary region and the predominant wind direction from the northwest contribute to the influence in this region of the industries located in the north. The region selected includes a fuel-fired power station. Transplants of the lichenParmelia sulcata Taylor were suspended in nylon bags within a rectangle 15 km wide and 25 km long on a grid 2.5 km × 2.5 km, centered in the power station. In each of the 47 sites, 2 sets of 4 transplants each were hung. Care was taken (1) in covering the two sets with a polyethylene roof to prevent leaching of elements in the lichen, (2) in building a hanging system that could rotate according to the wind direction, and (3) in orienting one set toward the wind and the other set opposite the wind. For a 1-yr period and every 3 mo, one transplant of each set is collected. In this work, the results of the first campaign (after 3 mo suspension) obtained by instrumental neutron activation analysis and proton-induced X-ray emission are shown. Some elemental contents are mapped and discussed.  相似文献   

Occurrence of airborne enteric bacteria in Mexico city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An investigation of microbial air quality in the area of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, located in the southern part of Mexico City, was conducted for one year. Ambient outdoor concentrations and size distribution of airborne bacteria were measured, 130 samples were taken at noon, using an Andersen 6 stage sampler, located 2 m above ground level. Concentration ranges and colony-forming units per cubic meter of air (CFU m–3) found, were as follows:14 to 12999 for total bacteria, No growth (NG) to 55 for coliform bacteria, NG to 11 for fecal coliform and NG to 10 for fecal Streptococci.Bacteria associated with the potentially respirable fraction (0.65 to 4.7 µm) averaged 37% and 9% for total bacteria and coliform bacteria respectively. In 23% of the samples, coliform bacteria were recovered, with higher incidences during dry season. The most common of these were:Escherichia coli (15%), followed bySerratia (13%) andEnterobacter (10%),The total bacteria correlated significatively (p<0.05) with the following parameters: particulate matter smaller than 10 µm (PM10) (r=0.40), total suspended particulates (TSP) (r=0.26), daily variation of temperature (r=0.18), and vapor pressure (r=–0.16). These relationships indicate that fecal soil pollution could affect air quality with potential health risks.  相似文献   

The mutagenic activity of ethyl acetate extracts of culture medium from Cunninghamella elegans incubated 72 h with various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was evaluated in the Salmonella typhimurium reversion assay. All of the PAH extracts were assayed in tester strains TA98 and TA100 both with and without metabolic activation using a liver fraction from Aroclor 1254-treated rats. None of the extracts from fungal incubations with the mutagenic PAHs, benzo[a]pyrene, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, 3-methylcholanthrene and benz[a]anthracene, as well as the non-mutagenic PAHs, naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracene, displayed any appreciable mutagenic activity. In addition, time course experiments indicated that the rate of decrease in mutagenic activity in the extracts from cultures incubated with benzo[a]pyrene or 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene was coincident with the rate of increase in total metabolism. The results demonstrated the ability of the fungus C. elegans to detoxify known carcinogens and mutagens and suggests that this organism may play an important role in the metabolism and inactivation of PAHs in the environment.Abbreviations hplc high performance liquid chromatography - tlc thin layer chromatography - PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon  相似文献   

Food can harbour harmful pathogenic microorganisms, such as Salmonella spp. that are responsible by serious human illnesses. The use of natural antimicrobial substances can be practical to maintain the fresh image of food, to increase its shelf life, safety and marketability. We therefore evaluated the in vitro ability of three natural antimicrobial substances (garlic, oregano and chitosan) to inhibit S. enterica under different thermal conditions. All substances exhibited strong antibacterial activities at low temperature. Oregano had the strongest antibacterial properties, followed by chitosan and garlic. These results suggest that garlic, oregano and chitosan can be practical to protect food and consumers from the risk of contamination by S. enterica, to extend food shelf-life, to reduce food waste and to use in hurdle technologies at low temperature.  相似文献   

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