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Human telomerase catalytic subunit hTERT is subjected to alternative splicing results in loss of its function and leads to decrease of telomerase activity. However, very little is known about the mechanism of hTERT pre-mRNA alternative splicing. Apoptotic endonuclease EndoG is known to participate this process. The aim of this study was to determine the role of EndoG in regulation of hTERT alternative splicing. Increased expression of β-deletion splice variant was determined during EndoG overexpression in CaCo-2 cell line, after EndoG treatment of cell cytoplasm and nuclei as well as after nuclei incubation with EndoG digested cell RNA. hTERT alternative splicing was induced by 47-mer RNA oligonucleotide in naked nuclei and in cells after transfection. Identified long non-coding RNA, that is the precursor of 47-mer RNA oligonucleotide. Its size is 1754 nucleotides. Based on the results the following mechanism was proposed. hTERT pre-mRNA is transcribed from coding DNA strand while long non-coding RNA is transcribed from template strand of hTERT gene. EndoG digests long non-coding RNA and produces 47-mer RNA oligonucleotide complementary to hTERT pre-mRNA exon 8 and intron 8 junction place. Interaction of 47-mer RNA oligonucleotide and hTERT pre-mRNA causes alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Recent crystal structures have revealed that regulatory subunit RIalpha of PKA undergoes a dramatic conformational change upon complex formation with the catalytic subunit. Molecular dynamics studies were initiated to elucidate the contributions of intrinsic conformational flexibility and interactions with the catalytic subunit in formation and stabilization of the complex. Simulations of a single RIalpha nucleotide binding domain (NBD), missing cAMP, showed that its C helix spontaneously occupies two distinct conformations: either packed against the nucleotide binding domain as in its cAMP bound structure, or extended into an intermediate form resembling that of the holoenzyme structure. C helix extension was not seen in a simulation of either RIalpha NBD. In a model complex containing both NBDs and the catalytic subunit, well-conserved residues at the interface between the NBDs in the cAMP bound form were found to stabilize the complex through contacts with the catalytic subunit. The model structure is consistent with available experimental data.  相似文献   

The 1C subunit is the pore-forming protein for the L-type calcium channel. Previous studies indicate that there is possible tissue-specific alternative splicing of this gene. In this study we cloned the entire open reading frame of the 1C subunit cDNA from adult rat cardiac myocytes in a single piece (6.64 kb). Using 75 positive clones that were identified by restriction enzyme mapping, we tested the alternative splicing patterns of the Cav1.2 gene that encodes the 1C subunit protein and focused on five loci: IS6, post-IS6, IIIS2, IVS3, and the c-terminus. The results indicate that: (1) alternative splicing occurs in most of the loci, giving rise to two or three different isoforms at those sites; (2) there is a predominant form for each splicing site, (3) there does not appear to be consistent coordination of splicing at multiple loci of this gene. Alternative splicing is not tissue-specific in most regions. (Mol Cell Biochem 269: 153–163, 2005)  相似文献   

The alpha1C subunit is the pore-forming protein for the L-type calcium channel. Previous studies indicate that there is possible tissue-specific alternative splicing of this gene. In this study we cloned the entire open reading frame of the alpha1C subunit cDNA from adult rat cardiac myocytes in a single piece (6.64 kb). Using 75 positive clones that were identified by restriction enzyme mapping, we tested the alternative splicing patterns of the Ca(v) 1.2 gene that encodes the alpha1C subunit protein and focused on five loci: IS6, post-IS6, IIIS2, IVS3, and the c-terminus. The results indicate that: (1) alternative splicing occurs in most of the loci, giving rise to two or three different isoforms at those sites; (2) there is a predominant form for each splicing site, (3) there does not appear to be consistent coordination of splicing at multiple loci of this gene. Alternative splicing is not tissue-specific in most regions.  相似文献   



RNA editing and alternative splicing play an important role in expanding protein diversity and this is well illustrated in studies of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).  相似文献   

The RNA splicing endonuclease is responsible for recognition and excision of nuclear tRNA and all archaeal introns. Despite the conserved RNA cleavage chemistry and a similar enzyme assembly, currently known splicing endonuclease families have limited RNA specificity. Different from previously characterized splicing endonucleases in Archaea, the splicing endonuclease from archaeum Sulfolobus solfataricus was found to contain two different subunits and accept a broader range of substrates. Here, we report a crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of the S.solfataricus endonuclease at 3.1 angstroms resolution. The structure, together with analytical ultracentrifugation analysis, identifies the catalytic subunit as an inactive but stable homodimer, thus suggesting the possibility of two modes of functional assembly for the active enzyme.  相似文献   

We have cloned from rat brain a family of alternatively spliced cDNAs from a single gene, which encodes a norepinephrine transporter (NET) having variations at the 3'-region including both coding and noncoding regions. This produces two transporter isoforms, rNETa and rNETb, which differ at their COOH termini. The rNETa isoform reveals a COOH terminus homologous to human NET and transports norepinephrine. In contrast, rNETb revealed no detectable transport function but reduced functional expression of rNETa when both isoforms were expressed in the same cell. Thus, rNETb potentially functions as a dominant negative inhibitor of rNETa activity. Co-expression of rNETb with a gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter (rGAT1), a serotonin transporter (rSERT), and a dopamine transporter (rDAT) reduced their transport activity. No reduction was found with the glutamate/aspartate transporter (rGLAST). Alternative RNA splicing of NET suggests a novel mechanism for the regulation of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

We have used a previously characterized mouse cDNA clone for the catalytic (C) subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Uhler, M. D., Carmichael, D. F., Lee, D. C., Chrivia, J. C., Krebs, E. G., and McKnight, G. S. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 83, 1300-1304), which we designate C alpha, to isolate cDNA clones coding for a second isoform of the C subunit, C beta. C alpha cDNA clones hybridize to a 2.4-kilobase mRNA on Northern blots whereas C beta cDNA clones detect a 4.3-kilobase mRNA. Nucleotide sequence comparison between C alpha and C beta cDNA clones shows that the C beta cDNA codes for a protein which shows 91% identity with C alpha. Determination of mRNA levels for C beta in various tissues shows that it is most highly expressed in brain although it is detectable in all tissues examined. The presence of two genes coding for the C subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase may explain past reports of heterogeneity in C subunit protein preparations.  相似文献   

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