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Ascorbate peroxidase (APEX)-based proximity labeling coupled with mass spectrometry has a great potential for spatiotemporal identification of proteins proximal to a protein complex of interest. Using this approach is feasible to define the proteome neighborhood of important protein complexes in a popular photosynthetic model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (hereafter named as Synechocystis). To this end, we developed a robust workflow for APEX2-based proximity labeling in Synechocystis and used the workflow to identify proteins proximal to the photosystem II (PS II) oxygen evolution complex (OEC) through fusion APEX2 with a luminal OEC subunit, PsbO. In total, 38 integral membrane proteins (IMPs) and 93 luminal proteins were identified as proximal to the OEC. A significant portion of these proteins are involved in PS II assembly, maturation, and repair, while the majority of the rest were not previously implicated with PS II. The IMPs include subunits of PS II and cytochrome b6/f, but not of photosystem I (except for PsaL) and ATP synthases, suggesting that the latter two complexes are spatially separated from the OEC with a distance longer than the APEX2 labeling radius. Besides, the topologies of six IMPs were successfully predicted because their lumen-facing regions exclusively contain potential APEX2 labeling sites. The luminal proteins include 66 proteins with a predicted signal peptide and 57 proteins localized also in periplasm, providing important targets to study the regulation and selectivity of protein translocation. Together, we not only developed a robust workflow for the application of APEX2-based proximity labeling in Synechocystis and showcased the feasibility to define the neighborhood proteome of an important protein complex with a short radius but also discovered a set of the proteins that potentially interact with and regulate PS II structure and function.  相似文献   

The methylation of histidine is a post-translational modification whose function is poorly understood. Methyltransferase histidine protein methyltransferase 1 (Hpm1p) monomethylates H243 in the ribosomal protein Rpl3p and represents the only known histidine methyltransferase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Interestingly, the hpm1 deletion strain is highly pleiotropic, with many extraribosomal phenotypes including improved growth rates in alternative carbon sources. Here, we investigate how the loss of histidine methyltransferase Hpm1p results in diverse phenotypes, through use of targeted mass spectrometry (MS), growth assays, quantitative proteomics, and differential crosslinking MS. We confirmed the localization and stoichiometry of the H243 methylation site, found unreported sensitivities of Δhpm1 yeast to nonribosomal stressors, and identified differentially abundant proteins upon hpm1 knockout with clear links to the coordination of sugar metabolism. We adapted the emerging technique of quantitative large-scale stable isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture crosslinking MS for yeast, which resulted in the identification of 1267 unique in vivo lysine–lysine crosslinks. By reproducibly monitoring over 350 of these in WT and Δhpm1, we detected changes to protein structure or protein–protein interactions in the ribosome, membrane proteins, chromatin, and mitochondria. Importantly, these occurred independently of changes in protein abundance and could explain a number of phenotypes of Δhpm1, not addressed by expression analysis. Further to this, some phenotypes were predicted solely from changes in protein structure or interactions and could be validated by orthogonal techniques. Taken together, these studies reveal a broad role for Hpm1p in yeast and illustrate how crosslinking MS will be an essential tool for understanding complex phenotypes.  相似文献   

The mouse is a valuable model organism for biomedical research. Here, we established a comprehensive spectral library and the data-independent acquisition–based quantitative proteome maps for 41 mouse organs, including some rarely reported organs such as the cornea, retina, and nine paired organs. The mouse spectral library contained 178,304 peptides from 12,320 proteins, including 1678 proteins not reported in previous mouse spectral libraries. Our data suggested that organs from the nervous system and immune system expressed the most distinct proteome compared with other organs. We also found characteristic protein expression of immune-privileged organs, which may help understanding possible immune rejection after organ transplantation. Each tissue type expressed characteristic high-abundance proteins related to its physiological functions. We also uncovered some tissue-specific proteins which have not been reported previously. The testis expressed highest number of tissue-specific proteins. By comparison of nine paired organs including kidneys, testes, and adrenal glands, we found left organs exhibited higher levels of antioxidant enzymes. We also observed expression asymmetry for proteins related to the apoptotic process, tumor suppression, and organ functions between the left and right sides. This study provides a comprehensive spectral library and a quantitative proteome resource for mouse studies.  相似文献   

All human diseases involve proteins, yet our current tools to characterize and quantify them are limited. To better elucidate proteins across space, time, and molecular composition, we provide a >10 years of projection for technologies to meet the challenges that protein biology presents. With a broad perspective, we discuss grand opportunities to transition the science of proteomics into a more propulsive enterprise. Extrapolating recent trends, we describe a next generation of approaches to define, quantify, and visualize the multiple dimensions of the proteome, thereby transforming our understanding and interactions with human disease in the coming decade.  相似文献   

Brain development and function are governed by precisely regulated protein expressions in different regions. To date, multiregional brain proteomes have been systematically analyzed only for adult human and mouse brains. To understand the underpinnings of brain development and function, we generated proteomes from six regions of the postnatal brain at three developmental stages of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), which are special among animals in terms of their remarkable human-like social cognitive abilities. Quantitative analysis of the spatiotemporal proteomes identified region-enriched synapse types at different developmental stages and differential myelination progression in different brain regions. Through integrative analysis of inter-regional expression patterns of orthologous proteins and genome-wide cis-regulatory element frequencies, we found that proteins related with myelination and hippocampus were highly correlated between dog and human but not between mouse and human, although mouse is phylogenetically closer to human. Moreover, the global expression patterns of neurodegenerative disease and autism spectrum disorder–associated proteins in dog brain more resemble human brain than in mouse brain. The high similarity of myelination and hippocampus-related pathways in dog and human at both proteomic and genetic levels may contribute to their shared social cognitive abilities. The inter-regional expression patterns of disease-associated proteins in the brain of different species provide important information to guide mechanistic and translational study using appropriate animal models.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive factors in the tumor microenvironment (TME) impair T cell function and limit the antitumor immune response. T cell surface receptors and surface proteins that influence interactions and function in the TME are proven targets for cancer immunotherapy. However, how the entire surface proteome remodels in primary human T cells in response to specific suppressive factors in the TME remains to be broadly and systematically characterized. Here, using a reductionist cell culture approach with primary human T cells and stable isotopic labeling with amino acids in cell culture–based quantitative cell surface capture glycoproteomics, we examined how two immunosuppressive TME factors, regulatory T cells (Tregs) and hypoxia, globally affect the activated CD8+ surface proteome (surfaceome). Surprisingly, coculturing primary CD8+ T cells with Tregs only modestly affected the CD8+ surfaceome but did partially reverse activation-induced surfaceomic changes. In contrast, hypoxia drastically altered the CD8+ surfaceome in a manner consistent with both metabolic reprogramming and induction of an immunosuppressed state. The CD4+ T cell surfaceome similarly responded to hypoxia, revealing a common hypoxia-induced surface receptor program. Our surfaceomics findings suggest that hypoxic environments create a challenge for T cell activation. These studies provide global insight into how Tregs and hypoxia remodel the T cell surfaceome and we believe represent a valuable resource to inform future therapeutic efforts to enhance T cell function.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori colonizes the stomach of half of the human population. Most H. pylori are located in the mucus layer, which is mainly comprised by glycosylated mucins. Using mass spectrometry, we identified 631 glycans (whereof 145 were fully characterized and the remainder assigned as compositions) on mucins isolated from 14 Helicobacter spp.-infected and 14 Helicobacter spp.-noninfected stomachs. Only six identified glycans were common to all individuals, from a total of 60 to 189 glycans in each individual. An increased number of unique glycan structures together with an increased intraindividual diversity and larger interindividual variation were identified among O-glycans from Helicobacter spp.-infected stomachs compared with noninfected stomachs. H. pylori strain J99, which carries the blood group antigen–binding adhesin (BabA), the sialic acid–binding adhesin (SabA), and the LacdiNAc-binding adhesin, bound both to Lewis b (Leb)-positive and Leb-negative mucins. Among Leb-positive mucins, H. pylori J99 binding was higher to mucins from Helicobacter spp.-infected individuals than noninfected individuals. Statistical correlation analysis, binding experiments with J99 wt, and J99ΔbabAΔsabA and inhibition experiments using synthetic glycoconjugates demonstrated that the differences in H. pylori-binding ability among these four groups were governed by BabA-dependent binding to fucosylated structures. LacdiNAc levels were lower in mucins that bound to J99 lacking BabA and SabA than in mucins that did not, suggesting that LacdiNAc did not significantly contribute to the binding. We identified 24 O-glycans from Leb-negative mucins that correlated well with H. pylori binding whereof 23 contained α1,2-linked fucosylation. The large and diverse gastric glycan library identified, including structures that correlated with H. pylori binding, could be used to select glycodeterminants to experimentally investigate further for their importance in host–pathogen interactions and as candidates to develop glycan-based therapies.  相似文献   

The eye lens is responsible for focusing and transmitting light to the retina. The lens does this in the absence of organelles, yet maintains transparency for at least 5 decades before onset of age-related nuclear cataract (ARNC). It is hypothesized that oxidative stress contributes significantly to ARNC formation. It is in addition hypothesized that transparency is maintained by a microcirculation system that delivers antioxidants to the lens nucleus and exports small molecule waste. Common data-dependent acquisition methods are hindered by dynamic range of lens protein expression and provide limited context to age-related changes in the lens. In this study, we utilized data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry to analyze the urea-insoluble membrane protein fractions of 16 human lenses subdivided into three spatially distinct lens regions to characterize age-related changes, particularly concerning the lens microcirculation system and oxidative stress response. In this pilot cohort, we measured 4788 distinct protein groups, 46,681 peptides, and 7592 deamidated sequences, more than in any previous human lens data-dependent acquisition approach. Principally, we demonstrate that a significant proteome remodeling event occurs at approximately 50 years of age, resulting in metabolic preference for anaerobic glycolysis established with organelle degradation, decreased abundance of protein networks involved in calcium-dependent cell–cell contacts while retaining networks related to oxidative stress response. Furthermore, we identified multiple antioxidant transporter proteins not previously detected in the human lens and describe their spatiotemporal and age-related abundance changes. Finally, we demonstrate that aquaporin-5, among other proteins, is modified with age by post-translational modifications including deamidation and truncation. We suggest that the continued accumulation of each of these age-related outcomes in proteome remodeling contribute to decreased fiber cell permeability and result in ARNC formation.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (STM) is a major cause of gastroenteritis and transmitted by consumption of contaminated food. STM is associated to food originating from animals (pork, chicken, eggs) or plants (vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs). Infection of warm-blooded mammalian hosts by STM and the underlying complex regulatory network of virulence gene expression depend on various environmental conditions encountered in hosts. However, less is known about the proteome and possible regulatory networks for gene expression of STM outside the preferred host. Nutritional limitations and changes in temperature are the most obvious stresses outside the native host. Thus, we analyzed the proteome profile of STM grown in rich medium (LB medium) or minimal medium (PCN medium) at temperatures ranging from 8 °C to 37 °C. LB medium mimics the nutritional rich environment inside the host, whereas minimal PCN medium represents nutritional limitations outside the host, found during growth of fresh produce (field conditions). Further, the range of temperatures analyzed reflects conditions within natural hosts (37 °C), room temperature (20 °C), during growth under agricultural conditions (16 °C and 12 °C), and during food storage (8 °C). Implications of altered nutrient availability and growth temperature on STM proteomes were analyzed by HPLC/MS-MS and label-free quantification. Our study provides first insights into the complex adaptation of STM to various environmental temperatures, which allows STM not only to infect mammalian hosts but also to enter new infection routes that have been poorly studied so far. With the present dataset, global virulence factors, their impact on infection routes, and potential anti-infective strategies can now be investigated in detail. Especially, we were able to demonstrate functional flagella at 12 °C growth temperature for STM with an altered motility behavior.  相似文献   

The amount of any given protein in the brain is determined by the rates of its synthesis and destruction, which are regulated by different cellular mechanisms. Here, we combine metabolic labeling in live mice with global proteomic profiling to simultaneously quantify both the flux and amount of proteins in mouse models of neurodegeneration. In multiple models, protein turnover increases were associated with increasing pathology. This method distinguishes changes in protein expression mediated by synthesis from those mediated by degradation. In the AppNL-F knockin mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, increased turnover resulted from imbalances in both synthesis and degradation, converging on proteins associated with synaptic vesicle recycling (Dnm1, Cltc, Rims1) and mitochondria (Fis1, Ndufv1). In contrast to disease models, aging in wild-type mice caused a widespread decrease in protein recycling associated with a decrease in autophagic flux. Overall, this simple multidimensional approach enables a comprehensive mapping of proteome dynamics and identifies affected proteins in mouse models of disease and other live animal test settings.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101916
There are two sperm morphs of silkworm, the nucleated spermatozoa (eupyrene) and anucleated spermatozoa (apyrene). Eupyrene sperm cannot complete fertilization successfully without the apyrene sperm. Here a modified rapid and efficient method for sperm identification was developed, after 10 s of fixation in paraformaldehyde and 30 s of 4′6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) or propidium Iodide (PI) staining, the sperm bundles can be detected easily using a fluorescence microscope. Sperm maturation process of silkworm from the fifth instar larvae to the adult was described with the above method, the precise time of earliest elongate apyrene bundles was detected on day 2 of pre-pupation, with a ratio of 5% in total sperm bundles, after which the percentage of apyrene sperm bundles increased rapidly and attained a relatively stable ratio of 75% at the end of pupation and nearly 80% after eclosion. Delayed mating leads to apyrene sperm accumulation and damaged fertilization. Previous study showed that ecdysone can increase the frequency of apyrene sperm bundles in vitro. Here 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) was injected into hemolymph of the 2-d-old fifth instar larvae, the worms entered into mounting period after three days injection, but no apyrene sperm bundles were induced unless day 2 of pre-pupation. Interestingly, maturation of eupyrene sperm bundles were accelerated, and the ratio of eupyrene sperm bundles increased and exhibited a dose-dependent effect after 20E injection, which indicated that the development of eupyrene sperm can be accelerated by ecdysone before pupation of silkworm in vivo. These results will provide new clues for lepidopteran pest control.  相似文献   

Distal hereditary motor neuropathies (dHMN) are a group of inherited peripheral nerve disorders characterized by length-dependent motor neuron weakness and subsequent muscle atrophy. Missense mutations in the gene encoding small heat shock protein HSPB1 (HSP27) have been associated with hereditary neuropathies including dHMN. HSPB1 is a member of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) family characterized by a highly conserved α-crystallin domain that is critical to their chaperone activity. In this study, we modeled HSPB1 mutant-induced neuropathies in Drosophila using a human HSPB1S135F mutant that has a missense mutation in its α-crystallin domain. Overexpression of the HSPB1 mutant produced no significant defect in the Drosophila development, however, a partial reduction in the life span was observed. Further, the HSPB1 mutant gene induced an obvious loss of motor activity when expressed in Drosophila neurons. Moreover, suppression of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) expression, which has critical roles in HSPB1 mutant-induced axonal defects, successfully rescued the motor defects in the HSPB1 mutant Drosophila model.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2022,28(11):1159-1165
ContextThe Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education has instituted common program requirements related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) for postgraduate trainees in the United States; however, the extent to which DEI training is being incorporated across endocrinology fellowship programs is unknown.ObjectivesTo describe the sociodemographic representation and DEI training experiences within endocrinology fellowship programs.Design, setting, and participantsNational cross-sectional survey study of fellows and fellowship program leaders in the United States whose fellowships were members of the Association of Program Directors in Endocrinology and Metabolism.Main outcome measures(1) Demographics of fellows and program leaders and (2) programs’ experience, confidence, and interest in formal DEI training.ResultsA total of 108 and 106 fellow and faculty responded to the survey, respectively. The majority of fellows and faculty are female. Less than 3% of fellows and 3.7% of faculty identify as Black. More than 90% of fellows/faculty are heterosexual and no respondents identified as transgender/nonbinary; however, 5% and 2% of all respondents preferred not to disclose their sexual orientation and gender identity, respectively. While 85% of faculty received institutional diversity and inclusion training, 67.6% of fellows did. Fellows are more likely to have received training in health equity than program leaders. Both fellows and program leaders express a high interest in health equity curriculum.ConclusionsWithin the diversity of endocrinology training programs, Black physicians are underrepresented in medicine, which persists in endocrinology fellowships. Fellowship programs express enthusiasm for national diversity and health equity curricula, with the majority of programs reporting institutional DEI training.  相似文献   

Sortilin is a post-Golgi trafficking receptor homologous to the yeast vacuolar protein sorting receptor 10 (VPS10). The VPS10 motif on sortilin is a 10-bladed β-propeller structure capable of binding more than 50 proteins, covering a wide range of biological functions including lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, neuronal growth and death, inflammation, and lysosomal degradation. Sortilin has a complex cellular trafficking itinerary, where it functions as a receptor in the trans-Golgi network, endosomes, secretory vesicles, multivesicular bodies, and at the cell surface. In addition, sortilin is associated with hypercholesterolemia, Alzheimer’s disease, prion diseases, Parkinson’s disease, and inflammation syndromes. The 1p13.3 locus containing SORT1, the gene encoding sortilin, carries the strongest association with LDL-C of all loci in human genome-wide association studies. However, the mechanism by which sortilin influences LDL-C is unclear. Here, we review the role sortilin plays in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and describe in detail the large and often contradictory literature on the role of sortilin in the regulation of LDL-C levels.  相似文献   

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