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Erbstatin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, inhibited p59fyn- and p56lck-kinases in vitro with IC50s of 0.21 and 0.18 μg/ml, respectively. Inositol phosphates formation, enhanced by anti-CD3, was also inhibited by erbstatin. Moreover, erbstatin treatment prevented anti-CD3-induced interleukin 2 (IL-2) production, but phorbol ester-induced IL-2 production was not affected by erbstatin.  相似文献   

Growth of tobacco cells at the logarithmic phase was inhibitedafter treatment with both AlCl3 and FeSO4 in modified Murashige-Skoogmedium prepared without Pi and EDTA at pH 5.0 for up to 20 h,whereas cells treated with either AlCl3 or FeSO4 (at concentrationsup to 100 µM, respectively) grew normally. These resultssuggest the synergistic inhibition of growth by Al3+ and Fe2+ions. During the exposure to both salts, there was a lag timeof about 10 h before growth inhibition became apparent in culturesof cells upon treatment with the two salts together. Then theextent of inhibition increased and reached a maximum value afterexposure for 18 h. After the lag period, cells treated withboth salts, but not cells treated with either salt alone, exhibitedsignificant increases in the amounts of both aluminum and ironin the cells and could be stained with hematoxylin, with thenuclei staining especially strongly. Cells treated with bothsalts also exhibited a decrease in the number of cells thatcould be plasmolyzed in 1 M mannitol, a decrease in the numberof cells that could be stained with fluorescein diacetate, adecrease in the amount of potassium in cells, and an increasein the extent of lipid peroxidation. These results suggest thataluminum causes the peroxidation of lipids in the presence ofiron and that lipid peroxidation alters the permeability ofthe plasma membrane and leads to cell death. (Received April 18, 1994; Accepted November 11, 1994)  相似文献   

To study the influence of cultural conditions on higher plant cells in suspension culture, the effects of nutritional conditions on the growth of suspended cells were investigated. Calluses were induced from 39 species of Nicotiana plants and 6 species of Populus plants on agar slant media, then these were transferred to suspension cultures. Concentrations of 2,4-D and kinetin suitable for incubation of callus from each plant were investigated and species having high growth rates in the appropriate medium were selected.

The effects of concentrations of auxins and kinetin, a variety of carbon and nitrogen sources, thiamin and myo-inositol on growth of the selected calluses were also studied. Of these calluses studied, N. glutinosa, N. tabacum var. Xanthi ova and P. hybrids were selected as calluses having high growth rates. Myo-inositol had no effect on any callus growth, and thiamin gave a distinct effect on Populus callus only. Nitrate as a nitrogen and sucrose as a carbon sources, and 2,4-D as an auxin were most effective in all calluses studied. Kinetin was essential for N. glutinosa among the calluses studied. Although high sugar concentrations tended to lengthen the lag period in the growth curve, there was no difference in the growth rates of the logarithmic phase among the concentrations.  相似文献   

为探明怀槐细胞生长、异黄酮染料木素合成与底物消耗间的关系,建立了怀槐细胞悬浮培养的结构化动力学模型。模型预测分析了胞内外的蔗糖代谢、胞内结构组分变化、胞内中间组分的变化、细胞呼吸损失以及胞内外异黄酮染料木素的合成情况。模型各参数灵敏度的分析表明kb1、kb2和kp是最为灵敏的参数,其调节10%时,目标函数变化的最大比例分别达12.8%、4.61%和2.54%,其它参数对目标函数变化的影响均小于0.5%。该模型预测值与实验值具有较好的吻合性。  相似文献   

The ubiquinone (UQ) content of BY–2 cells on surface culture was examined to compare with that in suspension culture. The UQ content on surface culture was a little lower than that in suspension culture, but the pattern of the time-course of the UQ formation on surface culture was similar.

The changes of UQ content in BY–2 cells during autolysis were also examined. UQ in the cells subjected to autolysis was not rapidly metabolized nor excreted into the medium.

In order to obtain basic information for UQ formation by BY–2 cells in suspension culture, the cultural conditions, especially nutritional ones were investigated. Addition of 2,4-D was remarkably effective on UQ formation and a higher UQ content was observed with a higher 2,4-D concentration. Sucrose and glucose concentrations in the original medium were also influential factors. The UQ content tends to increase with the decrease of the sugar content. Precursors of UQ, amino acids, vitamins and organic acids were not effective on the UQ formation.  相似文献   

为探明怀槐细胞生长、异黄酮染料木素合成与底物消耗间的关系,建立了怀槐细胞悬浮培养的结构化动力学模型。模型预测分析了胞内外的蔗糖代谢、胞内结构组分变化、胞内中间组分的变化、细胞呼吸损失以及胞内外异黄酮染料木素的合成情况。模型各参数灵敏度的分析表明kMb1kb2kp是最为灵敏的参数,其调节10%时,目标函数变化的最大比例分别达12.8%、4.61%和2.54%,其它参数对目标函数变化的影响均小于0.5%。该模型预测值与实验值具有较好的吻合性。  相似文献   

In order to obtain basic information on ubiquinone (UQ) formation by BY-2 cells in suspension culture, effects of inorganic phosphate and nitrogen sources and such physical factors as initial pH, light irradiation, shaking condition and temperature were investigated. The concentration of phosphate and nitrogen sources had no marked effect, but the ratio of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen was significantly effective on UQ formation. The UQ content in BY-2 cells tends to increase at higher ratios of ammonium nitrogen. The increase in the UQ content was recognized at higher concentrations of 2, 4-d, especially with lower concentrations of sucrose. Physical factors had no marked effect on UQ formation except temperature. The UQ content was considerably raised at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

To study the influence of culture conditions on higher plant cells in suspension culture, the effects of antibiotics and physical factors, i.e. pH, temperature, shaking conditions and light, on the growth of suspended cells were investigated using three different callus cells; Populus hybrids (P. maximowiczii × P. nigra), N. glutinosa and N. tabacum var. xanthi ova. Of the conditions tested, red light as the light source, 32°C as the temperature, 7.5 as the initial pH value of the medium and 90 reci/min as the reciprocations of the shaker were the most favourable conditions for cell growth. In addition, the influence of various antibiotics was investigated. Of the antibiotics tested, penicillin, oleandomycin, cephaloridin and oxytetracycline did not inhibit cell growth and blasticidin-S was most toxic to all cultures.  相似文献   

利用HEK293细胞在悬浮培养中具有聚集成团的体外培养特性,在250mL的Bellco的搅拌培养体系中,以HEK293细胞团的粒径、细胞数、细胞活力、葡萄糖比消耗率(qglc)、乳酸比产率(qlac)和乳酸转化率(Ylacglc)为观察指标,考察HEK293细胞在搅拌速度分别设置为25、50、75和100rmin的培养条件下的细胞团形成、粒径分布以及细胞生长和代谢。HEK293细胞在搅拌速度为50rmin和75rmin培养条件下所形成细胞团的粒径大小适中、离散度小。培养7d后,HEK293细胞团的平均粒径分别为201μm和175μm,其中粒径≥225μm的细胞团所占比例均低于10%;在整个培养过程中,细胞团中的HEK293细胞活力维持在90%以上,qglc、qlac和Ylacglc等反映HEK293细胞代谢的参数保持相对恒定。实验结果提示:合适的搅拌速度所产生的流体动力既可使细胞团的粒径控制在合适的范围内,也可为细胞团中的HEK293细胞提供基本满足其正常生长和代谢需要的物质传递效率。  相似文献   

研究了蔗糖、KH2PO4、NH 4/NO3比对烟草细胞生长和CoQ10含量的影响,结果表明,当蔗糖浓度为30g/L时,CoQ10总量最高,此时细胞产量、CoQ10含量和总量分别为198g/L、4147μg/g(dwt)、8212μg/L。在上述蔗糖浓度下,当KH2PO4起始浓度为340mg/L、NH 4/NO-3为12时,细胞产量、CoQ10含量和总量分别最高,高于此比例时有利于CoQ10形成,但不利于细胞生长。  相似文献   

婺源绿茶嫩叶用MS培养基(加IBA 2mg/L,6-BA 4mg/L)进行茶叶愈伤组织悬浮培养,研究了不同培养条件对茶叶细胞悬浮培养过程中细胞生长与茶氨酸合成的影响。结果显示,NH4^+/NO3^- 1.0/60.0mmol/L、K^+ 100.0mmol/L、Mg^2+ 3.0mmol/L、H2PO4^- 3.0mmol/L、蔗糖30.0g/L、水解酪蛋白2.0g/L条件下,茶叶细胞生长量和茶氨酸积累量均达到最高值;提高培养基中蔗糖和水解酪蛋白浓度可使细胞对数生长期和稳定期得到延长,从而有利于茶氮酸积累;H2PO4^-浓度主要影响细胞生长速率和茶氨酸积累速率的同步性,低H2PO4^-浓度环境中茶氨酸积累速率峰值滞后于细胞增长速率峰值,高H2PO4^-浓度环境中早于细胞生长速率峰值出现时间;K^+和Mg^2+对细胞生长的影响不明显,但影响细胞茶氨酸合成酶活性,维持适量的K^+和Mg^2+有利于茶氨酸积累。添加盐酸乙胺可大幅度提高茶氨酸积累量,并且先加入一定量盐酸乙胺再每天进行少量补充,茶氨酸合成量比一次性加入的效果要好。茶叶细胞生长和茶氨酸积累高峰期在整个培养过程的第19~22天出现,从生产效率考虑,培养周期以19~22天为宜。  相似文献   

婺源绿茶嫩叶用MS 培养基( 加IBA 2 mgPL, 6-BA 4 mgPL) 进行茶叶愈伤组织悬浮培养, 研究了不同培养条件对茶叶细胞悬浮培养过程中细胞生长与茶氨酸合成的影响。结果显示, NH4+PNO3- 110P6010 mmolPL、K+ 10010 mmolPL、Mg2+ 310mmolPL、H2PO4- 310 mmolPL、蔗糖3010 gPL、水解酪蛋白210 gPL 条件下, 茶叶细胞生长量和茶氨酸积累量均达到最高值; 提高培养基中蔗糖和水解酪蛋白浓度可使细胞对数生长期和稳定期得到延长, 从而有利于茶氨酸积累; H2 PO4- 浓度主要影响细胞生长速率和茶氨酸积累速率的同步性, 低H2 PO4- 浓度环境中茶氨酸积累速率峰值滞后于细胞增长速率峰值, 高H2PO4- 浓度环境中早于细胞生长速率峰值出现时间; K+ 和Mg2+ 对细胞生长的影响不明显, 但影响细胞茶氨酸合成酶活性, 维持适量的K+和Mg2+ 有利于茶氨酸积累。添加盐酸乙胺可大幅度提高茶氨酸积累量, 并且先加入一定量盐酸乙胺再每天进行少量补充, 茶氨酸合成量比一次性加入的效果要好。茶叶细胞生长和茶氨酸积累高峰期在整个培养过程的第19~ 22 天出现, 从生产效率考虑, 培养周期以19~ 22 天为宜。  相似文献   

机械刺激可诱导烟草悬浮培养细胞H2O2的爆发,外源Ca2+有强化作用,而Ca2+螯合剂EGTA、质膜Ca2+通道阻塞剂La3+、胞内Ca2+通道阻断剂钌红,以及钙调素拮抗剂氯丙嗪和三氟拉嗪则削弱机械刺激诱导的氧化爆发。这暗示以钙和钙调素为核心的钙信使系统对机械刺激诱发的烟草悬浮培养细胞中H2O2的爆发有调控作用。  相似文献   

通过提高摇床转速对烟草细胞施加机械刺激(Ms)可诱导其胞内一氧化氮(No)的快速产生和一氧化氮合酶(Nos)活性的提高,这种MS诱导的NO产生可被N0清除剂cPTIO和NOS抑制剂L-NMMA显著抑制。此外,Ca2+螯合剂EGTA、质膜Ca+通道阻断剂La3+、胞内Ca2+通道拮抗剂钌红,以及钙调素抑制剂CPZ和TFP预处理均不同程度地抑制了机械刺激诱导的烟草细胞NO的产生,而机械刺激过程中钙调素活性显著上升并与NOS活性和NO含量的变化相一致。这些结果暗示着(类)Nos酶催化的精氨酸依赖途径可能是机械刺激诱发烟草细胞NO产生的主要途径,Ca2+/CAM可能通过调节(类)NOS活性来调控No的产生。  相似文献   

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