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Three interspecific crosses were developed using Cicer arietinum (ICC 4918) as the female parent and wild Cicer species [C. reticulatum - JM 2100, JM 2106 and C. echinospermum - ICCW 44] as the male parent. Cicer arietinum (ICC 4918) × C. reticulatum (JM 2100) cross produced the largest number of F2 plants and was chosen for linkage mapping using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. A partial linkage map was constructed based upon the segregation of 36 RAPD markers obtained by amplification using 35 primers. The linkage map consists of two linkage groups with 17 linked markers covering a total of 464.9 cM. Analyses also revealed association of three morphological traits with linked RAPD markers. Out of seven morphological traits tested for association with linked markers in the segregating plants, four Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected for the trait leaf length and three QTLs each for the traits leaf width and erect plant habit.  相似文献   

The patterns of male and female recombination vary greatly on a macro scale. A unique motif in each gender, triggering a double strand break at its location, much in the way Chi sites operate in E. coli, could logically explain this difference. As such, we have undertaken a comprehensive search of all small motifs in an attempt to identify one or more that match to the available data. In the end, we conclude that no such motifs appear to exist in the human genome.  相似文献   

Bacterial identification on the basis of the highly conserved 16S rRNA (rrs) gene is limited by its presence in multiple copies and a very high level of similarity among them. The need is to look for other genes with unique characteristics to be used as biomarkers. Fifty-one sequenced genomes belonging to 10 different Yersinia species were used for searching genes common to all the genomes. Out of 304 common genes, 34 genes of sizes varying from 0.11 to 4.42 kb, were selected and subjected to in silico digestion with 10 different Restriction endonucleases (RE) (4–6 base cutters). Yersinia species have 6–7 copies of rrs per genome, which are difficult to distinguish by multiple sequence alignments or their RE digestion patterns. However, certain unique combinations of other common gene sequences—carB, fadJ, gluM, gltX, ileS, malE, nusA, ribD, and rlmL and their RE digestion patterns can be used as markers for identifying 21 strains belonging to 10 Yersinia species: Y. aldovae, Y. enterocolitica, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. rohdei, Y. ruckeri, and Y. similis. This approach can be applied for rapid diagnostic applications.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0552-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A survey of faba bean and chickpea for virus infection, conducted during February 1994 in the Sudan, showed that bean yellow mosaic potyvirus and broad bean mottle bromovirus occurred commonly in both crops. Chickpea chlorotic dwarf geminivirus (CCDV) was detected for the first time in naturally infected chickpeas and faba beans. This is the first report of natural CCDV infection of chickpeas outside India and the first record of chickpea and faba bean infection in West Asia and North Africa (WANA).  相似文献   

UDP-glycosyltransferases (EC 2.4.1.x; UGTs) are enzymes coded by an important gene family of higher plants. They are involved in the modification of secondary metabolites, phytohormones, and xenobiotics by transfer of sugar moieties from an activated nucleotide molecule to a wide range of acceptors. This modification regulates various functions like detoxification of xenobiotics, hormone homeostasis, and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Here, we describe the identification of 96 UGT genes in Cicer arietinum (CaUGT) and report their tissue-specific differential expression based on publically available RNA-seq and expressed sequence tag data. This analysis has established medium to high expression of 84 CaUGTs and low expression of 12 CaUGTs. We identified several closely related orthologs of CaUGTs in other genomes and compared their exon-intron arrangement. An attempt was made to assign functional specificity to chickpea UGTs by comparing substrate binding sites with experimentally determined specificity. These findings will assist in precise selection of candidate genes for various applications and understanding functional genomics of chickpea.  相似文献   

The small size of RNA virus genomes (2-to-32 kb) has been attributed to high mutation rates during replication, which is thought to lack proof-reading. This paradigm is being revisited owing to the discovery of a 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease (ExoN) in nidoviruses, a monophyletic group of positive-stranded RNA viruses with a conserved genome architecture. ExoN, a homolog of canonical DNA proof-reading enzymes, is exclusively encoded by nidoviruses with genomes larger than 20 kb. All other known non-segmented RNA viruses have smaller genomes. Here we use evolutionary analyses to show that the two- to three-fold expansion of the nidovirus genome was accompanied by a large number of replacements in conserved proteins at a scale comparable to that in the Tree of Life. To unravel common evolutionary patterns in such genetically diverse viruses, we established the relation between genomic regions in nidoviruses in a sequence alignment-free manner. We exploited the conservation of the genome architecture to partition each genome into five non-overlapping regions: 5′ untranslated region (UTR), open reading frame (ORF) 1a, ORF1b, 3′ORFs (encompassing the 3′-proximal ORFs), and 3′ UTR. Each region was analyzed for its contribution to genome size change under different models. The non-linear model statistically outperformed the linear one and captured >92% of data variation. Accordingly, nidovirus genomes were concluded to have reached different points on an expansion trajectory dominated by consecutive increases of ORF1b, ORF1a, and 3′ORFs. Our findings indicate a unidirectional hierarchical relation between these genome regions, which are distinguished by their expression mechanism. In contrast, these regions cooperate bi-directionally on a functional level in the virus life cycle, in which they predominantly control genome replication, genome expression, and virus dissemination, respectively. Collectively, our findings suggest that genome architecture and the associated region-specific division of labor leave a footprint on genome expansion and may limit RNA genome size.  相似文献   

Sugarcane cultivars derive from interspecific hybrids obtained by crossing Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum and provide feedstock used worldwide for sugar and biofuel production. The importance of sugarcane as a bioenergy feedstock has increased interest in the generation of new cultivars optimised for energy production. Cultivar improvement has relied largely on traditional breeding methods, which may be limited by the complexity of inheritance in interspecific polyploid hybrids, and the time-consuming process of selection of plants with desired agronomic traits. In this sense, molecular genetics can assist in the process of developing improved cultivars by generating molecular markers that can be used in the breeding process or by introducing new genes into the sugarcane genome. For meeting each of these, and additional goals, biotechnologists would benefit from a reference genome sequence of a sugarcane cultivar. The sugarcane genome poses challenges that have not been addressed in any prior sequencing project, due to its highly polyploid and aneuploid genome structure with a complete set of homeologous genes predicted to range from 10 to 12 copies (alleles) and to include representatives from each of two different species. Although sugarcane’s monoploid genome is about 1 Gb, its highly polymorphic nature represents another significant challenge for obtaining a genuine assembled monoploid genome. With a rich resource of expressed-sequence tag (EST) data in the public domain, the present article describes tools and strategies that may aid in the generation of a reference genome sequence.  相似文献   

旨在分析鹰嘴豆分离蛋白(CPI)及其不同分子量短肽的抗氧化活性。用碱性蛋白酶(Alcalase)处理CPI,得到其降解产物,该降解产物经超滤离心,得到分子量分别为3 k D、3-5 k D、5-10 k D及10 k D的短肽。结果表明,与其它大分子肽段相比,3 k D的短肽具有较强的自由基清除活性;与谷胱甘肽(GSH)相比,CPI及其不同分子量短肽具有显著的金属离子螯合活性;CPI及其肽段具有一定的三价铁离子还原能力。上述结果表明,CPI及其肽段的显著抗氧化活性,使得其具有制备抗氧化功能食品和保健品的应用前景。  相似文献   

基因组学在基因组计划中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
导论科研人员正在为确定基因组研究的应用途径作着巨大努力。人类基因组计划(HGP)的诞生导致了对人类基因结构和功能的理解[1]。在20世纪末期,生命科学的主要焦点就是要解译和确定人类整个基因组的成分。对构成细胞活动基础的基因组DNA的理解,将有助于对各...  相似文献   

There is a constant need for developing new fragrance ingredients in the flavor and fragrance industry, as it allows perfumers to create unique and differentiating perfumes for fine as well as functional products. Among all the categories of notes used in perfume creation, amber notes are indispensible and ubiquitous in their presence in all perfumes. Not only amber notes impart high performance and substantivity to fragrances, but they are paramount in the development of classic and legendary fragrances. This article is based on the plenary lecture delivered at the flavor & fragrance 2013 conference of the German Chemical Society in Leipzig, Germany. The strategy, rationale, and the various synthetic approaches that led to the discovery of two new very powerful, woody, amber materials, Amber Xtreme® ( 1 ) and Trisamber® ( 2 ), are delineated.  相似文献   

The introduction of noise into the marine environment may have significant impacts on marine species and ecosystems. This article examines how the existing international legal framework can be used to address this issue. After providing some background information on sound in the marine environment, the relevant global and regional instruments dealing with the protection of the marine environment, marine pollution, and the conservation of marine species and ecosystems are discussed. The analysis suggests that international law already requires states to address various aspects of this issue. A number of instruments and institutions provide an adequate framework to prescribe rules and standards regarding most sources of acoustic pollution.  相似文献   

Vanwinkle-Swift KP  Hahn JH 《Genetics》1986,113(3):601-619
The non-Mendelian erythromycin resistance mutation ery-u1 shows bidirectional uniparental inheritance in crosses between homothallic ery-u1 and ery-u1+ strains of Chlamydomonas monoica . This inheritance pattern supports a general model for homothallism invoking intrastrain differentiation into opposite compatible mating types and, further, suggests that non-Mendelian inheritance is under mating-type (mt) control in C. monoica as in heterothallic species. However, the identification of genes expressed or required by one gametic cell type, but not the other, is essential to verify the existence of a regulatory mating-type locus in C. monoica and to understand its role in cell differentiation and sexual development. By screening for a shift from bidirectional to unidirectional transmission of the non-Mendelian ery-u1 marker, a mutant with an apparent mating-type-limited sexual cycle defect was obtained. The responsible mutation, mtl-1, causes a 1000-fold reduction in zygospore germination in populations homozygous for the mutant allele and, approximately, a 50% reduction in germination for heterozygous (mtl-1/mtl-1 +) zygospores. By next screening for strains unable to yield any viable zygospores in a cross to mtl-1, a second putative mating-type-limited mutant, mtl-2, was obtained. The mtl-2 strain, although self-sterile, mates efficiently with mtl-2+ strains and shows a unidirectional uniparental pattern of inheritance for the ery-u1 cytoplasmic marker, similar to that observed for crosses involving mtl-1. Genetic analysis indicates that mtl-1 and mtl-2 define unique unlinked Mendelian loci and that the sexual cycle defects of reduced germination (mtl-1) or self-sterility (mtl-2) cosegregate with the effect on ery-u1 cytoplasmic gene transmission. By analogy to C. reinhardtii, the mtl-1 and mtl-2 phenotypes can be explained if the expression of these gene loci is limited to the mt+ gametic cell type, or if the wild-type alleles at these loci are required for the normal formation and/or functioning of mt + gametes only.  相似文献   

The need for new malaria control strategies has led to increased efforts to understand more clearly the mosquito stages of Plasmodium. The absolute requirement of gamete maturation and fertilization, transformation of sedentary zygote to motile ookinete, ookinete interaction and invasion of gut epithelium, and the survival of the mosquito against immune attack suggest that numerous unidentified targets exist, which could be modified to achieve transmission-blocking of malaria. In the search for new transmission-blocking targets in the mosquito gut, Mohammed Shahabuddin, Stéphane Cociancich and Helge Zieler here summarize recent studies to identify the cellular and biochemical factors that affect the malaria parasite's development; in particular, factors influencing the early development of Plasmodium, receptor-mediated interactions between the parasite and the mosquito midgut, and the gut-associated immune responses directed against Plasmodium.  相似文献   

Chickpea protein hydrolysate as a substitute for serum in cell culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth of mammalian cells in vitro requires the use of rich culture media that are prepared by combining serum with specific nutrient formulations. Serum, the most expensive component of culture media, provides a complex mixture of growth factors and nutrients. Protein hydrolysates that can support in vitro cell growth and eliminate or reduce the need to use serum have been obtained from different sources. Here we describe the use of two food grade proteases to produce a chickpea protein hydrolysate that has been added to cell culture medium in order to determine whether it can be used as a substitute for serum. Medium containing the hydrolysate has been tested using two human cells lines: the monocytic THP-1 cell line which grows in suspension, and the epithelial Caco-2 cell line which grows as a monolayer. The chickpea protein hydrolysate was a good substitute for serum in the first case, but did not allow growth of Caco-2 cells. Supplementation of culture media with this inexpensive and safe hydrolysate would greatly reduce the cost of cell culture.  相似文献   

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