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The three larval instars of Hydraena particeps Perkins, 1981 are described, based on material collected in the field and reared in the laboratory. Illustrations of structural features and chaetotaxy are provided. For the first time the three larval instars of one species of the genus Hydraena are described. Several characters are compared to those of Hydraena hernandoi Fresneda and Lagar from Europe and the North American Hydraena circulata Perkins.  相似文献   

A new miniature species of the endemic Neotropical genus Hyphydrophilus (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae) is described and illustrated, after the holotype female and paratype female, from the Yungas rainforest of Salta province, northwestern Argentina. H. minellii sp. nov. is compared in detail with the other two species currently assigned to the taxon, i.e. H. adisi Pereira, Minelli & Barbieri, 1994 and H. projectus Pereira, Foddai & Minelli, 2000, both from Brazil, from which it differs by the presence of a small slightly sclerotized and inwards directed process of internal limbs of tentorium. Other unique traits of the new taxon are the relatively high number of leg-bearing segments (59), antennal articles I–IV with numerous large setae on the latero-external side, apical medial edge of forcipular trochanteroprefemur with a well-developed slightly pigmented tooth, dorsal and ventral medial edges of the forcipular tarsungulum slightly serrate, sternal pore-fields present on anterior region of the trunk only. This is the first report of the genus Hyphydrophilus from Argentina and the Yungas forests; previously it was only known to occur in Central Brazilian Amazonia, thus the present record represents a remarkable extension of the known range of this taxon.  相似文献   

A new species of Notodiaptomus, Notodiaptomus simillimus sp. nov., based on the female originally but erroneously assigned to Rhacodiaptomus calatus, and the corresponding newly discovered male, is described and illustrated in detail. The designation of the female as a new species of Notodiaptomus, and the recognition of the corresponding new male, is based on detailed morphological and biometrical studies, analysis of the known distribution and material from laboratory cultures. Morphological analysis demonstrated that the female shares the form of the external genital area and setal armature of the exopod 2 of leg 5 with other species of Notodiaptomus but they differ from those exhibited by species of Rhacodiaptomus. The distributions of the female and male assigned to Notodiaptomus simillimus sp. nov. overlap and include the Atabapo and Guaviare Rivers and Lago Calado. On the other hand, the distributions of the males and females originally assigned to R. calatus are disjunct and where they overlap, that is, in Lago Calado, each is accompanied by its respective mate. Laboratory cultures showed that, as expected, copulation did not occur between males and females described originally as R. calatus. This experiment demonstrated the existence of reproductive isolating mechanisms between these females and males, and confirmed the existence of two distinct genetic pools, i.e. two different species, the original males being of the valid R. calatus and the female a new Notodiaptomus. This female and the corresponding newly discovered male are N. simillimus. The new species is closely related to N. coniferoides.  相似文献   

The little known geophilomorph centipede Chilenophilus corralinus (Attems, 1903) (Myriapoda: Chilopoda, Geophilidae), a large geophilid species from South America is herein redescribed and illustrated based on new specimens collected in the Andes of Southern Chile. New morphological features of specific value are also given for the taxon. Chilenophilus corralinus is reported for the first time from the following Chilean localities: Region XIV (de Los Ríos region): Valdivia province: Pirihueico; camping “La Herradura”; Mafil. Region X (de Los Lagos region): Chiloé province: Chiloé Island. Llanquihue province: Parque Nacional Alerce Andino. Palena province: Hualaihué; Chaitén; Palena; Futaleufú.  相似文献   

A new species of Pelomus Reiss, 1989 Reiss, F. 1989. Pelomus gen. nov., ein weiterer potamobionter Vertreter des Harnischia-Komplexes aus dem Amazonasbecken (Diptera, Chironomidae)’. Acta Biologica Debrecina Oecologia Hungarica, 2: 305314.  [Google Scholar] (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae), P. sophiae sp. n., is described and figured as male, pupa and larva. Diagnoses for male and pupa of the genus are emended. The larvae, reared in the laboratory to obtain all life stages, were collected on bottom sand of reservoir and ponds, in southeast Brazil.  相似文献   

Sternopygus castroi n. sp. is described as a new species of sternopygid Neotropical freshwater fish from the Rio Cuieiras, tributary of Rio Negro, Amazonas State, Brazil. It differs from the other species of the genus by a combination of characters. Three new synapomorphies for Sternopygus are reported. Only Sternopygus species present a membranous integumental subopercular fold originating postero-ventrally in the opercular region, running anteriorly to the isthmus region. In Sternopygus, the membranous opercular opening is wide and S-shaped (wide but fleshy in Gymnotus). In Sternopygus there is also a medial cephalic fleshy fold at the ventral margin of the opercular membrane, directed forward and ventrally to the isthmus, surrounding the anal pore anteriorly, just behind the subopercular flap.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns and diversity of the diaptomid calanoid copepods were analysed to assess the faunistic affinity of North and South America with respect to Mexico and Central America. In the Neotropical region, the most speciose genera of Diaptomidae are Leptodiaptomus and Mastigodiaptomus. The former genus is a Nearctic form, and Mastigodiaptomus is Neotropical. Based on the current distribution of their diversity, it is probable that these genera radiated into Mexico and Central America from North America and the insular Caribbean, respectively. Arctodiaptomus dorsalis is a primarily Palaearctic taxon, it is widely distributed between North and Central America. This species probably radiated in the Americas as a Tethyan derivate. Prionodiaptomus is the only member of the highly diverse South American diaptomid fauna that has expanded beyond the subcontinent. Despite the high diversity present in South America, its influence in Mexico and Central America appears to be weak; this is probably a consequence of the geologically recent union of the two main subcontinental landmasses. Mexico shares 33% of its species with NA, and no species are shared between NA and SA. For the Diaptomidae, the Nearctic influence is strongest in Mexico. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

记述了暗蛛科隙蛛属1新种:光先隙蛛Coelotes guangxiansp.nov.,并对平静隙蛛Coelotes modestus Simon,1880重新进行了描述,同时确认喙状隙蛛C.gypsarpageus Zhu et Wang,1991应为平静隙蛛C.modestus Simon,1880的异名。  相似文献   

Joseph Parker 《ZooKeys》2014,(373):57-66
A new genus and species of the large Neotropical pselaphine tribe Jubini is described from Manaus, Brazil, based on material preserved in the Natural History Museum, London. Morphogenia struhligen. et sp. n. represents the possible sister taxon of the abundant and speciose genus Barrojuba Park, sharing with it the putatively derived condition of anterolaterally shifted vertexal foveae, producing a smoothly convex vertex devoid of fovea or sulci. However, unlike Barrojuba, Morphogenia retains a plesiomorphic antebasal sulcus on the pronotum in both sexes, and additionally lacks elaborate abdominal fovea-like pockets and teeth on the lateral margins of the pronotum that are typical of Barrojuba. The genus is also unusual among jubine genera in lacking the characteristic V- or Y-shaped gular carina. In contrast to the commonly-collected Barrojuba, specimens of Morphogenia are absent in extensive jubine collections housed in museums in the United States, indicating that the new taxon may be relatively scarce or localised.  相似文献   

记述毛绥螨属2新种:小板毛绥螨Lasioseius plateculus sp.nov.和黄河毛绥螨Lasioseius huangheensis sp.nov..同时对王氏毛绥螨Lasioseius wangi Ma,1988进行再描述,并对廖氏毛绥螨 Lasioseius liaohaorongae Ma,1996进行更正.  相似文献   

Cardiocladius moreloensis sp. n. is described and figured based on adult males collected in Morelos State in Mexico. Males of C. brasiliensis Oliveira, 1949 and C. travassosi Oliveira, 1951 are redescribed and figured based on new material from São Paulo State in Brazil. The generic diagnosis is expanded, and a key to the males of the Neotropical Cardiocladius species is presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:EE8B2267-3362-4A1F-BED6-0A1E35D7D480  相似文献   

Anastomoneura gen. nov. and A. guahybae sp. nov. are described and illustrated based on adult male and female specimens from the Mantiqueira mountain range, Minas Gerais State. This is the third genus recorded of the family Odontoceridae from South America. The new genus is characterized by the forewing anastomosis of veins R4 and R5 and male genitalia with a unique, tubular, projection dorsad to the plates of tergite X.  相似文献   

A new species of Antarctoecia Ulmer, 1907 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) from south-eastern Brazil, Antarctoecia brasiliensis sp. nov., is described and figured based on adult male and female specimens from Mantiqueira mountain range, Minas Gerais State. This is the first record of the family Limnephilidae from Brazil.  相似文献   

Mauricio M. Rocha 《ZooKeys》2013,(340):107-117
The imago and soldier castes of the Neotropical Termitinae species Genuotermes spinifer Emerson are redescribed. The gut anatomy of the worker is described in detail for the first time, and morphological variations in the soldier are noted and illustrated. The known geographical distribution of Genuotermes spinifer is greatly expanded.  相似文献   

Svatopluk Bíly 《ZooKeys》2013,(304):17-47
Revision of the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Anthaxiina Gory & Laporte, 1839 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Buprestinae, Anthaxiini). Five new genera are described: Anthaxita gen. n., Charlesina gen. n., Cobosina gen. n., Marikia gen. n. and Sanchezia gen. n. Genus Agrilaxia Kerremans, 1903 is divided into two subgenera: Agrilaxia and Costiptera subgen. n. and the genus Bilyaxia Hołyński, 1989 is divided into three subgenera: Bilyaxia, Paraguayetta subgen. n. and Tomasia subgen. n. One new species is described: Anthaxita peruviana sp. n., and two informal species-groups are suggested within Agrilaxia (Costiptera subgen. n.): Agrilaxia (Costiptera) modesta (Kerremans, 1897) species-group and Agrilaxia (Costiptera) occidentalis (Kerremans, 1900) species-group. Lectotype is designated for Agrilaxia mrazi Obenberger, 1932. A key of all genera/subgenera is provided and all treated taxa are illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Protobothrops Hoge Romano-Hoge, 1983, was described from Jilong County, southern Tibet, China, and Chungthang, northern Sikkim, India. It differs from congeners by the following characters: 1) relatively large body size(total length up to 1510 mm); 2) dorsal scale rows 25–25–19; 3) except for the smooth outermost row, dorsal scales are weakly keeled; 4) relatively high number of ventral(198–216) and subcaudal(65–76 pairs) scales; 5) 7–8 supralabials; 6) 11 to 13 infralabials; 7) dorsal head uniform dark brown, laterally a reddish-brown obscure postocular streak; 8) dorsum of trunk and tail olive, with distinct black edged red brown transverse bands across the body and tail; and 9) eye from bright brown and reddish brown to mildly brown. The new species was also observed from the Haa Valley in western Bhutan.  相似文献   

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