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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a highly valuable fruit crop, and yield is one of the most important agronomic traits. However, the genetic architecture underlying tomato yield-related traits has not been fully addressed. Based on ∼4.4 million single nucleotide polymorphisms obtained from 605 diverse accessions, we performed a comprehensive genome-wide association study for 27 agronomic traits in tomato. A total of 239 significant associations corresponding to 129 loci, harboring many previously reported and additional genes related to vegetative and reproductive development, were identified, and these loci explained an average of ∼8.8% of the phenotypic variance. A total of 51 loci associated with 25 traits have been under selection during tomato domestication and improvement. Furthermore, a candidate gene, Sl-ACTIVATED MALATE TRANSPORTER15, that encodes an aluminum-activated malate transporter was functionally characterized and shown to act as a pivotal regulator of leaf stomata formation, thereby affecting photosynthesis and drought resistance. This study provides valuable information for tomato genetic research and breeding.

A large-scale genome-wide association study sheds light on genetic and genomic bases underlying important yield-related traits in tomato.  相似文献   

选取5份云南地方香型软米水稻种质资源和6份自育香型软米保持系按5×6不完全双列杂交设计(NCⅡ)配制成30个组合,采用加性-显性-上位性遗传模型,分析云南香型软米11个农艺性状的遗传效应。结果表明,云南香型软米多数农艺性状的遗传主要受加×加上位性效应、加性×环境效应、显性×环境效应的影响,还存在不同程度的加性效应和显性效应,单株产量受基因加性效应、显性效应、加×加上位性效应、加性×环境效应、显性×环境效应的影响;株高、有效穗的遗传率以普通狭义遗传率为主,其他性状的普通狭义遗传率和互作狭义遗传率均达极显著水平;产量构成性状之间存在不同类型和不同程度的遗传相关,多数性状之间以加×加上位性、加性×环境和显性×环境互作效应显著。  相似文献   

Okra-leaf types of the upland cotton have the potential to be competitive to the normal-leaf types in yield and fibre quality, in addition to its potential resistance to insect pests and drought. Okra-leaf cotton accessions, collected at Cotton Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan, were evaluated in respect of genetic variance and relative performance in half- and full-sib crosses (combining ability) for 2 years. Variation due to parents x years interaction was significant for lint percentage, seed weight and earliness index, resulting in moderately low but significant genetic variance across environments (years) for these traits. Interaction of environment with general combining ability was significant for seed yield, seed weight, and earliness index. General combining ability variation, contributed by females and males together, accounted for 71% of the total variation available for seed cotton yield, 60% of that for seed weight and height to node ratio each, and 75% of that for earliness index. Specific combining ability variation accounted for 85% and 51% of the total variation available for lint percentage and staple length, respectively. The contribution of female parents to general combining ability variation was higher than that of male parents for seed cotton yield, seed weight, height to node ratio, and earliness index. Okra-leaf accessions HR-VO-MS and HR107-NH were predicted to produce progenies having high yield, HR109-RT high lint percentage, while HR100-Okra, Gambo-Okra and HR-VO-1 were predicted to impart early crop maturity to their progenies by reason of their good general combining ability for these traits. The results also provided evidence that genes controlling high yield in HR-VO-MS and HR107-NH were different from those controlling high yield in HR109-RT. The set of genes controlling the high earliness index in HR100-Okra and that in HR-VO-MS also appeared to differ in expression.  相似文献   

As a prelude to domestication efforts, variation of agronomic traits was determined among accessions of the polytypic, xerophytic cucurbit, coyote gourd [Cucurbita digitata subsp. digitata (DIG), palmata (PAL), cylindrata (CYL), and cordata (COR)] and among and within their progeny. Oil content in 60 accession seed lots (x = 27.8%, CV 21.4%) was more variable than protein content (x = 33.1%, CV = 13.5%). Punicic acid (c,t,c-9,ll,13-octadecatrienoic acid) levels in seed oils were also variable (x = 12.0%, CV = 20.6%) among accession seed lots. Substantial differences among and within subspecies were noted in 40 progeny lines for fruit/plant (x = 55.2, CV = 47.5%), seed wt/plant (x = 0.89 kg, CV = 51.1%), seed wt/fruit (x = 17.4 g, CV = 39.8%), seed no./fruit (x = 356, CV= 30.8%), 100-seed wt (x = 4.8 g, CV = 21.6%) and fruit diameter (x = 77 mm, CV 4.8%). Correlations among parameters suggested selection for fruit/plant to be the most effective primary strategy for seed yield improvement, but among high fruit-yielders, selection for seed wt/fruit was also important. The two subspecies PAL and CYL exhibited superior seed wts/plant. CYL types matured high fruit-loads, but their fruits were smaller and contained a smaller number of lighter seed than PAL or PAL hybrids. In contrast, PAL and PAL hybrids displayed lower fruit-yields/ plant but their fruits were larger and contained higher seed wts/fruit than their CYL counterparts. Root wt/plant was also variable (x = 1.55 kg, CV = 63.2%). Roots of DIG were larger and less branched than those of other subspecies. Proximate and liquid Chromatographic analyses of selected accession seed lots and controlled crosses failed to reveal advantages for the inclusion of specific types in a breeding program for the development of high oil or high/low punicic acid lines.  相似文献   

Association mapping is a powerful approach for exploring the molecular basis of phenotypic variations in plants.A peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)mini-core collection in China comprising 298 accessions was genotyped using 109 simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers,which identified 554 SSR alleles and phenotyped for 15 agronomic traits in three different environments,exhibiting abundant genetic and phenotypic diversity within the panel.A model-based structure analysis assigned all accessions to three groups.Most of the accessions had the relative kinship of less than 0.05,indicating that there were no or weak relationships between accessions of the mini-core collection.For 15 agronomic traits in the peanut panel,generally the Q t K model exhibited the best performance to eliminate the false associated positives compared to the Q model and the general linear model-simple model.In total,89SSR alleles were identified to be associated with 15 agronomic traits of three environments by the Q t K model-based association analysis.Of these,eight alleles were repeatedly detected in two or three environments,and 15 alleles were commonly detected to be associated with multiple agronomic traits.Simple sequence repeat allelic effects confirmed significant differences between different genotypes of these repeatedly detected markers.Our results demonstrate the great potential of integrating the association analysis and marker-assisted breeding by utilizing the peanut mini-core collection.  相似文献   

Association mapping is a powerful approach for exploring the molecular basis of phenotypic variations in plants. A peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) mini-core collection in China comprising 298 accessions was genotyped using lo9 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, which identified 554 SSR alleles and phenotyped for 15 agronomic traits in three different environments, exhibiting abundant genetic and phenotypic diversity within the panel. A model-based structure analysis assigned all accessions to three groups. Most of the accessions had the relative kinship of less than o.05, indicating that there were no or weak relationships between accessions of the mini- core collection. For 15 agronomic traits in the peanut panel, generally the Q + K model exhibited the best performance to eliminate the false associated positives compared to the Q model and the general linear model-simple model. In total, 89 SSR alleles were identified to be associated with 15 agronomic traits of three environments by the Q+K model-based association analysis. Of these, eight alleles were repeatedly detected in two or three environments, and 15 alleles were commonly detected to be associated with multiple agronomic traits. Simple sequence repeat allelic effects confirmed significant differences between different genotypes of these repeatedly detected markers. Our results demonstrate the great potential of integrating the association analysis and marker-assisted breeding by utilizing the peanut mini-core collection.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behavior has been shown in a number of species, and several studies have found observable sex differences in these behaviors, yet their evolutionary implications remain unclear. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of behavioral traits requires knowledge of their genetic architectures and whether this architecture differs between the sexes. We conducted a quantitative genetic study in a sexually size‐dimorphic spider, Larinioides sclopetarius, which exhibits sex differences in adult lifestyles. We observed pedigreed spiders for aggression, activity, exploration, and boldness and used animal models to disentangle genetic and environmental influences on these behaviors. We detected trends toward (i) higher additive genetic variances in aggression, activity, and exploration in males than females, and (ii) difference in variances due to common environment/maternal effects, permanent environment and residual variance in aggression and activity with the first two variances being higher in males for both behaviors. We found no sex differences in the amount of genetic and environmental variance in boldness. The mean heritability estimates of aggression, activity, exploration, and boldness range from 0.039 to 0.222 with no sizeable differences between females and males. We note that the credible intervals of the estimates are large, implying a high degree of uncertainty, which disallow a robust conclusion of sex differences in the quantitative genetic estimates. However, the observed estimates suggest that sex differences in the quantitative genetic architecture of the behaviors cannot be ruled out. Notably, the present study suggests that genetic underpinnings of behaviors may differ between sexes and it thus underscores the importance of taking sex differences into account in quantitative genetic studies.  相似文献   

以107份甘蔗杂交品种核心种质为研究材料,ROC22为对照品种,通过新植和宿根2年的田间试验,对蔗茎公顷产量、甘蔗蔗糖分、公顷含糖量等性状进行最小显著差数法(LSD)两两比较和Duncan多重比较评价,筛选优异材料,利用SSR分子标记建立优异材料与我国骨干亲本的亲缘关系。结果表明36份材料在蔗茎公顷产量、甘蔗蔗糖分、公顷含糖量等指标上优于对照品种,可作为亲本进行杂交,且蔗茎公顷产量对公顷含糖量的影响远大于甘蔗蔗糖分对公顷含糖量的影响;20对SSR引物扩增得到292个标记,其中283个为多态性标记;优异材料与我国骨干亲本相似性系数范围在0.384~0.590之间,平均为0.437,存在较大的遗传差异;UPGMA聚类可将所有材料划分为5个类群,蔗茎公顷产量和公顷含糖量表现优异的材料在各类群都有分布,甘蔗蔗糖分表现优异的材料主要集中在Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ类群,Ⅲ类群更集中;本研究为甘蔗种质创新、遗传育种提供了优异亲本材料,为杂交组合的配制提供重要指导。  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. (jatropha) is an undomesticated plant, which has received great attention in recent years for its potential in biofuel production and in greening and rehabilitation of wastelands. Yet the absence of improved cultivars and the lack of agronomic knowledge are limiting factors for successful jatropha cultivation. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the perspectives of a worldwide jatropha breeding program and specifically to (i) estimate variance components and heritabilities for agronomic and quality traits in the early phase of cultivation; (ii) assess phenotypic and genetic correlations among those traits; and (iii) discuss strategies for breeding high yielding jatropha cultivars. Data on various traits was collected from 375 jatropha genotypes, which were tested at seven locations during the first 3 years of growth. The accumulated seed yields and the seed yields per harvest year differed significantly among the testing locations. The estimates of genetic and genotype‐by‐environment interaction variances were significant and estimates of heritabilities were high for all yield parameters. The estimates of genetic correlations indicated a strong association among yield parameters. Oil yield was strongly correlated with seed yield and only weakly with oil content in seeds. The perspectives of a jatropha breeding program are excellent. Improved cultivars, definition of favorable environmental factors and refinement of agronomic management practices are needed to secure sustainable jatropha cultivation.  相似文献   

A set of accessions of Oryza sativa from the International Rice Research Institute (Philippines) that included known and suspected duplicates as well as closely related germplasm has been subjected to RAPD analysis. The number of primers, the number of polymorphic bands and the total number of bands were determined that will allow the accurate discrimination of these categories of accessions, including the identification of true and suspected duplicates. Two procedures have been described that could be employed on a more general basis for identifying duplicates in genetic resources collections, and further discussion on the values of such activities is presented.  相似文献   

以8个优良的晒晾烟品种(系)为亲本,配置完全双列杂交,进而利用基于混合线性模型的统计学方法,对晾晒烟株高、叶数、节距、腰叶长、腰叶宽以及茎围6个主要农艺性状进行遗传分析。结果表明,在多数农艺性状遗传中加性效应和显性效应都起重要作用,但所占比例有所不同,腰叶长和叶数主要受加性效应影响,而株高、节距、腰叶宽和茎围性状显性效应起主要作用;6种重要农艺性状狭义遗传率由高到低分别为:腰叶长>叶数>株高>节距>腰叶宽>茎围,其中,腰叶长和叶数狭义遗传率较高,分别为0.35和0.33,适合进行早代选择。另外,估算了供试材料的遗传效应值,并对各亲本及组合的育种利用价值进行了评价。本研究为晒晾烟重要农艺性状遗传改良提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   



In recent years soybean is becoming one of the most important oilseed crops in Kazakhstan. Only within the last ten years (2006–2016), the area under soybean is expanded from 45 thousand hectares (ha) in 2006 to 120 thousand ha in 2016. The general trend of soybean expansion is from south-eastern to eastern and northern regions of the country, where average temperatures are lower and growing seasons are shorter. These new soybean growing territories were poorly examined in terms of general effects on productivity level among the diverse sample of soybean accessions. In this study, phenotypic data were collected in three separate regions of Kazakhstan and entire soybean sample was genotyped for identification of marker-trait associations (MTA).


In this study, the collection of 113 accessions representing five different regions of the World was planted in 2015–2016 in northern, eastern, and south-eastern regions of Kazakhstan. It was observed that North American accessions showed the highest yield in four out of six trials especially in Northern Kazakhstan in both years. The entire sample was genotyped with 6 K SNP Illumina array. 4442 SNPs found to be polymorphic and were used for whole genome genotyping purposes. Obtained SNP markers data and field data were used for GWAS (genome-wide association study). 30 SNPs appear to be very significant in 42 MTAs in six studied environments.


The study confirms the efficiency of GWAS for the identification of molecular markers which tag important agronomic traits. Overall thirty SNP markers associated with time to flowering and maturation, plant height, number of fertile nodes, seeds per plant and yield were identified. Physical locations of 32 identified out of 42 total MTAs coincide well with positions of known analogous QTLs. This result indicates importance of revealed MTAs for soybean growing regions in Kazakhstan. Obtained results would serve as required prerequisite for forming and realization of specific breeding programs towards effective adaptation and increased productivity of soybean in three different regions of Kazakhstan.

水稻品种化感特性与农艺性状的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
选用9个华南地区主栽水稻品种,用特征次生物质标记方法测定它们的化感指数,并通过田间实验确定这些水稻品种的抑草效应及主要农艺性状,在此基础上分析这些水稻品种的化感特性、抑草效应和农艺性状的关系.结果表明,具有化感特性的水稻品种并不都能在田间表现出抑草效应,化感特性与主要农艺性状均无显著的相关性,但同时具有化感特性和有利竞争农艺性状的水稻品种均能在田间显示抑草效应.水稻化感特性和农艺性状的不相关显示化感特性转入相关的水稻品种将不影响它们的农艺性状,这意味着能培育出各种农艺性状的水稻化感新品种.  相似文献   

The 297 winter rice accessions of Assam, North East India were genotyped by sequencing (GBS). The 50,985 high-quality SNPs were filtered and assigned to 12 rice chromosomes. The population structure analysis revealed three major subgroups SG1, SG2, and SG3 consisting of 30, 8, and 143 accessions respectively. The remaining 116 accessions were grouped as admixture population. Phenotypic data were recorded on13 agronomical traits for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). The 60 significant marker-trait associations (MTAs) were identified for 11 agronomical traits, which explained 0 to 15% of phenotypic variance (PV). A QTL ‘hot spot’ was detected near the centromeric region on chromosome 6. The identified QTLs may be validated and utilized in ‘genomics assisted breeding’ for improvement of existing rice cultivars of Assam and North East India.  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic effects on nutrient quality traits in indica rice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Nine cytoplasmic male-sterile lines and five restorer lines were used in an incomplete diallel cross to analyze seed effects, cytoplasmic effects, and maternal gene effects on nutrient quality traits of indica rice (Oryza sauva L.). The results indicated that nutrient quality traits were controlled by cytoplasmic and maternal effects as well as by seed direct effects. Maternal effects for lysine content (LC), lysine index (LI), and the ratio of lysine content to protein content (RLP) were more important than seed direct effects, while protein content (PC) and protein index (PI) were mainly affected by seed direct effects. Cytoplasmic effects accounted for 2.41–20.80% of the total genetic variation and were significant for all nutrient quality traits. Additive genetic effects were much more important than dominance effects for all of the traits studied, so that selection could be applied for these traits in early generations.  相似文献   

Molecular understanding of morphological agronomic traits is very important to improve grain yield and quality. According to the literature information summarized in Overview of Functionally Characterized Genes in Rice online database, 430 genes related to these traits have been functionally characterized in rice, while the functions of other genes remain to be elucidated. Gene indexed mutants are available for at least half of the genes identified in the rice genome, and are very useful resources to study gene function. To suggest candidate genes for functional studies associated with morphological agronomic traits, we identified genes with tissue/organ-preferred expression patterns through meta-analysis of microarray data, and identified 781 genes for roots, 1,084 for leaves, 1,029 for calluses, 927 for anthers, 241 for embryos, and 343 for endosperms. Additionally, 4,243 genes expressed in all tissue types were allocated to a ubiquitously-expressed gene group (‘housekeeping’ genes). The estimated tissue/organ-preferred and housekeeping genes accounted for 40% of the characterized genes associated with morphological agronomic traits, indicating that identification of tissue/organ-preferred genes is an effective way to provide putative gene function. In this study, we reported the information of gene-indexed mutants for 84% of the identified candidate genes. Our candidate genes and relating indexed mutant resources can potentially be used to improve morphological agronomic traits in rice.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic diversity of 49 accessions of the hot pepper species Capsicum chinensis through analyses of 12 physicochemical traits of the fruit, eight multi-categorical variables, and with 32 RAPD primers. Data from the physicochemical traits were submitted to analysis of variance to estimate the genetic parameters, and their means were clustered by the Scott-Knott test. The matrices from the individual and combined distance were estimated by multivariate analyses before applying Tocher's optimization method. All physicochemical traits were examined for genetic variability by analysis of variance. The responses of these traits showed more contribution from genetic than from environmental factors, except the percentage of dry biomass, content of soluble solids and vitamin C level. Total capsaicin had the greatest genetic divergence. Nine clusters were formed from the quantitative data based on the generalized distance of Mahalanobis, using Tocher's method; four were formed from the multi-categorical data using the Cole-Rodgers coefficient, and eight were formed from the molecular data using the Nei and Li coefficient. The accessions were distributed into 14 groups using Tocher's method, and no significant correlation between pungency and origin was detected. Uni- and multivariate analyses permitted the identification of marked genetic diversity and fruit attributes capable of being improved through breeding programs.  相似文献   

Agricultural environments deteriorate due to excess nitrogen application.Breeding for low nitrogen responsive genotypes can reduce soil nitrogen input.Rice genotypes respond variably to soil available nitrogen.The present study attempted quantification of genotype x nitrogen level interaction and mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and other associated agronomic traits.Twelve parameters were observed across a set of 82 double haploid (DH) lines derived from IR64/Azucena.Three nitrogen regimes namely,native (0 kg/ha; no nitrogen applied),optimum (100 kg/ha) and high (200 kg/ha) replicated thrice were the environments.The parents and DH lines were significantly varying for all traits under different nitrogen regimes.All traits except plant height recorded significant genotype x environment interaction.Individual plant yield was positively correlated with nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen uptake.Sixteen QTLs were detected by composite interval mapping.Eleven QTLs showed significant QTL x environment interactions.On chromosome 3,seven QTLs were detected associated with nitrogen use,plant yield and associated traits.A QTL region between markers RZ678,RZ574 and RZ284 was associated with nitrogen use and yield.This chromosomal region was enriched with expressed gene sequences of known key nitrogen assimilation genes.  相似文献   

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