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脑死亡诊断是有关病人生死的重要问题.许多国家都把脑电平坦列为脑死亡诊断的基本条件,但研究发现并非所有的脑死亡患者均表现为脑电平坦,同时脑昏迷患者在部分情况下也会表现出脑电平坦的现象,从而有可能在临床中造成误判.C0复杂度判断指标能够利用脑电信号中的复杂度特性帮助临床诊断中对于脑死亡和脑昏迷状况的鉴别.运用C0复杂度算法对22位脑死亡和脑昏迷病例进行分析实验,可以发现脑死亡脑电信号的复杂度明显高于脑昏迷脑电信号的复杂度.实验表明C0复杂度可以用来有效地区分脑死亡和脑昏迷脑电信号,具有潜在的重要临床价值.  相似文献   

梁亮  徐樊  井哓荣  王超  梁秦川  郭恒  孟强  李焕发  张华  高国栋 《生物磁学》2011,(8):1498-1501,1525
目的:探讨长程颅内电极监测及电刺激方法,在感觉运动区皮质发育不良的难治性癫痫外科手术评估中的意义。方法:筛选MRI提示的皮质发育不良区域与重要功能区-感觉运动区位置关系密切的11例难治性癫痫患者,且头皮长程视频脑电监测及PET检查也初步提示癫痫发作与皮质发育不良所在脑区有关,在可疑脑区放置颅内电极,然后进行颅内电极长程视频脑电监测及电刺激检测,对癫痫起源位置及功能区定位,明确癫痫发作起源区域与感觉运动功能区的解剖学关系,在定位结果指导下进行切除术。结果:11例中3例位于左侧半球,8例位于右侧半球,11例感觉运动功能区皮质分布均存在不同程度变异,7例癫痫发作起源区域与感觉运动功能区一定范围重叠,其中5例与感觉区重叠,该5例切除了起源区域与发作有关的部分感觉区,2例部分致痫灶与运动区重叠,该2例仅切除了除与发作有关的运动区以外的癫痫起源区域,4例癫痫发作起源区域与感觉运动功能区相对独立,该4例完全切除癫痫发作起源区域;手术后6例患者发作消失,2例患者发作频率减少90%以上,1例癫痫发作控制无效,2例患者发生部分感觉缺失,但对生活无明显影响。结论:在皮质发育不良的癫痫患者中,有较高比例的病人伴有功能区皮层分布的变异,长程颅内电极监测及电刺激能够实现癫痫起源区域及功能区精确定位,明确功能区变异情况,对于指导病灶切除,避免损伤功能区皮质,减少术后并发症具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨长程颅内电极监测及电刺激方法,在感觉运动区皮质发育不良的难治性癫痫外科手术评估中的意义。方法:筛选MRI提示的皮质发育不良区域与重要功能区-感觉运动区位置关系密切的11例难治性癫痫患者,且头皮长程视频脑电监测及PET检查也初步提示癫痫发作与皮质发育不良所在脑区有关,在可疑脑区放置颅内电极,然后进行颅内电极长程视频脑电监测及电刺激检测,对癫痫起源位置及功能区定位,明确癫痫发作起源区域与感觉运动功能区的解剖学关系,在定位结果指导下进行切除术。结果:11例中3例位于左侧半球,8例位于右侧半球,11例感觉运动功能区皮质分布均存在不同程度变异,7例癫痫发作起源区域与感觉运动功能区一定范围重叠,其中5例与感觉区重叠,该5例切除了起源区域与发作有关的部分感觉区,2例部分致痫灶与运动区重叠,该2例仅切除了除与发作有关的运动区以外的癫痫起源区域,4例癫痫发作起源区域与感觉运动功能区相对独立,该4例完全切除癫痫发作起源区域;手术后6例患者发作消失,2例患者发作频率减少90%以上,1例癫痫发作控制无效,2例患者发生部分感觉缺失,但对生活无明显影响。结论:在皮质发育不良的癫痫患者中,有较高比例的病人伴有功能区皮层分布的变异,长程颅内电极监测及电刺激能够实现癫痫起源区域及功能区精确定位,明确功能区变异情况,对于指导病灶切除,避免损伤功能区皮质,减少术后并发症具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用了近似熵(approximately entropy,ApEn)和它的改进算法,即样品熵(sample entropy,SampEn)分析了8位颞叶癫痫患者和10位健康人员的短程脑电信号。在计算过程中使用了两种滑动窗口和5个不同的过滤标准r。结果显示颞叶癫痫患者组脑电信号的熵值显著低于健康组,而且患者癫痫病灶所在的脑半球的复杂度远远小于非癫痫病灶的脑半球。小的滑动窗口能更多地反映与癫痫发作相关的细节。对于1秒的滑动窗口,过滤标准r不能小于时间序列标准差的0.15%;而对于4秒的滑动窗口,则过滤标准r不能小于时间序列标准差的10%。研究结果表明,在短程脑电信号的非线性分析中,样品熵是一种比近似熵更为可靠的非线性分析方法。颞叶癫痫患者脑电信号的熵值低于健康人员,这可能表明脑电活动的非线性程度的降低是由于神经信号在大脑内的传递受到了阻碍或者损坏,使得神经信号成了相对孤立的信息源。  相似文献   

基于替代数据(Surrogate)思想的复杂度归一化方法,克服了一般复杂度对信号采样长度与采样频率的敏感性。文章对在生物医学信号复杂度分析中最有潜在应用价值的近似熵和C0复杂度进行了归一化。应用该方法可以有效地反映人体心脏某些病理状态之间的差别。同时,通过比较各种复杂度指标发现,C0复杂度和近似熵对采样长度的敏感性最弱,适用于短数据量的信号分析。  相似文献   

癫痫病人脑电信号的奇异谱   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
癫痫是一种常见的神经系统疾患,其唯一客观证据为脑电图的癫痫样发放。在癫痫发作间期,仅有偶发的很难辨别的癫痫样放电,为了正确诊断癫痫病,往往需要医生长时间监测病人的脑电信号,在对脑电信号进行相空间重构,进而对其进行奇异系统分析,发现癫痫病人无论在癫痫发作前、发作中、发作后,其脑电信号的奇异谱曲线不存在噪声平台,明显区别于正常人。是否可以认为脑电信号的奇异谱正代表着大脑的一种基本状态,癫痫患者在未发作时,大脑的基本状态已经处于异常。无论如休,奇异系统分析方法使得可以利用很短的一段脑电数据诊断癫痫。无疑为癫痫病人的临床诊断提供了一条简单、有效的途径。  相似文献   

基于大脑皮层信息传输的脑电信息图示方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于大脑皮层信息传输的脑电地形图示方法—脑电信息图(Brain InformationMapping - BIM) 。其原理是从不同导联电极上采集脑电信号经相空间重建构成头皮电位信息传输矩阵, 将各导联信息传输时间序列的信息传输量和复杂度数据绘制成头皮拓扑分布图, 以直观地反映脑电信息传输分布模式在不同时相中的变化进程。该方法不仅是从新的角度观察大脑功能变化, 而且可克服传统的脑电频谱分段地形图不能表达长程脑电模式变化的不足。对局限性癫痫病患者的试用表明,脑电信息图能较好地反映癫痫发作前后的信息传输动向和复杂度(Kc 、C1 、C2) 的变化趋势。结果提示,脑电信息图(BIM) 有可能成为一种新的观察大脑功能活动的图示诊断方法,值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

经颅磁刺激对癫痫病灶脑电相关维数的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用脑功能指标——大鼠病灶区脑电的相关维数,研究低频经颅磁刺激对慢性颞叶癫痫大鼠脑功能改善的作用。对一组颞叶癫痫大鼠施予频率为0.5Hz、强度为0.4T、20次/日、连续一周的低频重复性经颅磁刺激(rTMS).在rTMS前后,分别测取颞叶癫痫大鼠责任病灶区皮层和海马区的脑电,重构时间延迟吸引子,用G-P算法估算反映对应脑区功能状态的相关维数。研究结果显示:施予适量的rTMS(0.4T、20次/日、连续一周),使颞叶癫痫大鼠海马和相应皮层脑电的相关维数比刺激前明显升高。研究表明适量的rTMS有抑制癫痫的作用。  相似文献   

脑电信号的高阶奇异谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奇异谱分析是脑电信号分析的一种新方法,脑电信号的奇异谱可以反映脑电的特征,它有助于研究大脑的动力学行为。奇异谱分析方法是基于二阶统计的方法,反映的是信号时间上和空间上的一种线性相关关系。而脑电信号属于非线性信号,其内在的非线性关系很难通过奇异谱得到真实的反映,从而会丢失某些有用的信息。提出一种新的基于高阶统计的脑电奇异谱分析方法,并将其运用于正常脑电和癫痫患者的脑电分析中。大量的实测信号样本仿真实验结果表明,正常脑电和癫痫脑电的奇异谱有明显的不同。此外,基于高阶统计的奇异谱和基于二阶统计的奇异谱相比更能反映出信号的细节。  相似文献   

复杂度脑电地形图研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脑电地形图是近年脑电分析的热点之一。通过对各种复杂度算法的分析得出,近似熵由于所需要的时间序列长度较短,大大减少了脑电非平稳性所带来的困难,且无需粗粒化,在对生物医学信号的复杂度分析中有其一定的优点,采用近似熵对多道脑电信号的复杂度运算结果,通过空间插值,构建复杂性动态脑地形图,以便于观察大脑各部EEG信号复杂度在同一时刻的相对强弱关系和这种关系随时间的变化。并通过对一些脑疾病患者脑电数据的分析,  相似文献   

An accurate epileptic seizure prediction algorithm can alleviate the problem and reduce risks in the life of a patient suffering from epilepsy. The main motive of this work is to propose a model which can predict seizures well in advance of its occurrence. Multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) has been used for seizure predictions in long-term scalp EEG signal. It has been observed that excessive neuronal activity in the preictal period of seizure changes the electrical characteristic from chaotic to rhythmic behavior. These changes have been utilized for prediction. Eight temporal based features are used for predicting the seizures by using multivariate statistical process control, which is widely known as an anomaly monitoring method. 90 seizures from the CHB-MIT EEG data of ten patients are analyzed.ResultThe results of the proposed method demonstrated that 80 seizures out of 90 in preictal period were correctly predicted prior to the seizure onset, thereby giving a sensitivity of 88.89%. The false positive rate is observed to 0.39 per hour.ConclusionThis study proposed a temporal based patient-specific epileptic seizure prediction method using MSPC in long-term scalp EEG signals. It also provides the possibility of realizing an EEG-based epileptic seizure prediction system which requires less computational power.SignificanceThe proposed method does not require preictal data for modeling. The extracted features are computationally easy. The tested result shows good accuracy on the CHB-MIT data base.  相似文献   

We retrospectively evaluated a set of 205 children with autism and compared it to the partial sub-set of 71 (34.6%) children with a history of regression. From 71 children with regression, signs of epileptic processes were present in 43 (60.6%), 28 (65.12%) suffered clinical epileptic seizures, and 15 (34.9%) just had an epileptiform abnormality on the EEG. In our analysis, autistic regression is substantially more associated with epileptic process symptoms than in children with autism and no history of regression. More than 90% of children with a history of regression also show IQ < 70 and reduced functionality. Functionality and IQ further worsens with the occurrence of epileptic seizures (98% of children with regression and epilepsy have IQ < 70). We proved that low IQ and reduced functionality significantly correlate rather with epileptic seizures than just sub-clinical epileptiform abnormality on EEG. Clinical epileptic seizures associated with regression significantly influence the age of regression and its clinical type. The age of regression is higher compared to children with regression without epileptic seizures (in median: 35 months of age in patients with seizures while only 24 months in other patients). Patients with seizures revealed regression after 24th months of age in 68% of cases, while patients without seizures only in 27%. However, coincidence with epilepsy also increased the occurrence of regression before the 18th month of age (23% of patients), while only 4% of patients without epilepsy revealed regression before the 18th month. Epileptic seizures are significantly associated especially with behaviour regression rather than speech regression or regression in both behaviour and speech. Also epileptic seizures diagnosed before correct diagnosis of autism were significantly associated with delayed regression (both behavioural and speech regression).  相似文献   

解码癫痫发作前脑电信号的神经元集群异常痫样放电活动,对癫痫发作进行有效预测并实施病前干预,可显著减少疾病病损,是癫痫防治的研究热点之一。基于脑电信号的癫痫发作预测研究关键在于发作间期和前期的异常状态识别,研究上述两状态间的神经动力学特征差异对明确癫痫发病机制、选取高分辨特征,进而有效识别该渐进性疾病所处的发作阶段具有重要价值。目前,研究者已对当前主流特征提取及模式识别方法进行了充分的调研梳理,但忽视了神经动态特征变化对于癫痫发作预测的重要意义。基于此,本文归纳总结了5类典型的发作预测特征分析方法及其优缺点,重点剖析了发作间期至前期神经生理特征的动态变化及其动力学特性,类比分析了当前该领域主流的机器学习和深度学习特征识别方法,以期为进一步建立精准、高效的癫痫发作预测技术提供新思路。  相似文献   

Acute and long-term sequels of central nervous system (CNS) prophylaxis with irradiation and intrathecal chemotherapy in children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) include vasculopathies, leucoencephalopathies, intracranial calcifications, intellectual and neurological impairment. We report two children at the age 5 and 8 years who manifested partial motor or complex seizures and intracranial calcifications 2-4 years after the diagnosis of ALL had been established. The occurrence of these disorders was much earlier than reported in the literature. Both children received prophylactic CNS treatment with irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate (MTX). Their brain CT scans and EEG had been normal before the first epileptic seizure was registered. Children are now seizure free on carbamazepine, and a boy with complex partial and myoclonic seizures is also on valproate and vigabatrine. Symptomatic epilepsy associated with intracranial calcifications and persisting EEG changes might occur as side effects of ALL treatment.  相似文献   

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder in which patients suffer from recurring seizures, affects approximately 1% of the world population. In spite of available drug and surgical treatment options, more than 25% of individuals with epilepsy have seizures that are uncontrollable. For these patients with intractable epilepsy, the unpredictability of seizure occurrence underlies an enhanced risk of sudden unexpected death or morbidity. A system that could warn the patient of the impending event or trigger an antiepileptic device would dramatically increase the quality of life for those patients. Here, we proposed a patient-specific algorithm for possible seizure warning using machine learning classification of 34 algorithmic features derived from EEG–ECG recordings. We evaluated our algorithm on unselected and continuous recordings of 12 patients (total of 108 seizures and 3178-h). Good out-of-sample performances were observed around 25% of the patients with an average preictal period around 30 min and independently of the EEG type (scalp or intracranial). Inspection of the most discriminative EEG–ECG features revealed that good classification rates reflected specific physiological precursors, particularly related to certain stages of sleep. From these observations, we conclude that our algorithmic strategy enables a quantitative way to identify “pro-ictal” states with a high risk of seizure generation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying seizure generation are traditionally thought to act over seconds to minutes before clinical seizure onset. We analyzed continuous 3- to 14-day intracranial EEG recordings from five patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy obtained during evaluation for epilepsy surgery. We found localized quantitative EEG changes identifying prolonged bursts of complex epileptiform discharges that became more prevalent 7 hr before seizures and highly localized subclinical seizure-like activity that became more frequent 2 hr prior to seizure onset. Accumulated energy increased in the 50 min before seizure onset, compared to baseline. These observations, from a small number of patients, suggest that epileptic seizures may begin as a cascade of electrophysiological events that evolve over hours and that quantitative measures of preseizure electrical activity could possibly be used to predict seizures far in advance of clinical onset.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to identify similarities in the spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptic seizures, record with scalp EEG. A comprehensive method is proposed and applied in EEG of the patients who suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy. The method is based on the computation of the time-varying degree of non linear correlation between scalp electrodes at seizure onset and during seizure spread, determined by a nonlinear regression analysis. The quantification and coding of these similarity relations allow the comparison between two epileptic networks. Results show that reproducible patterns may be extracted from different seizures of the same patient and confirm the existence of different subtypes of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Absence epilepsy is an important epileptic syndrome in children. Multiscale entropy (MSE), an entropy-based method to measure dynamic complexity at multiple temporal scales, is helpful to disclose the information of brain connectivity. This study investigated the complexity of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals using MSE in children with absence epilepsy. In this research, EEG signals from 19 channels of the entire brain in 21 children aged 5-12 years with absence epilepsy were analyzed. The EEG signals of pre-ictal (before seizure) and ictal states (during seizure) were analyzed by sample entropy (SamEn) and MSE methods. Variations of complexity index (CI), which was calculated from MSE, from the pre-ictal to the ictal states were also analyzed. The entropy values in the pre-ictal state were significantly higher than those in the ictal state. The MSE revealed more differences in analysis compared to the SamEn. The occurrence of absence seizures decreased the CI in all channels. Changes in CI were also significantly greater in the frontal and central parts of the brain, indicating fronto-central cortical involvement of “cortico-thalamo-cortical network” in the occurrence of generalized spike and wave discharges during absence seizures. Moreover, higher sampling frequency was more sensitive in detecting functional changes in the ictal state. There was significantly higher correlation in ictal states in the same patient in different seizures but there were great differences in CI among different patients, indicating that CI changes were consistent in different absence seizures in the same patient but not from patient to patient. This implies that the brain stays in a homogeneous activation state during the absence seizures. In conclusion, MSE analysis is better than SamEn analysis to analyze complexity of EEG, and CI can be used to investigate the functional brain changes during absence seizures.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is the second most common neurological disorder, affecting 0.6–0.8% of the world''s population. In this neurological disorder, abnormal activity of the brain causes seizures, the nature of which tend to be sudden. Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs) are used as long-term therapeutic solutions that control the condition. Of those treated with AEDs, 35% become resistant to medication. The unpredictable nature of seizures poses risks for the individual with epilepsy. It is clearly desirable to find more effective ways of preventing seizures for such patients. The automatic detection of oncoming seizures, before their actual onset, can facilitate timely intervention and hence minimize these risks. In addition, advance prediction of seizures can enrich our understanding of the epileptic brain. In this study, drawing on the body of work behind automatic seizure detection and prediction from digitised Invasive Electroencephalography (EEG) data, a prediction algorithm, ASPPR (Advance Seizure Prediction via Pre-ictal Relabeling), is described. ASPPR facilitates the learning of predictive models targeted at recognizing patterns in EEG activity that are in a specific time window in advance of a seizure. It then exploits advanced machine learning coupled with the design and selection of appropriate features from EEG signals. Results, from evaluating ASPPR independently on 21 different patients, suggest that seizures for many patients can be predicted up to 20 minutes in advance of their onset. Compared to benchmark performance represented by a mean S1-Score (harmonic mean of Sensitivity and Specificity) of 90.6% for predicting seizure onset between 0 and 5 minutes in advance, ASPPR achieves mean S1-Scores of: 96.30% for prediction between 1 and 6 minutes in advance, 96.13% for prediction between 8 and 13 minutes in advance, 94.5% for prediction between 14 and 19 minutes in advance, and 94.2% for prediction between 20 and 25 minutes in advance.  相似文献   

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