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During the breeding season, testosterone in male birds is often linked to some secondary sexual ornaments, courtship behaviors, and intrasexual aggression. I examined the effect of castration on plumage expression in Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii), a species in which males are highly ornate, and in Scaled Quail (C. squamata), an unornamented species. Using male pairs, each consisting of a castrate and a control, I also assessed whether castration affected (1) the behavior of males, (2) the mating decisions of females, or (3) the outcome of male-male competition. Castration did not alter the plumage of male Gambel's or Scaled Quail. In these species, and some other members of the avian order Galliformes, production of ornate plumage appears to be independent of testosterone. In contrast, castration reduced or eliminated courtship behaviors. Females almost never preferred castrated individuals. During male-male competition, castrates also exhibited lower rates of threat behaviors, which appear to be identical to those used during courtship. Castration did not, however, influence the outcome of male-male competition. Castrates of both species exhibited overt aggression (pecks, chases, displacement) and frequently won male contests. Such results suggest that certain types of aggressive behavior may be testosterone-independent. In both Gambel's and Scaled Quail, male body size correlated positively with dominant individuals.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are essential dietary components utilized not only in pigmentation but also as immuno-stimulants and antioxidants. Reduced availability can have consequences on individual health and survival, thus making carotenoids a good indicator of environmental stress. We compared carotenoid profiles and plumage colour characteristics of an endangered passerine species in New Zealand, between its remnant island source population and two reintroduced island populations. Circulating carotenoids were predominantly lutein (mean of 82.2%) and zeaxanthin (mean of 14.8%), and these were the major carotenoids present as yellow pigments in the males' plumage. There were clear differences in total carotenoid concentrations and plumage colour among the three populations. Circulating carotenoid concentration was significantly higher in one of the reintroduced populations, and the yellow plumage of males was significantly higher in both reintroduced populations in comparison with the remnant population (reflected as a significant increase in hue). Understanding how these differences arise may be of importance to this species given the health benefits carotenoids impart and our ability to select plant species containing these compounds or artificially supplement them.  相似文献   

The Buarremon brush-finches represent a complex suite of populations distributed in the montane New World Tropics from Mexico south to South America. Traditional taxonomic arrangements have separated populations of this genus into three species, based on plumage variation, although plumage patterns are well known to exhibit homoplasy. We present a first detailed phylogeographic and phylogenetic study, focused on Mesoamerican populations, and signal the existence of strong differentiation among populations with a clear geographic structure. We find well differentiated clades for (1) the Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre del Sur in Oaxaca, (2) western Mexican populations, including the B. brunneinucha populations in the Sierra Madre del Sur and B. virenticeps, (3) Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra de los Tuxtlas, (4) northern Central America, (5) southern Central America, (6) middle Central America, and (7) South America. We demonstrate a lack of concordance with plumage patterns, and argue for several additional species to be recognized in the complex.  相似文献   

中华秋沙鸭(Mergus squamatus)是典型的森林溪流生态系统的指示种,鲜有在人工水体大群越冬的报道。2007年9月至2013年3月,连续6年在广东白盆珠水库发现其越冬群体。监测结果如下:1)中华秋沙鸭最早可于9月底到达白盆珠水库,在翌年3月陆续迁离,居留时间最短为3个月左右,最长为6个月左右;2)2007~2009年,其最大群体数量基本保持稳定,均为31只;2009~2013年,数量逐年减少,最少时为12只;3)其活动区域较稳定,皆在白盆珠水库的打锣岽附近,活动范围100.01~180.90 hm2,该位置水体宽阔,水质洁净,受外界干扰少。我们认为,水库拥有较理想的自然栖息环境和保护区有效管理是中华秋沙鸭在此越冬的关键因素;为了进一步加强对中华秋沙鸭的保护力度,建议将白盆珠水库打锣岽附近区域划为广东省惠东莲花山白盆珠省级自然保护区核心区。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The ability to age individual birds visually in the field based on plumage variation could provide important demographic and biogeographical information. We describe an approach to infer ages from a distribution of plumage scores of free-ranging male Kirtland's Warblers ( Dendroica kirtlandii ). We assigned ages to males using a scoring scheme (0–12 points) based on variation in plumage coloration, brightness, and contrast on three dorsal and three ventral body regions presumed to be age-related. The distribution of total additive plumage scores for 875 breeding males was normally distributed, indicating no distinct age classes. Thus, we developed provisional plumage-age classes of second year (SY) and after second-year (ASY), and compared them to the total plumage scores of a smaller subsample of known age ( N = 92) and minimum age ( N = 143) males. Plumage scores of known-age male Kirtland's Warblers increased nonlinearly with age ( r s= 0.67), but with some overlap. The median plumage score for SY males (median = 5.0) was significantly lower than for third-year (TY) males (median = 7.0) and after third-year (3 year and older) males (median = 8.0), indicating that the plumage of male Kirtland's Warblers becomes more distinctive and brighter with age. Linear discriminant function analysis differentiated ASY male Kirtland's Warbler from SY males with 78.3% accuracy. Investigators could use the distribution of plumage scores and approximate age structures to document changes in male age structure during colonization, use, and abandonment of habitats by Kirtland's Warblers or other species that occupy early successional habitats. Aging free-ranging birds based on a plumage scoring scheme may be especially critical for demographic studies of less-studied species where it is unlikely that a banding program will be initiated, but where plumage-age inferences or management decisions must be made.  相似文献   

Species delimitation has important consequences for the management of endangered species. Species‐level taxonomy in the genus Crypturellus (Tinamidae) has been based largely on plumage characters and species limits in several groups have been difficult to establish. Because some of the forms of uncertain taxonomic status are currently threatened with extinction, a basic understanding of species limits is crucial not only for taxonomists but also for conservation biologists and managers. We analysed vocal variation to assess species limits in two Crypturellus species‐groups, the red‐legged complex (Crypturellus erythropus and allied forms) and the brown tinamou Crypturellus obsoletus. In the red‐legged complex, where several species‐level taxa have been recognized by some authors, there is no obvious geographic variation in vocalizations and populations appear mostly continuously distributed, with plumage variation largely explicable in terms of environmental conditions. In the brown group, a single species is recognized, but we found marked geographic variation in vocalizations and populations have disjunct distributions; we propose that at least one of the populations in this group likely merits recognition as a separate species. We conclude that incomplete knowledge of patterns of variation in relevant traits in addition to the momentum carried by traditional taxonomy may potentially mislead conservation actions.  相似文献   

The function and evolution of avian plumage colouration has been the subject of many studies over the past decade, but virtually all of this research has focused on the plumages of sexually mature individuals. The colours and patterns of juvenal plumage, which is worn by altricial songbirds only for the first few months of life, have been the focus of few studies. We develop the idea that distinctive juvenile appearance may be a signal of sexual immaturity, serving to reduce aggression from conspecific adults. We use a comparative phylogenetic approach to test this hypothesis in the thrushes (Family Turdidae). Honest signals of reproductive immaturity should be more valuable when juveniles fledge into environments with aggressive adult conspecifics. Therefore, we predicted that distinctive juvenile appearance would be more likely to evolve in species with extended breeding seasons and high levels of territoriality. Because many tropical bird species exhibit year‐round territoriality and elongated breeding seasons, we used breeding latitude as a proxy for these variables. As predicted, distinctive juvenile appearance was significantly correlated with occupancy of tropical latitudes. While alternative explanations cannot be ruled out and more tests of the hypothesis are needed, the observed associations between breeding latitude and distinctiveness of juvenal plumage are consistent with our hypothesis that distinctive juvenal plumage evolved as a signal of sexual immaturity.  相似文献   

Jønsson, K. A., Irestedt, M., Ericson, P. G. P. & Fjeldså, J. (2009). A molecular phylogeny of minivets (Passeriformes: Campephagidae: Pericrocotus ): implications for biogeography and convergent plumage evolution.— Zoologica Scripta, 39 , 1–8.
Minivets are conspicuous and mostly intensely colourful birds inhabiting wooded environments in tropical and subtropical South and Southeast Asia and temperate East Asia. We present a robust phylogeny of the group based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data including all 12 recognized species and also many subspecies representing disjunct populations in the Oriental mainland and in Indonesia. The study indicates that minivets radiated within mainland Asia and dispersed to the Indonesian archipelago. We also demonstrate that in accordance with studies on other bird groups, plumage characters are highly plastic and that the diversity of plumage patterns and colouration represents an example of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Delayed plumage maturation refers to the presence of nonadultlike immature plumages (juvenal plumage excluded). It is usually considered the result of selection for distinctive first-winter or first-summer appearance. In the present study, evolution of delayed plumage maturation is examined in the shorebirds: the sandpipers, plovers, gulls, and their allies. Nine plumage-maturation characters were identified, and their states were superimposed onto topologies generated during two recent investigations of shorebird relationships (Sibley and Ahlquist; revised Strauch). The characters were then optimized so as to assign character states to interior nodes of the trees in the most parsimonious way. Reconstructions of character evolution on six of the shortest revised Strauch trees were ambiguous with respect to delayed plumage maturation in the hypothetical ancestral shorebird. If plumage maturation was not delayed in the shorebird ancestor, optimization indicated that delay appeared when nonadultlike juvenal feathers were acquired. In contrast, on the single Sibley and Ahlquist tree, absence of delayed plumage maturation in the shorebird ancestor was indicated unambiguously, with three evolutionary novelties (nonadultlike juvenal feathers, seasonal plumage change, and a reduced first-spring molt) implicated in its acquisition. Optimization indicated that delayed plumage maturation in shorebirds can be explained plausibly without invoking selection for distinctive first-winter or first-summer appearance. Two of the novel conditions generating delayed plumage maturation (modified juvenal feathers and seasonal plumage change) did so only because they were acquired in a taxon possessing restricted first-year molts, which are primitive. Given these observations, it seems simplest to explain the delay in plumage maturation as an incidental consequence of the phylogenetic inertia of shorebird molts. The third novelty that generates delayed plumage maturation, a reduced first-spring molt, may have been acquired to reduce molt-associated energetic demands in young birds.  相似文献   

Breeding redpoll finches (Aves: Carduelinae) show extensive plumage and size variability and, in many cases, a plumage polymorphism that is not related to age or sex. This has been ascribed to extreme phenotypic variation within a single taxon or to moderate variability within distinct taxa coupled with hybridization. The predominant view favors the recognition of two largely sympatric species: Carduelis flammea, comprised of four well-marked subspecies—flammea, cabaret, islandica, and rostrata; and C. hornemanni, comprised of two subspecies—hornemanni and exilipes. We studied representative samples of these putative subspecies (except islandica) for variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Using 20 informative restriction enzymes that recognized 124 sites (642 base pairs [bp] of sequence or ≈ 3.7% of the molecule), we identified 17 RFLP haplotypes in the 31 individuals surveyed. The haplotypes formed a simple phylogenetic network with most clones diverging by a single site difference from a common haplotype found in almost half of the individuals. Within populations and taxa, levels of mtDNA diversity were similar to those observed in other avian species. The pattern of mtDNA divergence among populations was statistically unrelated to their geographic or traditional taxonomic relationships, and the estimated distance between the two traditionally recognized species was very small relative to those typically observed among avian sister species.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of selection in generating and maintaining species distinctness in spite of ongoing gene flow, using two zones of secondary contact between large gull species in Europe (Larus argentatus and Larus cachinnans) and North America (Larus glaucescens and Larus occidentalis). We used the pattern of neutral genetic differentiation at nine microsatellite loci (F(ST)) as an indicator of expected changes under neutral processes and compared it with phenotypic differentiation (P(ST)) for a large number of traits (size, plumage melanism and coloration of bare parts). Even assuming very low heritability, interspecific divergence between L. glaucescens and L. occidentalis in plumage melanism and orbital ring colour clearly exceeded neutral differentiation. Similarly, melanism of the central primaries was highly divergent between L. argentatus and L. cachinnans. Such divergence is unlikely to have arisen randomly and is therefore attributed to spatially varying selection. Variation in plumage melanism in both transects agrees with Gloger's rule, which suggests that latitude (and associated sun and humidity gradients) could be the selective pressure shaping differentiation in plumage melanism. We suggest that strong species differentiation in orbital ring colour results from sexual selection. We conclude that these large gull species, along with other recently diverged species that hybridize after coming into secondary contact, may differ only in restricted regions of the genome that are undergoing strong disruptive selection because of their phenotypic effects.  相似文献   

Avian plumage traits are the targets of both natural and sexual selection. Consequently, genetic changes resulting in plumage variation among closely related taxa might represent important evolutionary events. The molecular basis of such differences, however, is unknown in most cases. Sequence variation in the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R) is associated with melanistic phenotypes in many vertebrate taxa, including several avian species. The blue-crowned manakin (Lepidothrix coronata), a widespread, sexually dichromatic passerine, exhibits striking geographic variation in male plumage colour across its range in southern Central America and western Amazonia. Northern males are black with brilliant blue crowns whereas southern males are green with lighter blue crowns. We sequenced 810 bp of the MC1R coding region in 23 individuals spanning the range of male plumage variation. The only variable sites we detected among L. coronata sequences were four synonymous substitutions, none of which were strictly associated with either plumage type. Similarly, comparative analyses showed that L. coronata sequences were monomorphic at the three amino acid sites hypothesized to be functionally important in other birds. These results demonstrate that genes other than MC1R underlie melanic plumage polymorphism in blue-crowned manakins.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments were extracted from 29 feather patches from 25 species of cotingas (Cotingidae) representing all lineages of the family with carotenoid plumage coloration. Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry, chemical analysis, and 1H-NMR, 16 different carotenoid molecules were documented in the plumages of the cotinga family. These included common dietary xanthophylls (lutein and zeaxanthin), canary xanthophylls A and B, four well known and broadly distributed avian ketocarotenoids (canthaxanthin, astaxanthin, ??-doradexanthin, and adonixanthin), rhodoxanthin, and seven 4-methoxy-ketocarotenoids. Methoxy-ketocarotenoids were found in 12 species within seven cotinga genera, including a new, previously undescribed molecule isolated from the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock Rupicola peruviana, 3??-hydroxy-3-methoxy-??,??-carotene-4-one, which we name rupicolin. The diversity of cotinga plumage carotenoid pigments is hypothesized to be derived via four metabolic pathways from lutein, zeaxanthin, ??-cryptoxanthin, and ??-carotene. All metabolic transformations within the four pathways can be described by six or seven different enzymatic reactions. Three of these reactions are shared among three precursor pathways and are responsible for eight different metabolically derived carotenoid molecules. The function of cotinga plumage carotenoid diversity was analyzed with reflectance spectrophotometry of plumage patches and a tetrahedral model of avian color visual perception. The evolutionary history of the origin of this diversity is analyzed phylogenetically. The color space analyses document that the evolutionarily derived metabolic modifications of dietary xanthophylls have resulted in the creation of distinctive orange-red and purple visual colors.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that hybridization can be a creative process by acting as a conduit for the spread of adaptive traits between species, but few provide the mechanism that favours this spread. In the hybrid zone between the golden- (Manacus vitellinus) and white-collared (Manacus candei) manakins, sexual selection drives the introgression of golden/yellow plumage into the white species; however, the mechanism for the yellow male's mating advantage and the reasons why yellow plumage has not swept further into the white species remain mostly speculative. We quantified the colour properties of male plumage, the background and the ambient light at the hybrid zone, and allopatric golden and white populations. As measured by the perceived difference in colour between plumage and background, we found that yellow plumage appears more conspicuous than white plumage in the hybrid zone and allopatric golden-collar habitats, whereas white plumage appears more conspicuous than yellow plumage in the allopatric white-collared habitat. These results suggest a mechanism for the unidirectional spread of yellow plumage across the hybrid zone but slowed movement beyond it.  相似文献   

One of the best examples of differentiation and hybridization among South American passerine birds is exhibited by Icterus cayanensis (Epaulet Oriole) and Icterus chrysocephalus (Moriche Oriole). Icterus chrysocephalus is a monotypic species restricted to northern South America. Icterus cayanensis is a polytypc species that ranges from Suriname and French Guyana to northern Argentina. Five subspecies are recognized to I. cayanensis. Hybrid zones are known between I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus as well as between subspecies of I. cayanenis, even though character variation has never been adequately assessed and mapped. Although molecular data support the hypothesis that I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus form a monophyletic group, they do not support the species limits currently recognized within this group. We analysed the geographic variation of plumage characters along the range of this group to map the geographic variation of individual plumage characters and identify the populations that have uniform phenotypic character expression and therefore represent genuine phylogenetic species. We also used molecular data to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among these species. Geographic variation of plumage characters, habitat preferences and molecular data identified four species within I. cayanensis–chrysocephalus clade: an Amazonian species group, formed by I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus and a Southern species group composed of I. pyrrhopterus and I. tibialis. The Amazonian species are separated by a relatively narrow hybrid zone along the Amazon valley, whereas the Southern species are separated by a hybrid zone that is larger than the ranges of the two species individually. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 583–597.  相似文献   

We sequenced 2800 bp of mitochondrial DNA from each of 33 species and 2 subspecies (35 taxa) of terns (Sternini), and employed Bayesian methods to derive a phylogeny with good branch support based on posterior probabilities. The resulting tree confirmed many of the generally accepted taxonomic groups, and led us to suggest a revision of the terns that recognizes 12 genera, 11 of which correspond to a distinct clade on the tree or a highly divergent species (1 genus was not represented in the phylogeny). As an example of how the molecular phylogeny reflects similarities in morphology and behavior among the terns, we used the phylogeny to examine the evolution of the breeding (alternate) head plumage patterns among the terns to test the hypothesis that this character is phylogenetically informative. The three basic types of head plumage (white crown, black cap, and black cap with a white blaze on the forehead) were highly conserved within clades, with notable exceptions in two white-crowned species that evolved independently among the black-capped terns. Based on the appearance of the close relatives of these exceptional species, their white crowns appear to be due to the retention of either winter (basic) plumage characteristics or perhaps juvenile characteristics when the birds molt into their breeding plumage. Examination of the evolutionary history of head plumage indicated that the white-crowned species such as the noddies (Anous) and the white tern (Gygis alba) are probably most representative of ancestral terns.  相似文献   

Saiphos equalis , a semi-fossorial scincid lizard from south-eastern Australia, is one of only three reptile species world-wide that are known to display geographic variation in reproductive mode. Uniquely, Saiphos equalis includes populations with three reproductive modes: oviparous with long (15-day) incubation periods; oviparous with short (5-day) incubation periods; and viviparous (0-day incubation periods). No Saiphos populations show 'normal' scincid oviparity (> 30-day incubation period). We used mitochondrial nucleotide sequences ( ND2 and cytochrome b ) to reconstruct relationships among populations from throughout the species' distribution in New South Wales, Australia. Under the phylogenetic species concept, phylogenetic analyses are consistent with the oviparous and viviparous populations of S. equalis being conspecific. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that the long incubation period oviparous lineage is the sister group to all other populations; and that the viviparous populations belong to a cluster of weakly supported clades basal to the short-incubation-period oviparous clade. These clades correspond to variation in reproductive mode and geographic location.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Introgression likely plays a significant role in evolution, but understanding the extent and consequences of this process requires a clear identification of species boundaries in each focal group. The delimitation of species, however, is a contentious endeavor. This is true not only because of the inadequacy of current tools to identify species lineages, but also because of the inherent ambiguity between natural populations and species paradigms. The result has been a debate about the supremacy of various species concepts and criteria. Here, we utilized multiple separate sources of molecular data, mtDNA, nuclear sequences, and microsatellites, to delimit species under a polytypic species concept (PTSC) and estimate the frequency and genomic extent of introgression in a Neotropical genus of cichlid fishes (Cichla). We compared our inferences of species boundaries and introgression under this paradigm to those when species are identified under a diagnostic species concept (DSC). RESULTS: We find that, based on extensive molecular data and an inclusive species concept, 8 separate biological entities should be recognized rather than the 15 described species of Cichla. Under the PTSC, fewer individuals are expected to exhibit hybrid ancestry than under the DSC (~2% vs. ~12%), but more of the species exhibit introgression from at least one other species (75% vs. 60%). Under either species concept, the phylogenetic breadth of introgression in this group is notable, with both sister species and species from different major mtDNA clades exhibiting introgression. CONCLUSIONS: Introgression was observed to be a widespread phenomenon for delimited species in this group. While several instances of introgressive hybridization were observed in anthropogenically altered habitats, most were found in undisturbed natural habitats, suggesting that introgression is a natural but ephemeral part of the evolution of many tropical species. Nevertheless, even transient introgression may facilitate an increase in genetic diversity or transfer of adaptive mutations that have important consequences in the evolution of tropical biodiversity.  相似文献   

Endemic Galápagos tomatoes (Lycopersicon cheesmanii) are of great value for cultivated tomato (L. esculentum) breeding, and therefore their conservation is of significance. Although within L. cheesmanii there is heterogeneity for many traits and formal infraspecific classification is not justified, here we distinguish three forms, without taxonomic significance, of L. cheesmanii that are of interest to breeders because of their distinctive morphology and habitat preferences: L. cheesmanii 'short' (one- to two-pinnate leaves, short internodes, and coastal habitats), L. cheesmanii 'long' (one- to two-pinnate leaves, long internodes, and inland habitats), and L. cheesmanii forma minor (three- to four-pinnate leaves, short internodes, and coastal habitats). In a recent survey of tomato populations in the Galápagos Islands, we found that several populations of L. cheesmanii reported 30-50 years earlier had disappeared, mostly as a consequence of human activity. In addition, a previously unreported invasive wild red-fruited form, which we named L. esculentum 'Gal cer,' was found on the island of Santa Cruz. The total diversity (estimated with amplified fragment length polymorphisms [AFLPs]) within L. cheesmanii (H(T) = 0.051) is almost as high as that for the mainland wild species L. pimpinellifolium (H(T) = 0.072). Lycopersicon esculentum 'Gal cer,' on the other hand, has a much lower diversity (H(T) = 0.014). Comparison of AFLP fragments shared by L. esculentum 'Gal cer' with other species showed that it is closely related to weedy tomato L. esculentum var. cerasiforme and, therefore, likely of recent origin. Genetic differentiation among the three native L. cheesmanii forms is low (G(ST) = 0.235), indicating that they share a common genetic background. Nonetheless, L. cheesmanii 'short' is about twice as diverse as L. cheesmanii 'long' or L. cheesmanii f. minor. UPGMA cluster and principal components analysis distinguish four groups within Eulycopersicon: L. pimpinellifolium, cultivated L. esculentum, L. esculentum var. cerasiforme including L. esculentum 'Gal cer,' and L. cheesmanii. The geographic distance and genetic distance in the wild forms of Galápagos tomatoes were not correlated. Apart from the pressure of humans, some native L. cheesmanii populations, especially L. cheesmanii 'long,' might be displaced by invasive L. esculentum 'Gal cer' because they share a similar habitat. We did not find evidence of intercrossing of L. cheesmanii with introduced L. esculentum, but occasional hybridization that contributes to loss of genetic integrity of L. cheesmanii cannot be ruled out. Establishment of reserves of L. cheesmanii to protect this species from introduced herbivorous animals and from hybridization with L. esculentum 'Gal cer' would help to conserve L. cheesmanii. Furthermore, accessions collected by C. M. Rick and others in the 1950s-1970s and now stored in germplasm banks could be used to reinstate some extinct populations.  相似文献   

This first study of the whole genusAgathis makes use of recent local revisions of the New Caledonian and Australian species which are all maintained. The male cone is shown to have most of the taxonomically useful variation, and this confirms the findings of two partial revisions centred on Indonesian species. Thirteen species are recognized, two of which have two subspecies. New Caledonia has five, and Australia three, sympatric species. Otherwise the species are allopatric except for a few populations of central MalesianA. dammara within the range of west MalesianA. borneensis. One of these montane populations is the distinctiveA. dammara subsp.flavescens of Malaya, formerly a full species.Two groups and three individually distinctive species can be recognized on microsporophyll characters. The larger, group B, comprizes eight species,A. australis (New Zealand),A. corbassonii, A. lanceolata andA. montana (New Caledonia),A. macrophylla (Melanesian islands and includingA. obtusa andA. vitiensis),A. atropurpurea (Australia),A. dammara (mainly central Malesia) andA. borneensis (west Malesia); both the last have long synonymies. The smaller species, group (A), comprizesA. microstachya (Australia) andA. labillardieri (west New Guinea and the Sepik basin). The individually distinctive species areA. moorei andA. ovata of New Caledonia andA. robusta of Australia with its new subspeciesnesophila, described here, of eastern New Guinea and New Britain.  相似文献   

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