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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varietal resistance to the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F), was evaluated in hard spring and winter wheat produced 1997, 1998 (Bozeman, Montana). We tested the hypothesis that six Montana-grown spring wheat varieties, 'Ernest', 'Scholar', 'Hi-Line', 'McNeal', 'Newana', and 'Amidon', were equally and strongly resistant to R. dominica at low moisture contents (9-10%). Mortality/Feeding damage occurred in all varieties. In most assays, Ernest had significantly greater feeding damage from R. dominica than other varieties, usually not significantly different from the susceptible control. Mean adult mortality was significantly greater in McNeal (93%) and Hi-Line (92%) than in Ernest (34%) and Montana-grown, soft white spring wheat (Penawawa), the susceptible control (36%). In 9 wk, twice as many adult progeny were produced on Ernest than on McNeal, Hi-Line, or Scholar. We also compared three Montana-grown winter wheat varieties for resistance to R. dominica attack at low moisture contents (9-10%). Significantly more mortality after 6 wk was associated with all winter wheat varieties than the susceptible control. In 'Nuwest', 'Rocky', and 'Vanguard', significantly fewer progeny were produced than in the susceptible control; these varieties appeared more resistant. 'Tiber' and 'Neeley', in contrast, appeared more susceptible than other winter wheat varieties evaluated. Susceptibility decreased significantly with a 1.2% decrease in moisture content. Percentage of total protein was positively correlated with percentage of sound kernels and negatively with total progeny (r2 = -0.69). Kernel hardness was positively correlated with percentage of sound kernels, but negatively correlated with total progeny (r2 = -0.87) and dry weight loss.  相似文献   

We determined that the number of insect fragments, quantified using the standard flotation method, in flour milled from wheat infested with larvae, pupae, or preemergent adults of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), was proportional to infestation level. Wheat infested with a single preemergent adult contributed 28 and 10x as many fragments as wheat infested with a single larva or pupa, respectively. Using regression models that were developed from these data, we predicted that the maximum infestation level that would result in flour with fragment counts below the Food and Drug Administration defect action level (75 fragments/50 g of flour) was 0.95 and 1.5% (380-640 infested kernels/kg of wheat) for pupae and larvae, but it decreased to 0.05% (20 infested kernels/kg) when the grain was infested with preemergent adults. We also reexamined the accuracy and sensitivity of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for detecting insect fragments in flour by testing three different NIR spectrometers. NIRS-predicted numbers of insect fragments were correlated with the actual number of fragments. NIRS is less precise than the standard flotation method, but it is rapid, nondestructive, does not require extensive sample preparation, and could easily be automated for a more sophisticated sampling protocol for flour based on prescreening samples with NIRS followed up by use of the standard flotation method when necessary.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluated three diatomaceous earth (DE) formulations--Protect-It, PyriSec (at dose rates 500, 1000, and 1500 ppm), and DEA-P (at dose rates 75, 150, and 500 ppm)--against the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae), adults in stored maize, Zea mays L., at three temperatures (20, 25, and 30 degrees C) and two relative humidity (RH) levels (55 and 75%). At these conditions, the capability of progeny production in the treated substrate also was assessed. Adult survival was high, at all doses of Protect-It and PyriSec. Progeny production was also high. In contrast with the other two DEs, DEA-P was highly effective and caused complete mortality to the exposed P. truncatus adults, even at the lowest dose rate (75 ppm). In addition, progeny production was completely suppressed. Generally, Protect-it and PyriSec were more effective at 20 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. In contrast, the efficacy of DEA-P was continuously high in all temperatures and relative humidities examined.  相似文献   

Protein digestion in the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), results from the action of a complex of serine proteinases present in the midgut. In this study we partially characterized trypsin-like enzyme activity against N-alpha-benzoyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide (BApNA) in midgut preparations and cloned and sequenced three cDNAs for trypsinogen-like proteins. BApNAase activity in R. dominica midgut was significantly reduced by serine proteinase inhibitors and specific inhibitors of trypsin, whereas BApNAase activity was not sensitive to specific inhibitors of chymotrypsin or aspartic proteinases. However, trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino) butane (E-64) inhibited BApNAase activity by about 30%. BApNAase was most active in a broad pH range from about pH 7 to 9.5. The gut of R. dominica is a tubular tract approximately 2.5 mm in length. BApNAase activity was primarily located in the midgut region with about 1.5-fold more BApNAase activity in the anterior region compared to that in the posterior region. Proteinases with apparent molecular masses of 23-24 kDa that were visualized on casein zymograms following electrophoresis were inhibited by TLCK. Three cDNAs for trypsinogen-like proteins were cloned and sequenced from mRNA of R. dominica midgut. The full cDNA sequences consisted of open reading frames encoding 249, 293, and 255 amino acid residues for RdoT1, RdoT2, and RdoT3, respectively. cDNAs RdoT1, RdoT2, and RdoT3 shared 77-81% sequence identity. The three encoded trypsinogens shared 54-62% identity in their amino acid sequences and had 16-18 residues of signal peptides and 12-15 residues of activation peptides. The three predicted mature trypsin-like enzymes had molecular masses of 23.1, 28, and 23.8 kDa for RdoT1, RdoT2, and RdoT3, respectively. Typical features of these trypsin-like enzymes included the conserved N-terminal residues IVGG62-65, the catalytic amino acid triad of serine proteinase active sites (His109, Asp156, Ser257), three pairs of conserved cysteine residues for disulfide bridges, and the three residues (Asp251, Gly274, Gly284) that determine specificity in trypsin-like enzymes. In addition, RdoT2 has both a PEST-like sequence at the C-terminus and a free Cys158 near the active site, suggesting instability of this enzyme and/or sensitivity to thiol reagents. The sequences have been deposited in GenBank database (accession numbers AF130840 for RdoT1, AF130841 for RdoT2, and AF130842 for RdoT3).  相似文献   

Protein digestion in the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), results from the action of a complex of serine proteinases present in the midgut. In this study we partially characterized trypsin-like enzyme activity against N-α-benzoyl- -arginine p-nitroanilide (BApNA) in midgut preparations and cloned and sequenced three cDNAs for trypsinogen-like proteins. BApNAase activity in R. dominica midgut was significantly reduced by serine proteinase inhibitors and specific inhibitors of trypsin, whereas BApNAase activity was not sensitive to specific inhibitors of chymotrypsin or aspartic proteinases. However, trans-epoxysuccinyl- -leucylamido-(4-guanidino) butane (E-64) inhibited BApNAase activity by about 30%. BApNAase was most active in a broad pH range from about pH 7 to 9.5. The gut of R. dominica is a tubular tract approximately 2.5 mm in length. BApNAase activity was primarily located in the midgut region with about 1.5-fold more BApNAase activity in the anterior region compared to that in the posterior region. Proteinases with apparent molecular masses of 23–24 kDa that were visualized on casein zymograms following electrophoresis were inhibited by TLCK.Three cDNAs for trypsinogen-like proteins were cloned and sequenced from mRNA of R. dominica midgut. The full cDNA sequences consisted of open reading frames encoding 249, 293, and 255 amino acid residues for RdoT1, RdoT2, and RdoT3, respectively. cDNAs RdoT1, RdoT2, and RdoT3 shared 77–81% sequence identity. The three encoded trypsinogens shared 54–62% identity in their amino acid sequences and had 16–18 residues of signal peptides and 12–15 residues of activation peptides. The three predicted mature trypsin-like enzymes had molecular masses of 23.1, 28, and 23.8 kDa for RdoT1, RdoT2, and RdoT3, respectively. Typical features of these trypsin-like enzymes included the conserved N-terminal residues IVGG62–65, the catalytic amino acid triad of serine proteinase active sites (His109, Asp156, Ser257), three pairs of conserved cysteine residues for disulfide bridges, and the three residues (Asp251, Gly274, Gly284) that determine specificity in trypsin-like enzymes. In addition, RdoT2 has both a PEST-like sequence at the C-terminus and a free Cys158 near the active site, suggesting instability of this enzyme and/or sensitivity to thiol reagents. The sequences have been deposited in GenBank database (accession numbers AF130840 for RdoT1, AF130841 for RdoT2, and AF130842 for RdoT3).  相似文献   

Repeated sampling of rural maize stores in Benin was conducted to evaluate published parameters of a sequential sampling plan for a negative binomial distribution to determine pest status for Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) and Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky. A computer program was used to rerandomize the data and evaluate the effects, in terms of average sample number and error rates, of different sampling plan parameter values. With respect to P. truncatus, lower and upper thresholds of 0.2 and 1.0 insects per ear and parameter values of k = 0.2 and alpha = beta = 0.1 were found to be adequate. With respect to S. zeamais, lower and upper thresholds of 10 and 20 insects per ear and parameter values of k = 1.0 and i alpha = beta = 0.1 were found to be adequate. Simplified sampling rules were proposed in which 11 ears should be sampled and if no P. truncatus are found, the population is low; otherwise the Wald plan should be followed. Owing to the lower per capita rate of damage, effective simplified sampling rules for S. zeamais were difficult to construct. An evaluation of the visual assessment scale rising whole ears showed that a visual scale estimating percentage damage rather than percentage loss, might be easy to construct and preferable for traders. Further work is needed to improve the usefulness of the visual scale in pest management decision support.  相似文献   

The establishment of the predatory histerid beetle, Teretrius nigrescens Lewis, following its field release in south eastern Kenya in 1992, and its impact on populations of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn), in woodland habitats is evaluated. Pheromone trap catch data show a single strong peak of P. truncatus from November to January, coincident with the short rains. Comparisons of P. truncatus pheromone trap catches before and after predator establishment, and in areas with and without T. nigrescens, show a sustained decline of over 80% in P. truncatus abundance over a 5-year period, following the establishment T. nigrescens. Concurrent laboratory studies of the impact of T. nigrescens on populations of P. truncatus raised on a wood substrate showed a 77% reduction in the growth of the pest population. These results are compared with published findings of the impact of T. nigrescens as a biological control agent of P. truncatus in west Africa.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were carried out to evaluate the effect of insect density (10, 30, 60, and 100 adults), wheat quantity (10, 30, 60, and 100 g), and cracked kernel containment (5, 15, 30, and 50%) on the efficacy of diatomaceous earth (DE). Three beetle species, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), and Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val, as well as two DE formulations, Insecto and SilicoSec, and one DE enhanced with pyrethrum, PyriSec (all commercially available) were tested. In the first two series of bioassays, the three DE formulations were applied at three dose rates, 500, 1000 and 1,500 ppm. In the third series, the dose rates used were 500 and 1,000 ppm. Dead adults were counted 14 d later. For insect density, wheat quantity, and cracked kernel containment, significant differences were noted in mortality levels of the tested species among the three DE formulations and among doses. No significant differences were noted in the mortality levels among the four adult densities of any of the insects tested. The increase of wheat quantity used in the bioassays increased significantly adult mortality of T. confusum. The increase of cracked wheat containment decreased significantly adult mortality of S. oryzae.  相似文献   

Wheat, Triticum aestivum L., varietal resistance to the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F), was evaluated in hard spring wheat produced in 2001 and 2002 (Bozeman, Moccasin, and Huntley, MT). We tested the hypothesis that seed coat factors, not the endosperm, cause feeding resistance to R. dominica and that this resistance is genetic, not affected by agronomic conditions. Using a rapid, intensive feeding bioassay (frass production), we found, with one exception, no significant difference in resistance to R. dominica, among sound kernels of hard red wheat, comparing all locations and cultural conditions (irrigated versus dryland production). The most significantly resistant samples as indicated by lowest feeding activity (measured by lowest frass production) were 'Amidon' produced at Moccasin under dryland conditions and Amidon produced at Huntley under irrigated conditions. As with previous studies done in our laboratory, sound kernels of all hard wheat varieties from these new crop year studies (2001, 2002) were attacked. When subsamples of these varieties from the same locations and cultural conditions as the previous test were first subjected to a heavy infestation of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) and then to the same age adult R. dominica, damage was significantly greater. Each kernel chosen for this test had been equally damaged by P. interpunctella larvae, germ consumed, endosperm not damaged, but fully exposed behind germ, no other damage. This collaborative damage caused feeding damage by R. dominica to increase 2- to 7.5-fold (as measured by R. dominica frass production). Particularly notable was 'McNeal' that switched from one of the most resistant varieties to the most fed upon, when the endosperm was exposed by P. interpunctella larvae. Therefore, we confirmed that at least one factor conferring resistance in McNeal is located in the kernel pericarp.  相似文献   

The insecticidal and residual efficacy of three diatomaceous earth (DE) formulations, Insecto, PyriSec, and SilicoSec, against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) on barley and wheat was assessed. For this purpose, 4-kg lots of barley and wheat were treated with the above-mentioned DE formulations, in three dose rates (0.75, 1, and 1.5 g/kg grain) and stored at 26 degrees C. Samples of these lots were taken at the day of storage, and every 45 d, until the completion of a 450-d period of storage. Bioassays were conducted by exposing S. oryzae adults to these samples, at 26 degrees C and 57% RH. In these bioassays, the DE efficacy was evaluated by recording adult mortality after 24 h, 48 h, 7 d, and 14 d of exposure on the treated grains. After the 14-d count, all adults were removed, and the samples were left at the same conditions for an additional 45 d, to evaluate the capacity for progeny production in the treated grains. Adult mortality after 14 d of exposure was exponentially decreased with time. During the first 270 d of storage, mortality was > 90%, and progeny production was < 1 adult per sample, whereas after 270 d a gradual decrease in adult mortality occurred, with a resulting increase in progeny production. Generally, the three DE formulations tested were equally effective against S. onyzae adults. During the first 270 d of storage, the DE formulations were equally effective on both grains tested, but from 315 d of storage and on, S. oryzae mortality was higher on barley than on wheat. At this interval, progeny production was gradually increased, especially on grains treated with the lowest DE dose rate. However, even this rate caused a satisfactory level of mortality (> 90% after 14 d of exposure) during the first 270 d of storage.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were conducted to determine the effect of food source on the survival of Tribolium castaneum Herbst, Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. and Rhyzopertha dominica F., after exposure to five diatomaceous earth (DE) formulations: Protect-It, Insecto, Perma-GuardTM, Dryacide and SilicoSec. Adults of these species were exposed to DEs at the rate of 0.5 mg/cm^2 for 1 day on filter paper inside plastic Petri dishes. After exposure, the initial mortality was counted and live individuals of the three species were held for a week in glass vials containing 50 mg wheat flour, rice and whole wheat, respectively. In the second experiment, after 1 day exposure to DEs, beetles were transferred to Petri dishes without food and held for a week to determine if the presence of food source would decrease the mortality of beetles. Experiments were carried out at 27℃ and 55% RH in the dark. The initial mortality in both of the experiments reached 100% for the three species exposed to Protect-It and in the case ofR. dominica and O. surinamensis exposed to Dryacide. In contrast, low level of mortality (〈 10%) was observed for T. castaneum exposed to Perma-GuardTM and Insecto. The mortality after the post-treatment period on food was decreased for the three species exposed to Perma-GuardTM and in the case of T. castaneum and R. dominica exposed to Insecto and SilicoSec. Adults of O. surinamensis were the most susceptible followed by R. dominica and 100% adult mortality was obtained, whereas T. castaneum were the least susceptible beetles to DEs. Protect-It and Dryacide were the most efficient DE formulations and can be used effectively in a stored grain integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

The movement and distribution of adult Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae) in grain provide important information for detection of insect pests and for simulations of their distribution in grain bins. Adult movement and distribution were determined in 100 by 100 by 1000-mm wheat (14.5 +/- 0.2% moisture content) columns at four insect densities, three temperature gradients, and dynamic (changing) temperature conditions. Insect density was a minor factor influencing insect movement and distribution in grain columns with temperature gradients. Dispersal resulted in a uniform distribution at a higher insect density (higher than two adults per kilogram of wheat), and aggregation occurred at a low insect density. Adults wandered in the first 6 h after introduction, and there were fewer adults wandering in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. Adults moved faster in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction, and the maximum speed of the movement was 6 m/d in the horizontal direction, and >10.8 m/d in the vertical direction through wheat. Adults could detect temperature gradients in <1 h and preferred warmer temperatures when they had a choice. Insect distribution in horizontal wheat columns at any temperature gradient was unstable for 24 h. Twenty-four hours after introduction, adults gradually overcame their positive geotactic behavior if the upper temperature was more biologically suitable or was not <27.5 degrees C. Adults responded faster to higher temperature gradients than to lower temperature gradients. There was a similar pattern of adult distribution in 144 h.  相似文献   

The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica, is an important pest of various stored products around the world. In this study, the development, survival, reproduction, and life table parameters of R. dominica were investigated on six stored products (angelica, jujube, maize, rice, soybean, and wheat). The developmental time of the immature stage of R. dominica was shortest on wheat (40.20 days) and longest on angelica (67.04 days). The survival rate of the immature stage was highest on wheat (76.33%) and lowest on angelica (41.00%). The fecundity level of R. dominica was highest on wheat (246.05 eggs/female) and lowest on angelica (69.38 eggs/female). The net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of R. dominica differed significantly among the six stored products. The highest R0 of R. dominica was on wheat (68.50), followed by rice (41.28), maize (32.32), soybean (27.17), jujube (23.16), and angelica (20.18); the rm values showed a similar trend, with values of 0.059, 0.046, 0.042, 0.039, 0.036, and 0.033, respectively. Our results indicate that wheat was the most suitable stored product, whereas angelica was the least suitable, for the feeding, development, and population increase of R. dominica. These findings provide basic information about the occurrence trends and characteristics of R. dominica that will be useful for the control of this pest on different stored products. The physicochemical properties of angelica should be further explored for potential application in the control or integrated management of R. dominica.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphine, hydrogen cyanide and anoxia on levels of ATP, pyruvate and lactate in Rhyzopertha dominica are compared. The effect of phosphine on anaerobiosis is not directly comparable either with HCN or anoxia. Reduction of catalase by feeding 3 amino 1,2,4 triazole does not enhance the toxicity of phosphine in treated insects.  相似文献   

江门海关从冈比亚进境的刺猬紫檀木原木中检出活体长蠹科昆虫.通过显微形态特征的观察和测量,对该虫进行了物种鉴定.经形态特征鉴定,该虫为小楔双棘长蠹.该虫的形态特征与近似种的主要区别:斜面毛被稀疏、不太明显,近缝角处竖立短直;缝侧齿基部不粗糙;斜面侧上缘有3对胝状的痕迹显现.该虫在我国尚无分布记录,为国内口岸首次截获.该虫...  相似文献   

A series of tests was conducted to characterize differences in the mortality of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), and rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), exposed to three commodities treated with a liquid and dry spinosad formulation. In laboratory bioassays, adults of the two insect species were exposed to untreated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., corn, Zea mays L., and sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., and to commodities treated with 1 mg (AI)/kg of liquid and dry spinosad formulations. Mortality was assessed from independent samples examined at specific time intervals to determine immediate mortality and after 24 h of recovery on untreated grain at 28 degrees C and 65% RH to determine delayed mortality. Comparison of the time required for 50% (LT50) and 95% (LT95) mortality indicated that R. dominica adults were consistently and significantly more susceptible (died quickly) than S. oryzae adults when exposed to spinosad-treated commodities. In general, the toxicity of liquid and dry spinosad formulations was similar against R. dominica or S. oryzae. The toxicity of spinosad to each species varied slightly among the three commodities, and there were no consistent trends to suggest that spinosad was more effective on one commodity versus another. LT50 values based on immediate mortality for R. dominica on all commodities ranged from 0.45 to 0.74 d; corresponding values based on delayed mortality ranged from 0.04 to 0.23 d, suggesting delayed toxic action of spinosad in R. dominica. LT50 values based on immediate and delayed mortality for S. oryzae on all three commodities treated with the two spinosad formulations were essentially similar and ranged from 2.75 to 4.56 d. LT95 values for R. dominica based on immediate mortality on spinosad-treated commodities ranged from 1.75 to 3.36 d, and those based on delayed mortality ranged from 0.49 to 1.88 d. There were no significant differences in LT95 values based on immediate and delayed mortality for S. oryzae on spinosad-treated commodities, and the LT95 values ranged from 7.62 to 18.87 d. The toxicity of spinosad was enhanced during a 24-h holding period after removal from spinosad-treated commodities only against R. dominica adults, and possible reasons for increased postexposure mortality of R. dominica adults after brief exposures to spinosad warrant further study.  相似文献   

Sublethal doses of three orthopteran-derived strains of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin were topically applied to adult southern mole crickets, Scapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae), and tested in combination with substrate treatments of diatomaceous earth (DE) and imidacloprid. Crickets treated only with the high doses (10(8) conidia per cricket) of each of the three B. bassiana strains exhibited the shortest survival times as well as the highest percentage mortality at 28 d after treatment. However, these treatments did.not differ significantly from any of the diatomaceous earth combination treatments. Two of the strains tested, 5977 and 3622, exhibited synergistic interactions with DE, whereas the third strain, GHA, was not significant for synergy. Mortality caused by the combination treatment was still greater than the expected additive effect. DE abrades the insect cuticle and absorbs cuticular lipids, aiding the entry of germinating conidia into the mole cricket hemocoel. None of the three strains exhibited synergy when combined with imidacloprid, and mortality of all combination treatments was less than additive. For strain 5977, there was an antagonistic interaction with imidacloprid. It was difficult to obtain <30% mortality for imidacloprid only treatments, which was considered the upper limit for sublethal doses. The mean percentage mortality caused by imidacloprid was 37.5%, and this high percentage made it difficult for any combination treatment to cause significantly more mortality than the expected additive effect. These results clarify the interactions of other control products with B. bassiana and provide a basis for a reduced pesticide approach to mole cricket control.  相似文献   

Red flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), and confused flour beetles, Tribolium confusum (DuVal), were exposed for 8-72 h to diatomaceous earth (Protect-It) at 22, 27, and 32 degrees C and 40, 57, and 75% RH (9 combinations). Insects were exposed to the diatomaceous earth at 0.5 mg/cm2 on filter paper inside plastic petri dishes. After exposure, beetles were held for 1 wk without food at the same conditions at which they were exposed. Mortality of both species after initial exposure was lowest at 22 degrees C but increased as temperature and exposure interval increased, and within each temperature decreased as humidity increased. With 2 exceptions, all confused flour beetles were still alive after they were exposed at 22 degrees C, 57 and 75% RH. Mortality of both species after they were held for 1 wk was greater than initial mortality for nearly all exposure intervals at each temperature-humidity combination, indicating delayed toxic effects from exposure to diatomaceous earth. For both species, the relationship between mortality and exposure interval for initial and 1-wk mortality was described by linear, nonlinear, quadratic, and sigmoidal regression. Mortality of confused flour beetles was lower than mortality of red flour beetles exposed for the same time intervals for 46.7% of the total comparisons at the various temperature-relative humidity combinations.  相似文献   

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