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Diet composition of otters (Lutra lutra) was investigated in 2001 by spraints analysis (N=1323) on five rivers of southern Italy, with the aim of assessing the influence of fish availability, elevation and discharge on the consumption of food resources alternative to fish. Data were expressed as per cent frequency of occurrence (%FO) and per cent volume (%V). The study confirmed the great feeding adaptability of the otter that, in rivers partially interconnected and flowing on a small area, showed a strong fish eating habit in some rivers (Sinni and Mercure-Lao) and a diet mainly constituted by alternative resources in other ones (amphibians in the rivers Cogliandrino and Frido, crustaceans in the River Battendiero). Fish consumption for the five rivers was significantly correlated with fish biomass and with mean summer discharge, while it was inversely correlated with the mean altitude of the five rivers. The lack of a clear seasonality in the consumption of food sources alternative to fish together with the correlation between fish use and fish biomass for each river indicated fish availability as the main factor affecting otter relying to non-fish preys. Otter diet seemed influenced by the characteristics of river habitats (altitude, discharge and consequently fish biomass) more than by summer drought, typical of Mediterranean regions. The %FO and the %V allowed to drawn a similar picture of otter diet. Nonetheless the %V was useful for better illustrating diet variation among the different rivers and we argue that it could be useful in habitats where the otter feeds on preys with different proportions of indigestible remains.  相似文献   

Diet composition, niche measures, and prey consumption of three sympatric species of carnivores, one non-native and introduced, the American minkNeovison vison Schreber, 1777, and two native, the spotted genetGenetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 and the Eurasian otterLutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758, were studied in a Spanish Mediterranean area. The study was based on the analysis of prey remains in the faeces of the predators. Faeces of mink (n = 444), genet (n = 310), and otter (n = 108) were collected all year round for four years along the Llobregat (21 km) and Gavarresa rivers (12 km). Simultaneously, and in the same area, prey species density and weight were estimated by means of trapping. The diet of mink and genet was dominated by the American crayfishProcambarus clarkii, while the otter fed almost exclusively on fish. Compared to the mink, the genet seemed to specialise more on small mammals while the mink specialised more on aquatic birds, especially in autumn-winter. Niche overlap was higher between mink and genet than between either of them and the otter.  相似文献   

The seasonal spatial distribution and diet of the Neotropical otterLontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) were studied on Ibera Lake within the Esteros del Ibera, an important wetland of NE Argentina (Ramsar site no. 1162). Twelve lake perimeter sites were regularly checked for otter tracks and signs. The amount of signs was compared to environmental parameters to test their influence on otter presence and movements. A positive correlation was found between the amount of signs and the physical structure of the littoral areas, as well as vegetation structure. Lakeside otter presence decreased during the summer sampling throughout all sites. In order to determine otter diet, 205 spraints were examined. Otters fed mainly on fish (mostly Cichlidae), but also on crustaceans and molluscs. Other fish consumed were Characidae, Synbranchidae, Loricariidae and Erythrinidae. Seasonal variation was observed in diet composition: in summer, diet crustaceans and vertebrates other than fish increased. A higher percentage of benthic fish species was also observed in summer, while pelagic and benthopelagic species increased in winter. Such dietary changes may be explained by the different habitat use of otters in different seasons, from the lake coast (winter) towards more internal marshy areas of the wetland (summer).  相似文献   

The recovery of giant otter populations after the hunting prohibition and restriction of the pelt trade resulted in more frequent conflicts with fishermen. In this study, fisherman–giant otter conflicts were analyzed in the Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve, where giant otters are accused of interfering with fisheries by eating the fish (predation), frightening the fish away (local interference), and damaging fishing equipment (direct interference). Interference by predation was analyzed by evaluating overlap in fish species consumption between humans (measured by subsistence and commercial catches) and giant otters. The giant otter diet was assessed from fecal samples, and the human diet through questionnaires. Local and direct interferences were analyzed through fish samples using gillnets and comparing capture efficiency with and without giant otters’ presence. The overlap between human and giant otter diets was low (0.37), varied seasonally, and was smaller in the low water (0.24) than in the high water period (0.60), when both species tend to be more generalists. Overlap between fish species consumed by giant otters and those exploited by commercial fisheries was small (0.34). Giant otter presence during the experimental fishing was low (9.5%), restricted to the high water period, and did not significantly reduce the captures (= 13, = 0.61). The low overlap in diet may be a result of differences in preferences and fishing strategies. The conflict between giant otters and fishermen is greater in the high water period, when the income of the fisheries decreases; however, the conflict seems to be mainly motivated by the resident's prejudice against giant otters.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian otter (Lutra lutra) was determined by analysing 547 spraints collected at 28 sites within a wide area invaded by centrarchid fishes (pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides): the middle Guadiana basin (South-west Iberian Peninsula). Fish was the otters’ main prey, representing more than 60% of total individuals and more than 80% of total biomass. Otters preyed on most of the fish species captured in the field; however, the consumption of centrarchids was low compared to their abundance in the streams, and Jacobs’ index of preference showed a clear rejection of both species by the otter. Consumption of native fish genera (Squalius, Barbus and Chondrostoma) by otters increased in relation to their increase in the environment. In contrast, increasing numbers of L. gibbosus in the field was not reflected in otter consumption. The general decline of native freshwater fishes in Iberian rivers, the preferred prey of otters, together with the spread of exotic fish species (centrarchids and others) could put otter populations at risk.  相似文献   

Very few demersal fish assemblage studies using otter trawls in estuaries have been done in South Africa and none of these have tested for the effects of diel period. This study aimed to test whether diel period affects otter trawl catches in the clear, permanently open Kariega Estuary in terms of both species composition and abundance. Fish were sampled by day and night from 30 October to 1 November 2007 at 15 sites using an otter trawl. More species were collected at night, when there were higher catch rates for all key species, with the exception of Rhabdosargus holubi, which was more abundant during the day. Overall assemblages collected by day and by night were similar, with six species accounting for over 90% of the catch in both day and night samples. Both day and night samples reflected differences related to region, with the highest mean CPUE during day and night sampling being recorded in the head region.  相似文献   

Diets of the otter Lutra lutra and the American mink Mustela vison were studied by scat analysis on five woodland rivers and streams in eastern Poland. Fish constituted 51% of food biomass consumed by otters in spring‐summer and 40% in autumn‐winter, with common fish (perch Perca fluviatilis, pike Esox lucius, and roach Rutilus rutilus) being captured most frequently by the otters. Amphibians (mainly Rana temporaria, which also dominated in the living community) made up 34% of otters’ food biomass in spring‐summer and 58% in autumn‐winter. American mink relied on three prey groups: fish (40% in spring‐summer, and 10% in autumn‐winter), frogs (32% and 51%, respectively), and small mammals (21% and 36%). Out of available Micromammalia, mink strongly selected the root vole Microtus oeconomus. The cold season diet of both otter and mink depended on river size. On small rivers with forested valleys, otters and mink fed nearly exclusively on amphibians (72–90% of food biomass). With size of a river increasing and riverside habitat becoming more open (sedge and reed marshes instead of forests), otters shifted to catching predominantly fish (up to 76% in diet) and mink to preying on small mammals (up to 65% in diet).
Review of literature on otter and mink in Eurasia showed that their diets did not change with latitude (as indicators of climate severity and duration of water freezing) but they depended on habitats. In otter diet, the mean share of fish declined from 94% (SE 1.7) on sea shores, to 71% (SE 2.9) on lakes and fish ponds, to 64% (SE 2.8) on rivers and streams. The roles of amphibians and crustaceans increased in the same gradient (from 0 to 15%, and from 3 to 7%, respectively). On inland waters, the abundance of crayfish was the essential factor differentiating otters’ diet composition. In Eurasia, the staple food types of American mink on rivers and streams were fish (on average, 27% in diet, SE 3.9), mammals (30%, SE 5.0), and amphibians (17%, SE 4.8), whereas on lakes and ponds mink fed predominantly on birds (on average, 33% in diet, SE 10.1) and fish (28%, SE 9.5). In the Palaearctic region, over a wide gradient of habitats, otters appeared strongly specialised on prey taken from water, whereas American mink was a typical generalist capable of utilising several prey groups originating from both water and land.  相似文献   

1. Biological invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity. Most research has focused on the distribution, biology and impacts of non‐native species on native fauna and flora. However, few studies have explored their role as prey for native predators of conservation concern. 2. To assess the incidence and intensity of predation by the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra on established non‐native fish species, data were collated from the published literature. To be selected, studies had to cover at least 1 year, analyse more than 100 spraints and report the study period and percentage relative frequency (%RF) of all prey fish species. 3. To permit reliable, time‐related comparisons with %RF of non‐native fishes in otter diet, we also reviewed available information about both the distribution of non‐native fishes and history of their introductions to European countries, revealing a decrease with longitude in the number of naturalised non‐native fishes taken (ranging between 5 and 34) and their percentage in each fish assemblage. 4. Our selective criteria were met by 30 dietary studies from 44 study areas in 15 European countries during 1970–2010. The extent to which otters rely on non‐native fishes was almost negligible (mean %RF = 4.8), with the number of non‐native fishes preyed upon by otters decreasing with both latitude and longitude. 5. The %RF of non‐native fish in the diet increased slightly with time, with otters preying significantly more on non‐native fish in study areas where alterations of the fish assemblage had been highlighted in the reference papers. No relationship was found between otter diet breadth and the occurrence of non‐native fishes in their diet. 6. The current role of non‐native species in otter diet suggests that effective otter conservation management plans should focus on the maintenance and/or enhancement of native fish assemblages.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to investigate the role of four non-native invertebrates in supporting fish biomass as well as their influence on the carbon flow into the Volta Grande reservoir food web. The fish samples were carried out quarterly between October 2015 and July 2016 using gillnets. At the sampled sites, four non-native invertebrates (golden mussel, Asian clam, trumpet snail and Amazonian prawn), which are potential prey for fish in the Volta Grande reservoir, were collected by targeted sampling using a Petersen-type bottom dredger and semi-circular sieves. The gut contents of the fish were collected and analyzed under stereoscope, and samples of muscle tissue of these fish, as well as the four non-native invertebrate species sampled, were submitted for isotopic analysis. Results obtained by the present study, by both gut content and stable isotopic analyses, pointed to a trophic structure where non-native species represent not only a strong component of the fish community, but also their main carbon source. Based on gut contents and isotopic mixing models, we found that together, non-native prey are essential carbon sources for the fish fauna, fuelling more than 40.0% of the biomass in four dominant fish species. The consumption rate of non-native bivalves by the native omnivorous fish Leporinus friderici suggested these filter-feeding organisms potentially constitute an important trophic connection between littoral consumers and pelagic energy sources. In addition, non-native prey were also prominent carbon sources for non-native fish, fuelling more than half of the biomass in peacock bass and silver croaker, suggesting these prey have a fundamental role in maintaining non-native fish populations in this system. Our results may help to understand fundamental ecological issues bringing to light the extent to which these new combinations of species influence the energy flow and ecosystem properties of the Volta Grande reservoir.


Interspecific competition is one of several constraints that might prevent an individual from maximising its energy intake. When an interspecific competitor is introduced, an individual is often forced to shift its diet according to the intensity of the competitive pressure. In this paper, we explore whether the introduced American mink ( Mustela vison Schreber) shifts its diet when the density of its potential competitor, the Eurasian otter ( Lutra lutra L.), is increased. We compared the diets of otter and mink at the same location but at two moments in time when the relative densities of these two species were different while controlling for the abundance of aquatic prey. Mink and otters are semi-aquatic mammals belonging to the same guild of mustelids and otters are expected to be the dominant competitor because they are larger and better at hunting underwater. The diets of otters and mink overlap to a great extent but while otters specialise mainly on aquatic prey, mink are able to exploit both aquatic and terrestrial prey. These observations prompted the hypothesis investigated in this work that at higher otter densities the diet of mink should change to include a higher proportion of terrestrial items. This hypothesis was supported by the data and at higher otter densities mink diet was observed to consist of a higher proportion of mammals and birds while fewer fish were present, although this pattern was present only in winter while no changes were observed in spring. Meanwhile the diet of otters remained basically unchanged. In the second part of the study, we investigated whether niche breadth and niche overlap between otter and mink changed at different otter densities. We found that niche overlap declined as the density of otters increased, in agreement with the prediction of habitat selection theory.  相似文献   

In the last years, new approaches use scats analysis in ecological studies, like gas chromatographic techniques, has been developed. The aim of this study is to use VOCs (volatile organic compounds) released from scats to distinguish three mammal species: the ungulates red and fallow deer and the carnivore Eurasian otter through the application of SPME/GC × GC–ToFMS. This chromatographic technique has never been used in ecological studies. Chromatogram contour plot was effective in distinguishing between the carnivore Eurasian otter and the two ungulates. Additionally, a subset of 21 selected compounds, including hydrocarbons, ketones, aldehydes, alcohols and terpenes, allowed a distinction between Eurasian otter, red deer and fallow deer. Eurasian otter scats were characterized mainly by the presence of aldehydes that may arise from oxidative degradation of unsaturated fatty acids present in fish species, included in their diet. Red deer volatile profile is characterized by terpenes compounds, presumably related with diet, while fallow deer achieved also chemical communication markers: 2-propanone and hexane. The scat volatile profiles provide information that explains their odour and also the type of diet (herbivorous or carnivorous) and intra-specific communication through chemical signals. Being able to distinguish species using the proposed methodology is an asset to wildlife ecology and management studies.  相似文献   

The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) is a top predator in aquatic systems and plays an important role in ecosystem functioning. However, it has undergone dramatic declines throughout Europe as a result of environmental degradation. We examine the putative role of the otter as a bioindicator in Ireland which remains a stronghold for the species and affords a unique opportunity to examine variation in its ecological niche. We describe diet, using spraint contents, along rivers during 2010 and conduct a review and quantitative meta-analysis of the results of a further 21 studies. We aimed to assess variation in otter diet in relation to river productivity, a proxy for natural nutrification and anthropogenic eutrophication, and availability of salmonid prey (Salmo trutta and Salmo salar), to test the hypothesis that otter diet is related to environmental quality. Otter diet did not vary with levels of productivity or availability of salmonids whilst Compositional Analysis suggested there was no selection of salmonid over non-salmonid fish. There was a distinct niche separation between riverine and lacustrine systems, the latter being dominated by Atlantic eel (Anguilla anguilla). Otters are opportunistic and may take insects, freshwater mussels, birds, mammals and even fruit. Otters living along coasts have a greatest niche breath than those in freshwater systems which encompasses a wide variety of intertidal prey though pelagic fish are rarely taken. It is concluded that the ability of the otter to feed on a wide diversity of prey taxa and the strong influence of habitat type, renders it a poor bioindicator of environmental water quality. It seems likely that the plasticity of the habitat and dietary niche of otters, and the extent of suitable habitat, may have sustained populations in Ireland despite intensification of agriculture during the 20th century.  相似文献   

Across much of North America, river otter (Lontra canadensis) populations were extirpated or greatly reduced by the early 20th century. More recently, reintroductions have resulted in restored populations and the recommencement of managed trapping. Perhaps the best example of these river otter reintroductions occurred in Missouri, regarded as one of the most successful carnivore recovery programs in history. However, abundance estimates for river otter populations are difficult to obtain and often contentious when used to underpin management activities. We assessed the value of latrine site monitoring as a mechanism for quantifying river otter abundance. Analyses of fecal DNA to identify individual animals may result in an improved population estimate and have been used for a variety of mammal species. We optimized laboratory protocols, redesigned existing microsatellite primers, and calculated genotyping error rates to enhance genotyping success for a large quantity of river otter scat samples. We also developed a method for molecular sexing. We then extracted DNA from 1,421 scat samples and anal sac secretions (anal jelly) collected during latrine site counts along 22–34-km stretches representing 8–77% of 8 rivers in southern Missouri in 2009. Error rates were low for the redesigned microsatellites. We obtained genotypes at 7–10 microsatellite loci for 24% of samples, observing highest success for anal jelly samples (71%) and lowest for fresh samples (collected within 1 day of defecation). We identified 63 otters (41 M, 22 F) in the 8 rivers, ranging from 2 to 14 otters per river. Analyses using program CAPWIRE resulted in population estimates similar to the minimum genotyping estimate. Density estimates averaged 0.24 otters/km. We used linear regression to develop and contrast models predicting population size based on latrine site and scat count indices, which are easily collected in the field. Population size was best predicted by a combination of scats per latrine and latrines per kilometer. Our results provide methodological approaches to guide wildlife managers seeking to initiate similar river otter fecal genotyping studies, as well as to estimate and monitor river otter population sizes. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Invertivores fishes are an important component of neotropical streams and they represent a link between aquatic invertebrates and piscivorous species. This study evaluated the breadth diet and interspecific food overlap of nine invertivores fish species during three consecutive hydrological phases: falling (December/07, January/08, February/08 and March/08), low (April/08) and rising waters (June/08), in two sections of a Venezuelan neotropical stream, which were located at different elevation, high watershed (HW) and low watershed (LW). The fishes were collected with a beach seine (5mm mesh) between 8:00 and 11:00 hours. The diet of each species was evaluated using an index of relative importance (IRI), which includes as variables the number, weight and occurrence frequency of food items consumed. The Levin' index (B ) and Morisita (IM) were used to estimate the breadth diet and interspecific food overlap, respectively. All estimations were made using the numeric proportion of preys. Nine fish species were captured, eight Characiformes, of which three were captured in HW (Knodus deuteronoides, Creagrutus bolivari and C. melasma) and five in LW (Thoracocharax stellatus, Moenkhausia lepidura, Cheirodon pulcher, Ctenobrycon spilurus and Aphyocharax alburnus), and one Cyprinodontiformes (Poecilia reticulata), which was also found in HW. In HW aquatic insects were the main resource consumed by fishes while plant material and terrestrial arthropods were secondary resources. In LW the fishes ingested all of these items in addition to zooplankton (Copepoda, Cladocera and larval stages of Decapoda). However, there was a temporal replacement with a predominance of zooplankton in falling and low water. In general, the breadth diet decreased during the falling water in both sections and increased in rising water. However, the average breadth diet was higher in HW. The interspecific food overlap was high in HW while low values were more frequent in LW and its temporal variation was opposed in both sections during almost all the sampling period.  相似文献   

Prey preferences and dietary differences between sex and age categories of Eurasian otters were studied in coastal Norwegian habitats Relative to their trapping frequency potential prey species with hard, spiny exoskeletons (crabs and sea urchins) or otherwise tough, spiny integuments (Labridae) were much less frequently found in spraints than fish species with soft integuments Spines did not protect fish with otherwise soft integuments from otter predation The number of non-fish taxa per otter stomach did not vary significantly between otter age categories despite presumed differences in hunting abilities (small cubs large cubs and subadults, adults) Relative frequency of occurrence of crabs and sea urchins was < 5% in the stomachs in each of these otter categories Anadromous, katadromous and freshwater fish species were infrequently eaten The coastal otter population during the study period probably had access to an adequate, and preferred, supply of marine fish prey
At the otter population level no prey size selection was conclusively demonstrated within the range of fish sizes sampled However, fish sizes eaten differed significantly between otter sex and age categories The fish sizes per stomach were on average larger in males than in females, regardless of age Adult males tended to eat the largest fishes Among the self provisioning age categories (subadult and adult otters) fish lengths differed significantly between otter males and females, but not between the otter age categories, and did not covary significantly with otter body length Fish eaten by females with old placental scars (potential mothers of fisheating cubs) were significantly smaller than those eaten by small cubs, provisioned by their mothers  相似文献   


Otter diet in reservoirs is known to experience seasonal changes. We selected a reservoir with a large population of exclusively wintering great cormorants and seasonal changes in stored water volume to test the relative influence of abiotic and biotic factors on otter foraging ecology. DNA metabarcoding of otter spraints revealed a dietary change from autumn to winter. Otters had a diet dominated by the exotic goldfish in autumn, but predated intensively on the native northern straight-mouth nase in winter. This change was likely caused by predation of cormorants on goldfish and to fish biology. Secondly, macroscopic analysis of spraints revealed that otters shifted from a diet dominated by fish (in terms of biomass) to a diet dominated by red swamp crayfish during spring–summer, when the latter became overabundant. As revealed by modelling, this second shift was most likely influenced by the sudden increase in stored water volume in spring, but also by the cumulative effect of cormorant predation on fish during autumn–winter. Macroscopic analyses of otter spraints collected in a second reservoir with no cormorants revealed a lack of seasonality. Hence, the combined influence of both biotic and abiotic factors explained otter diet seasonality in a lentic-water novel ecosystem.


Ecological studies on commercial important fish species are of great value to support resource management issues. This study calculated trophic levels of those Colombian Caribbean fish species whose diet has been locally described. Usable diet data of 119 species resulted in 164 trophic level estimates. An ordinary regression model relating trophic level and fish size was formulated. The regression slope was positive and significantly different from zero (p < 0.05) suggesting a scaling of trophic level with fish size. Both the list of trophic levels and the regression model should be of help in the formulation of trophic indicators and models of neotropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

In comparison with other bathydraconids, all species of the genus Bathydraco are poorly known from an ecological perspective. The diet of juvenile Bathydraco marri Norman, 1938 was studied for the first time in specimens collected in the southwestern Ross Sea during summer 1998. Fish were collected in a single otter trawl catch at 330–340 m depth. The stomach content analysis showed that this species fed exclusively on crustaceans. Overall, 20 prey taxa were identified to genus or species level. Mysids, amphipods and copepods were the most important prey in decreasing order of importance. Other prey, such as Euphausia superba, isopods and tanaids were eaten occasionally and in very small amounts. A multivariate analysis was applied to feeding data to assess ontogenetic or sex-related changes in diet. No difference was detected between sexes, whereas diet of small and large fish differed in some degree. An ontogenetic shift from small and pelagic crustaceans such as copepods to benthic–benthopelagic prey such as amphipods and mysids was observed. Relating present results with published data on physiological characteristics of B. marri, it was possible to infer their feeding behaviour and mode of life. Like other bathydraconids, this species appeared to be an inactive and sluggish fish, which relied on more or less motile benthic or epibenthic prey adopting a “sit and wait” feeding strategy. On the other hand, smaller fish seem to be more active, feeding also on pelagic prey such as copepods that can be seasonally abundant, thus reducing the intraspecific competition for food.  相似文献   

A total of 298 fish specimens belonging to seven families were caught during ichthyoplanktonic survey of three rivers within the Ewekoro cement facility catchment area located in southwestern Nigeria. The highest numbers of specimens were caught from Alaguntan (37.0%) and Elebute (36.6%) rivers while 28.9% of the fish samples were collected from Itori River. The fish population and species diversity recorded in the catchment rivers were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than comparative catches from Ewekoro River located about 30 km downstream of the factory operational area. The food items ingested by the specimens across the seasons in the catchment rivers revealed obvious differences in diet with some degree of overlap in the fish trophic preferences. However, the omnivorous species dominated the catches in each of the rivers, irrespective of season. Categorization of the fish specimens based on habitat-related adaptive physiology showed that a significant number of the fish from Alaguntan and Itori Rivers have accessory respiratory organs. The four species with accessory respiratory organs were Polypterus senegalus Curv., Clarias gariepinus C. & V., Ctenopoma kingslayae Gun. and Channa obscura Smith. Of the 12 fish species recorded in the Ewekoro cement facility catchment rivers, only P. senegalus, C. gariepinus, C. obscura and Oreochromis niloticus (Trew.) are valuable food fishes in southwestern Nigeria.  相似文献   

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