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The behaviors of impurities such as amino acids and inorganic salts at the time of crystallization of l-glutamic acid were investigated; and it was concluded that amino acids which co-existed in the solution of l-glutamic acid followed the crystals of l-glutamic acid persistently, and the contamination mechanism would not be clarified by the adherence of mother liquor or the formation of liquid foams in the crystals, or by the mixed crystal formation, but by a physical adsorption on the crystal surfaces.  相似文献   

The behaviors of impurities on the crystallizations of the free acid and the hydrochloride, monosodium, zinc, calcium and barium salts of l-glutamic acid were examined, and a tendency was recognized that coexisting impurities were apt to be taken into the crystals when the crystallization proceeded from the zwitterion, i.e., Glu.± or The adsorption of l-tyro-sine was compared when l, d and dl-glutamic acid were crystallized with coexistence of l-tyrosine, and an effect of more or less extent of steric configuration on its behavior could be recognized.  相似文献   

综述了杂质对蛋白质晶体生长影响研究领域的进展情况. 对可能的杂质来源以及杂质对结晶过程的影响进行了介绍.重点介绍了和结晶蛋白质分子结构相似的杂质分子的影响, 包括晶体成核、生长形态、表面形貌、生长动力学、质量等,以及杂质在晶体中的重新分配.  相似文献   

利用超声波这一能量场对谷氨酸结晶过程进行了研究,通过对谷氨酸溶液的表面张力和电导率测定,分析了超声波场影响谷氨酸溶液结晶机理。实验结果表明:超声波可提高谷氨酸溶液的结晶速率,并可改善谷氨酸晶体颗粒质地。在超声波功率为50 w条件下3 min内谷氨酸结晶速率可达到90%以上,比未经超声波处理同等条件下提高70%。  相似文献   

The β-crystal formation of l-glutamic acid in the seeded solution was investigated; and it was found that the growth rate of the seed crystals in a-axis direction was nearly as large as that of the α-crystal, but the growth rate in b- and c-axes was little recognized. The activation energy of the crystallization process of the β-crystal in a-axis direction was calculated from the growth rate constants determined at various temperatures, and 6~7 kcal/mol was obtained. On the assumption that the crystallization of β-crystal growth was controlled by the diffusional operation, the thickness of the laminar film was calculated from the growth rate constant and the estimated value of the diffusional constant. The calculated value of the thickness was much greater than the value reported by Nernst; therefore, the crystallization process should be controlled by the surface reaction. The co-existence of a small quantity of amino acids caused a great reduction in the growth rate of the β-crystal.  相似文献   

The growth rate of the α-crystal of L-glutamic acid was measured under various degrees of supersaturation and temperatures. The rate constants and the activation energies for (0 0 1) and (1 1 1) faces were measured and the latter values were 6.7 and 11.5 kcal/mol, respectively. The controlling process of the α-crystal growth was investigated by comparison of Sherwood numbers of dissolution and crystallization, and the crystallization process was found to be controlled by the surface reaction.  相似文献   

The velocity of the α-β transition was measured in two cases, i.e., when α-crystals stayed in the saturated aqueous solution, and when they were left to stand in an air-bath at various temperatures ranging from 20° to 100°C. And it was deduced from the results of the measurement that this transition is due to the recrystallization of α-crystals into the β-form on the inner surfaces of the crystal and in the bulk of the solution, and the transition on the inner surfaces will be dominant, especially at the initial stage of the transition.  相似文献   

The effects on the polymorphic crystallization of l-glutamic acid were examined of many substances including amino acids, inorganic salts, surface active agents, and sodium salt or hydrochloride of l-glutamic acid, when contained in the mother liquor.

The co-existence of amino acids, especially of l-aspartic acid, l-phenylalanine, l-tyrosine, l-lcucine and l-cystine contributed to the crystallization of l-glutamic acid in α-form, and these amino acid showed an inhibitory action on the transition of α-crystals as the solid phase in the aqueous solution, to β-crystals.

In the presence of a large amount of l-glutamate or the hydrochloride at the time of nucleation of l-glutamic acid, mostly β-crystals appeared even in the presence of the amino acids named above.  相似文献   

(±) -trans-2,2-Dimethyl-3- (2′-methyl-2′-propenyl) cyclopropan-l-carboxylic acid (VII) was obtained by the treatment of (±) -pyrocin (IV) with thionyl chloride and absolute ethanol saturated with dry hydrogen chloride followed by the cyclization action of sodium tert-amylate in dry benzene and alkaline hydrolysis. This was converted into (±) -trans-chrysanthemic acid (VIII) by the catalytic action of p-toluenesulfonic acid.  相似文献   

The enthalpy differences between the α- and β-crystals of l-glutamic acid were measured and ΔHα?β of ?75, ?95, 8 and 27±20cal./mol. were obtained at temperatures of 5, 15, 30 and 40°C, respectively. From this result, it was found that the α-form is the more stable form in solid phase at temperatures lower than 30°C and vice versa when higher than 30°C, though the α-form had been found to be the less stable form as the saturating body in the aqueous solution in all range of temperature.  相似文献   

Photosensitized oxygenation of dehydro-β-ionylidene-ethanol afforded 1′-hydroxy-4′keto-α-ionylidene-ethanol, which was oxidized with active MnO2 to give 1′-hydroxy-4′-keto-α-ionylidene-acetaldehyde. The Wittig reaction of α-ionylideneacetaldehyde with carbethoxymethylenetriphenylphosphorane or the phosphorane prepared from ethyl γ-bromosenecioate gave ethyl α-ionylidene-crotonate or ethyl α-ionylidenesenecioate. Vitamin A2 acid ethyl ester was converted to the hydroxy-keto-ester by photosensitized oxygenation. About the above synthesized compounds were examined growth inhibitory activities on rice seedlings.  相似文献   

Pyrethrin II, cinerin II, allethrin II, pyrethrin II isomer, and allethrin II isomer were prepared by esterification of rethrolons with (+)-trans-pyrethric acid and (+)-trans-methyl-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2′-carboxy-l′-propenyl) cyclopropanecarboxylate and their relative toxicities to pyrethrin I, cinerin I and allethrin I against houseflies were measured by counting “mortality” and “knock-down percent”  相似文献   

Oxidation of methvl 2-trans-β-ionylideneacetate with X-bromosuccinimide afforded methyl 2-cis and trans-3′-hydroxy-β-ionylideneacetates. NaBH4 reduction of methyl 2-cis-3′-keto-β-ionylideneacetate and ethyl 4′-keto-α-ionylideneacetate gave methyl 2-cis-3′-hydroxy-β-ionylideneacetate and ethyl 4′-hydroxy-α-ionyiideneacetate respectively. Further, methyl 4′-methoxy-epoxy-α-ionylideneacetate was prepared by epoxidation of methyl 4′-methoxy-α-ionylideneacetate. And then methyl 4′-hydroxy-l′, 2′-dihydro-β-ionylideneacetate was synthesized from ethyl 4-keto-α-cyclogeranate. Growth inhibitory activities of the above compounds on rich seedlings were examined.  相似文献   

Methyl α-ionylideneacetates were oxidized with selenium dioxide to a mixture of methyl 3′-keto-β-ionylideneacetates and a small amount of methyl 4′-keto-α-ionylidene-acetates followed by treatment with active manganese dioxide. By a similar oxidation methyl 3′-keto-β-ionylideneacetates were prepared from methyl β-ionylidene acetates. Methyl 4′-keto-α-ionylideneacetates were obtained by oxidation of methyl α-ionylideneacetates with tert-butyl chromate. Dehydrobromination of methyl bromoionylideneacetate, obtained by bromination of methyl 2-trans-α-ionylideneacetate with N-bromosuccinimide, gave a mixture of methyl 2-trans-dehydro-β-ionylideneacetate and methyl 2-cis-dehydro-β-ionylideneacetate. The growth inhibitory activities of these sesquiterpene carboxylic acids and keto esters on rice seedlings were tested.  相似文献   

The single injection of levulinic acid oxime (250 mg/rat) or α-ketoglutaric acid oxime (250 mg/rat) on rats, carrying radioactive cesium, promoted both urinary and fecal excretion of this radionuclide. The administration of levulinic acid oxime (sodium salt) decreased the cesium retention by liver. The administration of the oxime did not have influence on the urinary excretion of sodium and potassium in normal rats. The toxicity of the oxime was low. The LD50 of α-ketoglutaric acid oxime was 3500 mg/kg (mice, intraperitoneally). (The LD50 of levulinic acid oxime has already been indicated as 2040 mg/kg (mice, intravenously).  相似文献   

Oxidation of 2-cis-α-ionylidene-ethanol (II) with active MnO2 afforded a mixture of 2-cis and 2-trans-α-ionylideneacetaldehydes (III and IV). Reduction of methyl epoxy-α- and -β-ionylideneacetates (Vb, Xb XXIb and XXIIb) with LiAlH4 gave the diols (VI, XI, XXIII and XXIV). The Wittig reaction of the hydroxyketones (XIII and XVIII) with carbethoxymethylenetriphenylphosphorane, followed by alkaline hydrolysis, yielded 5-(1′-and 2′-hydroxy-2′,6′,6′-trimethyl-1′-cyclohexyl)-3-methylpentadienoic acids (XIVa, XVa, XIXa and XXa). The reaction of α-cyclocitrylideneacetaldehyde (XXVII) and dihydro-α-ionone (XXXIII) with carbethoxymethylenetriphenylphosphorane afforded ethyl 3-demethyl-α-ionyli-deneacetate (XXVIIIb) and ethyl dihydro-α-ionylideneacetates (XXXIVb and XXXVb). Physiological activities of the above synthesized compounds on rice seedlings were examined.  相似文献   

Ribose-5-phosphate ketol-isomerase, an enzyme isomerizing ribose-5-phosphate to ribulose-5-phosphate, is isolated from Candida utilis which is grown in a medium containing xylose. The enzyme is also purified by means of fractionation with ammonium sulfate, acetone, and by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography.

The enzyme has its optimum pH at 7.5 and optimum temperature at 50°C.

Michaelis-Menten constant for d-ribose-5-phosphate is 7.38 × 10?4 M and activation energy of the enzyme reaction is 10,525 calories.

The enzyme activity is inhibited by p-CMB, EDTA and sodium pyrophosphate, and activated by the addition of magnesium ion.

Extract of Candida utilis contains polyol: NAD oxidoreductase which catalyzes the conversion of polyols to the corresponding ketoses.

By fractionation with ammonium sulfate and on DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, the purity of enzyme has been increased about 14-fold.

The relatively high activity with both xylitol and sorbitol suggests that they may be the natural substances for the enzyme.

Evidence suggests that this enzyme relates to the metabolism of d-xylose in Candida utilis.  相似文献   

Methyl α-cyclocitrylideneacetate was successively oxidized with selenium dioxide and chromium trioxide-pyridine complex to give methyl 1′-hydroxy-α-cyclocitrylideneacetate and a mixture of methyl 3′-keto-β-cyclocitrylideneacetate and methyl 4′-keto-α-cyclocitrylideneacetate. Further, oxidation of methyl α-cyclocitrylideneacetate with tert-butyl chromate afforded methyl 4′-keto-α-cyclocitrylideneacetate and methyl 1′-hydroxy-4′-keto-α-cyclocitry-lineacetate. Similarly, methyl α-cyclogeranate was oxidized to methyl 3-keto-β-cyclogeranate and methyl 4-keto-α-cyclogeranate. Methyl l′-hydroxy-4′-keto-α-cyclocitrylideneacetate, methyl l-hydroxy-4-keto-α-cyclogeranate and their related compounds did not show growth inhibitory activities on rice seedlings.  相似文献   

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