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Streptococcus cremoris was cultivated for 7 days at 30°C in sterilized skim milk or in the sterilized 10% solution of dry skim milk. This skim milk culture was divided into precipitate and supernatant by centrifugation. The absorbancy at 280 mμ of the supernatant prepared from the skim milk culture of S. cremoris was higher than that of the control supernatant.

Casein prepared from the skim milk culture of S. cremoris was less hydrolyzed by rennet than control casein at pH 7.0.

According to the free boundary electrophoretic analysis of the treated casein in m/10 veronal buffer of pH 8.5 containing urea, α-casein seemed to be hydrolyzed by S. cremoris but β-casein did with more difficulty.  相似文献   

Intracellular protease (IPLB) of Streptococcus cremoris was extracted from the cells, which were cultivated in liquid media, by momentarily disrupting between two disks by high pressure.

The hydrolyzing modes of αs-, crude k-, β-, and whole casein by IPLB of Str. cremoris or rennet were observed through the released amounts of tyrosine, sialic acid, NPN, and calcium insensitive substance. Relative specific turbidity of casein solution and dissymmetry coefficient of casein were measured. Particle weight and UV absorption spectrum of each high molecular hydrolyzate of whole casein were also determined.

Among four kinds of casein fractions, αs- or crude k-casein was most easily hydrolyzed by IPLB of Str. cremoris or rennet. Relative specific turbidity of crude k-casein solution was remarkably, but those of αs-, β-, and whole casein slightly increased by the action of IPLB of Str. cremoris or of rennet. Changes of dissymmetry coefficients were negligibly induced by these two enzymes. Absorption spectrum of IPLB-Str. cremoris-casein showed some conformational change.

It was recognized that intracellular protease (IPLB) of L. bulgaricus, L. helveticus or Str. lactis, all together, more easily hydrolyzed αs-casein than crude k-, β-, and whole casein. By the actions of three IPLBs, relative specific turbidity of crude k-casein solution remarkably but those of αs-, β-, and whole casein slightly increased, and dissymmetry coefficients of these casein fractions changed negligibly.

Particle weight of whole casein hydrolyzed by each IPLB for five days was larger than that of control casein. UV absorption of each whole casein hydrolyzed by a IPLB increased at the wave length range of 280~250 mμ.  相似文献   

In sterilized skim milk or sterilized 10% solution of dry skim milk at 120°C for 15 min, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helveticus and Streptococcus lactis were cultivated for 7 days at given temperature.

Both NCN (non casein type nitrogen) content and pH in each culture of lactic acid bacteria were rapidly decreased until 2 days after cultivation, But NCN content increased and the pH change got small after 3 days cultivation.

Caseins prepared from the cultures of these three kinds of lactic acid bacteria were examined electrophoretically. From the results of electrophoresis of these caseins, we have concluded that α-casein could be hydrolyzed by these lactic acid bacteria. And, it seemed that β-casein could not be hydrolyzed by these lactic acid bacteria.

Rennet easily hydrolyzed casein treated with L. bulgaricus and L. helveticus but hardly hydrolyzed that treated with S. lactis compared with control-casein. Caseins treated with L. bulgaricus and L. helveticus were hydrolyzed easier than control-casein.

Particle weights of caseins prepared from fermented milk by lactic acid bacteria, Streptococcus cremoris, Streptococcus lactis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus, and of hydrolyzed casein by rennet, trypsin or pepsin were measured according to the light scattering experiment.

Particle weights of various treated caseins were larger than that of raw native casein at both pH 7.0 and 12.0. And the heating caused the polymerization of casein to large particle.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts were prepared by Hughes’ type disintegrator from cells of Lactobacillus casei, L. plantarum, L. helveticus and Streptococcus diacetilactis. Lipolytic activities of these extracts were measured by titration of total acids liberated from tributyrin and butterfal emulsions at given temperature. More acids were liberated from tributyrin than from butterfat, olive oil and composite butter. Lipolytic activities of all extracts for tributyrin were approximately the same at reaction temperature of 30°C, 37°C and 45°C, and were higher at pH 6 to 8. Free fatty acids of C10, C12, C14, C16 and C18 liberated by extracts of L. casei and L. plantarum, were tentatively identified on gas-liquid chromatograms.  相似文献   

The microbial composition of artisan and industrial animal rennet pastes was studied by using both culture-dependent and -independent approaches. Pyrosequencing targeting the 16S rRNA gene allowed to identify 361 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) to the genus/species level. Among lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Streptococcus thermophilus and some lactobacilli, mainly Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus reuteri, were the most abundant species, with differences among the samples. Twelve groups of microorganisms were targeted by viable plate counts revealing a dominance of mesophilic cocci. All rennets were able to acidify ultrahigh-temperature-processed (UHT) milk as shown by pH and total titratable acidity (TTA). Presumptive LAB isolated at the highest dilutions of acidified milks were phenotypically characterized, grouped, differentiated at the strain level by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR analysis, and subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Only 18 strains were clearly identified at the species level, as Enterococcus casseliflavus, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus lactis, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, and Streptococcus thermophilus, while the other strains, all belonging to the genus Enterococcus, could not be allotted into any previously described species. The phylogenetic analysis showed that these strains might represent different unknown species. All strains were evaluated for their dairy technological performances. All isolates produced diacetyl, and 10 of them produced a rapid pH drop in milk, but only 3 isolates were also autolytic. This work showed that animal rennet pastes can be sources of LAB, mainly enterococci, that might contribute to the microbial diversity associated with dairy productions.  相似文献   

Production of d-xylose and l-arabinose isomerases by lactic acid bacteria was greatly promoted by the addition of manganese ions in cultural medium. Effective concentration of the ions was 5 × 1O-3 m. Ferrous ions were also effective for the production of d-xylose isomerase and cobaltous ions were somewhat effective for the production of l-arabinose isomerase. Zinc and cadmium ions inhibited bacterial growth. It was possible to increase the production of isomerase by changing MnSO4 concentration to 5× 10-3 m (0.l1 %) in place of 0.001 per cent in the normal medium.

Column chromatographic procedures for the purification of pentose isomerases were carried out. Cation and anion exchange resins were not suitable because of their low exchange capacities and instability of the enzyme at acidic pH range. But the isomerases were successfully purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography with high recovery (85~90%). Using a Tris buffer, KCl concentration was increased in gradient. d-Xylose isomerase was eluted at pH 7.0 at 0~0.2 m KCl, and l-arabinose isomerase at pH 8.0 at 0~0.4 m KCl. The purified isomerases, d-xylose isomerase and l-arabinose isomerase, both required manganese ions specifically for their activities.

D-Xylose isomerase and l-arabinose isomerase are different enzymes which can be separated from each other with acetone fractionation at pH 4.8~5.0, heat treatment or chromatography on a colnmn of DEAE-cellulose. In DEAE-cellulose chromatography with a linear gradient elution method, d-xylose isomerase is recovered in the first peak at pH 7.0 (Tris bnffer) with 0~0.2 m KCl, and l-arabinose isomerase is eluted in the second peak at pH 8.0 (Tris buffer) with a larger ionic strength.  相似文献   

d-Xylose isomerase requires manganese ions for its action, but l-arabinose isomerase has a less specific on metal requirement. l-Arabinose isomerase is activated by addition of Mn++ or Co++, less effectively by addition of Zn++, Ca++, Mg++, Sr++ or Cd++. Moreover, manganese and potassium ions for d-xylose isomerase, and manganese and cobaltous ions for l-arabinose isomerase were also shown to have protective effect on respective enzymes against thermal inactivation.  相似文献   

Common Mechanistic Action of Bacteriocins from Lactic Acid Bacteria   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The influence of four bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria on the proton motive force (PMF) of sensitive organisms was investigated. Pediocin PA-1 (20 μg/ml) and leuconocin S (48.5 μg/ml) mediated total or major PMF dissipation of energized Listeria monocytogenes Scott A cells in a concentration-dependent manner, as has been shown for nisin. Lactacin F (13.5 μg/ml) caused 87% PMF depletion of energized Lactobacillus delbrueckii ATCC 4797 cells, also in a concentration-dependent fashion. The energy requirements for the activity of these four bacteriocins were determined by using the ionophores nigericin and valinomycin to carry out partial and specific deenergization of the target organisms. Pediocin PA-1, leuconocin S, and lactacin F acted in an energy-independent manner, whereas the activity of nisin was confirmed to be energy dependent. These results together with published reports on other bacteriocins suggest that the bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria share a common mechanism, the depletion of PMF.  相似文献   

The formation of ketopentoses from aldopentoses was demonstrated by six strains of hetero-fermentative lactic acid bacteria (heterofermenters). The dried bacterial cells harvested on malt extract and their cell-free extracts were found to reveal isomerization of d-xylose or l-arabinose to corresponding ketopentoses in the presence of borate, while any formation of ketopentose was never observed with the enzyme preparations of homofermenters except L. xylosus and Pc. lindneri. The ketopentoses were isolated by a Dowex-l borate column, and identified by paper-chromatography. Results obtained were as follows: xylulose was formed from xylose by six strains of heterofermenters (L. fermentum, Leuc. mesenteroides, L. brevis, L. buchneri, L. gayonii and L. fermenti) and by L. xylosus. Ribulose was obtained from arabinose by L. brevis, L. pento-aceticus, L. gayonii, L. buchneri and Pc. linderi.  相似文献   

A marine bacterium, strain 7-246-6, isolated from sea water was found to elaborate aerobically an extracellular enzyme specific for native collagen and gelatin. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas marinoglutinosa from the morphological and physiological characteristics, though the strain 7-246-6 slightly differs from the latter in the following points; the shape of the colony on the plate culture, the optimum growth temperature, the presence of granule by granular staining, the utilization of carbohydrates and the number of flagellum.  相似文献   

Four class IIa bacteriocins (pediocin PA-1, enterocin A, sakacin P, and curvacin A) were purified to homogeneity and tested for activity toward a variety of indicator strains. Pediocin PA-1 and enterocin A inhibited more strains and had generally lower MICs than sakacin P and curvacin A. The antagonistic activity of pediocin-PA1 and enterocin A was much more sensitive to reduction of disulfide bonds than the antagonistic activity of sakacin P and curvacin A, suggesting that an extra disulfide bond that is present in the former two may contribute to their high levels of activity. The food pathogen Listeria monocytogenes was among the most sensitive indicator strains for all four bacteriocins. Enterocin A was most effective in inhibiting Listeria, having MICs in the range of 0.1 to 1 ng/ml. Sakacin P had the interesting property of being very active toward Listeria but not having concomitant high levels of activity toward lactic acid bacteria. Strains producing class IIa bacteriocins displayed various degrees of resistance toward noncognate class IIa bacteriocins; for the sakacin P producer, it was shown that this resistance is correlated with the expression of immunity genes. It is hypothesized that variation in the presence and/or expression of such immunity genes accounts in part for the remarkably large variation in bacteriocin sensitivity displayed by lactic acid bacteria.Many lactic acid bacteria (LAB), including members of the genera Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Carnobacterium, Enterococcus, and Pediococcus, are known to secrete small, ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides called bacteriocins (26, 29, 34). Some of these peptides undergo posttranslational modifications (class I bacteriocins), whereas others are not modified (class II bacteriocins) (29, 34). Class II bacteriocins contain between 30 and 60 residues and are usually positively charged at a neutral pH. Studies of a large number of class II bacteriocins have led to subgrouping of these compounds (29, 34). One of the subgroups, class IIa, contains bacteriocins that are characterized by the presence of YGNG and CXXXXCXV sequence motifs in their N-terminal halves as well as by their strong inhibitory effect on Listeria (e.g., 3, 4, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 38, 45) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Because of their effectiveness against the food pathogen Listeria, class IIa bacteriocins have potential as antimicrobial agents in food and feed. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Sequence alignment of class IIa bacteriocins. Residue numbering is according to the sequence of pediocin PA-1. Cysteine residues are printed in boldface; the two known class IIa bacteriocins with four cysteine residues are in the upper group. No attempt was made to optimize the alignment in the C-terminal halves of the peptides. Piscicolin 126 is identical to piscicocin V1a (4). Carnobacteriocin BM1 most probably is identical to piscicocin V1b (4). Sakacin P most probably is identical to bavaricin A (30). Curvacin A is identical to sakacin A (2). The consensus sequence includes residues conserved in at least 8 of the 12 sequences shown; 100% conserved residues are underlined.Class IIa bacteriocins act by permeabilizing the membrane of their target cells (1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 26, 28). The most recent studies on the mode of action of these bacteriocins indicate that antimicrobial activity does not require a specific receptor and is enhanced by (but not fully dependent on) a membrane potential (9, 28). Little is known about bacteriocin structure, and unravelling the relationships between structure and function is one of the great challenges in current bacteriocin research. A logical starting point for structure-function studies is a thorough study of the differences in activity and target cell specificity between naturally occurring homologous bacteriocins. A few such studies have been described, but these suffer from either a very limited number of tested indicator strains or the use of culture supernatants instead of purified bacteriocins (3, 4, 17, 45). The use of purified bacteriocins for comparative analyses is absolutely essential, since it is becoming increasingly evident that bacteriocin producers produce more than one bacteriocin (4, 8, 38, 48; this study).In the present study, the activities of four pure class IIa bacteriocins (pediocin PA-1, enterocin A, curvacin A, and sakacin P) (Fig. (Fig.1)1) were tested against a large number of LAB as well as several strains of the food pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. The bacteriocins were purified from their respective producer strains by use of an optimized purification protocol yielding highly pure samples. The contribution of disulfide formation was assessed and found to be important for activity. The effects of the purified bacteriocins on (noncognate) class IIa bacteriocin-producing strains are described, and the implications of our findings for immunity and resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Overproduction and accumulation of melanin cause a number of skin diseases. The inhibitors of tyrosinase are important for the treatment of skin diseases associated with hyper-pigmentation after UV exposure and application in cosmetics for whitening and depigmentation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including hydrogen peroxide are generated by chemical substances and metabolic intermediates and cause various diseases including cancer and heart diseases. We have isolated four different lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains from dairy cow feces and investigated the tyrosinase inhibition and anti-oxidative effects of culture filtrates prepared from the isolated bacteria, which are designated as EA3, EB2, PC2, and PD3. To investigate optimal culture conditions isolated LAB strains, the measurements of tyrosinase inhibitory and anti-oxidative activities were performed. The results of tyrosinase inhibitory activities revealed that Enterococcus sp. EA3 showed about 65% at culture conditions (14 h, 30 °C, pH 8, and 0% NaCl), Enterococcus sp. EB2 about 65% at culture conditions (12 h, 30 °C, pH 9, and 0% NaCl), Pediococcus sp. PC2 about 80% at culture conditions (20 h, 30 °C, pH 6, and 0% NaCl), and Pediococcus sp. PD3 about 80% at culture conditions (20 h, 30 °C, pH 8, and 0% NaCl), respectively. In addition, anti-oxidative activities against four different LAB strains showed approximately more than 30% at optimal conditions for the measurements of tyrosinase inhibitory activities. From the results, we have suggested that the isolated four LAB strains could be useful for a potential agent for developing anti-oxidants and tyrosinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Microbial contamination in food processing plants can play a fundamental role in food quality and safety. In this study, the microbiota in a dairy plant was studied by both 16S rRNA- and 26S rRNA-based culture-independent high-throughput amplicon sequencing. Environmental samples from surfaces and tools were studied along with the different types of cheese produced in the same plant. The microbiota of environmental swabs was very complex, including more than 200 operational taxonomic units with extremely variable relative abundances (0.01 to 99%) depending on the species and sample. A core microbiota shared by 70% of the samples indicated a coexistence of lactic acid bacteria with a remarkable level of Streptococcus thermophilus and possible spoilage-associated bacteria, including Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Psychrobacter, with a relative abundance above 50%. The most abundant yeasts were Kluyveromyces marxianus, Yamadazyma triangularis, Trichosporon faecale, and Debaryomyces hansenii. Beta-diversity analyses showed a clear separation of environmental and cheese samples based on both yeast and bacterial community structure. In addition, predicted metagenomes also indicated differential distribution of metabolic pathways between the two categories of samples. Cooccurrence and coexclusion pattern analyses indicated that the occurrence of potential spoilers was excluded by lactic acid bacteria. In addition, their persistence in the environment can be helpful to counter the development of potential spoilers that may contaminate the cheeses, with possible negative effects on their microbiological quality.  相似文献   

The action of intracellular proteases of lactic acid bacteria (IPLB) at pH 7 on various paracaseins was studied. Paracaseins prepared by releasing of 3~7% non casein type nitrogen (NCN) were hydrolyzed by IPLB with more difficulty than native or other paracaseins prepared by releasing of less or above 3~7% NCN. This phenomenon was not found in a case of a neutral protease of Bacillus subtilis. Hydrolyzed casein by rennin or IPLB of S. cremoris were studied by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, starch-gel or agar-gel electrophoresis. It was estimated that not only some part of α-casein but also β-casein were hydrolyzed by IPLB of S. cremoris.  相似文献   

Method for the Isolation of Proteolytic Marine Bacteria   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A two-layer plate consisting of a lower indicator layer of milk-agar and an upper nutrient agar layer was developed for isolating proteolytic marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Antagonism of Lactic Acid Bacteria against Phytopathogenic Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A variety of lactic acid bacteria, isolated from plant surfaces and plant-associated products, were found to be antagonistic to test strains of the phytopathogens Xanthomonas campestris, Erwinia carotovora, and Pseudomonas syringae. Effective “in vitro” inhibition was found both on agar plates and in broth cultures. In pot trials, treatment of bean plants with a Lactobacillus plantarum strain before inoculation with P. syringae caused a significant reduction of the disease incidence.  相似文献   

The steam volatile neutral fraction of tobacco smoke condensates was separated into n-hexane, nitromethane and 1:4 water-methanol soluble fractions by solvent partition.

2.methyl-4-hydroxy-2-hexenoic acid lactone, dihydroactinidiolide and phthalide were isolated from the 1:4 water-methanol soluble fraction, the highly polar portion of the steam volatile neutral fraction was designated as the M fraction.

By continuing analysis of the M fraction from a previous paper, benzyl alcohol, phenyl-ethyl alcohol, pyrrole-2-aldehyde, α-pyrrylmethylketone, α-pyrrylethylketone, α-carbomethoxypyrrole, pyrrole-2-carbonitrile, methyl-pyrrole-2-carbonitrile, 3-methyl-, 3-ethyl-, 3-n-propyl-, 2,3-dimethyl-, 2-ethyl-3-methyl-2-cyclopentene-1-one and norsolanadione were identified.

Identification of the compounds was based on the spectroscopic method (IR, MS, UV and GC-MS) and gas chromatographic analysis.  相似文献   

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