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Two new species of Farrodes Peters are described. These new species are the first records of Farrodes from continental South America and Argentina, and represent a southward range extension of roughly 4.500 km. Both primary faunal components of Neotropical Leptophlebiidae are present in the north‐argentinean province of Tucuman (27° S). However, these two faunal components are geographically separated along a temperature‐elevation gradient. Farrodes and Thraulodes Ulmer of the Guiana & Brazilian Shields, Warm‐Adapted Genera are common in streams at elevations below 1,550 m. In contrast, the leptophlebiid fauna at elevations above 2,000 m is composed entirely of Patagonian Shield, South Andean, Cold‐Adapted Genera with Meridialaris Peters & Edmunds and Massartellopsis Demoulin being particularly abundant. Streams between 1,550–2,000 m in Tucumán Province remain uncollected and the elevation and conditions at which faunal mixing or replacement occurs remain unknown.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Notobaetis penai, n. gen., n. sp., of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera), is described based upon reared specimens collected from the Cordoba Province of Argentina. This new genus appears to be phenetically intermediate between Baetis Leach and Centroptilum Eaton while possessing a unique combination of characters and one autapomorphic character.  相似文献   

Titimbera n. gen. is erected based on the males of three new species from South and Central America: T. amazonica n. sp. from the Amazon region, Brazil; T. titi n. sp. from Venezuela and T. laselvensis n. sp. from Costa Rica. The combination of bare eyes and wing membrane; antenna without strong apical seta; scalpellate acrostichals in mid scutum; costa strongly extended; R4+5 ending opposite to M3+4; Cu1 strongly curved to slightly sinuous; anal point sitting high on tergite IX, nearly parallel-sided with bluntly rounded apex; and club-shaped to subtriangular gonostylus with distinct heel will separate the genus from all other orthoclads.  相似文献   

The distribution of the cyclopoid Genus Oithona in waters bordered by mangroves along the coast of Central and South America was studied. Of the ten species previously registered only O. hebes Giesbrecht, O. oswaldocruzi Oliveira, O. alvarezi Lindberg and O. fonsecae Ferrari & Bowman remain valid. O. hebes and O. oswaldocruzi are redescribed and their synonymies extensively discussed. No representatives of O. alvarezi and O. fonsecae were examined.Integumental pore signature patterns of oithonid females are described for the first time. The importance of the pore signature of the cephalosomic flaps of the males as a taxonomic character is discussed.  相似文献   

During the survey of chiromonid midges from Kyushu, the authors found a new species of Podonominae (Chironomidae), Boreochlus longicoxalsetosus. The male imago of this new species is described and illustrated. This constitutes the third record of the subfamily Podonominae, and the second species of the genus from Japan. The new species has very long notable setae lying on the dorsomedial surface distal to the volsella, which are never seen in the other Boreochlus species. A key to species of the genus in the world is given.  相似文献   

Species composition and distributional patterns among nymphs of five baetid genera (Ephemeroptera), Baetis, Tenuibaetis, Labiobaetis, Nigrobaetis and Alainites were investigated in Yura Stream, Kyoto Prefecture. I collected 13 species: B. sahoensis, B. thermicus, B. sp. F, B. sp. J, B. sp. M1, B. sp. S1, T. sp. E, T. sp. H, L. sp. G, N. chocoratus, N. sp. D, N. sp. I and A. yoshinensis, among which B. thermicus, B. sp. S1 and T. sp. E were dominant, whereas B. sahoensis, B. sp. F, B. sp. M1 and N.sp. I were scarce. Based on their longitudinal distribution patterns, the 13 species were classified into upper species, upper-middle species, middle species, middle-lower species and lower species. Baetis thermicusand A. yoshinensis showed long downstream tails. Baetis sp. J and N. sp. D extended their longitudinal distribution upstream in summer. With regard to habitat preference, Alainites and Labiobaetis were restricted to riffle and vegetated zones, respectively. Tenuibaetis consisted of riffle-vegetated zone species, whereas Baetis and Nigrobaetiscontained both riffle species and ubiquitous species. Habitat partitioning (`sumiwake') along the watercourse (macro-sumiwake) was evident in Tenuibaetis, and that between habitat types (micro-sumiwake) in Labiobaetis vs. Baetis (rhodanigroup species) and Labiobaetis vs. Alainites.  相似文献   

Three new species of Myrtaceae (Calyptranthes bracteata, Eugenia gonglycocarpa, andMyrcia rupta) from northeastern South America are described and illustrated, and a new combination (Eugenia tetramera) is proposed. The closed-calyx and the completely or partially fused cotyledons ofMyrcia rupta, unusual features for the genus, are discussed and compared with related species inMyrcia andMarlierea.  相似文献   

Three new species are described: Tropidion birai (Cerambycinae, Neoibidionini) from Bolivia; Chrysoprasis birai (Cerambycinae, Heteropsini) from Panama; and Recchia nearnsi (Lamiinae, Aerenicini) from Bolivia. The new species are included in amended versions of previously published keys to species of each genus.  相似文献   

Kempnyia neotropica is the species with the widest distribution in this genus. In this work, samples collected in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais and São Paulo were analysed, confirming that all belong to a single species. The larva is described, the adult is redescribed and biological notes are presented.  相似文献   

Adela boliviella n. sp., described from central Bolivia, is the first representative of the subfamily Adelinae found in South America. This species is closely related to Adela astrella Walsingham, from which it differs by larger compound eyes in males (interocular index, i.e. the ratio of vertical eye diameter to interocular distance, equals 1.5 compared to 0.75 in A. astrella), smaller extent of pale yellow scales in the forewing (0.25× forewing length compared to 0.40 in A. astrella), absence of a silver band outside the fascia and presence of three glossy silver spots near the apex of the forewing (six in A. astrella).  相似文献   

A pictorial key in English and Portugese is given for 2 families and 6 genera of the class Symphyla currently known from the Neotropical region, viz. Central America south of central Mexico, the Caribbean and entire South America.  相似文献   

A new species of Thraulodes from Mexico is described from male and female imagines. The male imagines of this species have very characteristic genitalia that allow its easy separation from the other known species of the genus.  相似文献   

This study examined population density, habitat and diet of Dasyatis marianae, a recently discovered species, in the reef complex of Maracajaú in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. The highest concentration of D. marianae occurred in seagrass beds. Habitat use differed significantly between sex and age classes, with females and juveniles using areas other than reefs. Females utilized primarily seagrass beds and juveniles occurred mainly along the sandy bottom near the beach, highlighting the importance of protecting these areas. Dasyatis marianae diet was characterized primarily by crustaceans (91·9% index of relative importance, IRI), including shrimp, crabs and lobsters. The availability of prey in different habitat types influences occupation by D. marianae, but the prey selectivity of D. marianae, among other factors, may affect this relationship. Intense shrimp and lobster fishing in the region probably has an effect on preferred prey resources of this ray. Information on feeding habits of this species contributes to a better understanding of trophic dynamics and food webs, which is critical if ecosystem principles are to be integrated into fisheries management.  相似文献   

Abstract. Balanophorobius Anderson gen.n. and its type species, B. gamezi Anderson sp.n. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Belidae) are described from the vicinity of Cerro de Oro in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica. Adults were reared from larvae collected in mid-March in flowers of an unidentified species of root parasitic Balanophoraceae, possibly Helosis cayennensis (Sw.) Spreng. Balanophorobius is characterized by small (<3.5 mm) size, a loosely articulated antennal club, fine golden pilosity covering the entire cuticle, a sculptured pronotum, and the presence of distinct elytral striae with the intervals between the striae somewhat convex, but not carinate. In addition, a second species of the previously monotypic Alloxycorynus Voss, A. whiteheadi Anderson sp.n ., from Cuzco Province in Peru, is described. Known only from a single male specimen, this species is distinguished by its uniform pale brown body colour, apically acuminate prosternal process, mesosternal process expanded between the middle coxae into a ventrally directed, flat, platelike form, and the front tibia having a simple apical tooth. No information is available on its host plant associations. A reassessment of the phylogenetic relationships of Belidae including character states from adults of Balanophorobius is consistent with recently published results. The genera Hydnorobius, Oxycorynus, Alloxycorynus and Balanophorobius constitute a monophyletic clade, sister to the Parallocorynus–Rhopalotria clade, united in aspects of structure and natural history. However, relationships among the former four genera are unresolved. If one considers a host shift to Balanophoraceae from Hydnoraceae, then an arrangement placing Alloxycorynus and Balanophorobius as sister taxa, sister to Oxycorynus, sister to Hydnorobius, is favoured. Features of A. whiteheadi affirm the validity of the previously monotypic Alloxycorynus through the shared presence of a ventrally directed prosternal process and the innermost elytral costa effaced throughout most of its length. The discovery of Balanophorobius in Costa Rica is the first record of angiosperm root parasite-associated Oxycoryninae from outside of South America and suggests a greater geographical range for these taxa than previously recorded.  相似文献   

The mature larva of a new species, Neoephemera projecta sp. n., from China is described in detail. It represents a new country record of the genus for China. The discovery shows that the genus Neoephemera McDunnough has a more extensive Holarctic distribution than previously known. Ecological vicariance instead of geographic isolation is therefore favoured as presumed cause of the origin of the three neoephemerid genera.  相似文献   

New Neotropical records are presented for ticks belonging to the Ixodes auritulus Neumann, 1904, species group, together with a review of hosts and localities from which members of this complex have previously been collected. The range of the I. auritulus species group is now understood to include Colombia, and 15 bird species are listed as new hosts. From Guatemala to southern Argentina and Chile, specimens of the I. auritulus group have been found on birds belonging to the orders Ciconiiformes, Columbiformes, Falconiformes, Galliformes, Passeriformes, Piciformes, Procellariiformes and Tinamiformes. Passeriform birds are probably the principal hosts, sustaining tick populations throughout the Neotropics. Collection data have yielded four areas – southern South America (from 56° S to 51° S), southern Brazil (25° S–22° S), south-central Peru (14° S–10° S) and Central America (10° N–15° N) – where the I. auritulus group appears to commonly parasitize birds, but additional collections may show that the range of this complex is less discontinuous than currently perceived. Several morphological differences are described for ticks within and among these areas, but it is still unclear whether the I. auritulus group comprises more than one species.  相似文献   

This study examines the seed dispersal spectrum of the tropical dry forests of Southern Ecuador, in an effort to contribute to the knowledge of the complex dynamics of tropical dry forests. Seed dispersal spectrum was described for a total number of 160 species. Relationships of dispersal syndromes with plant growth form and climatic seasonality were explored. For a subset of 97 species, we determined whether dispersal spectrum changes when species abundance, in addition to species number, is taken into account. The same subset was used to relate dispersal syndromes with the environmental conditions. Zoochorous species dominated in the studied community. When considering the individual abundance of each species, however, anemochory was the prevalent dispersal syndrome. We found a significant difference in the frequency of dispersal syndromes among plant growth forms, with epizoochory only occurring in shrub species. The dispersal spectrum was dependent on climatic seasonality. The largest proportion of anemochorous species fructified during the dry season, while zoochorous diaspores dominated during the rainy season. A fourth‐corner analysis indicated that the seed dispersal spectrum of Southern Ecuador dry forests is controlled by environmental conditions such as annual precipitation, annual temperature range or topography. Our results suggest that spatio‐temporal changes in the environmental conditions may affect important ecological processes for dispersal. Thus, the predominance of one syndrome or another may depend on the spatial variation of environmental conditions. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

The use of a coastal estuary by bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo, was examined by acoustic monitoring, gillnet sampling and tag- recapture studies. Acoustic monitoring data were used to define the residency and movement patterns of sharks within Pine Island Sound, Charlotte Harbor, Florida. Sharks were monitored for periods of 1–173 days with individuals regularly moving in and out of the detection range of the acoustic system. Patterns of movement could not be correlated with tidal level or time of day. Home range sizes within the Pine Island Sound population were typically small with individuals using core areas on a daily basis. However, core areas shifted within the study site over time resulting in eventual usage of most of the available habitat. Gillnet sampling revealed that S. tiburo were abundant in shallow water near seagrass beds, but that presence of individuals at specific sites was variable. Tag-recapture data showed that most individuals remained within the Pine Island Sound region over time and did not appear to undergo long coastal migrations. The movement and residence patterns of S. tiburo suggest that individuals are resident within the estuary, but do not show site fidelity to specific areas within the estuary.  相似文献   

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