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A mutant of Streptomyces fradiae which requires oleic acid for neomycin formation was isolated and the effects of exogenous fatty acids and other additives on the formation of neomycin were studied. Palmitic acid and high concentration of sodium ions could replace oleic acid in neomycin formation. The fatty acid spectrum of the mutant strain ST–5B was quite different from that of the parent strain 3123. The major fatty acid components of the mutant and the parent were anteiso 15:0 and iso 16: 0, respectively. However the fatty acid composition of the mutant was changed from the anteiso 15: 0-type to the parental iso 16: 0-type by the supplement of oleic acid or high concentration of sodium ions in the medium. In the case of palmitic acid, the major fatty acid component of the mutant cells was changed from anteriso 15: 0 to normal 16:0. The role of these additives in neomycin formation by the mutant is discussed.  相似文献   

对新霉素产生菌费氏链霉菌进行中子辐射诱变和突变株筛选, 获得不产新霉素的突变株。以突变株为转化菌种, 以新霉素为底物, 对转化发酵液进行高效液相色谱分析, 研究了不同转化条件对新霉素转化的影响。结果表明, 底物浓度、底物添加时间、底物添加方式、接种量、培养基装量、转化时间、碳源、氮源、pH、温度对新霉素转化具有不同程度的影响。以转化条件优化参数进行转化大量培养, 转化液经4步离子交换层析进行分离纯化, 薄层层析检测纯化样品为单一斑点。采用薄层生物自显影对获得的4个转化产物分离样品做生物活性检测, 发现4个样品对金黄色葡萄球菌和姜青枯假单孢杆菌都具有抑制活性, 1个样品对大白菜软腐样品具有明显的抑制活性。  相似文献   

A number of carbon and nitrogen compounds were tested for their effect on growth of Streptomyces fradiae 3535 and neomycin production. Dextrin, starch, and maltose were excellent carbon sources for neomycin production, and sodium nitrate, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid were adequate nitrogen sources. Studies on biochemical changes during fermentation in four typical media indicated that there was no direct relation between the growth of the organism and neomycin formation. The pH of the medium might be an important factor for neomycin synthesis. The quantitative formation of neomycin components depended on the variation of carbon and nitrogen sources. On the basis of this study, a suitable synthetic medium for neomycin production has been developed.  相似文献   

测定了皱肋文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)软体部分的氨基酸含量与脂肪酸组成.共检出17种氨基酸,总含量为软体部干重的52.26%;4种呈味氨基酸(天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸和丙氨酸)的含量为22.07%,占氨基酸总量的42.23%;必需氨基酸(EAA)总含量为20.72%,其必需氨基酸的构成比例基本符合FAO/W...  相似文献   

Concentrated cultures of Lactobacillus bulgaricus were prepared by resuspending cells grown in semisynthetic media in sterile 10% non-fat milk solids. The concentrated cultures were frozen in liquid nitrogen for 24 h. The cell suspensions exhibited decreased viability after storage, and the amount of death varied among the different strains tested. Storage stability of all strains examined was improved by supplementing the growth medium with sodium oleate. Radioisotopes were used to study the fate of sodium oleate with L. bulgaricus NCS1. [1-(14)C]sodium oleate was incorporated solely into the lipid portion of the cells, including both neutral and polar lipids. The fatty acid composition of L. bulgaricus NCS1, NCS2, NCS3, and NCS4 grown with and without sodium oleate was studied. The major fatty acids of strains NCS1, NCS2, and NCS3 grown without sodium oleate were dodecanoic, tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic, hexadecenoic, and octadecenoic acids. In addition to these, strain NCS4 contained C(19) cyclopropane fatty acid. The major fatty acids of all strains grown with sodium oleate were tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic, hexadecenoic, octadecenoic, and C(19) cyclopropane fatty acids. All strains grown in broth containing sodium oleate contained larger amounts of octadecenoic and C(19) cyclopropane fatty acid, and less saturated fatty acids than when grown without sodium oleate. Statistical analyses indicated that C(19) cyclopropane fatty acid was most closely related to stability of the lactobacilli in liquid nitrogen. A negative regression line that was significant at P < 0.001 was obtained when the cellular content of this fatty acid was plotted against death.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of 21 pure cultures of rumen bacteria, representing 12 genera and 14 species, were compared as methyl esters. Each organism possessed a consistent and reproducible fatty acid profile. Overlapping similarities and differences in composition did not allow differentiation between families or genera. Although species differentiation was possible, fatty acid composition appeared to be only an aid in the identification of bacteria.  相似文献   

Cellular Fatty Acid Composition of Selected Pseudomonas Species   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The cellular fatty acid composition of 10 reference strains representing eight species of Pseudomonas was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. A variety of acids were detected in these organisms, including branched and straight-chained acids, cyclopropane, and hydroxy acids. Comparison of the presence and relative amounts of these acids among strains was useful for distinguishing various Pseudomonas species.  相似文献   

Effects of Free Fatty Acids on Synaptosomal Amino Acid Uptake Systems   总被引:3,自引:11,他引:3  
Abstract: The Na+-dependent synaptosomal uptakes of proline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and γ-aminobutyric acid were strongly inhibited by monounsaturated fatty acids. With oleic acid, half-maximal inhibition was observed at about 15 μM. The Na+-independent uptakes of leucine, phenylalanine, histidine, and valine were less sensitive to inhibition by the unsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, the uptakes of all of these amino acids were unaffected by saturated fatty acids. The inhibition of proline uptake (and that of the other Na+-dependent amino acids) by oleic acid was overcome by the addition of serum albumin and the data presented further indicate that the previously reported stimulation of proline uptake by albumin could be related to its fatty acid binding properties.  相似文献   

A white Thermus sp. strain, NCIMB 11245, showed high levels of anteiso C17:0, anteiso C17:1, normal C16:1, and iso C16:0 with low levels of iso C15:0 + iso C17:0 in comparison to yellow-pigmented strains. The fatty acid composition may be associated with precursor metabolism or the absence of carotene pigmentation.  相似文献   

Cellular fatty acids of 80 strains of Xanthomonas campestris, representing 9 different pathovars, were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. A total of 48 fatty acids were identified, the most important being the 16:0 (averaging at least 4.5 % of the total), the cis- and trans- 9 16 : 1 (over 14.4 %), and the iso and anteiso 15 : 0 (over 30 %). Other major fatty acids (averaging over 1 % of total) were the saturated 14 : 0 and 15 : 0, the hydroxy-substituted iso 3-OH 11 : 0, 3-OH 12 : 0 and iso 3-OH 13 : 0, and the branch-chained iso 11 : 0, iso 16 : 0, iso 17 : 1, iso 17 : 0 and anteiso 17 : 0. Of 33 minor fatty acids detected and identified, only 7 have been previously reported in the xanthomonads. Significant differences in mean percentages of 5 major fatty acids and 4 (chemical) class totals were detected among pathovars, which statistically segregated into three groups by rank analysis. X. campestris pv. dieffenbachiae was in a group by itself; pvs. campestris, citri (pathotypes A and B), manihotis, phaseoli, pruni and vesicatoria were in a seond group, and pvs. glycines, begonia and citri (pathotype E) were in a third.  相似文献   

Microorganisms which require oleic acid for the formation of antibiotics were screened. Streptomyces sp. No. 362, one of the selected organisms, produced antimicrobial substances only when oleic acid, palmitic acid or the high concentration of l-glutamic acid (or l-glutamine) was supplemented to the medium. The cellular fatty acid composition was changed by the supplement of these fatty acids, but not by l-glutamic acid (or l-glutamine). Antibiotic-producing cells had about 4 to 10 times larger amino acid pools, especially l-glutamic acid pool, and hexosamine pools. The ability for l-glutamate uptake of cells grown in the oleic or palmitic acid supplemented medium was markedly enhanced and the efflux of the accumulated l-glutamate was reduced. The antibiotic produced by this strain was identified as one of the streptothricin-group antibiotics and the role of these additives in the antibiotic formation is discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of alcohol acetyltransferase, bound to the cell membrane and responsible for the formation of acetate esters, was affected by the fatty acid composition of the cell membrane. When saturated fatty acids, which only slightly inhibit alcohol acetyltransferase activity, were in-corporated into the cell membrane, the enzyme activity and ester formation were only slightly affected. On. the other hand, when unsaturated fatty acids, which strongly inhibit the enzyme activity, accumulated in the cell membrane, ester formation was suppressed with inhibition of the enzyme activity. The mechanism of formation of acetate esters by brewers′ yeast was explained by the alcohol acetyltransferase activity under the influence of the fatty acid composition of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Studies on phosphatase activity of Streptomyces fradiae 3535 grown in three different media indicate that neomycin formation varies directly with enzyme activity, sodium nitrate-maltose-mineral salts medium giving the highest yields of alkaline phosphatase and neomycin. S. fradiae contains more than one alkaline phosphatase and the phosphatase responsible for hydrolysis of neomycin phosphate appears to be substrate specific. The same enzyme apparently hydrolyses both the N-P and P-O-P bonds of neomycin pyrophosphate. The enzyme is stimulated by Ca(2+), is inactive at a pH below 7 and is inhibited by EDTA. Enzymic activity increases when mycelia are incubated in mineral salts medium, but decreases when phosphate or glucose is included in the medium, although the latter is more effective. The inhibitory effect of EDTA on neomycin formation by resting mycelia is completely reversed by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

S ummary . Long chain fatty acids stimulated oxygen uptake by Gram positive bacteria at bactericidal and protoplast lytic concentrations and produced inhibition at higher levels. The order of activity between individual acids and effects of reversal agents on respiratory activity corresponded to those which produced bactericidal activity. Protoplasts were more susceptible to inhibition than whole cells. Gram negative bacteria were inhibited to a limited extent at high fatty acid concentrations, but spheroplasts were highly sensitive. Fatty acids inhibited amino acid uptake both aerobically and anaerobically at sub-bactericidal levels. The effects were reversed by metal cations, and reflected the activity of dinitrophenol and sodium azide. The susceptibility of organisms to inhibition was of the same order as the sensitivity to other antibacterial effects. The probable mode of action of the fatty acids is discussed in terms of the interference with energy metabolism within the bacterial cell.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2000,17(1):82-91
Whole-cell cellular fatty acid (CFA) composition was utilized to determine if Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki (HD-1) larvicides produced by different manufacturers could be distinguished from each other and to determine whether these larvicides were distinguishable from isolates deposited in public collections. This study analyzed Biobit, Dipel, Foray, Thuricide, and the non HD-1 larvicides Delfin and Javelin, as well as the 1971 and 1980 Standards of HD-1. Isolates of HD-1 deposited in the collections of the American Type Culture Collection, Bacillus Genetic Stock Center, Pasteur Institute, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) were also analyzed. The data were grouped by hierarchical cluster analysis based on the unpaired-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA). Samples that linked at a Euclidean distance ≤2.0 units were considered to belong to the same fatty acid strain. Isolates of HD-1 from commercial products and deposits of HD-1 in the public collections and Standards were polytypic; 22 separate fatty acid strains were identified in the 1971 and 1980 Standards and 35 fatty acid strains were identified in the public collections. The type strain for Btk contained multiple fatty acid strains; three fatty acid strains were present in both the Bacillus Genetic Stock Center and the Pasteur Institute collections. In contrast, the type strain for serovar kurstaki in the USDA collection (HD-73) was monotypic and its fatty acid strain did not occur in other collections. We could distinguish between HD-1 and non-HD-1 larvicides using CFA composition. We conclude that CFA analysis may be used to identify commercial products.  相似文献   

In cells of Rhodococcus opacus GM-14, GM-29, and 1CP, the contents of branched (10-methyl) fatty acids increased from 3% to 15 to 34% of the total fatty acids when the cells were grown on benzene, phenol, 4-chlorophenol, chlorobenzene, or toluene as the sole source of carbon and energy, in comparison with cells grown on fructose. In addition, the content of trans-hexadecenoic acid increased from 5% to 8 to 18% with phenol or chlorophenol as the carbon source. The 10-methyl branched fatty acid content of R. opacus GM-14 cells increased in a dose-related manner following exposure to phenol or toluene when toluene was not utilized as the growth substrate. The results suggest that 10-methyl branched fatty acids may participate in the adaptation of R. opacus to lipophilic aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Cephalosporium acremonium was cultivated in fermentation medium containing sucrose or methyl oleate as a carbon source for cephalosporin C production. The level of antibiotic production was 48 g of cephalosporin C per liter under optimum conditions when methyl oleate was used. The C18:1 (oleic acid) methyl ester appeared to be utilized faster than the C18:2 (linoleic acid) methyl ester in fermentation broth. Physiological characteristics of C. acremonium were investigated by determining the fatty acid composition of the total cellular free lipid. Significant changes in cellular fatty acid composition occurred during inoculum cultivation and fermentation. The percentage of C18:1 increased from 19.1 to 38.5%, but the percentage of C18:2 decreased from 56.7 to 36.1%, and there was an increase in pH during inoculum cultivation. The cellular fatty acid composition of C. acremonium grown in fermentation medium containing methyl oleate (methyl oleate medium) was significantly different from that in fermentation medium containing sucrose (sucrose medium). The major fatty acids detected were C16:0 (palmitic acid), C18:1, and C18:2. In methyl oleate medium, the ratio of C18:1 to C18:2 increased from 0.34 to 1.37, while the cell morphology changed from hyphae to arthrospores and conidia. In contrast, in sucrose medium, the ratio of C18:1 to C18:2 decreased from 0.70 to 0.43, and most of the cells remained hyphal at the end of fermentation. We observed that hyphae contained a higher proportion of C18:2 but arthrospores and conidia contained a higher proportion of C18:1.  相似文献   

To elucidate the repression mechanism of ammonium ions on the biosynthesis of tylosin in Streptomyces fradiae NRRL 2702, enzyme activities involved in the metabolism of the aspartate family of amino acids were evaluated in relation to the ammonium ion concentration and tylosin production. It was found that aspartate aminotransferase was essential for both cell growth and tylosin production. However, both threonine dehydratase and valine dehydrogenase were repressed by supplemented ammonium ions at concentrations higher than 50 mM. Threonine dehydratase was purified from cell-free extracts by acetone precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration, and its molecular mass was estimated to be 67,200 Da. The optimum pH and temperature for threonine dehydratase activity were 7.5 and 25 degrees C, respectively, and the Km value for threonine under these optimum conditions was 21 mM. The inhibition pattern of ammonium ions on the activity of threonine dehydratase appeared to be a mixed type.  相似文献   

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