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Intercostal muscles are richly innervated by mechanoreceptors. In vivo studies of cat intercostal muscle have shown that there are 3 populations of intercostal muscle mechanoreceptors: primary muscle spindles (1°), secondary muscle spindles (2°) and Golgi tendon organs (GTO). The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanical transduction properties of intercostal muscle mechanoreceptors in response to controlled length and velocity displacements of the intercostal space. Mechanoreceptors, recorded from dorsal root fibers, were localized within an isolated intercostal muscle space (ICS). Changes in ICS displacement and the velocity of ICS displacement were independently controlled with an electromagnetic motor. ICS velocity (0.5 – 100 μm/msec to a displacement of 2,000 μm) and displacement (50–2,000 μm at a constant velocity of 10 μm/msec) parameters encompassed the full range of rib motion.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional organization of the motor end plates in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the rat intercostal muscle was observed under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of connective tissue components by HCl hydrolysis.The motor endplate of the white fiber had terminal branches (or axon terminals), which were large, long and thin, and small but numerous nerve swellings (or terminal boutons). The motor endplate of the red fiber had terminal branches, which were small, short and thick, and had large but fewer nerve swellings. The motor endplate of the intermediate fiber was intermediate in size and structure between these two. In detached nerve-ending preparations, primary synaptic grooves with slit-like openings of the junctional folds appeared on the surface of the muscle fibers. The primary synaptic grooves were more developed in the white fiber than in the red fiber, and they were intermediate in the intermediate fiber. The numerical ratio of slit-like openings was 11.83.5 in the red, intermediate and white fiber, respectively.The Schwann cells and their processes were observed on the surface of the motor endplate, with the processes covering the upper orifices of the primary synaptic grooves and sealing the terminal branches. The number of Schwann cells was usually three in the white fiber, two in the intermediate fiber and one in the red fiber.  相似文献   

Patterns of intercostal muscle activity in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coordination of activity of inspiratory intercostal muscles in conscious human subjects was studied by means of an array of electromyograph (EMG) electrodes. Bipolar fine wire electrodes were placed in the second and fourth parasternal intercostal muscles and in two or three external intercostal muscles in the midaxillary line from the fourth to eighth intercostal spaces. Subjects breathed quietly or rebreathed from a bag containing 8% CO2 in O2 in both supine and upright postures. Respiration was monitored by means of flow, volume, and separate rib cage and abdominal volumes. Onset of EMG activity in each breath was found near the beginning of inspiration in the uppermost intercostal spaces but progressively later in inspiration in lower spaces, indicating that activity spreads downward across the rib cage through inspiration. At higher ventilation stimulated by CO2, activity spread further and faster downward. In voluntary deep breathing, external intercostal muscles tended to be recruited earlier in inspiration than in CO2-stimulated breathing. The change from supine to sitting resulted in small and inconsistent changes. There was no lung volume or rib cage volume threshold for appearance of EMG activity in any of the spaces.  相似文献   

The two mechanisms of intercostal muscle action on the lung.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mechanisms of respiratory action of the intercostal muscles were studied by measuring the effect of external forces (F) applied to the ribs and by modeling the effect of F exerted by the intercostal muscles. In five dogs, with the airway occluded, cranial F were applied to individual rib pairs, from the 2nd to the 11th rib pair, and the change in airway opening pressure (Pao) was measured. The ratio Pao/F increases with increasing rib number in the upper ribs (2nd to 5th) and decreases in the lower ribs (5th to 11th). These data were incorporated into a model for the geometry of the ribs and intercostal muscles, and Pao/F was calculated from the model. For interspaces 2-8, the calculated values agree reasonably well with previously measured values. From the modeling, two mechanisms of intercostal muscle action are identified. One is the well-known Hamberger mechanism, modified to account for the three-dimensional geometry of the rib cage. This mechanism depends on the slant of an intercostal muscle relative to the ribs and on the resulting difference between the moments applied to the upper and lower ribs that bound each interspace. The second is a new mechanism that depends on the difference between the values of Pao/F for the upper and lower ribs.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of the developmental processes of the satellite cells and myosimplasts has been performed in embryonal histogenesis of the skeletal muscle tissue in 17 human fetuses 8-27 weeks of the intrauterine development. The sequence of death of some myoblasts in embryonal histogenesis is described in details. Basing on the data obtained, a conception on existance of muscular-proliferative units (MPU) in composition of the skeletal muscles is put forward. The amount of the MPU determines the whole number of muscle fibers in the muscle. The anlage of the MPU occurs as a result of divergent differentiation of the stem myogenic cells at early stages of myogenesis (myosimplasts and myotubes) from the cells commited to mutual fusion. The fund of these cells is determined by the number of myogenic elements that are at the state of the proliferative rest. One of the mechanisms regulating the number of the resting cells is the growth rate of the simplast lengthwise. The resting cells, appearing at late stages of myogenesis (of the muscle fibers), are the sources for development of the myosatellites in mature muscle fibers. In dying myotubes there is a sharp disturbance in growth processes lengthwise, in biosynthesis of contractile proteins, in correlation between the number of nuclei in the satellite cells and those of simplasts.  相似文献   

The interosseous external intercostal (EI) muscles of the upper rib cage are electrically active during inspiration, but the mechanical consequence of their activation is unclear. In 16 anesthetized dogs, we simultaneously measured EI (3rd and 4th interspaces) and parasternal intercostal (PA) (3rd interspace) electromyogram and length. Muscle length was measured by sonomicrometry and expressed as a percentage of resting length (%LR). During resting breathing, each muscle was electrically active and shortened to a similar extent. Sequential EI muscle denervation (3rd and 4th interspaces) followed by PA denervation (3rd interspace) demonstrated significant reductions in the degree of inspiratory shortening for each muscle. Mean EI muscle shortening of the third and fourth interspaces decreased from -3.4 +/- 0.5 and -3.0 +/- 0.4% LR (SE) under control conditions to -0.2 +/- 0.2 and -0.8 +/- 0.3% LR, respectively, after selective denervation of each of these muscles (P less than 0.001 for each). After selective denervation of the PA muscle, its shortening decreased from -3.5 +/- 0.3 to +0.6% LR (SE) (P less than 0.001). PA muscle denervation also caused the EI muscle in the third interspace to change from inspiratory shortening of -0.2% to inspiratory lengthening of +0.2% +/- 0.2 (P less than 0.05). We conclude that during eupneic breathing 1) the EI muscles of the upper rib cage, like the PA muscles, are inspiratory agonists and actively contribute to rib cage expansion and 2) PA muscle contraction contributes to EI muscle shortening.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that electrical stimulation of the thoracic spinal cord produces near maximal activation of the inspiratory intercostal muscles. In the present investigation, we used this technique to evaluate the relative capacity of separate external (EI) and parasternal intercostal (PA) muscle contraction to produce changes in airway pressure and inspired volume. Studies were performed in 23 anesthetized phrenicotomized dogs. Electrical stimuli were applied to the spinal cord after hyperventilation-induced apnea, before and after sequentially severing either the PA or EI muscles from the first through sixth intercostal spaces. During spinal cord stimulation (SCS), measurements were made of inspired volume (delta V) with the airway open and negative airway pressure (delta P) during tracheal occlusion. Compared with control values, sectioning of the PA muscles resulted in a 40.9% reduction in delta P and 35.7% reduction in delta V during SCS. In other animals, initial sectioning of the EI muscles produced reductions in delta P and delta V of 67.4 and 63.0, respectively, during SCS. After subsequent section of the PA muscles, SCS produced only negligible inspired volumes and changes in airway pressure. We conclude that 1) the EI and PA muscles are each capable of generating substantial changes in airway pressure and large inspired volumes and 2) the ventilatory capacity of the EI muscles exceeds that of the PA muscles.  相似文献   

Summary Primary muscle cell cultures consisting of single myocytes and fibroblasts are grown on flexible, optically clear biomembranes. Muscle cell growth, fusion and terminal differentiation are normal. A most effective membrane for these cultures is commercially available Saran Wrap. Muscle cultures on Saran will, once differentiated, contract vigorously and will deform the Saran which is pinned to a Sylgard base. At first, the muscle forms a two-dimensional network which ultimately detaches from the Saran membrane allowing an undergrowth of fibroblasts so that these connective tissue cells completely surround groups of muscle fibers. A three-dimensional network is thus formed, held in place through durable adhesions to stainless steel pins. This three-dimensional, highly contractile network is seen to consist of all three connective tissue compartments seenin vivo, the endomysium, perimysium and epimysium. Finally, this muscle shows advanced levels of maturation in that neonatal and adult isoforms of myosin heavy chain are detected together with high levels of myosin fast light chain 3. Antibody 2E9 to neonatal myosin heavy chain was obtained from Dr. Everett Bandman. MF 20 which reacts with all myosin heavy chain isoforms including the embryonic isoform and MF 14 which reacts specifically with adult myosin heavy chain were obtained from Drs. Bader and Fischman. Antibody to myosin fast light chain 3 was obtained from Dr. Susan Lowey. Antibody to fibronectin was obtained from Dr. Douglas Fambrough. This work was supported by grants to R. C. S. from the Muscular Dystrophy Association and from NIH. Editor's Statement The paper represents a novel and interesting approach to the co-culture of myotubes with fibroblasts which allows three dimensional development of endomysium, perimysium and epimysium and expression of adult-type muscle proteins. Such organogenic development is not normally seen in vitro. The technique should prove useful in elucidating development aspects of muscle cells and their relationship with connective support.  相似文献   

In patients with diaphragm paralysis, ventilation to the basal lung zones is reduced, whereas in patients with paralysis of the rib cage muscles, ventilation to the upper lung zones in reduced. Inspiration produced by either rib cage muscle or diaphragm contraction alone, therefore, may result in mismatching of ventilation and perfusion and in gas-exchange impairment. To test this hypothesis, we assessed gas exchange in 11 anesthetized dogs during ventilation produced by either diaphragm or intercostal muscle contraction alone. Diaphragm activation was achieved by phrenic nerve stimulation. Intercostal muscle activation was accomplished by electrical stimulation by using electrodes positioned epidurally at the T(2) spinal cord level. Stimulation parameters were adjusted to provide a constant tidal volume and inspiratory flow rate. During diaphragm (D) and intercostal muscle breathing (IC), mean arterial Po(2) was 97.1 +/- 2.1 and 88.1 +/- 2.7 Torr, respectively (P < 0.01). Arterial Pco(2) was lower during D than during IC (32.6 +/- 1.4 and 36.6 +/- 1.8 Torr, respectively; P < 0.05). During IC, oxygen consumption was also higher than that during D (0.13 +/- 0.01 and 0.09 +/- 0.01 l/min, respectively; P < 0.05). The alveolar-arterial oxygen difference was 11.3 +/- 1.9 and 7.7 +/- 1.0 Torr (P < 0.01) during IC and D, respectively. These results indicate that diaphragm breathing is significantly more efficient than intercostal muscle breathing. However, despite marked differences in the pattern of inspiratory muscle contraction, the distribution of ventilation remains well matched to pulmonary perfusion resulting in preservation of normal gas exchange.  相似文献   

Large-amplitude vibration of the intercostal muscles/ribs has an inhibitory effect on inspiratory motor output. This effect has been attributed, in part, to the stimulation of intercostal muscle tendon organs. Intercostal muscle/rib vibration can also produce a decrease or increase in respiratory frequency. Studies were conducted 1) to determine whether, in addition to intercostal tendon organs, costovertebral joint mechanoreceptors (CVJR's) contribute to the inspiratory inhibitory effect of intercostal muscle/rib vibration (IMV) and 2) to explain the different respiratory frequency responses to IMV previously reported. Phrenic (C5) activity was monitored in paralyzed thoracotomized, artificially ventilated cats. Vibration (125 Hz) at amplitudes greater than 1,200 micron of one T6 intercostal space in decerebrated vagotomized rats reduced phrenic activity. This response was still present but weaker in some animals after denervation of the T6 intercostal muscles. Subsequent denervation of the T6 CVJR's by dorsal root sections eliminated this effect. Respiratory frequency decreased during simultaneous vibration (greater than 1,200 micron) of the T5 and T7 intercostal spaces in vagotomized cats. Respiratory frequency increased during IMV of two intercostal spaces (greater than 1,300 micron) in vagal intact cats. The use of different anesthetics (pentobarbital, allobarbital) did not alter these results. We conclude that CVJR's may contribute to the inhibitory effect of IMV on medullary inspiratory activity. The presence or absence of pulmonary vagal afferents can account for the different respiratory frequency responses to IMV, and different anesthetics did not influence these results.  相似文献   

Summary We used the histochemical stain for ATPase to compare the fiber-type composition of rat internal and external intercostal muscles from thoracic (T) segments 2–5, 8, and 11. At each level, type II fibers were more numerous than type I fibers, type II B fibers were more numerous than II A fibers, and type I fibers were more numerous in external than in internal intercostals. However, fiber type composition varied from segment to segment. For example, the proportion of type II A fibers increased in a rostrocaudal gradient in internal but not external intercostals, and type I fibers were more prevalent at rostral and caudal than at intermediate levels in both internal and external intercostals. These results provide a basis for interpreting previous physiological and molecular studies which have compared intercostal muscles from different segmental levels.  相似文献   

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