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An intracellular nuclease inhibitor was 1270 times purified from a heat treated cell free extract of fresh mycelia of Aspergillus oryzae, by ammonium sulfate fractionation and chromatographies using DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-75. The purified sample of the inhibitor showed a UV absorption curve typical for protein, and it was inactivated by proteases such as chymotrypsin. The inhibitor stoichiometrically inactivated nuclease O (an intracellular nuclease of Asp. oryzae), forming an enzyme-inhibitor complex. But, it did not affect nuclease S1, RNase T1, RNase T2 or pancreatic RNase. The inhibitor was insensitive to 10?5m p-chloromercuribenzoate or 10?4m Pb2+. Molecular weights estimated by the method of Andrews were 23,000 for the inhibitor, 47,000 for nuclease O, and 82,000 for the enzyme-inhibitor complex. The nuclease activity was recovered from the inactive complex by the action of chymotrypsin.

Nuclease O of Asp. oryzae was purified and crystallized from 113.5 kg of wet mycelia and 2 kl of culture filtrate, by salting out with ammonium sulfate and by chromatographies on CM-Sephadex C-50 and Sephadex G-100. The purified nuclease showed a single peak with apparent sedimentation constant 2.9S in an ultracentrifuge. The molecular weight measured by short column method was 64,000. The nuclease was completely inhibited by the specific nuclease inhibitor obtained from Asp. oryzae. The nuclease was activated by 0.1 mm Mg2+ and Mn2+, and completely inhibited by 1 mm EDTA. Optimum pH for activity was 7.6 for RNA and 7.4 for DNA. The nuclease degraded polyadenylic acid, polyuridylic acid and polycytidylic acid without forming detectable amount of mononucleotides. And, the main product from RNA was oligonucleotides. The enzyme showed no nonspecific phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

The conditions of autolysis of washed mycelia of Aspergillus oryzae were systematically examined as for temperature, pH, aeration, energy supply, and chemicals which stimulate autolysis. Below 45°C, the higher the temperature the faster was the rate of autolysis. Optimum pH of autolysis with special reference to the excretion of nucleic acid components and amino acids was 5. With the optimum conditions of autolysis settled by us, 90 to 100% of nucleic acids, 75% of protein, and 20% of sugars in the mycelia were excreted into the medium within three days.

In the presence of lipophilic compounds such as toluene and sodium salts of fatty acids, autolysis occurred much faster than in distilled water. Autolysis was inhibited by the addition of glucose and aeration.

Mycelia of Aspergillus oryzae were autolyzed in distilled water, in toluene-saturated water, or in acetate buffer, pH 5.4, at 30°C. The cytoplasmic materials disappeared from cells during autolysis, but the cell wall retained its shape even after autolysis. The disappearance of the cytoplasmic materials started from the inner part under an aerobic condition and from the outer part under an anaerobic condition. During the autolysis, 15% of the cellular proteins was excreted as free amino acids (60%) and peptides (15%). Glucose, ribose, glucosamine, and three unidentified sugars were found in autolyzate. After eighteen hours of autolysis stimulated by toluene, 81% of the cellular nucleic acids was excreted as uridine (28%), xanthine (24%), hypoxanthine (17%), and two other nucleosides or bases.  相似文献   

Mode of action of crystalline nuclease O obtained from autolyzed Aspergillus oryzae on RNA and synthetic homopolymers was examined. Crystalline nuclease O had no strict base specificity, although the velocity of hydrolysis was poly A > poly U > RNA > poly C. This enzyme did not degrade poly G. Digestion of high molecular weight RNA with an excess of this enzyme produced mono-, di- and trinucleotides with 5′-terminal phosphate. The amount of mono-, di- and trinucleotides was, respectively, 13.6, 70.0 and 16.4% of total degradation products. All the four bases were detected in mononucleotide fraction and 3′-terminals and 5′-terminals of oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

In was found that an intracellular ribonuclease was present as an inactive form in the fresh mycelium of Asp. oryzae. It was about 3 times activated either by 3 m urea or by the autolysis of mycelium at 30°C for 20 hr. The optimum pH of the ribonuclease activity was 8.3. It was heat sensitive (60°C, 10 min), and completely inhibited by 5 mm EDTA. It was activated by 1 mm Mg2+ and inhibited by Zn2+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Co2+ and Cu2+.  相似文献   

Crystalline nuclease O obtained from autolyzed Aspergillus oryzae hydrolyzed heat-denatured calf thymus DNA 19 times faster than native DNA. Digestion of the heat-denatured DNA with an exess of the enzyme produced mono-, di- and tri-nucleotides with 5′-terminal phosphate, which amounted 3.4, 58.3 and 38.2%, respectively, of total degradation products. Hydrolysis of the native DNA with a sufficient amount of nuclease O produced mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-nucleotides with 5′-terminal phosphate, which amounted 1.9, 47.9, 36.7 and 13.6%, respectively, of total degradation products. Although nuclease O showed no strict base specificity on the native and heat-denatured DNA, di-and tri-nucleotides in the digests were resistant to further hydrolysis by nuclease O. Native γDNA was hydrolyzed by nuclease O through the mechanism of single strand break, which was shown by neutral and alkaline sucrose density gradient centrifugations.  相似文献   

Screening experiments for dipeptidase and aminopolypeptidase from 40 strains of molds were conducted using Leu-Gly, Gly-Leu, Ala-Gly and Gly-Gly-Leu as substrates.

The strains of Aspergillus oryzae RO-0129 A-2, IAM-2600 and IAM-2616 showed strong activities of both dipeptidase and aminopolypeptidase.

Further, optimal conditions for making culture as well as those for the extractions of the peptidases from the mycerial mats were investigated.  相似文献   

The homogeneity of Aspergillus dipeptidase prepared according to the standard method established by us was ascertained by ultracentrifugation and some characteristic properties of the enzyme was further investigated.

Hydrolysis of various dipeptides by the purified dipetidase was tested in the presence of divalent metal ions such as Co++ or Zn++, and the characteristics of greatest interest may be enumerated as follows:
  1. The homogeneous dipeptidase requires Zn++ for activation in the case of the hydrolysis of leucylglycine, leucylalanine leucylleucine, etc.

  2. The homogeneous dipeptidase requires Co++ for activation in the case of the hydrolysis of glycylleucine, glycylleucine, glycylglycine, glycylphenylalanine, etc.

  3. In the case of the hydrolysis of alanylglycine, alanylleucine, valylglycine, etc., this enzyme does not require any metal ions.


In order to elucidate the protease constitution of Aspergillus oryzae, systematic separation of proteases was elaborated by sequential chromatography on Amberlite CG–50, DEAE-Sephadex A–50 and CM-cellulose. As the results, three kinds of proteases, that is, acid-, neutral- and alkaline proteases were isolated and purified in crystalline form except neutral one. Purified neutral protease could not be crystallized, but was confirmed to be homogeneous by ultracentrifugal analysis. Besides these proteases, a new protease which was unknown up to the present in the constitution of Asp. oryzae proteases, was first isolated and designated as “semi-alkaline protease” according to its optimal pH.  相似文献   

α-Amylase was purified from a culture of Aspergillus oryzae on steamed rice by means of ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, and the purified enzyme was crystallized with ammonium sulfate. The preparation was found to be homogeneous by means of sedimentation and disc electrophoretic analyses. The enzyme was revealed to have strong α-amylase activity by the dinitrosalicylate method and the iodine color method. Large single crystals of the enzyme were prepared by making the concentrated enzyme solution to 0.41 saturation of ammonium sulfate at pH 5.0. A brief communication on the preliminary X-ray crystallography was also presented.  相似文献   

The examination of substances formed during induced autolysis by Aspergillus niger was continued in this work, which dealt in particular with carbohydrates. The autolysate contained a large amount of d-glucose (14 to 20% dry wt) and traces of glycolic aldehyde, dihydroxyacetone, ribose, xylose, and fructose. It also contained glycopeptides (about 10% dry wt), which were split from the cell wall during autolysis and which differed from one another in their level of polymerization and their composition. They were constituted by glucose and mannose, glucose and galactose, or mannose, glucose, and galactose (mannose being the most abundant in this case), and amino acids (chiefly alanine, serine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid). During autolysis, only a part of the cell wall was dissolved, since it retained its shape. Upon further chemical hydrolysis, it produced mostly glucose and glucosamine, and smaller amounts of mannose, galactose, and amino acids. Presumably, glucomannoproteins and glucogalactoproteins were present in the intact cell as a macromolecular complex, constituting, together with chitin, the major part of the cell wall of Aspergillus.  相似文献   

1. Crude extracts of Aspergillus oryzae grown under conditions of sulphur limitation possess high arylsulphatase activity. 2. This activity can be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of tyramine or a number of other phenols in the assay medium. 3. The arylsulphatase activity of these extracts can be resolved into three distinct fractions by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. 4. The effect of tyramine is restricted to one of these fractions only. 5. Evidence is presented which indicates that this effect is the consequence of a phenol sulphotransferase activity, which shows no requirement for 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate as a cofactor, and which will not transfer sulphate from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-sulphatophosphate to potential phenolic acceptors. 6. The three enzymes differ also in their molecular weights and substrate specificities.  相似文献   

Aspergillus oryzae produced a small amount of lipase (0.05–0.8 U/wet-g of solid medium) in solid cultures, in contrast to the larger amount (0.46 U/ml) in a shake-flask culture in a modified GYP medium containing 2% glucose, 1% yeast extract and 2% Polypepton. Optimum conditions of lipase production in the submerged culture of A. oryzae were determined in terms of pH, composition of medium, and temperature. In a shake-flask culture at 28°C, the maximum amount of lipase increased to 0.78 U/ml upon the addition of 3% soybean oil to the modified GYP medium. In a jar fermentor culture, 30 U/ml lipase activity was obtained after 72 h at 28°C under appropriate conditions. Lipase production was greatly influenced by the culture temperature, and the optimum temperature for lipase production was about 24°C with a narrow temperature range, which was 10 degrees lower than that for the growth. In the submerged cultures, two kinds of lipase at least exhibiting different substrate specificities were also suggested.  相似文献   

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