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The thyroid gland synthesizes thyroxine (T4), which passes through the larval tadpole's circulatory system. The enzyme type II iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) converts thyroxine (T4) to the active hormone 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) in peripheral tissues. An early response to thyroid hormone (TH) in the Xenopus laevis tadpole is the stimulation of cell division in cells that line the brain ventricles, the lumen of the spinal cord, and the limb buds. These cells express constitutively high levels of D2 mRNA. Exogenous T4 induces early DNA synthesis in brain, spinal cord, and limb buds as efficiently as T3. The deiodinase inhibitor iopanoic acid blocks T4- but not T3-induced cell division. At metamorphic climax, both TH-induced cell division and D2 expression decrease in the brain. Then D2 expression appears in late-responding tissues including the anterior pituitary, the intestine, and the tail where cell division is reduced or absent. Therefore, constitutive expression of D2 occurs in the earliest target tissues of TH that will grow and differentiate, while TH-induced expression of D2 takes place in late-responding tissues that will remodel or die. This pattern of constitutive and induced D2 expression contributes to the timing of metamorphic changes in these tissues.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effects of modelling choices for the brain–skull interface (layers of tissues between the brain and skull that determine boundary conditions for the brain) and the constitutive model of brain parenchyma on the brain responses under violent impact as predicted using computational biomechanics model. We used the head/brain model from Total HUman Model for Safety (THUMS)—extensively validated finite element model of the human body that has been applied in numerous injury biomechanics studies. The computations were conducted using a well-established nonlinear explicit dynamics finite element code LS-DYNA. We employed four approaches for modelling the brain–skull interface and four constitutive models for the brain tissue in the numerical simulations of the experiments on post-mortem human subjects exposed to violent impacts reported in the literature. The brain–skull interface models included direct representation of the brain meninges and cerebrospinal fluid, outer brain surface rigidly attached to the skull, frictionless sliding contact between the brain and skull, and a layer of spring-type cohesive elements between the brain and skull. We considered Ogden hyperviscoelastic, Mooney–Rivlin hyperviscoelastic, neo–Hookean hyperviscoelastic and linear viscoelastic constitutive models of the brain tissue. Our study indicates that the predicted deformations within the brain and related brain injury criteria are strongly affected by both the approach of modelling the brain–skull interface and the constitutive model of the brain parenchyma tissues. The results suggest that accurate prediction of deformations within the brain and risk of brain injury due to violent impact using computational biomechanics models may require representation of the meninges and subarachnoidal space with cerebrospinal fluid in the model and application of hyperviscoelastic (preferably Ogden-type) constitutive model for the brain tissue.  相似文献   

The formation of the mRNA 5' end in trypanosomatid protozoa is carried out by trans-splicing, which transfers a spliced leader (SL) sequence and its hypermethylated cap (cap4) from the SL RNA to the pre-mRNA. Previous in vitro studies with synthetic uncapped RNAs have shown that the SL sequence of Leptomonas collosoma can assume two alternate conformations, Form 1 and Form 2, with Form 1 being the dominant one. To gain information about the structure of the SL RNA in vivo, in its protein-rich environment, we have used permeable Trypanosoma brucei and L. collosoma cells for chemical modification experiments. We introduce the use in vivo of the water-soluble reagents CMCT and kethoxal. In contrast to the in vitro results, the Form 2 secondary structure predominates. However, there are chemically accessible regions that suggest conformational flexibility in SL RNPs and a chemically inaccessible region suggestive of protection by protein or involvement in tertiary interactions. Using complementary 2'-O-methyl RNA oligonucleotides, we show that T. brucei SL RNA can be induced to switch conformation in vivo. SL RNA stripped of proteins and probed in vitro does not display the same Form 2 bias, indicating that SL RNA structure is determined, at least in part, by its RNP context. Finally, the methyl groups of the cap4 do not seem to affect the secondary structure of T. brucei SL RNA, as shown by chemical modification of undermethylated SL RNA probed in vivo.  相似文献   

The expression of class I and class II MHC products in human brain was studied. Radioimmunoassay confirmed weak expression of HLA-A,B,C and beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2-m) in brain extract. Quantitative inhibition assay showed brain had 1/70 as much activity as spleen, per microgram of extract protein. Immunoblot assay confirmed that HLA chains and beta 2-m were present in the brain extract. Class II was not detected. Microscopic analysis was performed on eight brain biopsies. The histologic appearance ranged from "apparently normal," to the presence of reactive astrocytes, to the presence of glial tumor. In every case, HLA-A,B,C and beta 2-m activity was concentrated at blood vessel walls. Small and medium-sized vessels were uniformly stained. Cell body staining was not seen in neurons, glia, oligodendrocytes, microglia, reactive astrocytes, or the majority of glial tumor cells. Class II activity was seen in occasional cell bodies in both grey matter and white matter in the microscopic assays. These cells had the morphologic appearance of microglia or reactive astrocytes. Occasional blood vessels also showed class II activity. Unlike the class I activity, the class II blood vessel stain was often discontinuous. More class II+ cell bodies were seen in tumor-associated tissue.  相似文献   

The in vitro susceptibility of several nonhuman primate species to human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) was investigated. Only peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were found permissive to productive infection by HHV-6, indicating that the host range of HHV-6, albeit limited, may not be restricted to Homo sapiens. However, natural HHV-6 infection in chimpanzees, as well as in the other species tested, could not be documented by serological analysis. As previously observed with human cells, HHV-6 infection of chimpanzee peripheral blood mononuclear cells was highly cytopathic and the infected cells exhibited phenotypic features of activated T lymphocytes. Although in humans the majority of HHV-6-infected lymphocytes displayed the CD4 antigen, in chimpanzees a mixed CD4+ and CD8+ phenotype was observed. HHV-6 was also shown to productively coinfect individual chimpanzee T cells with human immunodeficiency virus type 1, resulting in an accelerated induction of cytopathicity. In light of these findings, we propose the utilization of chimpanzees as a potential animal model system to investigate the in vivo interaction between HHV-6 and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and its relevance to the development of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are essential mediators of synaptic plasticity under normal physiological conditions. During brain ischemia, these receptors are excessively activated due to glutamate overflow and mediate excitotoxic cell death. Although organotypical hippocampal slice cultures are widely used to study brain ischemia in vitro by induction of oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD), there is scant data regarding expression and functionality of NMDARs in such slice cultures. Here, we have evaluated the contribution of NMDARs in mediating excitotoxic cell death after exposure to NMDA or OGD in organotypical hippocampal slice cultures after 14 days in vitro (DIV14). We found that all NMDAR subunits were expressed at DIV14. The NMDARs were functional and contributed to cell death, as evidenced by use of the NMDAR antagonist MK-801 (dizocilpine). Excitotoxic cell death induced by NMDA could be fully antagonized by 10 μM MK-801, a dose that offered only partial protection against OGD-induced cell death. Very high concentrations of MK-801 (50–100 μM) were required to counteract cell death at long delays (48–72 h) after OGD. The relative high dose of MK-801 needed for long-term protection after OGD could not be attributed to down-regulation of NMDARs at the gene expression level. Our data indicate that NMDAR signaling is just one of several mechanisms underlying ischemic cell death and that prospective cytoprotective therapies must be directed to multiple targets.  相似文献   

We have used HSCA-2, an mAb that recognizes a sialic acid-dependent epitope on the low molecular mass (approximately 115-kDa) glycoform of CD43 that is expressed in resting T and NK cells, to examine the expression characteristics and stimulatory functions of CD43 in human CD4+ memory T cells. Having previously reported that the memory cells that respond to recall Ags in a CD4+ CD45RO+ T cell population almost all belong to a subset whose surface CD43 expression levels are elevated, we now find that exposing these same memory T cells to HSCA-2 mAb markedly increases their proliferative responsiveness to recall Ags. We think it unlikely that this increase in responsiveness is a result of CD43-mediated monocyte activation, especially given that the HSCA-2 mAb differs from all previously used CD43 mAbs in having no obvious binding specificity for monocyte CD43. Predictably, treatment with HSCA-2 mAb did not lead to significant recall responses in CD4+ CD45RO+ T cells, whose CD43 expression levels were similar to or lower than those of naive cells. Other experiments indicated that the HSCA-2 mAb was capable of enhancing the proliferative responsiveness of CD4+ memory T cells that had been exposed to polyclonal stimulation by monocyte-bound CD3 mAb and could also act in synergy with CD28 mAb to enhance the responsiveness of CD4+ T cells to CD3 stimulation. Taken together, these findings suggest that the CD43 molecules expressed on CD4+ memory T cells may be capable of enhancing the costimulatory signaling and hence providing accessory functions to TCR-mediated activation processes.  相似文献   

Samanta  Aveek  Banerjee  Saptadipa  Maity  Tilak Raj  Jahnavi  Jangala  Datta  Siraj 《Protoplasma》2022,259(6):1455-1466

The drug development process is one of the important aspects of medical biology. The classical lead identification strategy in the way of drug development based on animal cell is time-consuming, expensive and involving ethical issues. The following study aims to develop a novel plant-based screening of drugs. Study shows the efficacy of certain anti-cancerous drugs (Pemetrexed, 5-Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, Topotecan and Etoposide) on a plant-based (Lathyrus sativus L.) system. Two important characteristics of cancer cells were observed in the colchicine-treated polyploid cell and the callus, where the chromosome numbers were unusual and the division of cells were uncontrolled respectively. With increasing concentration, the drugs significantly reduced the mitotic index, ploidy level and callus growth. Increasing Pemetrexed concentration decreased the plant DHFR activity. A decrease in total RNA content was observed in 5-FU and Methotrexate with increasing concentrations of the drugs. Etoposide and Topotecan inhibited plant topoisomerase II and topoisomerase I activities, which was justified through plasmid nicking and comet assay, respectively. Molecular and biochemical study revealed similar results to the animal system. The in silico study had been done, and the structural similarity of drug binding domains of L. sativus and human beings had also been established. The binding site of the selected drugs to the domains of plant target proteins was also determined. Experimental results are significant in terms of the efficacy of known anti-cancerous drugs on the plant-based system. The proposed assay system is a cost-effective, convenient and less time-consuming process for primary screening of anti-cancerous lead molecules.


Radioiodinated 5-iodo-1-(2-fluoro-2-deoxy-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)uracil (F *IAU) is most commonly used for noninvasive assessment of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV-1-tk) gene expression. However, it does not permeate the intact blood-brain barrier (BBB) because of its moderate lipophilicity. In this work, three iodo-nucleosides, FIAU, IVFRU, and IVFAU, were radiolabeled with iodine-123 and tested for permeation of the BBB in mice and for potential measurement of HSV-1-tk gene expression in gliomas. The results demonstrate that brain uptake and retention of these nucleosides is not directly related to their lipophilicity. The low brain uptake of IVFAU, in conjunction with its higher and constant brain/blood ratio, may reflect greater stability against hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond. In vivo PET evaluations of [(124)I]IVFRU and [(124)I]IVFAU in tumor-bearing mice are warranted.  相似文献   

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