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The effects of harvesting of callianassid shrimp (Trypaea australiensis) on the abundance and composition of macrobenthic assemblages in unvegetated sediments of a subtropical coastal embayment in Queensland, Australia were examined using a combination of sampling and manipulative experiments. First, the abundance and composition of the benthic infauna in an area regularly used for the collection of shrimp for bait by recreational anglers was compared with multiple reference areas. Second, a BACI design, with multiple reference areas, was used to examine the short-term effects of harvesting on the benthic assemblages from an intensive commercialised fishing competition. Third, a large-scale, controlled manipulative experiment, where shrimp were harvested from 10,000 m2 plots at intensities commensurate with those from recreational and commercial operators, was done to determine the impacts on different components of the infaunal assemblage.

Only a few benthic taxa showed significant declines in abundance in response to the removal of ghost shrimp from the unvegetated sediments. There was evidence, however, of more subtle effects with changes in the degree of spatial variation (patchiness) of several taxa as a result of harvesting. Groups such as capitellid polychaetes, gammarid amphipods and some bivalves were significantly more patchy in their distribution in areas subjected to harvesting than reference areas, at a scale of tens of metres. This scale corresponds to the patterns of movement and activity of recreational harvesters working in these areas. In contrast, patchiness in the abundance of ghost shrimp decreased significantly under harvesting at scales of hundreds of metres, in response to harvesters focussing their efforts on areas with greater numbers of burrow entrances, leading to a more even distribution of the animals. Controlled experimental harvesting caused declines in the abundance of soldier crabs (Mictyris longicarpus), polychaetes and amphipods and an increase in the spatial patchiness of polychaetes. Populations of ghost shrimp were, however, resilient to harvesting over extended periods of time. In conclusion, harvesting of ghost shrimp for bait by recreational and commercial fishers causes significant but localised impacts on a limited range of benthic fauna in unvegetated sediments, including changes in the degree of spatial patchiness in their distribution.  相似文献   

1. The composition and spatiotemporal dynamics of biological communities are influenced by biotic processes, such as predation and competition, but also by physical disturbances, such as floods in running waters. However, the interplay of disturbance with predation is still poorly understood, especially in frequently disturbed streams. Further, different predator species can affect prey communities in different ways depending on their feeding mode and efficiency. 2. We investigated the individual and combined effects of flood‐induced bed disturbance and fish predation on the benthos for 4 weeks in 18 streamside channels fed by a flood‐prone New Zealand river. Bed movements caused by floods were simulated by tumbling the substratum in half the channels. Six channels each were stocked with introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) or native upland bully (Gobiomorphus breviceps) or had fish excluded. We studied algal biomass and both invertebrate density and daytime activity on surface stones on several dates after the disturbance, invertebrate community composition in the substrata of the entire channels on day 28 and leaf decomposition rates over the 28‐day period. 3. Disturbance affected algal biomass and density, richness and activity of surface stone invertebrates, and overall density and richness of channel invertebrates. Presence or absence of fish, by contrast, did not influence overall invertebrate standing stocks when subsurface substrata were included but did affect invertebrate densities on surface stones in 45% of all analysed cases and invertebrate activity on surface stones in all cases. Leaf decomposition rates were not influenced at all by the experimental manipulations. 4. Native upland bullies featured more often than exotic brown trout in causing invertebrate density changes and equally often in causing changes to grazer behaviour. Overall, our results imply that fish predation can have strong effects on the benthic invertebrate community in frequently disturbed streams, especially via behavioural changes.  相似文献   

珊瑚藻类对南麂列岛潮间带底栖生物群落多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解南麂列岛潮间带珊瑚藻类对于其他大型藻类和底栖动物的影响, 在南麂列岛国家级海洋自然保护区布设了4条潮间带断面, 于2012年5月至2013年2月对其生物状况进行了逐季调查, 分别分析了中低潮区大型藻类、非珊瑚藻大型藻类、底栖动物的物种多样性和均匀度, 并计算了大型底栖动物的功能多样性指数Rao's Q。主要结果如下: (1)共采集和鉴定出大型藻类52种, 其中珊瑚藻科藻类有5种; (2)珊瑚藻类在高潮区没有分布, 在中低潮区均占据优势, 占潮间带藻类生物量的68.9%。四季中低潮区大型藻类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数范围为1.638-4.044, 非珊瑚藻大型藻类的多样性指数范围为1.495-3.809, 底栖动物为5.289-6.917; 大型藻类的Pielou均匀度指数范围为0.819-0.971, 非珊瑚藻大型藻类的均匀度指数范围为0.830-0.973, 底栖动物为0.967-0.988; (3)大型藻类物种多样性和均匀度指数的降低与珊瑚藻类优势度的增加相关, 但珊瑚藻类优势度与底栖动物物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和功能多样性指数均没有显著相关性; (4)底栖动物功能多样性与珊瑚藻类优势度均呈低潮区高于中潮区的变化规律, 但相关性分析表明两者间并无直接联系。推测珊瑚藻类通过竞争占据了其他藻类的生存空间, 从而降低了南麂列岛潮间带大型藻类的物种多样性和均匀度。底栖动物则因其自身生活特点而使得珊瑚藻类的扩张未能影响其多样性水平。  相似文献   

In September 1999, a coal-carrying train derailed and spilled 180,000–270,000 kg of coal into the Cayuga Inlet near Ithaca, New York. This study determined the immediate effects of the coal spill and the clean up procedures on the aquatic invertebrate community, and whether the stream recovered from this event after 2 years. Benthic invertebrate samples were taken both upstream and downstream of the coal spill immediately following clean-up efforts and two years later. Just after the coal spill, the total abundance and species richness of aquatic invertebrates were significantly lower downstream of the spill, suggesting that the disturbance caused increased mortality and/or emigration compared to a reference site upstream. Taxa affected most were grazers and turbidity-susceptible invertebrates. Two years later the invertebrate communities were similar upstream and downstream of the spill, except for an increase in the percent of the dominant genus, Hydropsyche(Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). We speculate that long-term effects of channelization of the stream that occurred during the clean-up prevented the invertebrate assemblage from returning to the conditions observed in a reference site upstream of the coal spill. We propose that large scale environmental clean-ups should be designed to avoid altering ecosystems permanently, and that streams should be allowed to recover naturally without destructive human intervention.  相似文献   

Invertebrates at 20 sites on 19 Campbell Island streams were sampled over the Austral summer of 1996/97. Twelve of the 16 benthic invertebrate taxa known from the island were collected. The most abundant group was the Crustacea, which included an isopod (Notidotea lacustris) and two amphipods, one belonging to the family Eusiridae and one to the suborder Gammaridea. Five species of Diptera were found (three chironomids; Orthocladiinae sp., Chironominae sp. and Maoridiamesa insularis, as well as an empidid and a simuliid Austrosimulium campbellense). One trichopteran, the hydroptilid caddis Oxyethira albiceps and two plecopteran species Rungaperla campbelli and R. longicauda and unidentified Oligochaetes were also collected. In general, Campbell Island streams are stable, deeply incised, have unusually high salinity from wind-blown sea spray and a unique benthic invertebrate fauna. With the exception of high altitude streams with large boulders which had invertebrate communities dominated by Crustacea and the endemic stonefly of the genus Rungaperla, none of the measured environmental variables or geographic location could explain the distinctive communities found. The species-poor stream fauna and the absence of many invertebrate families commonly found on mainland New Zealand appears to be related to the extreme isolation and geological history of the island.  相似文献   

Comparisons of benthic invertebrates between riffles and pools   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Benthic species assemblages in upstream and downstream ends of riffles and in pools were investigated seasonally in the first five orders of an alluvial gravel stream with distinct pool and riffle channel form. Riffles comprised < 10% of stream area and were separated by pools with extensive bedrock substrate (ca. 15–85% of total surface area) which was scoured during periodic high flow. Virtually all taxa were more abundant in riffles than in pools, except chironomids which were more equally distributed. Inconsistent results were obtained for upstream-downstream comparisons within riffles. Intermittent headwater reaches (orders 1 & 2) which supported half as many taxa retained this pattern during periods of flow, although riffles at these sites were dry from mid-June to mid-November. Pools which contained more gravel, indicating less disturbance during high flow, had a richer assemblage of benthic species than other pools. Many invertebrates in pools may have been there as a result of drift from their preferred riffle habitats, but the presence of gravel in the pools indicates less intense flow disturbance during floods, provides protection from the mild scouring that does occur during floods, and provides refugia from predators.  相似文献   

Because of potential conflicts between commercial and conservation interests, one challenge in coastal-area management is how to regulate harvesting practices in coastal areas without adversely affecting the survival of migratory waterbirds. In most Spanish intertidal areas of importance for shorebirds, managers have concentrated only on stock management of the shellfish species. Here, we studied aspects of the foraging behaviour of Eurasian curlews Numenius arquata migrating through a Ramsar area in north Spain in the presence and absence of hand harvesters. We aimed to assess potential negative effects on curlews with a view to making coastal management recommendations that would help reduce conflict between local people and waterbirds. The average density of hand harvesters and foraging curlews at low tide was 0.56±0.09 persons per 10 ha and 16.47±0.73 birds per 10 ha, respectively. The presence of harvesters had a significant effect on foraging activity (no harvesting: 86.47±1.01%; harvesting: 82.70±1.00%). However, the absence of significant differences in all other foraging variables, between days with and without harvesting, indicated that curlews were able to compensate for the impact of harvesters on their foraging activity. We recommend, as a point of departure, that intertidal coastal managers of this Spanish site and similar areas of importance for shorebirds limit the harvesting load to <0.56 persons per 10 ha−1 at least during autumn migration.  相似文献   

Approximately 11.5% of the littoral zone of a hypereutrophic Florida lake is disturbed by the construction of spawning beds by the cichlid fish, Sarotherodon aurea, during a single spawning season. Simulations of these beds were created during three seasons of the year to test for variation in recolonization rates and patterns in the benthic macroinvertebrate community.The seasonal variation in densities of benthic invertebrate populations suggests a direct relationship between reproductive activity and recolonization rate. Recolonization rates of the numerically dominant species, Polypedilum halterale (Diptera: Chironomidae), were much more rapid in the spring and summer than in the winter. In contrast, Hyalella azteca and Glyptotendipes paripes attained peak population densities during the winter season when Polypedilum was present in low densities. These organisms invaded the disturbed area in unusually high abundances and later declined to background levels. The final result was a winter population with densities comparable to the control (undisturbed) area, but the species composition was different.Similarity between disturbed and control communities during the winter season only reached 67% a month after disturbance, while communities during the warmer months attained nearly 90% similarity in less than 15 days. This lack of similarity during the winter indicates that disturbance, at the appropriate time, may play a role in community organization.  相似文献   

The ecological impact of discharge to streams of domestic sewage waste stabilization lagoon effluent was investigated. Benthic invertebrates were compared upstream and downstream of discharges to eight New Zealand streams where effluent dilution ranged from 6- to 484-fold. The percentage of common invertebrate taxa whose density changed significantly (ANOVA, P<0.05) downstream declined in proportion with the log of the effluent dilution (r=-0.87) and increased with downstream increase in benthic respiration (r=0.91) and several intercorrelated indicators of organic enrichment (log biochemical oxygen demand, r=0.91; log suspended solids (SS), r=0.84). However, these changes in invertebrate densities did not always reflect degraded community structure. The nature and direction of changes suggests a subsidy-stress gradient of responses. Increases in SS of > 4 g m-3 were associated with significant changes in density of > 50 percent of the common taxa and > 50 percent reduction of the densities of the sensitive Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT). However, EPT densities increased by up to 50 percent at lower organic solids loadings. No general relationships were found between relative densities of functional feeding groups and metabolic or water quality variables. These findings confirm that early warning of enrichment stress is more easily seen at the species level than at the functional level.  相似文献   

1. Blooms of the benthic, stalked diatom Didymosphenia geminata were first observed in New Zealand in 2004. Since then, D. geminata has spread to numerous catchments in the South Island and is also spreading in its native range. The species is a rare example of an invasive alga in lotic systems.
2. Ecosystem effects may be expected as D. geminata attains unusually high biomass in rivers. We examined data from three independent studies in three South Island, New Zealand, rivers for evidence of effects on periphyton biomass and benthic invertebrate communities.
3. The combined results confirmed that the presence of D. geminata was associated with greatly increased periphyton biomass and, in most cases, increased invertebrate densities. We also recorded shifts in community composition, dominated by increased densities of Oligochaeta. Chironomidae, Cladocera and Nematoda also generally increased in density with D. geminata . Significant increases or declines in other invertebrate taxa were inconsistent among rivers.
4. In all three studies, increased spatial invertebrate community homogeneity was associated with high D. geminata biomass at the within-river scale. However, no declines in taxon richness or diversity were detected.
5. Although ecosystem effects of D. geminata on existing periphyton biomass and invertebrate communities are measurable, no inferences can be made from the present data about effects on higher trophic levels (fish).  相似文献   

Effects of high suspended-sediment (SS) levels (up to c. 20,000 NTU) from fine clay on 5 species of New Zealand stream insects and the crayfish Paranephrops planifrons were assessed by short-term (24 h) exposures to different SS concentrations. There were no patterns of increasing mortality over 24 h with increasing SS concentrations. Effects of longer-term exposure (14 days) of repeated 4 h exposures to lower SS concentrations (c. 1000 NTU) on the common leptophlebiid mayfly Deleatidium were also investigated. No difference in mortality was found between the test and control solutions. We suggest that so-called ‚sensitive’ invertebrates are tolerant of high SS concentrations, and that even repeated exposures to high SS concentrations have little effect on survival. Absence of these animals from catchments with high SS concentrations thus most likely reflects adverse changes to instream habitat conditions, such as filling of interstitial spaces, contamination of food sources, or both.  相似文献   

To assess potential risks of human visitation to ecological communities, the immediate effects of human trampling were investigated experimentally on small invertebrates inhabiting mid-upper intertidal hard bottoms covered by algae. Two different experimental intensities of trampling (60 and 120 footsteps) and controls (with no trampling) were applied to quadrats 20×20 cm in size (experimental area), within the two ‘no-entry, no-take’ zones of the Asinara Island MPA (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). One day after trampling ended, samples of benthic fauna were collected and the animals attributed to macrofaunal and meiofaunal components. Analyses of variance on the nine most common taxa of macrofauna identified significant higher abundance of bivalves, gammarid amphipods, polychaetes, isopods, oligochaetes in controls than in trampled plots. For nematodes, polychaetes, ostracods, oligochaetes, bivalves, acari, caprellid amphipods and tanaids a significant higher abundance of meiofaunal animals was found in controls than in trampled areas. Although no information on recovery is available, these results suggest that macrofaunal and meiofaunal taxa are vulnerable to this type of disturbance.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of hot spring water (35–45 °C) on the ecology of a small, intermittant swamp-stream in Nova Scotia, Canada. Temperatures diminished quickly with distance downstream from the hot spring because of abundant inflow of cold ground water (<10 °C), but elevated temperature effects were detectable 130 m downstream. The brook below the hot spring supported a dense mat of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria (10 m) followed by the green alga Vaucheria taylorii (40 m). Herbaceous vegetation below the algal zones was also altered by the hot water inflow, even where the temperature increase was slight. The structure of the sparse community of benthic invertebrates was sharply different at sites of different stream temperature: only oligochaete worms, ostracods, chironomids, and a single species of snail thrived at the warmest sites; cold downstream sites supported a typical headwater stream community. Mass loss from decomposing leaves of speckled alder was fast at all sites and strongly correlated with water temperature. The changes in community composition and decomposition rate in response to added heat persisted even where the temperature increase was small, indicating a tight coupling of ecosystem structure and function with the physical environment.  相似文献   

Developments of intertidal hard-substrate communities in the Oosterschelde estuary were examined in perpendicular transects between high-water line and low-water line in the period 1982–1992. Prior to the beginning of the Oosterschelde estuary works a typology of communities was established and an overall survey of the estuary was carried out. The communities contain flora (algae) as well as fauna. Due to asphalting of dikes in 1986, much of the surface of several communities has been destroyed. The originally well developed communities with large species-richness have not returned. The small reduction in tidal amplitude due to the construction of the storm-surge barrier had a minor effect on the zonation of communities. In the upper part of the intertidal zone the boundaries of the communities moved 0.5–1.0 m downward in the transects along the dike-slopes. At an average inclination of 18° this means a vertical shift of about 15–30 cm. This reflects the reduction of the tidal amplitude: the high-water line shifted ca 22 cm downward. In a number of places sedimentation has caused a reduction in the number of smaller seaweed species in the lower eulittoral zone. At monitoring locations presence of the original communities is rather unchanged. Rare species like Pelvetia canaliculata, Actinia equina and Gelidium pusillum have been able to maintain quite successfully.  相似文献   

Construction of spawning beds by the exotic cichlid fish, Sarotherodon aurea, produces numerous small-scale disturbances in shallow Florida lakes. Two experimental methods were used to simulate these disturbances (containers filled with defaunated sediment and disturbed natural substratum) and to determine benthic invertebrate recolonization patterns and rates.Recolonization of experimental containers was rapid and densities of macroinvertebrates reached equilibrium with the control habitat by Day 6 following disturbance. However, Chironomidae and miscellaneous taxa usually were more abundant (p < 0.05) in the experimental containers, and Oligochaeta always were more abundant (p < 0.01) in the control. Species of the planktonically dispersed insects either attained equilibrium rapidly or showed significantly higher densities in the experimental containers (i.e. opportunistic species).In the second experimental approach, disturbance of natural substratum removed 91% of the benthic invertebrates. The common species of chironomids reached equilibrium by Day 6 but the two predominant oligochaetes, Limnodrilus and Pristina, reached equilibrium at 9 and 15 days respectively. For the entire community, similarity on Day 6 was 87.1% and over the remainder of the sample period averaged 86.8%. Chironomid instar analyses showed significantly higher proportions of early instars in the disturbed patch indicating that colonization is principally by younger organisms. Thus, small-scale disturbance in freshwater benthic communities may be more important in ordering the biomass or age-group structure than the numerical abundance.  相似文献   

Effects of clay discharges on streams   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
The impact of clay discharges on benthic invertebrates was investigated by comparison of communities upstream and downstream of alluvial gold mining on 6 streams on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Mean turbidity was increased by 7–154 NTU above background (mean 1.3–8.2 NTU) by the mine discharges during the 2 months before sampling. Patterns of increase in suspended solids (strongly correlated with turbidity, r=0.95) were similar. Invertebrates densities were significantly lower at all downstream sites, ranging from 9 to 45% (median 26%) of densities at matched upstream sites. Downstream densities as a proportion of those upstream were negatively correlated with the logarithm of the turbidity loading (r=–0.82, P<0.05). The densities of the common taxa were also generally lower downstream of mining. Taxonomic richness was significantly lower at downstream sites in the four streams receiving higher turbidity loads (mean turbidity increase = 23–154 NTU). Lower epilithon biomass and productivity, and degraded food quality at the downstream sites probably explain the lowered invertebrate densities. At some sites, reduced bed permeability and interstitial dissolved oxygen, and avoidance reactions of invertebrates (i.e., increased drift), may have also contributed to lower invertebrate densities.Formerly DSIR Marine and Freshwater.  相似文献   

1. Flow conditions were modified over patches of river bed in three rivers in south-western Australia to determine the effects of turbulence on benthic invertebrate communities.
2. Artificial structures to increase downstream turbulence were developed in a laboratory flume. In the field, these increased turbulence intensity by 35% for a 20% reduction in velocity.
3. Patches of gravel were placed in each river and turbulence-generating structures allocated randomly to half of these, creating treatment patches. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to measure flow conditions over both treatment and control patches at several heights above the bed. After 6 weeks, the invertebrate fauna of the gravel patches were sampled to examine the response to modified flow conditions.
4. The treatments increased relative turbulence intensity twofold for a reduction in velocity of between 3 and 5 cm s−1, but turbulence intensity was significantly higher in only one of the three rivers.
5. There were no significant effects of increased relative turbulence intensity on any aspect of the invertebrate assemblage. This may be a result of the fairly small increase in relative turbulence intensity created during the experiment, the spatial scale of the manipulation or the types of stream community studied.  相似文献   

Effects of gizzard shad on benthic communities in reservoirs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum on benthic communities in a large southern reservoir (Lake Texoma, U.S.A.) were examined during two field enclosure and exclosure experiments in which enclosures were stocked at high and low densities in 1998 and 1999, respectively. In both years, chironomid abundance significantly increased in treatments that excluded large fishes from foraging on sediments. Mean abundance of chironomids and ostracods were significantly higher ( P  < 0·05) in exclosures than enclosures stocked with gizzard shad at 1140–1210 kg ha−1. In 1999, benthic invertebrate abundances did not differ ( P  > 0·08) between exclosure and enclosures stocked at 175–213 kg ha−1. Per cent organic matter, algal abundance and abundance of other macroinvertebrates in sediments did not differ significantly among treatments in either year. Although chironomid abundance was reduced in gizzard shad enclosures in 1998, food habits from this and other studies showed that adult gizzard shad in Lake Texoma only consumed detritus and algae. It is likely that high sedimentation rates in Lake Texoma limit the ability of gizzard shad to regulate algae and detritus in benthic sediments. Thus, it is concluded that disturbance of benthic sediments by gizzard shad caused the observed reduction in chironomid abundance, rather than through consumption or competition for resources.  相似文献   

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