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Some physico-chemical and enzymatic properties of four fractions of glucoamylase, isolated and purified from a culture of Aspergillus oryzae on rice, have been investigated in order to characterize and differentiate the components. Although four fractions were homogeneous in sedimentation analysis, only two fractions were found to be homogeneous in electrophoresis. One of the components had a molecular weight of 69,000 and an isoelectric point of 3.3. Four components resembled one another in their properties, except minute differences in their electrophoretic mobilities, sedimentation coefficients and pH-stabilities. These differences as well as those in the chromatographic behaviors suggest slight differences in the structures of the components. Nevertheless, the properties of these components, except the molecular dimension, were very similar to those of Taka-amylase B, which was isolated from Taka-diastase by Okazaki.  相似文献   

On the basis of a pharmacophore definition of mGlu4 agonists, the two novel semi-rigid derivatives 12 and 13 were designed and synthesized. The preliminary biological evaluation demonstrated that both compounds interact with hmGlu4a, while ineffective at group II receptor subtypes. In particular, derivative 13 is a full hmGlu4a agonist with an EC50 = 17 microM.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases catalyze the cross-linking and amine incorporation of proteins, and are implicated in various biological phenomena such as blood clotting, wound healing, apoptosis, and cell differentiation. Streptomyces lavendulae Y-200, isolated from soil, produced a substance that inhibited transglutaminases. The inhibitory substance was purified from the cultured medium by procedures of acid precipitation, deoxyribonuclease treatment, and gel filtration chromatography. The partially purified sample was dark brown. The inhibitory activity was stable under acidic, alkaline, and high temperature conditions, and resistant to the treatment with proteinases such as trypsin and Pronase. The molecular weight of the inhibitory substance was estimated to be between 104 and 105 from its permeability through ultrafilter membranes. The acid hydrolysate of the inhibitory substance contained amino acids and sugars. The inhibitory substance inhibited both calcium-dependent and calcium-independent transglutaminases in a competitive manner with a glutamine substrate. The extent of inhibition caused by the calcium-dependent transglutaminase increased with increasing calcium concentration. The results obtained here may help identify a novel regulatory substance of transglutaminase in biological systems.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the enzyme Delta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid dehydrogenase from etiolated barley (Hordeum distichum) shoots have been examined. The bulk of the enzyme activity was found in the 10,000g pellet fraction, this activity being displayed only after detergent treatment of the suspended pellet. The enzyme was most active at pH 8, and activity was NAD-dependent. Enzyme activity was unaffected by either mannitol or sucrose in the reaction mixture up to a concentration of 0.45 m but was strongly inhibited by Cl(-) and, to a lesser extent, SO(4) (2-). The inhibition attributable to KCl was reversed by increasing the concentration of Delta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid in the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

In the course of study on the mechanism of the tartaric acid formation from 5-ketogluconic acid, a new intermediary substance with mauve color to Abdel-Akhel and Smith’s reagent was isolated from intact cell culture liquid. The chemical structure of this substance was determined as 1,2-dihydroxyethyl hydrogen L(+) tartrate from the results of hydrolysis experiments and from the identifications of the constituents of the molecule, and named “pretaric acid.” Tartaric acid was evidently produced from pretaric acid by intact cell culture. Clearly, then, pretaric acid appears to be an intermediate in the formation of tartaric acid from 5-ketogluconic acid. The authors assumed that in the formation of pretaric acid from 5-ketogluconic acid, a Baeyer-Villiger type oxidation occurred.  相似文献   

The ability of free radicals to convert l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC) to ethylene under strictly chemical conditions hasbeen investigated using the aerobic xanthine/xanthine oxidasereaction and the Fenton reaction. Ethylene is formed when 1mM ACC is added to either of these reactions. Ethylene productionby the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system can be stimulated byH2O2 and inhibited by both catalase and superoxide dismutase,suggesting that the hydroxyl radical (OH?) formed by the Haber-Weissreaction is reacting with ACC to form ethylene. Ethylene productionfrom ACC by the Fenton reagent, which also produces OH?, showsa strong dependence upon H2O2. Involvement of the OH? radicalwas confirmed by spin-trap studies using 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline-l-oxide(DMPO). Only the hydroxyl adduct of DMPO was detectable in boththe xanthine/xanthine oxidase reaction and the Fenton reaction.When ACC was added to the Fenton reaction, an additional adductof DMPO was detectable, which, on the basis of its hyperfinesplitting constants, can be tentatively identified as the DMPOadduct of a carbon-centered free radical. The data are consistentwith the view that formation of ethylene from ACC entails attackby OH? and the resultant formation of a carbon-centered radical,possibly of ACC. The chemical conversion of ACC to ethyleneis less efficient than that characteristic of senescing tissues,in which the reaction is enzymatically mediated. (Received October 1, 1981; Accepted November 17, 1981)  相似文献   

Androgen receptor (AR) signaling is the master regulator of prostate cell growth. Here, to better understand AR signaling, we searched for AR-interacting proteins by yeast two-hybrid screening and identified protein arginine methyltransferase 10 (PRMT10) as one of the interacting proteins. PRMT10 was highly expressed in reproductive tissues, such as prostate. Immunostaining showed that PRMT10 was expressed in the nucleus of both epithelia and stroma of rat prostate. In human prostate cancer LNCaP cells, PRMT10 co-immunoprecipitated with AR in both the presence and absence of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Knockdown of PRMT10 by siRNA decreased DHT-dependent LNCaP cell growth and induction of prostate-specific antigen, an AR-target gene, without apparent loss of AR. DHT decreased PRMT10 at both the mRNA and protein levels. The decrease in PRMT10 was canceled by knockdown of AR or an AR antagonist. These results indicate that PRMT10 plays an important role in androgen-dependent proliferation of prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

The tetradecapeptide of a renin substrate, DRVYIHPFHLLVYS, was used as a substrate for assaying several fungal aspartic and acidic proteinases in the acidic pH range. Aspartic and acidic proteinases froll) Phycomycetes, Mucor and Rhizopus, and Deuteromycotina, Aspergillus and Penicillium, cleaved the tetradecapeptide at its tyrosyl4-isoleucyl5 (Y4-I5),histidyI6-proly7 (H6_P7) and leucyl11-valyl12 (L11-V12) bonds in the acidic pH range, while acidic proteinases type B and type A-I from Scytalidium lignicolumn, and those from Cladosporium and Basidiomycetes, Pycnoporus sanguineus, and the yeast, Rhodotorula glutinis; showed slightly different specificities towards the tetradecapeptide. Pepsin primarily cleaved the valy3-tyrosyl4 (V3-Y4) and leucyl10-leucyl11 (L10-L11) bonds. All of the aspartic and acidic proteinases of fungal origin tested in the present study have different specificities from that of pepsin.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus epidermidis has been isolated in significant numbers from growing tobacco leaves. The organism is also present on cured and aged tobacco.  相似文献   

5-Aminonaphthalene-2-sulfonate (5A2NS) is converted by strain BN6 into 5-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylate (5H2QC). The authenticity of this new compound is confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. Its formation is explained by a spontaneous cyclization of the hypothetical metabolite 6′-amino-2′-hydroxybenzalpyruvate. The formation of 5H2QC as a dead-end product of 5A2NS prevents NADH regeneration so that 5A2NS oxidation is limited by the internal NADH pool.  相似文献   

Discrimination of soy sauce samples consist of different 8 brands on the basis of principal components extracted from GC profiles of aroma concentrates was performed by stepwise discriminant analysis. Considering the results from sensory evaluation, classification of samples into 8, 3, and 2 groups was examined. Statistically significant difference was found among the 8 brands on the basis of principal components. The three groups consist of good, common, and inferior samples also classified correctly. Completely correct two way discrimination, good and bad, was accomplished in the same manner. These clear classifications suggested that evaluation and discrimination in sensory tests were performed by comparing the profiles of aroma substances.  相似文献   

Marc J  Sharkey DE  Durso NA  Zhang M  Cyr RJ 《The Plant cell》1996,8(11):2127-2138
The organization and function of microtubules in plant cells are important in key developmental events, including the regulation of directional cellulose deposition. Bridges connecting microtubules to each other and to membranes and other organelles have been documented by electron microscopy; however, the biochemical and molecular nature of these linkages is not known. We have partitioned proteins from a suspension culture of tobacco into cytosolic and membrane fractions, solubilized the membrane fraction with a zwitterionic detergent, and then used affinity chromatography and salt elution to isolate tubulin binding proteins. Dark-field microscopy of in vitro-assembled microtubules showed that the eluted proteins from both fractions induce microtubule bundling and, in the presence of purified tubulin, promote microtubule elongation. Gel electrophoresis of the eluted proteins revealed two distinct sets of polypeptides. Those in the membrane eluate included unique bands with apparent molecular masses of 98, 90, and 75 kD in addition to bands present in both eluates. The cytosolic eluate, in contrast, typically included relatively smaller proteins. The eluted proteins also bound to taxol-stabilized microtubules. Initial immunological characterization using monoclonal antibodies raised against the 90-kD polypeptide showed that it is colocalized in situ with cortical microtubules in tobacco protoplast ghosts.  相似文献   

The reflecting material of the tapetum lucidum of the sea catfish (Arius felis) was chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20 in methanol–dimethyl sulphoxide–formic acid. Two components were present: one, showing an absorption maximum at 330nm, was tapetal pigment; the other, at 257nm, was an associated nucleoside. The tapetal pigment was extracted in methanol–HCl and isolated by adsorption chromatography on Sephadex LH-20. It yielded a methoxy methyl ester on treatment with diazomethane, and permanganate oxidation gave pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid. From the information provided by u.v. and i.r. spectra of the pigment and its methoxy methyl ester, from elemental analyses and from the oxidation products, we suggest that the tapetal pigment is derived from oxidative coupling of 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid. A molecular-weight determination and chromatography of the methoxy methyl ester indicate that the pigment is a mixture of oligomers, among which the tetramers probably predominate. We consider that the monomers are joined mainly by C-C linkages at positions 4 and 7. A synthetic pigment having spectral properties nearly identical with those of the natural pigment was prepared by enzymic oxidation of 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid with mushroom tyrosinase. The identity of the tapetal pigment with the synthetic pigment was further confirmed by comparing u.v. and i.r. spectra of their methoxy methyl esters. Formation of the tapetal pigment from tyrosine and relationships of the tapetal pigment to melanin are discussed.  相似文献   

The yields of ethylene from endogenous and exogenous 1-aminocyclo-propane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) fruit pedicel extracts were very low when assayed by the method of Lizada and Yang (1979 Anal Biochem 100: 140-145). Addition of phenolic compounds, which are present in avocado tissues, to the assay mixture significantly reduced the conversion efficiency of ACC to ethylene. A negative correlation was found between the amount of the plant material in the assay mixture and the conversion efficiency of ACC to ethylene. Removal of phenolic compounds from pedicel extracts by polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, Amberlite XAD-7, and Dowex-50 column chromatography or lead acetate precipitation greatly increased the yields of thylene from ACC in these extracts. The use of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone column chromatography also enabled us to obtain more accurate estimations of endogenous ACC levels in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) petal extracts. The conversion efficiency of ACC to ethylene could be improved by increasing the concentrations of mercuric chloride and NaOCl in the assay mixture.  相似文献   

1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), which is a precursor of ethylene in plants, has never been known to occur in microorganisms. We describe the synthesis of ACC by Penicillium citrinum, purification of ACC synthase [EC] and ACC deaminase [EC], and their properties. Analyses of P. citrinum culture showed occurrence of ACC in the culture broth and in the cell extract. ACC synthase was purified from cells grown in a medium containing 0.05% L-methionine and ACC deaminase was done from cells incubated in a medium containing 1% 2-aminoisobutyrate. The purified ACC synthase, with a specific activity of 327 milliunit/mg protein, showed a single band of M r 48,000 in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular mass of the native enzyme by gel filtration was 96,000 Da. The ACC synthase had the K m for S-adenosyl-L-methionine of 1.74 mM and k cat of 0.56 s-1 per monomer. The purified ACC deaminase, with a specific activity of 4.7 unit/mg protein, showed one band in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of M r 41,000. The molecular mass of the native ACC deaminase was 68,000 Da by gel filtration. The enzyme had a K m for ACC of 4.8 mM and k cat of 3.52 s-1. The presence of 7 mM Cu2+ in alkaline buffer solution was effective for increasing the stability of the ACC deaminase in the process of purification.  相似文献   

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