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There is substantial evidence that abnormal concentrations of oxidised tryptophan metabolites, produced via the kynurenine pathway, contribute to progressive neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease. We have now examined the blood levels of these metabolites in patients at different stages of Huntington's disease, assessed both in terms of clinical disease severity and numbers of CAG repeats. Close relatives of the patients were included in the study as well as unrelated healthy controls. Levels of lipid peroxidation products, the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-23 and the soluble human leucocyte antigen-G (sHLA-G) were also measured. There were lower levels of tryptophan and a higher kynurenine : tryptophan ratio, indicating activation of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase, in the most severely affected group of patients, with increased levels of IL-23 and sHLA-G. Marked correlations were noted between IL-23 and the patient severity group, anthranilic acid levels and the number of CAG repeats, and between anthranilic acid and IL-23, supporting our previous evidence of a relationship between anthranilic acid and inflammatory status. Tryptophan was negatively correlated with symptom severity and number of CAG repeats, and positively correlated with sHLA-G. The results support the proposal that tryptophan metabolism along the kynurenine pathway in Huntington's disease is related to the degree of genetic abnormality, to clinical disease severity and to aspects of immunopathogenesis.  相似文献   

End products of tryptophan metabolism in Carausius morosus are the ommochromes ommin and xanthommatin in the epidermis, and kynurenic acid in the faeces. During larval and adult life ommochromes and mainly kynurenic acid are formed. The concentration of kynurenic acid in the faeces of adult females is 2.5 times lower than in the larvae and in adult males. Allatectomy on the first day after a larval moult induces a much longer instar (10 days) than normal. After the following moult, the allatectomized animals are transformed into adultoids. The allatectomized and normal larvae produce similar amounts of kynurenic acid and ommochrome during the larval instar. Twenty days after last ecdysis, the ommochrome content in adult and adultoids is increased. In the faeces of adultoids, however, the concentration of kynurenic acid is higher than in normal female adults, but lower than in males and larvae.  相似文献   

Indole, tryptophan, tryptamine and skatole were isolated from the leaves of Tecoma stans. Anthranilic acid was also identified in its free form, in contrast to its glucoside, in Jasminum grandiflorum. The presence of both indole and anthranilic acid in the leaves of Tecoma stans indicates that they are the true substrate and product of indole oxygenase from the leaves of Tecoma stans.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in the kynurenine pathway may play a role in Huntington's disease (HD). In this study, tryptophan depletion and loading were used to investigate changes in blood kynurenine pathway metabolites, as well as markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in HD patients and healthy controls. Results showed that the kynurenine : tryptophan ratio was greater in HD than controls in the baseline state and after tryptophan depletion, indicating increased indoleamine dioxygenase activity in HD. Evidence for persistent inflammation in HD was provided by elevated baseline levels of C-reactive protein, neopterin and lipid peroxidation products compared with controls. The kynurenate : kynurenine ratio suggested lower kynurenine aminotransferase activity in patients and the higher levels of kynurenine in patients at baseline, after depletion and loading, do not result in any differences in kynurenic acid levels, providing no supportive evidence for a compensatory neuroprotective role for kynurenic acid. Quinolinic acid showed wide variations in blood levels. The lipid peroxidation data indicate a high level of oxidative stress in HD patients many years after disease onset. Levels of the free radical generators 3-hydroxykynurenine and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid were decreased in HD patients, and hence did not appear to contribute to the oxidative stress. It is concluded that patients with HD exhibit abnormal handling of tryptophan metabolism and increased oxidative stress, and that these factors could contribute to ongoing brain dysfunction.  相似文献   

以链霉菌702-20为出发菌株,经HNO2诱变处理,获得高产突变株。实验结果表明:HNO2处理20 m in对菌株的致死率可达83.10%,突变率高达14.13%,经过摇瓶筛选获得高产突变株20-29-148,产链霉素能力达到1.404 mg/mL,比出发菌株提高了37.65%。经传代培养考察,该突变菌株具有良好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

In the mammalian brain, kynurenine aminotransferase II (KAT II) and kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO), key enzymes of the kynurenine pathway (KP) of tryptophan degradation, form the neuroactive metabolites kynurenic acid (KYNA) and 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK), respectively. Although physically segregated, both enzymes use the pivotal KP metabolite l -kynurenine as a substrate. We studied the functional consequences of this cellular compartmentalization in vivo using two specific tools, the KAT II inhibitor BFF 122 and the KMO inhibitor UPF 648. The acute effects of selective KAT II or KMO inhibition were studied using a radiotracing method in which the de novo synthesis of KYNA, and of 3-HK and its downstream metabolite quinolinic acid (QUIN), is monitored following an intrastriatal injection of 3H-kynurenine. In naïve rats, intrastriatal BFF 122 decreased newly formed KYNA by 66%, without influencing 3-HK or QUIN production. Conversely, UPF 648 reduced 3-HK synthesis (by 64%) without affecting KYNA formation. Similar, selective effects of KAT II and KMO inhibition were observed when the inhibitors were applied acutely together with the excitotoxin QUIN, which impairs local KP metabolism. Somewhat different effects of KMO (but not KAT II) inhibition were obtained in rats that had received an intrastriatal QUIN injection 7 days earlier. In these neuron-depleted striata, UPF 648 not only decreased both 3-HK and QUIN production (by 77% and 66%, respectively) but also moderately raised KYNA synthesis (by 27%). These results indicate a remarkable functional segregation of the two pathway branches in the brain, boding well for the development of selective KAT II or KMO inhibitors for cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection, respectively.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D was purified from Streptomyces antibioticus by column chromatography and chromatofocusing. The enzyme preparation was electrophoretically homogeneous and the molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 64,000. Its isoelectric point was around pH 6.5. The enzyme was most active at pH 5.5 and at around 60°C. It was stable between pH 4 and 8, and below 50°C.  相似文献   

The synthetic activity for 3Z-hexenal, an important precursor of 3Z-hexenol (leaf alcohol), was localized in chloroplasts of Thea sinensis leaves. 3Z-Hexenal, which is easily isomerized to 2E-hexenal (leaf aldehyde), was formed from linolenic acid in the presence of oxygen. 13-l-Hydroperoxy-linolenic acid also served as a precursor, but the triglyceride and methyl ester of linolenic acid did not. This enzyme system appeared to be tightly bound to the lamellae membranes of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are induced upon pathogen infection plays an important role in host defence. The rickettsial pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum, which is primarily transmitted by Ixodes scapularis ticks in the United States, has evolved many strategies to escape ROS and survive in mammalian cells. However, little is known on the role of ROS in A. phagocytophilum infection in ticks. Our results show that A. phagocytophilum and hemin induce activation of l ‐tryptophan pathway in tick cells. Xanthurenic acid (XA), a tryptophan metabolite, supports A. phagocytophilum growth in tick cells through inhibition of tryptophan dioxygenase (TDO) activity leading to reduced l ‐kynurenine levels that subsequently affects build‐up of ROS. However, hemin supports A. phagocytophilum growth in tick cells by inducing TDO activity leading to increased l ‐kynurenine levels and ROS production. Our data reveal that XA and kynurenic acid (KA) chelate hemin. Furthermore, treatment of tick cells with 3‐hydroxyl l ‐kynurenine limits A. phagocytophilum growth in tick cells. RNAi‐mediated knockdown of kynurenine aminotransferase expression results in increased ROS production and reduced A. phagocytophilum burden in tick cells. Collectively, these results suggest that l ‐tryptophan pathway metabolites influence A. phagocytophilum survival by affecting build up of ROS levels in tick cells.  相似文献   

为筛选具有潜在益生功能的双歧杆菌,本研究采用改良MRS培养基,从婴幼儿粪便中分离到5株菌株:AR499,AR667,AR668,AR669和AR610。通过16S r DNA测序分别鉴定为两歧双歧杆菌,短双歧杆菌,动物双歧杆菌,长双歧杆菌和假小链双歧杆菌。对其耐酸耐胆盐能力和黏附性能进行测试,结果表明,菌株AR499耐酸性较好,菌株AR610有较强的耐胆盐能力,菌株AR499的自动聚集能力和细胞表面疏水性都较高。实验表明,菌株AR499可作为一株耐受性和黏附性能较好的益生菌进一步深入研究,以期应用于优良双歧杆菌产品的开发。  相似文献   

以土壤为材料,用透明质酸和硫酸软骨素为唯一碳源富集分离菌株,通过BSA-乙酸平板显色法及比色定糖法进行筛选。从80份土壤中筛选出13株糖胺聚糖降解活性的菌株并对其进行了16S rDNA测序鉴定。结果表明,筛选到13株糖胺聚糖降解菌株均具有透明质酸酶和硫酸软骨素酶活性;获得8株尚未报导过的产糖胺聚糖降解酶活性菌株。本研究为开发新型的糖胺聚糖降解酶提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract a Micrococcus sp. isolated by isophthalate enrichment, utilized 8 of the 13 substituted benzoic acids tested as the sole source of carbon and energy. The organism degraded benzoic acid and anthranilic acid through the intermediate formation of catechol. While salicylate is metabolized through genetisic acid, p -hydroxybenzoic acid is degraded through protocatechuic acid. The organism grew well on isophthalate but failed to utilize phthalate and terphthalate. Catechol disoxygenase, gentisate dioxygenase and protocatechuate dioxygenase activities were shown in the cell-free extracts. Catechol and protocatechuate are further metabolized through an ortho -cleavage pathway.  相似文献   

目的:在大肠杆菌中表达霍乱毒素B单位(CTB)与谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)抗原表位肽段(531~545)的融合蛋白。方法:通过PCR技术将CTB基因与GAD基因融合在一起,插入pET22b载体,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)后经诱导获得融合基因的表达;对表达产物进行包涵体复性后,纯化得到融合蛋白分子;对该融合蛋白分子进行了Western印迹和GM1-ELISA分析。结果:表达的融合蛋白的相对分子质量约为14000,Western印迹表明该融合蛋白具有霍乱毒素抗原性;GM1-ELISA实验表明该融合蛋白能够特异性地结合神经节苷酯GM1,表明该蛋白具有与CTB相似的五聚体结构。结论:融合蛋白CTB-GAD的成功表达,为后续动物实验提供了充足的抗原。  相似文献   

一株海绵放线菌的分离鉴定及活性研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从大连潮间带繁茂膜海绵中分离到一株具有很强抑制革兰氏阳性菌活性和较强抗肿瘤活性的链霉菌。通过其形态观察,生理生化测定和16SrDNA序列的测定,初步判定属于假浅灰链霉菌(Streptomyces pseudogriseolus)。并对其活性物质的生产条件进行了初步探索和优化,确定了用天然海水配制的TSB培养基为最佳发酵培养基,3d为最适发酵时间。  相似文献   

This computational organic chemistry study illustrates that the size of the metal ion is a critical point in determining the bonding mode of the anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate). The beryllium model structure is the first example in the chemical literature on the ability of this amino acid to bond as N–O chelate. The medium has variable effect on the energies and the dipole moments of the studied models, which was found originating essentially from the differences in the atomic charges of the metals. Analysis of the molecular charge distribution allowed stating a new theory on the effect of the medium on the two pairs of isomers.  相似文献   

Tumours utilise tryptophan (Trp) and its metabolites to promote their growth and evade host defences. They recruit Trp through up-regulation of Trp transporters, and up-regulate key enzymes of Trp degradation and down-regulate others. Thus, Trp 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO2), indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), IDO2, N′-formylkynurenine formamidase (FAMID) and Kyn aminotransferase 1 (KAT1) are all up-regulated in many cancer types, whereas Kyn monooxygenase (KMO), kynureninase (KYNU), 2-amino-3-carboxymuconic acid-6-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) and quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRT) are up-regulated in a few, but down-regulated in many, cancers. This results in accumulation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligand kynurenic acid and in depriving the host of NAD+ by blocking its synthesis from quinolinic acid. The host loses more NAD+ by up-regulation of the NAD+-consuming poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) and the protein acetylaters SIRTs. The nicotinamide arising from PARP and SIRT activation can be recycled in tumours to NAD+ by the up-regulated key enzymes of the salvage pathway. Up-regulation of the Trp transporters SLC1A5 and SLC7A5 is associated mostly with that of TDO2 = FAMID > KAT1 > IDO2 > IDO1. Tumours down-regulate enzymes of serotonin synthesis, thereby removing competition for Trp from the serotonin pathway. Strategies for combating tumoral immune escape could involve inhibition of Trp transport into tumours, inhibition of TDO and IDOs, inhibition of FAMID, inhibition of KAT and KYNU, inhibition of NMPRT and NMNAT, inhibition of the AhR, IL-4I1, PARPs and SIRTs, and by decreasing plasma free Trp availability to tumours by albumin infusion or antilipolytic agents and inhibition of glucocorticoid induction of TDO by glucocorticoid antagonism.  相似文献   

Kynurenic, anthranilic, and quinolinic acid, brain tissue concentrations and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [EC 1 13.11.17] activity were determined in rat brain, during pre- and postnatal development. Quinolinic acid brain tissue concentration was significantly increased at birth as compared with the prenatal level, then it declined rapidly in the postnatal period. By the contrary, kynurenic and anthranilic acids brain tissue concentrations in rat brain were significantly lower at birth as compared with those found prenatally; then kynurenic acid concentration decreased in the first postnatal week and increased thereafter, while anthranilic acid concentration increased in the first postnatal week and decreased thereafter. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [EC 1 13.11.17] activity were found unchanged in pre and post natal rat brain. The described opposite changes in quinolinic and kynurenic acids concentrations, occurring in pre- and postnatal period, despite the lack of knowledge on the precise role played by these compounds on the different neurotransmitter systems in the brain, could be involved in brain ontogenetic development.  相似文献   

人工海水胁迫下小麦种质资源的耐盐性筛选与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用人工配制的海水筛选耐盐性较好的小麦品种,为沿海滩涂地区的小麦耐盐育种提供重要信息。本研究利用人工海水处理的方法,对363份小麦种质资源进行了芽期耐盐性初步鉴定,筛选出芽期耐盐性为1级的小麦种质28份。进一步对芽期耐盐性较好的48份小麦种质进行了苗期耐盐性鉴定,并对其耐盐指标进行隶属值模糊评价分析,从中鉴定出了2个苗期耐盐性较强的小麦种质,分别为淮麦31和红壳洋麦。依据来源的不同,发现小麦种质资源的芽期耐盐性大小依次为地方品种>育成品种>国外引进品种。小麦芽期与苗期的耐盐性相关分析表明,二者相关性极低(r=-0.0051)。  相似文献   

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