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By spectrofluorophotometric investigation on various kinds of Saké it was found that they have at least two kinds of fluorescent colors, the one is blue, the other yellowish green. The former is always more dominant than the latter, but is unstable although the intensities of both color decrease remarkably by treatment of active charcoal. Ferulic acid and harman as the blue fluorescent components are isolated, the former from Saké in young, the latter from Saké kept for a long time under direct sun light.  相似文献   

The authors have succeeded in isolating an antibiotic, from the cultured filtrate of Asp. oryzae, responsible for, at least, the majority of the active substances against hiochi-bacteria, as pale yellow crystals of m.p. 152~153°C. It has been proved that this antibiotic is identical with hydroxyaspergillic acid. The minimum concentration for complete inhibition in diluted Saké-peptone medium against true hiochi-bacilli, Lactobacillus homohiochii H-42 and Lactobacillus heterohiochii H-l, was 10 γ/ml, and that against hiochi-lactobacilli H-7 and H-34 20 γ/ml.  相似文献   


Blood lead levels in children in the USA have dropped dramatically since lead in food, air and drinking water was reduced. In inner cities and older residential areas, increased lead exposure may still be a problem because of dilapidated housing with high lead paint levels. In these areas, at mining sites and around smelters lead levels in soil may be very high. A review of many studies indicates that lead in soil or mine tailings does not make a meaningful contribution to lead absorption by children. The contribution of lead in soil to overall exposure, if any, lies within the variation of the analytical method for blood lead measurements. The results of exposure studies in the pediatric population reviewed in this article do not support exposure predictions for children under 6 years of age based on the US EPA Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model (using default parameters or using results obtained with in vitro digestion models). They also do not support predictions based on the percent of solubility of lead in soil (accessibility studies).  相似文献   

We compared histochemical and immunohistochemical staining as well as fluorochrome labeling in murine bone specimens that were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin to those fixed with HistoChoice®. We showed that sections from undecalcified tibiae fixed for 4 h in HistoChoice® resulted in enhanced toluidine blue and Von Kossa histochemical staining compared to formalin fixation. HistoChoice® produced comparable or improved staining for alkaline phosphatase. Acid phosphatase localization was better in formalin fixed specimens, but osteoclasts were visuralized more easily in HistoChoice® fixed specimens. As expected, immunohistochemical labeling was antibody dependent; some antibodies labeled better in HistoChoice® fixed specimens while others were better in formalin fixed specimens. Toluidine blue, Von Kossa, and alkaline phosphatase staining of sections fixed for 12 h produced sections that were similar to 4 h fixed sections. Fixation for 12 h preserved acid phosphatase activity better. Increasing fixation to 12 h affected immunolocalization differentially. Bone sialoprotein labeling in HistoChoice® fixed specimens was comparable to formalin fixed samples. On the other hand, after 12 h formalin fixation, osteocalcin labeling was comparable to HistoChoice®. For most histochemical applications, fixing murine bone specimens for 4 h with HistoChoice® yielded superior staining compared to formalin fixation. If immunohistochemical localization is desired, however, individual antibodies must be tested to determine which fixation process retains antigenicity better. In addition, there was no detectable difference in the intensity of fluorochrome labeling using either fixative. Finally, fixation duration did not alter the intensity of labeling.  相似文献   

DURING previous work on the utilization and metabolism of phytosterols in insects we have isolated and identified desmo-sterol (24-dehydrocholesterol) as an intermediate in the conversion of 3H-β-sitosterol1, 2 to cholesterol in the tobacco horn-worm Manduca sexta (Johannson). We noted1, 2 the presence of a tritiated minor component in the hornworm sterols which behaved chromatographically like fucosterol (stigmasta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol). Fucosterol has been tentatively identified from gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) as a metabolite in the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linnaeus), but the investigators report that their results were not always repro-ducible3. We wish to describe the positive identification of fucosterol as a metabolite of β-sitosterol in the tobacco hornworm and to present evidence for its occurrence as an intermediate in the conversion of β-sitosterol to cholesterol in this insect (Fig. 1).  相似文献   

When increasing ambulation speed in Parkinson’s disease, step cadence increases more than stride length, indicating movement scaling difficulties that affect step generation in particular. We investigated whether step length variation when increasing ambulation speed was related to disease progression. Patients with Parkinson’s disease (N = 39) and controls (N = 152) performed two timed ambulation tasks: at a ''free'' (self-selected) pace and then at ''maximal'' speed. The total number of steps (including during turns) and time to complete the task were clinically measured. The relative contribution of step length and cadence to increased ambulation speed was determined using two methods: the ratios of change in step length or in cadence to the change in ambulation speed, and the step length index. While the relative contribution of step length and cadence to increased ambulation speed was independent of age in both control and patient groups, in Parkinson’s disease there was a negative correlation between time from diagnosis and the ratio of change in step length to change in ambulation speed (R = 0.54; p = 0.0004) and the step length index (R = 0.56, p = 0.0002). In parallel, there was a positive correlation between time since diagnosis and the ratio of change in cadence to change in ambulation speed (R = 0.57; p = 0.0002). The relative contribution of step length and cadence to increased ambulation speed is age invariant but a marker of Parkinson''s disease advancement, and can be easily determined in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Inland and transitional aquatic systems play an important role in global carbon (C) cycling. Yet, the C dynamics of wetlands and floodplains are poorly defined and field data is scarce. Air-water fluxes in the wetlands of Doñana Natural Area (SW Spain) were examined by measuring alkalinity, pH and other physiochemical parameters in a range of water bodies during 2010–2011. Areal fluxes were calculated and, using remote sensing, an estimate of the contribution of aquatic habitats to gaseous transport was derived. Semi-permanent ponds adjacent to the large Guadalquivir estuary acted as mild sinks, whilst temporal wetlands were strong sources of (−0.8 and 36.3 ). Fluxes in semi-permanent streams and ponds changed seasonally; acting as sources in spring-winter and mild sinks in autumn (16.7 and −1.2 ). Overall, Doñana''s water bodies were a net annual source of (5.2 ). Up–scaling clarified the overwhelming contribution of seasonal flooding and allochthonous organic matter inputs in determining regional air-water gaseous transport (13.1 ). Nevertheless, this estimate is about 6 times < local marsh net primary production, suggesting the system acts as an annual net sink. Initial indications suggest longer hydroperiods may favour autochthonous C capture by phytoplankton. Direct anthropogenic impacts have reduced the hydroperiod in Doñana and this maybe exacerbated by climate change (less rainfall and more evaporation), suggesting potential for the modification of C sequestration.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic behaviour of a human serum -lipoprotein factor, called Ag(a1), was studied by agar micro-diffusion technique, utilizing an antibody detected in the serum from a transfused thalassemia patient. It behaves as an inherited, dominant, autosomal character, with complete penetrance at birth. It is controlled by a gene and is closely linked to the Ag x and Ag y genes.The existence of a gene Ag b , allelic to , is postulated but the Ag(b) antigen has not so far been detected by specific antisera.The frequency of the gene in a Milan population was found to be 0,43, and in a Berne population was 0,46. The frequencies of the four possible gene combinations in the sample group from Milan were: Ag yb =0,53; =0,22; =0,21; Ag xb =0,04.The observed frequencies of the factor Ag(a1) were 0,676 and 0,713, respectively among the Milan and Berne populations.  相似文献   

Summary The study of 249 serum samples from blood donors of Berne, previously typed with respect to the Ag(x,y,a1,d,c,g) factors has given preliminary evidence that the genes Ag a 1 and Ag d, and Ag c and Ag g respectively are two pairs of co-dominant alleles. The locus Ag c/g appears to be closely linked with loci Ag x/y and Ag 11/d .  相似文献   

The α/β-tubulin heterodimer is the basic subunit of microtubules in eukaryotes. Polyclonal antibodies specific to recombinant α-tubulin of Giardia lamblia were made, and found effective as a probe to specifically detect G. lamblia by immunofluorescence assays. Nucleotide sequences of α-tubulin genes were compared between G. lamblia WB and GS strains, prototypes of assemblage A and assemblage B, respectively. A set of primers was designed and used to amplify a portion of the α-tubulin gene from G. lamblia. PCR-RFLP analysis of this α-tubulin PCR product successfully differentiated G. lamblia into 2 distinct groups, assemblages A and B. The results indicate that α-tubulin can be used as a molecular probe to detect G. lamblia.  相似文献   

Tang  Qing-Xiu  Wei  Jia-Mian 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(1):127-129
The contribution of two components (pH and E) of the proton motive force to photosynthesis of C. reinhardtii was studied. Valinomycin, a photophosphorylation uncoupler, decreased significantly the fast phase (related mainly to the membrane electric potential) of millisecond delayed light emission (ms-DLE) of C. reinhardtii. Nigericin, another photophosphorylation uncoupler, decreased the slow phase (related mainly to the proton gradient) and partly also the fast phase of ms-DLE. Both valinomycin and nigericin decreased the net ATP content and photosynthetic rate of C. reinhardtii, but the inhibition by nigericin was stronger than that by valinomycin. Hence both components of the proton motive force contribute to photosynthesis and although the contribution of pH is larger than that of E, the latter is not negligible in photosynthesis of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Summary The study of some families of the double black cross type confirmed complete linkage of theAg x/y , andAg c/g loci.
Zusammenfassung An Hand einer Untersuchung einiger Familien vom double back cross-Typ konnte das komplette linkage der Gen-LociAg x/y , undAg c/g bestätigt werden.

Polypeptides containing β-amino acids are attractive tools for the design of novel proteins having unique properties of medical or industrial interest. Incorporation of β-amino acids in vivo requires the development of efficient aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases specific of these non-canonical amino acids. Here, we have performed a detailed structural and biochemical study of the recognition and use of β3-Met by Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS). We show that MetRS binds β3-Met with a 24-fold lower affinity but catalyzes the esterification of the non-canonical amino acid onto tRNA with a rate lowered by three orders of magnitude. Accurate measurements of the catalytic parameters required careful consideration of the presence of contaminating α-Met in β3-Met commercial samples. The 1.45 Å crystal structure of the MetRS: β3-Met complex shows that β3-Met binds the enzyme essentially like α-Met, but the carboxylate moiety is mobile and not adequately positioned to react with ATP for aminoacyl adenylate formation. This study provides structural and biochemical bases for engineering MetRS with improved β3-Met aminoacylation capabilities.  相似文献   

A study was made of the genetic behaviour of the factors Ag(x) and Ag(y) of the β-lipoproteins of human serum. It was found that these factors are controlled by a single pair of autosomal codominant genes with complete penetrance at birth. The gene frequencies were:
$$\begin{gathered} Milan . . . . Ag^x = 0,23 Ag^y = 0,77 \hfill \\ Berne . . . . Ag^x = 0,24 Ag^y = 0,76. \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$  相似文献   

Mesenchymal cells transdifferentiation and extracellular matrix deposition are involved in the fibrotic process of Crohn’s disease (CD). Mesenchymal smooth muscle cells (SMCs) de-differentiation, driven by Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) that counteracts Transforming growth factor (TGF-β) has been studied in vascular muscle. The role of SMCs in intestinal fibrogenesis is still not clearly elucidated. Aim of the study was to evaluate the possible myogenic contribution to CD fibrotic process through the comparative analysis of histological, morphometric and molecular alterations occurring in human smooth muscle. Full thickness specimens were obtained from CD (non-involved and stenotic tracts) and healthy (control) ileum. Tissues were processed for histological and immunohistochemical (IHC) analyses and SMCs were isolated from the muscularis propria for morphofunctional and molecular (qPCR) analyses. CD stenotic ileum showed a significant increased thickness of all layers compared to CD non-involved and control ileum. IHC revealed an overexpression of α-smooth muscle actin and collagens I-III throughout all intestinal layers only in stenotic tracts. The two growth factors, PDGF and TGF-β, showed a progressive increase in expression in the muscle layer from CD non-involved to stenotic tracts. Freshly isolated SMCs presented alterations in CD non-involved tracts that progressively increased in the stenotic tracts consisting in a statistical increase in mRNA encoding for PDGF-β and collagen III, paralleled to a decrease in TGF-β and Tribbles-like protein-3 mRNA, and altered morphofunctional parameters consisting in progressive decreases in cell length and contraction to acetylcholine. These findings indicate that intrinsic myogenic alterations occur in CD ileum, that they likely precede stricture formation, and might represent suitable new targets for anti-fibrotic interventions.Key words: Fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, ileal smooth muscle cells, stricture formation, PDGF, TGF-β  相似文献   

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