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Circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the thermal conformational change associated with the activity loss of spinach Rubisco. CD and intrinsic fluorescence demonstrated a three stage thermal unfolding of Rubisco. At 25-45 degrees C, the secondary structure did not change but the tertiary and/or quaternary structure changed obviously with increased temperature. In 45-60 degrees C, the secondary structure showed much change with increased temperature and the tertiary and/or quaternary structure changed much faster. Over 60 degrees C, whole conformation changed abruptly with increased temperature and finally unfolded completely. DSC, CD and activity assays after annealing showed that the conformational change and the activity loss of Rubisco were completely reversible if the heating temperature was below 45 degrees C, partly reversible between 45 and 60 degrees C, and irreversible beyond 60 degrees C.  相似文献   

Gibberellins A4, A9, and A24 were isolated and identified from the new gibberellin-producing fungus, Phaeosphaeria sp. L487 (Loculoascomycetes), cultivated in a chemically defined medium; their yields from the culture filtrate were ca. 1. 7, 0. 3, and 0.4 μg/ml, respectively. Gibberellins A4 and A9 significantly stimulated the hypocotyl growth of Chinese cabbage seedlings at a very low concentration of less than 0.01 μg/ml.  相似文献   

Understanding protein aggregation may hold important clues to understanding what goes wrong with protein folding in neurodegenerative disorders and in bioreactors in which proteins are overexpressed. Unfortunately, aggregates tend to be intractable to most standard methods of biochemical investigation. Thus, relatively little is even now known about the micro- and macro-structural features of aggregates. To gain insights into the thermal aggregation of a model globular protein [bovine carbonic anhydrase (BCA)], we have used spectrofluorimetry to examine the binding of a hydrophobic dye, 8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS), to hydrophobic clusters on the protein's surface both before and after heat-induced aggregation and upon cooling. Whereas native BCA shows no surface hydrophobicity, thermally aggregated BCA displays significant hydrophobicity both in the heated state and upon cooling. The timing of the addition of ANS in the course of aggregation makes no net difference to the ANS bound; we argue that this suggests that aggregates are essentially porous. Cooling of aggregates results in a dramatic, fully reversible increase in ANS binding that cannot be explained by the temperature dependence of fluorescence quantum yield alone; we argue that the enhancement of fluorescence upon cooling indicates possible structural consolidation of unfolded regions within aggregates (akin to refolding), with the required structural reorganization being facilitated by porosity. Finally, implications of porosity in aggregates are discussed, in particular, for the possible immobilization of enzymes through fusion with aggregation-prone protein domains.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis is associated with tissue deposition of TTR aggregates. TTR aggregation is initiated by dissociation of the native tetramer to form a monomeric intermediate, which locally unfolds and assembles into soluble oligomers and higher-order aggregates. However, a detailed mechanistic understanding requires kinetic and structural characterization of the low population intermediates formed. Here, we show that the monomeric intermediate exchanges with an ensemble of oligomers on the millisecond timescale. This transient and reversible exchange causes broadening of the 19F resonance of a trifluoromethyl probe coupled to the monomeric intermediate at S85C. We show the 19F linewidth and R2 relaxation rate increase with increasing concentration of the oligomer. Furthermore, introduction of 19F probes at additional TTR sites yielded distinct 19F chemical shifts for the TTR tetramer and monomer when the trifluoromethyl probe was attached at S100C, located near the same subunit interface as S85C, but not with probes attached at S46C or E63C, which are distant from any interfaces. The 19F probe at E63C shows that part of the DE loop, which is solvent accessible in the tetramer, becomes more buried in the NMR-visible oligomers. Finally, using backbone amides as probes, we show that parts of the EF helix and H-strand become highly flexible in the otherwise structured monomeric intermediate at acidic pH. We further find that TTR aggregation can be reversed by increasing pH. Taken together, this work provides insights into location-dependent conformational changes in the reversible early steps of a kinetically concerted TTR aggregation pathway.  相似文献   

β-CN(f193–209), a hydrophobic peptide of 17 residues obtained from the chymosin hydrolyzate of β-casein, had little emulsifying activity (EA) at a neutral pH. When mixed with a hydrophilic glycomacropeptide (GMP) derived from κ-casein however, the EA of β-CN(f193-209) increased greatly. The mixing ratio of the peptides affected the EA as well as the adsorption of the peptides to oil droplets. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that the peptide film surrounding the emulsified oil droplets was thick and rough compared to the protein film. An amphipathic structure formed by some interaction between the hydrophilic GMP and the hydrophobic β-CN(f193-209) might contribute to the formation of the thick peptide film and stabilize the emulsified oil.  相似文献   

The gene encoding for a putative thermosome from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1 (ApcpnA) was cloned and the biochemical characteristics of the resulting recombinant protein were examined. The gene (accession no. APE0907) from A. pernix K1 showed some homology with other group II chaperonins from archaea. The recombinant ApcpnA protein has a molecular mass of 60 kDa, determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and exhibited ATPase activity with an optimum temperature and pH of 90 degrees C and 5.0, respectively. The ATPase activity was found to be dependent on manganese and potassium ions, but not magnesium ion. The K(m) for ATP at pH 5.0 and 90 degrees C was 10.04 (+/- 1.31) microM, and k(cat) was determined to be 2.21 (+/- 0.11) min(-1) for the ApcpnA monomer. The recombinant ApcpnA prevents thermal aggregation of bovine rhodanese and enhances the thermal stability of alcohol dehydrogenase in vitro, indicating that the protein is suitable as a molecular chaperonin in the high-temperature environment.  相似文献   

The structure of the trimeric adenylate kinase from the Archaebacteria Methanococcus mariplaludis (AKMAR) has been solved to 2.5‐Å resolution and the temperature dependent stability and kinetics of the enzyme measured. The KM and Vmax of AKMAR exhibit only modest temperature dependence from 30°–60°C. Although M. mariplaludis is a mesophile with a maximum growth temperature of 43°C, AKMAR has a very broad functional range and stability (Tm = 74.0°C) that are more consistent with a thermophilic enzyme with high thermostability and exceptional activity over a wide range of temperatures, suggesting that this microbe may have only recently invaded a mesophilic niche and has yet to fully adapt. A comparison of the Local Structural Entropy (LSE) for AKMAR to the related adenylate kinases from the mesophile Methanococcus voltae and thermophile Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus show that changes in LSE are able to fully account for the intermediate stability of AKMAR and highlights a general mechanism for protein adaptation in this class of enzymes. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Strong denaturants can be used to distinguish between heat-induced changes in the primary structure of the enzyme molecule and heat-induced changes in higher orders of structure. In this paper, we report on an attempt to use urea in studying the mechanism of thermal inactivation of the extracellular proteinase from Pseudomonas fluorescens 22F. Addition of urea at> 2 (without heating) resulted in inactivation which was, however, reversible. Diluting to concentrations < 2 urea completely restored proteolytic activity. The rate of inactivation at 100°C of the proteinase was increased when 6 urea was present during heat treatment. Also at lower urea concentrations, the inactivation rate at 100°C was increased. Addition of 6 urea to the enzyme solution after heat treatment also increased the extent of inactivation while low urea concentrations (< 1 ) did not. It was concluded that cyanate formed from urea at high temperature was the cause of increased inactivation since addition of cyanate could increase the inactivation rate while a treatment to remove cyanate from a heated urea solution could prevent increase tnactivation. The use of urea does not appear to be suitable for the elucidation of the mechanism of thermal inactivation of the extracellular proteinase from P. fluorescens 22F, but might be applicable to other enzymes when treated (cyanate free) urea is used after heat treatment; however, use of urea (even if cyanate free) during heat treatment is not possible because cyanate is induced by the very heat treatment.  相似文献   

A method with which the six common phenotypes of human haptoglobin can be identified using unseparated serum is described. In contrast to other reported methods, both typing and subtyping of haptoglobin can be performed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in alkaline buffer using 0.1-4.0 microliter of native serum with hemoglobin added. Haptoglobin-hemoglobin complexes are visualized by their peroxidase activity using benzidine and barium peroxide. This relatively inexpensive and fast method seems particularly well suited for the typing and subtyping of haptoglobin from minute amounts in large series of sera and other body fluids and thus may be useful in medical genetics and forensic medicine.  相似文献   

天然态蛋白质能否在溶液中存在多种构象是一个有争议的问题 . 在前报道中已经鉴定出绿脓杆菌去辅基天青蛋白突变体 M121L 可以多种构象共存 . 用差热扫描量热和圆二色性的方法研究了野生型去辅基天青蛋白的热变性 . 结果表明在 pH 从 4.0 到 9.0 的范围内存在着两个摩尔热容最大值 . 较低温度下的去折叠反应在所研究 pH 范围内均部分可逆,而较高温度下的去折叠反应均不可逆 . 蛋白质去折叠的热容变化双峰用可相互转化的两种构象共存模型进行拟合 . 较低温度下能够去折叠的构象在 pH 4.0 时占 64% ,在 pH 9.0 时占 55%. 监测热变性过程中圆二色谱在 219 nm 处的信号变化也可以观测到两个独立的去折叠变化 . 信号变化的比值与在相同条件下差热扫描法测得的两种构象摩尔比一致 . 上述结果进一步支持了前文提出的去辅基天青蛋白在溶液中至少存在着两种构象的设想 .  相似文献   

A combination of techniques to separate and quantify the native proteins associated with a particular transition metal ion from a cellular system has been developed. The procedure involves four steps: (1) labeling of the target proteins with a suitable short-lived radioisotope (suitable isotopes are 64Cu, 67Cu, 187W, 99Mo, 69Zn, 56Mn, 65Ni); (2) separation of intact soluble holoproteins using native isoelectric focusing combined with blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into native–native 2D gel electrophoresis; (3) spot visualization and quantification using autoradiography; and (4) protein identification with tandem mass spectrometry. The method was applied to the identification of copper proteins from a soluble protein extract of wild-type Escherichia coli K12 using the radioisotope 64Cu. The E. coli protein CueO, which has previously been only identified as a multicopper oxidase following homologous overexpression, was now directly detected as a copper protein against a wild-type background at an expression level of 0.007% of total soluble protein. The retention of the radioisotope by the copper proteins throughout the separation process corroborates the method to be genuinely native. The procedure developed here can be applied to cells of any origin, and to any metal having suitable radioisotopes. The finding that the periplasmic protein CueO is the only major form of soluble protein bound copper in E. coli strengthens the view that the bacterial periplasm contains only a few periplasmic copper proteins, and that the cytosol is devoid of copper proteins. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of heavy metals from contaminated soil was examined using a facultative anaerobic bacterium Shewanella sp. HN-41. The experiments were carried out to assess the influence of glucose at various pH on the transformation of heavy metals from soil thorough solubilization. A preliminary study on the transformation of heavy metals from soil was first performed using a defined medium supplemented with glucose at 10, 20, and 30 mM to select the effective concentration. Among the three concentrations examined, glucose at 30 mM leached a highest level of metal ions. Therefore, 30 mM glucose was used as the representative carbon source for the subsequent experiments in a defined medium at various pH (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). The organism HN-41 was not influenced by pH ranging from acidic to neutral and was able to metabolize all the metal elements from contaminated soil. The level of Fe, Cr, As, Mn, Pb, and Al solubilization ranged from 3 to 7664 mg kg?1 at various initial pH. The rate of metal solubilization was found to be low at neutral pH compared with acidic and alkaline. These results are expected to assist in the development of heavy metal transformation processes for the decontamination of heavy metal-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of ribonuclease A (RNase A) in the presence of phosphate at neutral pH was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and a combination of optical spectroscopic techniques to probe the existence of intermediate states. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the amide I' band and far-uv circular dichroism (CD) spectra were used to monitor changes in the secondary structure. Changes in the tertiary structure were monitored by near-uv CD. Spectral bandshape changes with change in temperature were analyzed using factor analysis. The global unfolding curves obtained from DSC confirmed that structural changes occur in the molecule before the main thermal denaturation transition. The analysis of the far-uv CD and FTIR spectra showed that these lower temperature-induced modifications occur in the secondary structure. No pretransition changes in the tertiary structure (near-uv CD) were observed. The initial changes observed in far-uv CD were attributed to the fraying of the helical segments, which would explain the loss of spectral intensity with almost no modification of spectral bandshape. Separate analyses of different regions of the FTIR amide I' band indicate that, in addition to alpha-helix, part of the pretransitional change also occurs in the beta-strands.  相似文献   

A microsomal NADH-ferricyanide reductase was purified to homogeneity from potato tubers. A zwitterionic detergent (CHAPS) was used for the extraction of this reductase which is the first to be purified from plant microsomal membranes. The successive steps of purification included an anion exchange column (DEAE-cellulose or DEAE-Trisacryl), a blue-Ultrogel affinity column and a gel filtration on Sephadex G75. The purification factor was 280 and the yield was 1.6%. The protein has an apparent molecular weight of 44,000±1,000 as estimated from SDS-PAGE. This successful purification opens new perspectives in the study of oleate desaturase of higher plants, which is assumed to contain NADH-ferricyanide reductase as an essential component.  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding of ribonuclease A, lysozyme, and chymotrypsinogen A was analyzed as a multisite reaction of a protein molecule with water and solute molecules. The protein unfolding process in various solutions of sugars and denaturants was described well by the van't Hoff equation. The reciprocal form of the Wyman-Tanford equation, which describes the unfolded-to-folded protein ratio as a function of water activity, was successfully applied to obtain a good linear relationship. From this analysis, the role of water activity on protein stability was clearly explained and the contributions of hydration and solute binding to protein molecule were separately discussed in protein unfolding. General solution for the free energy of protein stability was obtained as a simple function of solute concentration.  相似文献   

The serine hydroxymethyltransferase from Bacillus subtilis (bsSHMT) and B. stearothermophilus (bstSHMT) are both homodimers and share approximately 77% sequence identity; however, they show very different thermal stabilities and unfolding pathways. For investigating the role of N- and C-terminal domains in stability and unfolding of dimeric SHMTs, we have swapped the structural domains between bs- and bstSHMT and generated the two novel chimeric proteins bsbstc and bstbsc, respectively. The chimeras had secondary structure, tyrosine, and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate microenvironment similar to that of the wild-type proteins. The chimeras showed enzymatic activity slightly higher than that of the wild-type proteins. Interestingly, the guanidium chloride (GdmCl)-induced unfolding showed that unlike the wild-type bsSHMT, which undergoes dissociation of native dimer into monomers at low guanidium chloride (GdmCl) concentration, resulting in a non-cooperative unfolding of enzyme, its chimera bsbstc, having the C-terminal domain of bstSHMT was resistant to low GdmCl concentration and showed a GdmCl-induced cooperative unfolding from native dimer to unfolded monomer. In contrast, the wild-type dimeric bstSHMT was resistant to low GdmCl concentration and showed a GdmCl-induced cooperative unfolding, whereas its chimera bstbsc, having the C- terminal domain of bsSHMT, showed dissociation of native dimer into monomer at low GdmCl concentration and a GdmCl-induced non-cooperative unfolding. These results clearly demonstrate that the C-terminal domain of dimeric SHMT plays a vital role in stabilization of the oligomeric structure of the native enzyme hence modulating its unfolding pathway.  相似文献   

The synergistic interaction between three red algae extracts and the galactomannan from locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.) and the glucomannan from the konjac tuber (Amorphophallus konjac C. Koch (syn.A. rivieri Durien var. konjac (C. Kock) Engler)) has been characterized in terms of gel properties. The extract obtained fromEucheuma alvarezii Doty (E. cottonii of commerce) was highly synergistic with bothkonjac flour and locust bean gum.Furcellaria fastigiata (Huds.) Lamour andEucheuma gelatinae (Esper) extracts were only slightly synergistic with locust bean gum, but were found to be highly synergistic with konjac flour.  相似文献   

Water pollution from industrial Metro Łódź (ML), Poland, made the Ner River almost fishless in its middle-lower course for most of the 19th and 20th century. The new sewage treatment plant of ML and reduction of industry have caused pollution abatement there since the 1990s. As a result, the Ner became repopulated, which was shown by fish samples collected along its course in 2000–2012. Multivariate statistical methods helped distinguish unpolluted (I and II, in the upper course), and recovered (III, IV and V, in the middle-lower course) sections of the river. Historical and present data indicated that section III (downstream of ML) recovered least, both before and during the study. Section V (outflow one) recovered most and its fish fauna (almost exclusively native) now displays high and stable biomass, abundance and species richness, including those of obligatory riverine species. Non-native Prussian carp's dominance followed the river degradation gradient, i.e. was highest in section III, and in section V declined to almost absence. This study shows that the revival of native fish fauna seems to be a method of restricting the dominance of this highly tolerant species. Despite the abatement, storm events are very harmful to fish (mostly in section III), because the Ner discharge may then increase manifold and all storm water is drained by the ML combined sewer system to the Ner in several hours. Other stressors are numerous dams and desorption of pollutants from sediment in the middle Ner, and perhaps pollutant inflow from agriculture or local urban areas. Some moderation of storm impact on water entering the Ner from ML by constructing buffer reservoirs would probably cause further fish recovery in section III.  相似文献   

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