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The acid cyclization product from pyrethrosin has been proved to be a (1:1)-mixture of cyclopyrethrosin acetate containing a Δ3(4)-double bond and isocyclopyrethrosin acetate with a Δ4(15)-double bond through the reinvestigation. NMR and ORD studies on their derivatives led us to assign revised stereochemistry to pyrethrosin and its related compounds.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of purified chromatin subunits (v-bodies [17] or nucleosomes [2] revealed a hole or at least a deep indentation in the globular nucleosome. A hole in the nucleosome was visualized using rotatory shadowing with platinum-palladium or more directly, by negative staining with sodium phosphotungstate. The diameter of the hole as measured from negatively stained samples is 10-25 A. The external diameter of the negatively stained nucleosome equals 75 +/- 15 A. Although most of the data are formally compatible with either a hole or a deep indentation in the nucleosome, some views of the particles in the negatively stained samples suggest a hole rather than an indentation. The possible significance of a toroidal structure of the chromatin subunit is discussed in the accompanying paper [3].  相似文献   

Peroxidase c was isolated and purified from Japanese-radish roots by means of a chromatographic technique with carboxymethyl cellulose. Two or more components exhibiting the absorption spectrum of peroxidase c were separated chromatographically, and the most basic component was crystallized from ammonium sulphate solution. The Reinheit Zahl and the purpurogallin number of the crystalline preparation were found to be 3.55 and 1100 respectively. The absorption maxima were found at 420 and 540 mμ, for the oxidized form and at 425 and 560 mμ for the reduced form. The crystalline preparation contained 1.57% protohematin as the prosthetic group, and then the minimum molecular weight of peroxidase c was found to be 41500.  相似文献   

A new model for the fine structure of the chromatin subunit (or 'nucleosome') is proposed. The model is based on previous experimental findings [1-14] and on two new suggestions, namely: (1) Eight histones form a toroidal-shaped histone coe of nucleosome and are arranged in the following ciruclar sequence: (see article). (2) DNA is 'kinked' around a toroidal-shaped histone core in a 'solenoid-like' mode, each kink occurring every 10 base pairs along DNA. The electron microscopic evidence for a toroidal shape of the nucleosome is described in the preceding paper [13]. The possibility of the existence of kinks in the DNA double helix was considered recently by Crick and Klug [14]. The proposed model of the nucleosome, being more detailed than earlier models permits us to explain in direct structural terms the yet unordered set of data bearing on the pattern of histone-histone interactions in chromatin, the results of a mild deoxyribonuclease digestion of DNA within the nucleosomal particle and also the quantitative data on the unwinding of the DNA duplex upon formation of the nucleosome.  相似文献   

Studies on Phytoalexins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The plasma coagulation reaction of staphylococci is discussed. Among the biochemical reactions in use for determining the pathogenicity of staphylococci, this reaction is probably the most reliable.  相似文献   

Both crystalline Japanese-radish peroxidase a and c could catalyze the aerobic destruction of indole-3-acetic acid in the presence of a small amount of hydrogen peroxide as an inducer. The pH dependences of the enzymic activities of peroxidase a and c were different from each other. The optimum pH of peroxidase a was found at 3.6, while that of peroxidase c lied in a broad range over 3 to 4.8. In lower concentrations of both peroxidases at pH 3.8 and 6.0, the major product of the reaction was identical with that presented by Ray with using an Omphalia enzyme, which would probably be methyldioxindole, while, in higher concentrations of both peroxidases at pH 3.8, the major product was found to be indole-aldehyde.  相似文献   

Chromatin lacking histone H1 was found by electron microscopy to contain 'beaded' deoxyribonucleoprotein fibers. Adjacent beads are connected with each other by threads having a DNA-like appearance. At least some of threads are shown to be free DNA stretches. Average length and the content of free DNA stretches in histone H1-depleted chromatin depends on the ionic conditions of the medium. The appearance of individual beads is similar to that of chromatin subunits or v-bodies [1] in the original chromatin. Thus, in agreement with the X-ray data [2], histone H1 apparently is not required for maintenance of a compact state of DNA in chromatin subunits.  相似文献   

Summary Plants ofPicea abies (L.) Karst were grown in mycorrhizal association withTelephora terrestris (Pers. ex Fr.) andPisolithus tinctorius (Mich. ex Pers.) Coker and Couch on sphagnum peat in petri dishes or Perspex chambers. After 1 yearT. terrestris had formed prominent rhizomorphs which were characterized by light microscopy and investigated for32P-orthophosphate uptake. The absorbed phosphate was transported to sinks throughout the rhizomorphal system as well as into the plant. The calculated translocation velocity and flux rate in the rhizomorph were in the range of 1–3 cm/h and 0.5–4.0 × 10-10 mol cm-2 s-1, respectively. Label was observed to accumulate in the needles 2–3 days after application. Feeding a non-mycorrhized root with32P-orthophosphate led to an accumulation of label in needles within 1 h, but no radioactivity appeared in the associatedT. terrestris rhizomorphs. The rhizomorphs ofP. tinctorius revealed a higher structural differentiation than those ofT. terrestris. Translocation of labelled phosphorus through rhizomorphs ofP. tinctorius into spruce needles was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Large areas of the inter-reefal seabed in the Great Barrier Reef are carpeted with vegetation composed almost entirely of the green calcareous alga Halineda. These meadows occur principally in the northern sections between 11°30 and 15°35S at depths of 20 to 40 m, but there are also some in the central and southern sections, where they have been found at depths down to 96 m. The vegetation is dominated by the same sprawling Halimeda species that are common on coral reefs in this region. However, on reefs these species grow on solid substrata, not soft sediments like the Halimeda-rich gravels that underlie the meadows. A total of 12 Halimeda species, together with two Udotea and one Penicillus species, are characteristic components of the shallow meadows. Below 50 m depth, species composition is restricted to only two major components. One, H. copiosa, is also important shallower, but the other is an unusually large and heavily calcified form of H. fragilis, a species that is normally a minor, fragile component of the shallow meadows. The maximum biomass found in these meadows was 4637 gm2 of calcareous algae, although the thean for vegetated areas was 525 gm2. These meadows are confined to the nutrient-depleted waters of the outer continental shelf just inside the outer barrier reefs, and are usually associated with distinct shoaling of the seabed caused by accumulation of thick deposits of calcareous Halimeda segments. The meadows are probably supported by very localized upwelling of nutrients from the adjacent Coral Sea onto the shelf, where they enrich the otherwise nutrient-depleted waters.Contribution No.367 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Chemical investigations were made on a new unsaturated crystalline diuronide isolated from alginase hydrolysate of alginic acid. This uronide has (in water), and m.p. 135.5~136.5°C (decomp.). The presence of an α/β-unsaturated carboxylic acid formulation is supported by the following evidences: (a) an ultraviolet absorption band at 232 m/μ, (b) infrared absorption bands at 1648 cm-1 due to double bond and at 1720 cm-1 due to conjugated carboxylic group, (c) the consumption of about 1 mole of bromine per mole of the compound, (d) the production of oxalic acid on oxidation with ozone, (e) the formation of a substance that shows absorption maximum at 550 mμ, caused by the addition of thiobarbituric test. After hydrolysis, crystalline mannuronic lactone was obtained from the unsaturated diuronide. Occurrence of mannuronic moiety in the reducing unit was observed by paper chromatography of the hydrolysate of borohydride-reduced unsaturated compound. From these results it can be seen that the possible structure of this unsaturated diuronide is 4-O- (β-d-Δ4,5 mannoseenpyranosyluronic acid) -d-mannuronic acid.  相似文献   

In comparison with the ethanolysis, the mercaptolysis of pine wood and pine ethanol lignin has been studied. The delignification was found to be almost complete when wood powder was cooked with the ethanolic hydrogen chloride containing 10% of ethyl mercaptan; while the same cooking without the mercaptan caused only 50% of delignification. Addition of 2% of mercaptan resulted more than 90% of delignification. As already reported briefly, from the mercaptolysis oil of pine ethanol lignin, 2-ethoxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-propanone- (1), a thioether corresponding to Hibbert’s α-ethoxypropiovanillone, was isolated.  相似文献   

Studies on Koji     
The “Paste-medium” technique, described here, has made the separate treatment of the mycelial-part and the substrate-part of koji materials, possible in the study of koji. The ground koji materials were mixed with water to be brought into the state of paste. The paste-medium, whose surface was flattened in a petri-dish and covered with a piece of nylon-cloth, was sterilized in the usual way, in an autoclave. After inoculation and growth of the koji mold on the surface, the mycelial-part together with a piece of nylon, was stripped off, and the corresponding substrate-part was digged out of the paste-medium.

This new method enables us to investigate the effects of some cultural conditions on the growth of Asp. soyae KS.  相似文献   

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