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The Degradation of Gallic Acid and its Alkyl Esters by Pullularia pullulans   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
By elective techniques an isolate of Pullularia pullulans was obtained which possessed the ability to utilize gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid) and its alkyl esters together with other aromatic substrates as the sole carbon source for growth in a mineral salts medium. Quantitative measurements were made of the disappearance of the gallates from culture media and of their metabolism by washed suspensions by the Warburg technique. The pattern of oxygen uptake with various substrates by suspensions adapted to gallic acid was examined in the light of Stanier's simultaneous adaptation postulates in an attempt to identify intermediates of gallic acid metabolism. As a result, β-ketoadipic acid was suspected of being an intermediate. A keto compound was isolated as its 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone during gallic acid metabolism but it was not β-ketoadipic acid or levulinic acid.  相似文献   

The ability of Arabidopsis thaliana to successfully prevent colonization by Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum), depends on multilayered defense responses. To address the role of surface-localized secondary metabolites for entry control, droplets of a P. infestans zoospore suspension, incubated on Arabidopsis leaves, were subjected to untargeted metabolite profiling. The hydroxycinnamic acid amide coumaroylagmatine was among the metabolites secreted into the inoculum. In vitro assays revealed an inhibitory activity of coumaroylagmatine on P. infestans spore germination. Mutant analyses suggested a requirement of the p-coumaroyl-CoA:agmatine N4-p-coumaroyl transferase ACT for the biosynthesis and of the MATE transporter DTX18 for the extracellular accumulation of coumaroylagmatine. The host plant potato is not able to efficiently secrete coumaroylagmatine. This inability is overcome in transgenic potato plants expressing the two Arabidopsis genes ACT and DTX18. These plants secrete agmatine and putrescine conjugates to high levels, indicating that DTX18 is a hydroxycinnamic acid amide transporter with a distinct specificity. The export of hydroxycinnamic acid amides correlates with a decreased ability of P. infestans spores to germinate, suggesting a contribution of secreted antimicrobial compounds to pathogen defense at the leaf surface.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to study the acid-isomerization of monoterpene aldehydes and alcohols, such as dihydroperillaldehyde (I), phellandral (II), perillyl alcohol (III), dihydroperillyl alcohol (IV) and phellandrol (V), in connection with a previous report on the isomerization of perillaldehyde (VI).

Isomerization of each compound was conducted in 10% aqueous sulfuric acid in the same manner as previously described. Phellandral (II), however, was never isomerized within the limits of our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

DL-Glutamic acid has been resolved into optically active forms as the diastereoisomeric salt of optically active neutral amino acid amides, and the salt is easily converted to the sodium salt of the active forms. By resolution with L-tyrosinamide and L-leucinamide, sodium L-glutamate was obtained in 65 and 80 per cent yield respectively. Attempts to extend this method to resolution of DL-glutamic acid using L-phenylalaninamide as resolving agent resulted in poor yield of less pure D-glutamic acid.

By the infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis it has been confirmed that the diastereoisomeric salts of L-leucinamide or L-tyrosinamide with L- or D-glutamic acid compose a combined salt structure in solid state, whereas L-phenylalaninamide with L- or D-glutamic acid does not compose a characteristic diastereoisomeric salt but rather the mechanical mixture of L-phenylalaninamide and L- or D-glutamate anion in solid state.

In the previous study1), it was reported that L-leucinamide forms the characteristic diastereoisomeric salts with racemic N-acyl mono amino acids, most of which are fairly resolved into their antipodes.  相似文献   

To establish an advantageous method for the production of l-amino acids, microbial isomerization of d- and dl-amino acids to l-amino acids was studied. Screening experiments on a number of microorganisms showed that cell suspensions of Pseudomonas fluorescens and P. miyamizu were capable of isomerizing d- and dl-phenylalanines to l-phenylalanine. Various conditions suitable for isomerization by these organisms were investigated. Cells grown in a medium containing d-phenylalanine showed highest isomerization activity, and almost completely converted d- or dl-phenylalanine into l-phenylalanine within 24 to 48 hr of incubation. Enzymatic studies on this isomerizing system suggested that the isomerization of d- or dl-phenylalanine is not catalyzed by a single enzyme, “amino acid isomerase,” but the conversion proceeds by a two step system as follows: d-pheylalanine is oxidized to phenylpyruvic acid by d-amino acid oxidase, and the acid is converted to l-phenylalanine by transamination or reductive amination.  相似文献   

Sour is one of the fundamental taste modalities that enable taste perception in animals. Chemoreceptors embedded in taste organs are pivotal to discriminate between different chemicals to ensure survival. Animals generally prefer slightly acidic food and avoid highly acidic alternatives. We recently proposed that all acids are aversive at high concentrations, a response that is mediated by low pH as well as specific anions in Drosophila melanogaster. Particularly, some carboxylic acids such as glycolic acid, citric acid, and lactic acid are highly attractive to Drosophila compared with acetic acid. The present study determined that attractive carboxylic acids were mediated by broadly expressed Ir25a and Ir76b, as demonstrated by a candidate mutant library screen. The mutant deficits were completely recovered via wild-type cDNA expression in sweet-sensing gustatory receptor neurons. Furthermore, sweet gustatory receptors such as Gr5a, Gr61a, and Gr64a-f modulate attractive responses. These genetic defects were confirmed using binary food choice assays as well as electrophysiology in the labellum. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that at least two different kinds of receptors are required to discriminate attractive carboxylic acids from other acids.  相似文献   

Transdermal transport is now becoming one of the most convenient and safe pathways for drug delivery. In some cases it is necessary to use skin penetration enhancers in order to allow for the transdermal transport of drugs that are otherwise insufficiently skin-permeable. A series of oleanolic acid amides as potential transdermal penetration enhancers was formed by multistep synthesis and the synthesis of all newly prepared compounds is presented. The synthetized amides of oleanolic acid were tested for their in vitro penetration promoter activity. The above activity was evaluated by means of using the Fürst method. The relationships between the chemical structure of the studied compounds and penetration activity are presented.  相似文献   

The synthesis and biological activities of 2,2-dimethyl-3,3-dichlorocyclopropane carboxylic esters are descrived.  相似文献   

In order to know the substrate specificity in a hydrocarbon utilizing bacterium, the following materials were examined: n-alkanes, n-alkenes, monohydric alcohols, aldehydes, monobasic carboxylic acids, dihydric alcohols and dibasic carboxylic acids.

It was found that dibasic carboxylic acids were well utilized, and a great deal of l-glutamic acid was accumulated from them. Then suberic acid, which is C8 dibasic carboxylic acid, was compared with n-dodecane in the effects of thiamine, penicillin, C/N ratio and substrate concentration on l-glutamic acid accumulation and cell growth.  相似文献   

The present article reports results of analysis of carboxylic acids in leaves of Iris species from Ukraine using a gas chromatography (GC) method with mass spectrometric (MS) detection (GC/MS). Carboxylic acids play significant roles in contemporary society as evidenced by multiple applications in fields of medicine, agriculture, pharmacy, food, and other industries. Study of natural plant products as a source of organic acids is of particular interest. Carboxylic acid composition of leaves of Iris hungarica Waldst. & Kit., Iris germanica L., Iris pallida Lam., and Iris variegate L. was studied for the first time applying GC/MS method. The mass spectrums of compounds were matched with NIST and WILEY Libraries. The GC/MS analysis revealed the presence of 26 common acids in the plant raw materials studied. The short-chain carboxylic acids, such as citric (1337.5–12364.4 mg/kg), malic (50.8–4558.0 mg/kg) and oxalic (1199.0–3435.2 mg/kg) acids were contained in significantly high quantity in all samples. Ferulic, p-coumaric and vanillic acids were the most abundant among phenolic acids. α-Linolenic acid was dominant in the leaves of I. germanica (869.5 mg/kg), I. pallida (753.3 mg/kg), and I. variegate (250.3 mg/kg) among polyunsaturated fatty acids, however, linoleic acid prevailed in the plant raw material of I. hungarica (1150.7 mg/kg). Since the leaves of Iris species studied contain carboxylic acids with diverse pharmacological activity, extracts of these raw materials are perspective for development food supplements and medicines.  相似文献   

l-Glutamic acid was formed from d-, l-, and dl-PCA with cell-free extract of Pseudomonas alcaligenes ATCC-12815 grown in the medium containing dl-PCA as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The enzyme(s) involved in this conversion reaction was distributed in the soluble fraction within the cell and in 0.5 saturated fraction at the fractionation procedure with the saturation of ammonium sulfate. Optimum pH of this enzyme(s) lied at pH 8.5 and optimum temperature was 30°C. Cu (5 × 10?3 m) inhibited the reaction considerably while Ca or Fe accelerated it. PALP (1×10?3 m) also gave an enhanced activity to some extent. The enzyme preparation converted dextro-rotatory enan-thiomorph of PCA to its laevo-rotatory one which in turn was not converted to the opposite rotation direction by this enzyme. Furthermore, the preparation did not, if any, show d-glutamic acid racemase activity. Isotopic experiments with using dl-PCA-1-14C revealed that l-glutamic acid-1-14C was formed by the cleavage of –CO–NH– bond of pyrrolidone ring of PCA. It was concluded that dl-PCA when assimilated by the present bacterium is at first transformed to l-PCA by the optically isomerizing enzyme and subsequently is cleaved to l-glutamic acid probably by the PCA hydrolysing enzyme.  相似文献   

The present investigation is concerned with l-glutamic acid production in the presence of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid and glucose in Bacillus megaterium st. 6126. This strain does not grow on dl-pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (dl-PCA)1) as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The optimal concentration of yeast extract required for the maximal production of l-glutamic acid was 0.005% under the conditions used. As the yeast extract concentration was increased, growth increased proportionally; but the l-glutamic acid production did not exceed the control’s to which glucose and ammonium chloride had been added. l-Glutamic acid produced by both growing cultures and resting cells was derived from glucose and ammonium salt of dl-PCA. Isotope experiments suggested that the l-glutamic acid produced was partially derived from ammonium salt of dl-PCA in the growing culture which had been supplemented with d-glucose-U-14C or dl-PCA-1-14C and that ammonium salt of dl-PCA was consumed as the source of nitrogen and carbon for l-glutamic acid.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy has been used to determine the isotopic distribution of oxygen during the isomerization of pernitrous acid to nitrate in18OH2. Decomposition of unlabeled pernitrous acid in carbon-dioxide-free phosphate-buffered solutions of18OH2at pH 6.8 results in the incorporation of 13 ± 1%18O into the nitrate product with no detectable double-isotopic incorporation and 83% of the product having complete retention of its oxygen atoms. The mechanistic implications of this are contrasted for three frequently considered pathways for peroxide bond cleavage and it is concluded that the results are most consistent with the formation of reactive intermediate which can either rearrange or undergo hydrolytic O-atom exchange with water.  相似文献   

Five varieties of spring barley were sprayed with gibberellicacid (GA) at various growth stages from the one-leaf to thefive-leaf stage. In short days a number of abnormalities ofthe ear were found. These abnormalities are described in themature ear, and in the case of the branched ear, the ontogenyof the abnormality is shown. The relationship of the abnormalitiesto the environment, to the stage at which the plant was treated,and to the variety is analysed. The role of CA in inducing these abnormal features is discussedand their resemblance to abnormalities induceed geneticallyand by enviromental manipulations is pointed out.  相似文献   

Increased oxidative stress has been implicated in the mechanisms of excitotoxicity in hippocampus induced by kainic acid (KA), an excitatory glutamate receptor agonist. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic antioxidant compound enriched in grape, is regarded as an important ingredient in red wine to offer cardiovascular and neural protective effects. This study was designed to investigate whether resveratrol treatment may ameliorate neuronal death after KA administration. Adult Sprague Dawley male rats were treated with KA (8 mg/kg) daily for 5 days and another group was treated similarly with KA plus resveratrol (30 mg/kg/day). Three hr after the last treatment protocol, animals were sacrificed, and brain sections were obtained for histochemical and immunohistochemical identification of neurons, astrocytes and microglial cells. After KA administration, significant neuronal death and activation of astrocytes and microglial cells were observed in the hippocampal CA1, CA3 and polymorphic layer (hilar) of the dentate gyrus (DG) (P < 0.001). The KA-induced hippocampal neuronal damage was significantly attenuated by treatment with resveratrol (P < 0.001). Resveratrol also suppressed KA-induced activation of astrocytes and microglial cells. Since increased oxidative stress is a key factor for KA-induced neurotoxicity, this study demonstrated the ability of resveratrol to act as free radical scavenger to protect against neuronal damage caused by excitotoxic insults.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Lawrence F. Eng.  相似文献   

水杨酸诱导植物抗性的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
水杨酸是一种重要的内源信号分子,能够激活一系列植物抗性防卫反应.为了研究这种抗性反应,对水杨酸诱导植物抗病性、抗旱性、抗盐性及与乙烯作用的新进展作了概述,并从水杨酸与过氧化氢及其代谢酶类相互作用的角度探讨了水杨酸诱导植物抗性生理的分子机理.  相似文献   

The influence of acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) derivatives with platelet-activating factor (PAF) lipid analogs on PAF-induced human platelet aggregation has been studied. It was found that the ASA amide with an ethanolamine plasmalogen PAF analog (1-0-alk-1"-enyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(N-2"-acetoxybenzoyl)ethanolamine) and the ASA ester with a choline plasmalogen PAF analog (1-0-alk-1"-enyl-2-(2"-acetoxybenzoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) at concentrations of 10–7-10–6 M effectively inhibit PAF-induced aggregation of human platelets. In contrast to these compounds, the ASA amide with an alkyl PAF analog (1-0-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(N-2"-acetoxybenzoyl)ethanolamine) did not inhibit PAF-induced platelet aggregation. As possible mechanisms of action of the studied compounds, the blockade of PAF-receptor and cyclooxygenase inhibition are proposed.  相似文献   

A Mycobacterium sp. previously isolated from oil-contaminated estuarine sediments was capable of extensively mineralizing the high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene. A carboxylic acid metabolite accumulated and was isolated by thin-layer and high-pressure liquid chromatographic analyses of ethyl acetate extracts from acidified culture media. The metabolite reached a maximum concentration of approximately 0.65% after 24 h of incubation. On the basis of comparisons with authentic compound in which we used UV and fluorescence spectrophotometry and Rf values, as well as mass spectral and proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectral analyses, the metabolite was identified as 9-fluorenone-1-carboxylic acid. This is the first report in a microbial system of a fluoranthene metabolite in which significant degradation of one of the aromatic rings has occurred.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injection of chlorite-oxidized oxyamylose (COAM) protected mice against mengo, vaccinia, Semliki Forest, and influenza APR8 viruses. Topical administration in the eye of rabbits partially inhibited the development of experimental herpetic keratoconjunctivitis. COAM resembled polyacrylic acid in many aspects, but it was markedly less toxic. For systemic administration, the therapeutic index was on the order of magnitude of 1:300 to 1:500. Although the in vivo antiviral effect of COAM wore off faster than that of polyacrylic acid, protection lasted for several weeks. Against mengovirus, such prolonged protection was achieved only when polymer and virus were injected intraperitoneally. Protection against intravenous vaccinia virus was not dependent on the injection route of COAM. Experiments on the mode of action of COAM pointed to macrophages as possible mediators of the antiviral effect. The fact that small amounts of interferon appeared in the serum after administration of high doses of COAM suggests that interferon may play a role in the induction of antiviral resistance by COAM.  相似文献   

脱落酸(ABA)诱导基因表达的调控元件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘慧丽  李玲 《植物学通报》2001,18(3):276-282
本文详细介绍了脱落酸(ABA)诱导诱导基因表达的各种调控元件及各调控元件间的相经作用和关系,综述了近年来对ABA诱导基因表达的调控元件的研究进展。  相似文献   

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