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Cells respond to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and uncapped telomeres by recruiting checkpoint and repair factors to the site of lesions. Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is an important intermediate in the repair of DSBs and is produced also at uncapped telomeres. Here, we provide evidence that binding of the checkpoint protein Rad9, through its Tudor domain, to methylated histone H3-K79 inhibits resection at DSBs and uncapped telomeres. Loss of DOT1 or mutations in RAD9 influence a Rad50-dependent nuclease, leading to more rapid accumulation of ssDNA, and faster activation of the critical checkpoint kinase, Mec1. Moreover, deletion of RAD9 or DOT1 partially bypasses the requirement for CDK1 in DSB resection. Interestingly, Dot1 contributes to checkpoint activation in response to low levels of telomere uncapping but is not essential with high levels of uncapping. We suggest that both Rad9 and histone H3 methylation allow transmission of the damage signal to checkpoint kinases, and keep resection of damaged DNA under control influencing, both positively and negatively, checkpoint cascades and contributing to a tightly controlled response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Telomeres, the nucleoprotein structures at the ends of linear chromosomes, promote genome stability by distinguishing chromosome termini from DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs). Cells possess two principal pathways for DSB repair: homologous recombination and non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ). Several studies have implicated TRF2 in the protection of telomeres from NHEJ, but the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Here, we show that TRF2 inhibits NHEJ, in part, by recruiting human RAP1 to telomeres. Heterologous targeting of hRAP1 to telomeric DNA was sufficient to bypass the need for TRF2 in protecting telomeric DNA from NHEJ in vitro. On expanding these studies in cells, we find that recruitment of hRAP1 to telomeres prevents chromosome fusions caused by the loss of TRF2/hRAP1 from chromosome ends despite activation of a DNA damage response. These results provide the first evidence that hRAP1 inhibits NHEJ at mammalian telomeres and identify hRAP1 as a mediator of genome stability.  相似文献   

Telomeres protect the natural ends of chromosomes from being repaired as deleterious DNA breaks. In fission yeast, absence of Taz1 (homologue of human TRF1 and TRF2) renders telomeres vulnerable to DNA repair. During the G1 phase, when non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) is upregulated, taz1Δ cells undergo telomere fusions with consequent loss of viability. Here, we show that disruption of the fission yeast MRN (Rad23MRE11‐Rad50‐Nbs1) complex prevents NHEJ at telomeres and, as a result, rescues taz1Δ lethality in G1. Neither Tel1ATM activation nor 5′‐end resection was required for telomere fusion. Nuclease activity of Rad32MRE11 was also dispensable for NHEJ. Mutants unable to coordinate metal ions required for nuclease activity were proficient in NHEJ repair. In contrast, Rad32MRE11 mutations that affect binding and/or positioning of DNA ends leaving the nuclease function largely unaffected also impaired NHEJ at telomeres and restored the viability of taz1Δ in G1. Consistently, MRN structural integrity but not nuclease function is also required for NHEJ of independent DNA ends in a novel split‐molecule plasmid assay. Thus, MRN acts to tether unlinked DNA ends, allowing for efficient NHEJ.  相似文献   

Telomeres share some common features among eukaryotes, with few exceptions such as the fruit fly Drosophila that uses transposons as telomeres, they consist of G-rich repetitive DNA that is elongated by telomerase and/or alternative pathways depending on recombination. Telomere structure comprises both cis-acting satellite DNA (telomeric DNA) and proteins that interact directly and/or indirectly with the underlying DNA. Telomeric DNAs are surprisingly conserved among the vertebrates and very similar in most eukaryotes, but present some differences in yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The telomeric proteins are more variable although the basic mechanisms which control telomere lengthening and capping are very similar, in fact orthologues of the yeast telomeric proteins, which have been studied first, have been identified in other organisms. Here we describe the structure of human telomeres in budding yeast as compared to canonical yeast and mammalian telomeres taking into consideration the more recent findings highlighting the mechanisms that are responsible for chromosome end protection and lengthening, and the role of chromatin organization in telomere function. This yeast represents a model for the study of mammalian telomeres that could be reconstituted step-by-step in all their components, moreover it could be useful for the assembly of mammalian artificial chromosome.  相似文献   

Replicative senescence is accompanied by a telomere-specific DNA damage response (DDR). We found that DDR+ telomeres occur spontaneously in early-passage normal human cells and increase in number with increasing cumulative cell divisions. DDR+ telomeres at replicative senescence retain TRF2 and RAP1 proteins, are not associated with end-to-end fusions and mostly result from strand-independent, postreplicative dysfunction. On the basis of the calculated number of DDR+ telomeres in G1-phase cells just before senescence and after bypassing senescence by inactivation of wild-type p53 function, we conclude that the accrual of five telomeres in G1 that are DDR+ but nonfusogenic is associated with p53-dependent senescence.  相似文献   

Analysis of the structure of chromatin in cereal species using micrococcal nuclease (MNase) cleavage showed nucleosomal organization and a ladder with typical nucleosomal spacing of 175–185 bp. Probing with a set of DNA probes localized in the authentic telomeres, subtelomeric regions and bulk chromatin revealed that these chromosomal regions have nucleosomal organization but differ in size of nucleosomes and rate of cleavage between both species and regions. Chromatin from Secale and Dasypyrum cleaved more quickly than that from wheat and barley, perhaps because of their higher content of repetitive sequences with hairpin structures accessible to MNase cleavage. In all species, the telomeric chromatin showed more rapid cleavage kinetics and a shorter nucleosome length (160 bp spacing) than bulk chromatin. Rye telomeric repeat arrays were shortest, ranging from 8 kb to 50 kb while those of wheat ranged from 15 kb up to 175 kb. A gradient of sensitivity to MNase was detected along rye chromosomes. The rye-specific subtelomeric sequences pSc200 and pSc250 have nucleosomes of two lengths, those of the telomeric and of bulk nucleosomes, indicating that the telomeric structure may extended into the chromosomes. More proximal sequences common to rye and wheat, the short tandem-repeat pSc119.2 and rDNA sequence pTa71, showed longer nucleosomal sizes characteristic of bulk chromatin in both species. A strictly defined spacing arrangement (phasing) of nucleosomes was demonstrated along arrays of tandem repeats with different monomer lengths (118, 350 and 550 bp) by combining MNase and restriction enzyme digestion.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress caused by excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) accelerates telomere erosion and mitochondrial injury, leading to impaired cellular functions and cell death. Whether oxidative stress‐mediated telomere erosion induces mitochondrial injury, or vice versa, in human T cells—the major effectors of host adaptive immunity against infection and malignancy—is poorly understood due to the pleiotropic effects of ROS. Here we employed a novel chemoptogenetic tool that selectively produces a single oxygen (1O2) only at telomeres or mitochondria in Jurkat T cells. We found that targeted 1O2 production at telomeres triggered not only telomeric DNA damage but also mitochondrial dysfunction, resulting in T cell apoptotic death. Conversely, targeted 1O2 formation at mitochondria induced not only mitochondrial injury but also telomeric DNA damage, leading to cellular crisis and apoptosis. Targeted oxidative stress at either telomeres or mitochondria increased ROS production, whereas blocking ROS formation during oxidative stress reversed the telomeric injury, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cellular apoptosis. Notably, the X‐ray repair cross‐complementing protein 1 (XRCC1) in the base excision repair (BER) pathway and multiple mitochondrial proteins in other cellular pathways were dysregulated by the targeted oxidative stress. By confining singlet 1O2 formation to a single organelle, this study suggests that oxidative stress induces dual injury in T cells via crosstalk between telomeres and mitochondria. Further identification of these oxidation pathways may offer a novel approach to preserve mitochondrial functions, protect telomere integrity, and maintain T cell survival, which can be exploited to combat various immune aging‐associated diseases.  相似文献   

细胞内生物大分子的相分离(Phaseseparation)现象是近几年受到极大关注的新兴研究领域。作为一种细胞生化反应的聚集分割机制,其在自然界中广泛存在,参与基因转录调控,影响生物体对外界刺激的应答等重要生理过程。相分离失调可能导致一些重大疾病的发生,诸多交叉领域的研究者正试图通过相分离这个全新角度来审视老年痴呆等相关疾病,探索其发生的分子机制以及通过相分离进行干预和治疗的潜在可能性。文中拟介绍该领域最新研究进展,从生物相分离现象的发现、生化基础及其与疾病发生的联系等方面,综述目前的主要研究方向,并对该领域拟解决的关键问题进行展望。  相似文献   

Human telomeres consist of multiple tandem hexameric repeats, each containing a guanine triplet. Guanosine-rich clusters are highly susceptible to oxidative base damage, necessitating base excision repair (BER). Previous demonstration of enhanced strand displacement synthesis by the BER component DNA polymerase β in the presence of telomere protein TRF2 suggests that telomeres employ long-patch (LP) BER. Earlier analyses in vitro showed that efficiency of BER reactions is reduced in the DNA-histone environment of chromatin. Evidence presented here indicates that BER is promoted at telomeres. We found that the three proteins that contact telomere DNA, POT1, TRF1 and TRF2, enhance the rate of individual steps of LP-BER and stimulate the complete reconstituted LP-BER pathway. Thought to protect telomere DNA from degradation, these proteins still apparently evolved to allow selective access of repair proteins.  相似文献   

Phase separation is a fundamental physicochemical process underlying the spatial arrangement and coordination of cellular events. Detailed characterization of biomolecular phase separation requires experimental access to the internal environment of dilute and especially condensed phases at high resolution. In this study, we take advantage from the ubiquitous presence of sodium ions in biomolecular samples and present the potentials of 23Na NMR as a proxy to report the internal fluidity of biomolecular condensed phases. After establishing the temperature and viscosity dependence of 23Na NMR relaxation rates and translational diffusion coefficient, we demonstrate that 23Na NMR probes of rotational and translational mobility of sodium ions are capable of capturing the increasing levels of confinement in agarose gels in dependence of agarose concentration. The 23Na NMR approach is then applied to a gel‐forming phenylalanine‐glycine (FG)‐containing peptide, part of the nuclear pore complex involved in controlling the traffic between cytoplasm and cell nucleus. It is shown that the 23Na NMR together with the 17O NMR provide a detailed picture of the sodium ion and water mobility within the interior of the FG peptide hydrogel. As another example, we study phase separation in water‐triethylamine (TEA) mixture and provide evidence for the presence of multiple microscopic environments within the TEA‐rich phase. Our results highlight the potentials of 23Na NMR in combination with 17O NMR in studying biological phase separation, in particular with regards to the molecular properties of biomolecular condensates and their regulation through various physico‐ and biochemical factors.  相似文献   

Progressive telomere attrition or deficiency of the protective shelterin complex elicits a DNA damage response as a result of a cell''s inability to distinguish dysfunctional telomeric ends from DNA double-strand breaks. SNMIB/Apollo is a shelterin-associated protein and a member of the SMN1/PSO2 nuclease family that localizes to telomeres through its interaction with TRF2. Here, we generated SNMIB/Apollo knockout mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) to probe the function of SNMIB/Apollo at mammalian telomeres. SNMIB/Apollo null MEFs exhibit an increased incidence of G2 chromatid-type fusions involving telomeres created by leading-strand DNA synthesis, reflective of a failure to protect these telomeres after DNA replication. Mutations within SNMIB/Apollo''s conserved nuclease domain failed to suppress this phenotype, suggesting that its nuclease activity is required to protect leading-strand telomeres. SNMIB/Apollo−/−ATM−/− MEFs display robust telomere fusions when Trf2 is depleted, indicating that ATM is dispensable for repair of uncapped telomeres in this setting. Our data implicate the 5′–3′ exonuclease function of SNM1B/Apollo in the generation of 3′ single-stranded overhangs at newly replicated leading-strand telomeres to protect them from engaging the non-homologous end-joining pathway.  相似文献   

Biomolecular phase separation has recently attracted broad in-terest, due to its role in the spatiotemporal compartmentalization of living cells. It governs the formation, regulation, and dissociation of biomolecular condensates, which play multiple roles in vivo, from activating specific biochemical reactions to organizing chromatin. Interestingly, biomolecular phase separation seems to be a mainly passive process, which can be ex-plained by relatively simple physical principles and reproduced in vitro with a minimal set of components. This Mini review focuses on our current understanding of the fundamental principles of biomolecular phase separation and the recent progress in the research on this topic.  相似文献   

The decatenation activity of topoisomerase II (Top2), which is widely conserved within the eukaryotic domain, is essential for chromosomal segregation in mitosis. It is less clear, however, whether Top2 performs the same function uniformly across the whole genome, and whether all its functions rely on decatenation. In the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, telomeres are bound by Taz1, which promotes smooth replication fork progression through the repetitive telomeric sequences. Hence, replication forks stall at taz1Δ telomeres. This leads to telomeric entanglements at low temperatures (⩽20°C) that cause chromosomal segregation defects and loss of viability. Here, we show that the appearance of entanglements, and the resulting cold sensitivity of taz1Δ cells, is suppressed by mutated alleles of Top2 that confer slower catalytic turnover. This suppression does not rely on the decatenation activity of Top2. Rather, the enhanced presence of reaction intermediates in which Top2 is clamped around DNA, promotes the removal of telomeric entanglements in vivo, independently of catalytic cycle completion. We propose a model for how the clamped enzyme–DNA complex promotes proper chromosomal segregation.  相似文献   

Telomerase action is temporally linked to DNA replication. Although yeast telomeres are normally late replicating, telomere shortening leads to early firing of subtelomeric DNA replication origins. We show that double‐strand breaks flanked by short telomeric arrays cause origin firing early in S phase at late‐replicating loci and that this effect on origin firing time is dependent on the Tel1ATM checkpoint kinase. The effect of Tel1ATM on telomere replication timing extends to endogenous telomeres and is stronger than that elicited by Rif1 loss. These results establish that Tel1ATM specifies not only the extent but also the timing of telomerase recruitment.  相似文献   

The repetitive nature of heterochromatin hampers its analysis in general genome-sequencing projects. Specific studies are needed to extend the sequence into telomeric and centromeric heterochromatin. Drosophila telomeres lack the telomerase-generated repeats that are characteristic of other eukaryotic chromosomes. Instead, they consist of tandem arrays of HeT-A and TART elements. Herein, we present the genomic organization of the telomeres in the isogenic strain (y; cn bw sp) that was used for the Drosophila melanogaster sequencing project. The data indicate that the canonical features of telomere organization are widely conserved in evolution. In addition, we have identified full-length elements, likely competent elements, for HeT-A and TART.  相似文献   

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