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Syntheses of the key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, in Candida lipolytica, were highly repressed by glucose. Syntheses of the key enzymes of the methylcitric acid cycle were also slightly repressed by glucose but the degrees of repression in the syntheses of these enzymes were nearly equal to those of repression in the syntheses of several enzymes of the citric acid cycle. All enzyme syntheses repressed by glucose were derepressed during incubation with succinate as well as with n-alkanes: enzyme syntheses of the methylcitric acid cycle did not necessitate the addition of propionate or odd-carbon n-alkanes. The enzymes of the methylcitric acid cycle seem to be constitutive, similarly as those of the citric acid cycle.

In the parent strain, the respective enzyme levels of the cells grown on an odd-numbered n-alkane were similar to those of the cells grown on an even-numbered n-alkane. But in the mutant strain lacking 2-methylisocitrate lyase, the cells grown on the odd-numbered alkane contained aconitate hydratase, NADP-Iinked isocitrate dehydrogenase, isocitrate lyase, 2- methylcitrate synthase and 2-methylaconitate hydratase all at higher levels than the cells grown on the even-numbered alkane. Both the parent cells and the mutant cells grown on the same carbon source contained at individually similar levels of the following six enzymes; citrate synthase, NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, fumarate hydratase, malate dehydrogenase, and malate synthase. The pleiotropic changes of enzyme activities in the mutant cells grown on the odd-numbered alkane seem to be ascribable to direct or indirect stimulation caused by threo-ds-2-methylisocitric acid accumulation.  相似文献   

In high-quality sake brewing, the cerulenin-resistant sake yeast K1801 with high ethyl caproate-producing ability has been used widely; however, K1801 has a defective spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). To identify the mutation causing this defect, we first searched for sake yeasts with a SAC-defect like K1801 and found that K13 had such a defect. Then, we searched for a common SNP in only K1801 and K13 by examining 15 checkpoint-related genes in 23 sake yeasts, and found 1 mutation, R48P of Cdc55, the PP2A regulatory B subunit that is important for the SAC. Furthermore, we confirmed that the Cdc55-R48P mutation was responsible for the SAC-defect in K1801 by molecular genetic analyses. Morphological analysis indicated that this mutation caused a high cell morphological variation. But this mutation did not affect the excellent brewing properties of K1801. Thus, this mutation is a target for breeding of a new risk-free K1801 with normal checkpoint integrity.  相似文献   

氨基甲酸乙酯(Ethyl carbamate,EC)作为一种潜在致癌物质普遍存在于传统发酵食品中。利用酸性脲酶消除EC前体物质尿素是一种具有潜在重要应用价值的策略。本研究在前期成功实现食品级耐乙醇酸性脲酶高效表达制备的基础上,系统研究了重组酸性脲酶对尿素和EC的水解过程。重组酸性脲酶对模拟体系以及黄酒体系中的尿素具有很好的降解能力(60mg/L的尿素在25h内完全被降解),表明该重组酸性脲酶适用于黄酒中尿素的消除。虽然重组酸性脲酶也具有降解EC的催化活性,但在黄酒中添加重组酸性脲酶对EC的浓度无明显影响。进一步研究发现重组酸性脲酶对尿素和EC的Km值分别为0.714 7mmol/L和41.32mmol/L,研究结果为应用定向进化策略改造重组酸性脲酶实现同时水解尿素和EC提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Quaternary structure of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (RuP2) carboxylase from the autotrophically grown cells of blue-green alga, Anabaena cylindrica, was studied. Sedimentation coefficient (s20, w) of the enzyme was determined to be 18.3 S by the sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The molecular weight was estimated to be 5.0 × 105 by the Sepharose 4B gel filtration technique. The purification of the enzyme from the algal cells was undertaken by means of sucrose density gradient centrifugation and DEAE-Sephadex A–50 ion-exchange column chromatography, and the structural make-up of the enzyme containing two subunits, A (M. W., 5.2 × 104) and B (M. W., 1.2 × 104) was established by the Na-dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis experiment. Structural similarity of the algal RuP2carboxylase with the spinach enzyme was further demonstrated by the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion experiment.  相似文献   

贾云耀  方芳 《生物工程学报》2020,36(8):1640-1649
氨基甲酸乙酯(Ethylcarbamate,EC)是一种存在于发酵食品和酒精饮料中的可致癌物,过量摄入可能会影响人体健康。酶法降解是减少发酵食品中氨基甲酸乙酯及其前体尿素含量的有效方法之一。脲酶具有氨基甲酸乙酯水解酶和尿素酶两种活性,因此在减少发酵食品中氨基甲酸乙酯及其前体尿素方面具有良好的应用前景。目前脲酶降解发酵酒精饮料中氨基甲酸乙酯面临的主要问题是脲酶对氨基甲酸乙酯的催化活性及亲和力较低,因而其降解效果不理想。文中成功在大肠杆菌Escherichia coli中表达了来源于解淀粉芽孢杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JP-21的脲酶,表达水平为尿素酶3 291.74 U/L,氨基甲酸乙酯水解酶227.26 U/L。通过模拟脲酶中催化亚基UreC与氨基甲酸乙酯对接的结构,确定了M326和M374这两个影响酶与底物结合的位点。采用点饱和突变获得了3株氨基甲酸乙酯水解酶活性提高的突变体M374A、M374T和M326V,以EC为底物时的Km分别为101.84mmol/L、129.49 mmol/L和121.67 mmol/L,比野生型分别降低了37.47%–50...  相似文献   

An improved extraction method for ethyl carbamate, a genotoxic and carcinogenic compound found in various fermented foods and beverages, was investigated for its determination in the two most typical Korean traditional rice wines, takju and yakju. When the rice wines were extracted twice with chloroform at 30°C for 60 min, the recovery of ethyl carbamate was less than 16%. When they were saturated with NaCl before extraction, the recovery of ethyl carbamate increased to 24.4% in takju and 67.2% in yakju. Adjustment of pH to 9.0 after NaCl saturation in takju resulted in a dramatic increase of recovery to 81.2%, but not in yakju. When the contents of ethyl carbamate and its precursor, urea, in various Korean traditional rice wines were determined, there was no correlation between the two contents. This is due to the fact that storage time is more important than urea content in the formation of ethyl carbamate in rice wine. In addition, its storage at high temperature resulted in a dramatic increase in ethyl carbamate content according to the prolonged storage time, suggesting that storage time and temperature play a key role in the formation of ethyl carbamate in Korean traditional rice wine. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 363–368. Received 10 January 2001/ Accepted in revised form 17 March 2001  相似文献   

Abscisic acid accumulates in detached, wilted leaves of Xanthium strumarium. When these leaves are subsequently rehydrated, phaseic acid, a catabolite of abscisic acid, accumulates. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of phaseic acid isolated from stressed and subsequently rehydrated leaves placed in an atmosphere containing 20% 18O2 and 80% N2 indicates that one atom of 18O is incorporated in the 6′-hydroxymethyl group of phaseic acid. This suggests that the enzyme that converts abscisic acid to phaseic acid is an oxygenase.

Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of abscisic acid isolated from stressed leaves kept in an atmosphere containing 18O2 indicates that one atom of 18O is present in the carboxyl group of abscisic acid. Thus, when abscisic acid accumulates in water-stressed leaves, only one of the four oxygens present in the abscisic acid molecule is derived from molecular oxygen. This suggests that either (a) the oxygen present in the 1′-, 4′-, and one of the two oxygens at the 1-position of abscisic acid arise from water, or (b) there exists a stored precursor with oxygen atoms already present in the 1′- and 4′-positions of abscisic acid which is converted to abscisic acid under conditions of water stress.


Binding of [125I]monoiodoinsulin to human astrocytoma cells (U-373 MG) was time dependent, reaching equilibrium after 1 h at 22 degrees C with equilibrium binding corresponding to 2.2 fmol/mg protein: this represents approximately 2,000 occupied binding sites per cell. The t1/2 of 125I-insulin dissociation at 22 degrees C was 10 min; the dissociation rate constant of 1.1 X 10(-2) s-1 was unaffected by a high concentration of unlabeled insulin (16.7 microM). Porcine insulin competed for specific 125I-insulin binding in a dose-dependent manner and Scatchard analysis suggested multiple affinity binding sites (higher affinity Ka = 4.4 X 10(8) M-1 and lower affinity Ka = 7.4 X 10(6) M-1). Glucagon and somatostatin did not compete for specific insulin binding. Incubation of cells with insulin (0.5 microM) for 2 h at 37 degrees C increased [2-14C]uridine incorporation into nucleic acid by 62 +/- 2% (n = 3) above basal. Cyclic AMP, in the absence of insulin, also stimulated nucleoside incorporation into nucleic acid [65 +/- 1% (n = 3)] above basal. Preincubation with cyclic AMP followed by insulin had an additive effect on nucleoside incorporation [160 +/- 4% (n = 3) above basal]. Dipyridamole (50 microM), a nucleoside transport inhibitor, blocked both basal and stimulated uridine incorporation. These studies confirm that human astrocytoma cells possess specific insulin receptors with a demonstrable effect of ligand binding on uridine incorporation into nucleic acid.  相似文献   


Sake yeast was first isolated as a single yeast strain, Saccharomyces sake, during the Meiji era. Yeast strains suitable for sake fermentation were subsequently isolated from sake brewers and distributed as Kyokai yeast strains. Sake yeast strains that produce characteristic flavors have been bred in response to various market demands and individual preferences. Interestingly, both genetic and morphological studies have indicated that sake yeast used during the Meiji era differs from new sake yeasts derived from Kyokai Strain No. 7 lineage. Here, we discuss the history of sake yeast breeding, from the discovery of sake yeast to the present day, to highlight the achievements of great Japanese scientists and engineers.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 14C-2-mevalonic acid into transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA (high molecular weight RNA) in rapidly growing, cytokinin-dependent tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Wisconsin No. 38) callus cultures has been investigated. Approximately 40% of the label incorporated into transfer RNA was present in a ribonucleoside with chromatographic properties identical to those of cis-ribosylzeatin. The remainder of the label in the transfer RNA appears to be nonspecific incorporation resulting from degradation and metabolism of 14C-2-mevalonic acid by the tobacco callus tissue. Although the total radioactivity incorporated into ribosomal RNA was roughly the same as in transfer RNA, the specific radioactivity of the transfer RNA was about four times higher than that of the ribosomal RNA, and the ribosomal RNA labeling could be distinguished from the cytokinin labeling observed in transfer RNA. The distributions of the 14C-2-mevalonic acid label and cytokinin activity in tobacco callus transfer RNA fractionated by benzoylated diethylaminoethylcellulose chromatography indicate that at least two cytokinin-containing transfer RNA species are present in this tissue.  相似文献   

Three new peptides: (pGlu)L-ethyl, (pGlu)LFGP-ethyl and (pGlu)LFNP-ethyl, were identified in the search for pyroglutamyl oligopeptide ethyl esters in sake. The ethyl esterified peptides in sake were quantitated using stable isotope dilution analysis and additional quantitation of (pGlu)L was performed using an external standard method. The concentrations of (pGlu)L-ethyl and (pGlu)L in 33 commercial sake samples ranged from 0.16 to 1.57 mg/L and 1.49 to 7.55 mg/L, respectively. The sensory properties of the pyroglutamyl oligopeptide ethyl esters and corresponding non-esterified peptides were examined: the estimated difference threshold of (pGlu)L (2.0 mg/L) and (pGlu)L-ethyl (0.267 mg/L) was exceeded in 32 and 26 samples, respectively. Estimated thresholds of (pGlu)LFGP-ethyl and (pGlu)LFNP-ethyl were often lower than the levels in quantitated sake samples. The sensory effects of these pyroglutamyl dipeptides on a model sake quality may be negative because of their unpleasant taste, however, (pGlu)LFNP-ethyl may be positive because of its mild taste.  相似文献   


A convenient synthesis of 6-thiodeoxyguanosine from deoxyguanosine is described. Simple methods for incorporating 6-thiodeoxyguanosine into oligodeoxynucleotides are also given.  相似文献   


Phosphoramidite of (1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-4-[(4-pyren-1-ylbutyl)amino]-5-(2-O-methyl-5-dimethoxytrityl-β-D-ribofuranosyl)pyrimidine has been synthesized, incorporated into polypyrimidine oligoaucleotides, and studied for thier triplex forming capacity.  相似文献   


A convenient synthesis of 6-thiodeoxyguanosine from deoxyguanosine is described. Simple methods for incorporating 6-thiodeoxyguanosine into oligodeoxynucleotides are also given.  相似文献   

The incorporation of the cytokinin N6-benzyladenine into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) callus tRNA and rRNA preparations isolated from tissue grown on medium containing either N6-benzyladenine-8-14C or N6-benzyladenine-8-14C: benzene-3H(G) has been examined. N6-benzyladenine was incorporated into both the tRNA and rRNA preparations as the intact base. Over 90% of the radioactive N6-benzyladenosine recovered from the RNA preparations was associated with the rRNA. Purification of the crude rRNA by either MAK chromatography or Sephadex G-200 gel filtration had no effect on the N6-benzyladenosine content of the RNA preparation. The distribution of N6-benzyladenosine moieties in tobacco callus tRNA fractionated by BD-cellulose chromatography did not correspond to the distribution of ribosylzeatin activity. N6-benzyladenosine was released from the rRNA preparation by treatment with venom phosphodiesterase and phosphatase, ribonuclease T2 and phosphatase, or ribonuclease T2 and a 3′-nucleotidase. N6-benzyladenosine was not released from the RNA preparation by treatment with either ribonuclease T2 or phosphatase alone or by successive treatment with ribonuclease T2 and a 5′-nucleotidase. Brief treatment of the rRNA preparation with ribonuclease T1 and pancreatic ribonuclease converted the N6-benzyladenosine moieties into an ethyl alcohol soluble form. On the basis of these and earlier results, the N6-benzyladenosine recovered from the tobacco callus RNA preparations appears to be present as a constituent of RNA and not as a nonpolynucleotide contaminant.  相似文献   

Tritiated uridine is incorporated into the deoxyribonucleic acid of Bacillus subtilis and bacteriophage SPP1; the tritium is recovered in the cytidine moiety of both deoxyribonucleic acids.  相似文献   

Lipases from Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus delemar hydrolyzed triolein and produced l,2 (2,3)-diolein and 2-monoolein. These two lipases appears to have strong specificity towards the outer chains of the triglyceride. Comparing the proportions of fatty acids in position 1 (3) of cocoa butter with proportions of fatty acids liberated after limited hydrolysis of cocoa butter, it becomes clear that these two lipases do not hydrolyze the ester bond in position 2 of the triglyceride.

On the other hand, lipases from Geotrichum candidum Link and Penicillium cyclopium Westring attacked the fatty acid chains regardless of their positions. Geotrichum candidum lipase liberated oleic acid and palmitic acid in preference to stearic acid from cocoa butter.  相似文献   

Selenoproteins are unique as they contain selenium in their active site in the form of the 21st amino acid selenocysteine (Sec), which is encoded by an in-frame UGA stop codon. Sec incorporation requires both cis- and trans-acting factors, which are known to be sufficient for Sec incorporation in vitro, albeit with low efficiency. However, the abundance of the naturally occurring selenoprotein that contains 10 Sec residues (SEPP1) suggests that processive and efficient Sec incorporation occurs in vivo. Here, we set out to study native SEPP1 synthesis in vitro to identify factors that regulate processivity and efficiency. Deletion analysis of the long and conserved 3′-UTR has revealed that the incorporation of multiple Sec residues is inherently processive requiring only the SECIS elements but surprisingly responsive to the selenium concentration. We provide evidence that processive Sec incorporation is linked to selenium utilization and that reconstitution of known Sec incorporation factors in a wheat germ lysate does not permit multiple Sec incorporation events, thus suggesting a role for yet unidentified mammalian-specific processes or factors. The relationship between our findings and the channeling theory of translational efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

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