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植物根系如何响应环境因子变化是植物发育和营养吸收研究的重要科学问题。丙酮酸激酶OsPK1在根部的表达主要在根尖成熟区和根毛区,其表达水平变化有可能影响水稻对外源糖分的吸收。采用日本晴和水稻突变体ospk1,通过改变1/2 MS培养基中蔗糖含量,探索水稻幼苗对外源糖分的吸收和响应。通过GC-MS的方法检测了水稻幼苗叶片、叶鞘和根中蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和半乳糖的含量。发现根与培养基中糖分接触能明显提高幼苗中的糖含量。并且这些幼苗的根系长度大于那些不加蔗糖的培养基培养的幼苗,表明外源糖分被吸收后能促进根的伸长。OsPK1表达下调影响了糖代谢和外源糖分的吸收。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,幼苗根与糖分的直接接触明显上调根中OsPIP2;4,OsPIP2;5和OsTIP2;1三个水孔蛋白基因的表达。  相似文献   

An in vitro screening procedure was adapted to study the sensitivity of callus to the toxin picolinic acid of Pyricularia grisea in four rice cultivars. The lethal dose LD50 was determined on the basis of probit-log dosage response curve. The values of LD50 were 10, 51, 129 and 151 ppm for Tetep, Newbonnet, Labelle and M 201, respectively. The callus culture of cultivar Tetep, with a known broad spectrum of resistance, exhibited a high toxin sensitivity whereas the highly susceptible cultivar M 201 showed low sensitivity indicating the absence of relation between host plant specific resistance to blast and resistance of the callus to toxin. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In excised stem segments of floating rice (Oryza sativa L.), as well as in intact plants, submergence greatly stimulates the elongation of internodes. The differences in the composition of cell wall polysaccharides along the highest internodes of submerged and air-grown stem segments were examined. The newly elongated parts of internodes that had been submerged for two days contained considerably less cellulosic and noncellulosic polysaccharides than air-grown internodes, an indication that the cell walls of the newly elongated parts of submerged internodes are extremely thin. In the young parts of both air-grown and submerged internodes, the relative amounts of noncellulosic polysaccharides were equal to those of -cellulose, whereas the relative amounts of -cellulose were higher than those of noncellulosic polysaccharides in the upper, old parts. In the cell-elongation zones of both air-grown and submerged internodes, glucose was predominant among the noncellulosic neutral sugars of cell wall. The relative amount of glucose in noncellulosic neutral sugars decreased toward the upper, old parts of internodes, whereas that of xylose increased.  相似文献   

2,6-Diisopropylphenoxyacetic acid (DIPA), a promoter of growth and flowering of Sagittaria species, was found to improve the shoot growth of rice plants treated with uniconazole, an inhibitor of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. In a modified micro-drop bioassay using semi-dwarf rice, Oryza sativa L. cv. Tan-ginbozu, in which uniconazole had been incorporated into the agar medium, a significant recovery from growth inhibition was observed for both the 3rd and the 4th leaf sheaths but not for the 2nd sheath. In greenhouse experiments, uniconazole-treated rice plants partially recovered from growth inhibition when DIPA was applied after uniconazole treatment, whereas DIPA applied with, or before, uniconazole treatment did not improve growth. The levels of GA1 and GA20 in the rice plants treated with uniconazole plus DIPA were almost equal to those of the untreated controls, indicating that the observed growth recovery is attributable to the restoration of GA biosynthesis by DIPA.  相似文献   

水稻水孔蛋白RWC3的分布及其受GA和蔗糖的调控(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水孔蛋白能介导水分的跨膜运输,在植物的生长发育过程中起重要作用。对RWC3启动子-GUS转基因水稻的组织化学染色表明,水稻(Oryza sativa L.)水孔蛋白RWC3可能在包括营养和生殖器官在内的各部位中广泛表达。同时发现,赤霉素(GA)能提高转基因植物的愈伤组织、悬浮细胞和叶片中的GUS活性,而GA合成的抑制剂ancymidol降低了GUS活性。进一步研究发现,蔗糖能抑制GA对GUS活性的提高,说明GA和蔗糖在对RWC3的表达调控的信号传递过程中可能存在着相互作用。  相似文献   

短期旱作促进水稻种子根的伸长。利用cDNA—AFLP技术分析种子根根尖在旱作条件下差异表达的基因,同时比较这些基因在种子根尖、侧根和不定根原基区的表达差异。在1640个片段中,70个在种子根根尖中受旱作诱导,其中24个被克隆并测序。2个基因分别编码丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶(PDK)和腺嘌吟转磷酸核糖基酶(APRT),并用电子拼接技术获得水稻的APRT全长cDNA;另一个经cDNA末端快速扩增法延长后仍无同源序列。Northern杂交验证了这3个基因的cDNA—AFLP表达谱。这是首次报告使用cDNA—AFLP技术研究水稻根组织的差异表达基因。  相似文献   

Origins and population genetics of weedy red rice in the USA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Londo JP  Schaal BA 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(21):4523-4535
Weedy red rice (Oryza sativa spontonea) is a persistent and problematic weed of rice culture worldwide. A major hypothesis for the mechanism of production of this weed in South and Southeast Asia is hybridization between cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) and wild rice (Oryza rufipogon). However, weedy red rice can often be found outside the range of O. rufipogon leaving questions on the origin and process behind weedy rice infestations. In the USA, weedy red rice was first documented as early as 1846 and has continued to affect rice production areas. In this study, we attempt to identify the origin and population structure of weedy red rice sampled from the USA using both DNA sequence data from a neutral nuclear locus as well as microsatellite genotype data. Results suggest that two major accessions of weedy rice exist, strawhull and blackhull, and these forms may both hybridize with the cultivated rice of the USA, O. sativa japonica. Using population assignment of multilocus genotype signatures with principal component analysis and structure, an Asian origin is supported for US weedy rice. Additionally, hybridization between strawhull and blackhull varieties was inferred and may present the opportunity for the production of new weedy forms in the future.  相似文献   

During rice grain filling, grain moisture content and weight show dynamic changes. We focused on the expression of all 33 rice aquaporins in developing grains. Only two aquaporin genes, OsPIP2;1 and OsTIP3;1, were highly expressed in the period 10–25 days after heading (DAH). High-temperature treatment from 7 to 21 DAH abolished the dynamic up-regulation of OsPIP2;1 in the period 15–20 DAH, whereas OsTIP3;1 expression was not affected. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that OsPIP2;1 was present in the starchy endosperm, nucellar projection, nucellar epidermis, and dorsal vascular bundles, but not in the aleurone layer. OsTIP3;1 was present in the aleurone layer and starchy endosperm. Water transport activity of recombinant OsTIP3;1 was low, in contrast to the high activity of recombinant OsPIP2;1 we reported previously. Our data suggest that OsPIP2;1 and OsTIP3;1 have distinct roles in developing grains.  相似文献   

Characterization and Use of Male Sterility in Hybrid Rice Breeding   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding that was Initiated In China in the 1970s led to a great improvement in rice productivity. In general, It increases the grain yield by over 20% to the inbred rice varieties, and now hybrid rice has been widely introduced into Africa, Southern Asia and America. These hybrid varieties are generated through either three-line hybrid and two-line hybrid systems; the former is derived from cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and the latter derived from genlc male sterility (GMS). There are three major types of CMS (HL, BT and WA) and two types of GMS (photoperlod-sensitlve (PGMS) and temperature-sensitive (TGMS)). The BT- and HL-type CMS genes are characterized as orf79 and orfH79, which are chimeric toxic genes derived from mltochondrial rearrangement. Rf3 for CMS-WA Is located on chromosome 1, while Rf1, Rf4, Rf5 and Rf6 correspond to CMS-BT, CMSoWA and CMS- HL, located on chromosome 10. The Rfl gene for BT-CMS has been cloned recently, and encodes a mltochondriatargeted PPR protein. PGMS Is thought to be controlled by two recessive loci on chromosomes 7 and 12, whereas nine recessive alleles have been identified for TGMS and mapped on different chromosomes. Attention Is still urgently needed to resolve the molecular complexity of male sterility to assist rice breeding.  相似文献   

A new method is described for evaluation of submergence tolerance of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) plants. Responses of a range of cultivars corresponded with known differences in field performance. The method 1) allows fast and effective determination of submergence tolerance, 2) allows screening of many plants in a small glasshouse area, 3) provides for recovery of superior plants for seed collection, 4) allows manipulation of many environmental variables to mimic the natural submergence environment, and 5) uses simple, inexpensive, readily available equipment. Physiological studies performed with this method gave results similar to those obtained from field studies and showed that submergence tolerance increased in older plants; it decreased with increasing depth, increasing temperature and with high or low light levels. The system is ideal for the rapid evaluation of rice germplasm under controlled conditions and physiological studies on the mechanism of rice submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

利用两个测序水稻品种构建微卫星连锁图谱   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用已完成基因组测序的两个水稻品种日本晴和931l的数据库成功开发出水稻微卫星新标记,并利用由90个单株组成的日本晴×9311 F2作图群体,构建了一张包含152个SSR标记位点、覆盖基因组总长度2 455.7 cM的连锁图谱,有46个SSR新标记为自主开发,该图谱标记间的平均遗传距离为16.16 cM;并将未能在Temnykh等人(2001)构建的图谱上定位的微卫星标记RM345和RM494定位在第6染色体上.通过与Temnykh等人(2001)和兰涛等人(2003)所构建的图谱从作图群体的类型和大小、标记的类型和数量、标记在染色体上的线性排列顺序等几个方面进行比较,所绘制的图谱其标记在染色体线性排列上与Temnykh等人绘制的图谱具有很高的一致性,达93.81%.  相似文献   

水孔蛋白在细胞延长、盐胁迫和光合作用中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水孔蛋白属于一个高度保守的、能够进行跨生物膜水分运输的通道蛋白MIP家族。水孔蛋白作为膜水通道,在控制细胞和组织的水含量中扮演重要角色。本研究的重点是属于PIP亚家族的GhPIP1;2和属于TIP亚家族的γTIP1在植物细胞延长中的作用。使用特异基因探针的Northern杂交和实时荧光PCR技术证明GhPIP1;2和GhγTIP1主要在棉花纤维延长过程中显著表达,且最高表达量在开花后5d。在细胞延长过程中,GhPIP1;2和GhγTIP1表达显著,表明它们在促使水流迅速进入液泡这一过程中扮演重要角色。而且也研究了盐胁迫植物中钙离子对水孔蛋白的影响。分别或一起用NaCl或CaCl2处理原生质体或细胞质膜。结果发现在盐胁迫条件下,水渗透率值在原生质体和质膜颗粒中都下降了,同时PIP1水孔蛋白的含量也下降了,表明NaCl对水孔蛋白的功能和含量有抑制作用。同时也观察了Ca2+的两种不同的作用。感知胁迫的胞质中游离钙离子浓度的增加可能导致水孔蛋白的关闭。而过剩的钙离子将导致水孔蛋白的上游调控。同时实验已经证明大麦的一类水孔蛋白-HvPIP2;1有更高的水和CO2转移率。本研究的目标是确定负责转运水和CO2的关键水孔蛋白...  相似文献   

通过对水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 4号染色体一段323 kb 的序列测定和分析,在其中108 kb的区域内发现了一个由14个编码S位点相关的受体样蛋白激酶(SRK)基因组成的基因簇.RT-PCR实验证明了这14个基因中有9个基因表达,并且这9个基因有不同的表达模式: 其中2个基因主要在生殖器官中表达, 而另外7个基因在水稻的营养和生殖器官中均有表达.对这些基因的预测的氨基酸序列进行分析表明他们的细胞外受体部分均和甘蓝的SLG蛋白高度同源,而细胞内的激酶区都包含有丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶中特异的氨基酸.  相似文献   

Exposure to ozone at 1 µl l–1 for 6 h induced ethylene production in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Hitomebore) leaves. The stimulation of ethylene production was detectable 2 h after the start of the exposure to ozone, and lasted for 6 h after the exposure. A 429-bp cDNA fragment encoding ACC oxidase was obtained by RT-PCR from ozone-treated rice leaves. Its nucleotide sequence and deduced amino-acid sequence had 97.2% and 94.4% identity, respectively, to those of OS1A1COX, which was previously obtained from deepwater rice. The abundance of the cDNA increased in accordance with the induction of ethylene production by the exposure to ozone.  相似文献   

Frequency of regeneration of fertile plants from cell suspensions was significantly increased using water stress treatments in two commercially cultivated Indian aromatic rice varieties, Basmati 385 and Pusa Basmati 1. The water stress treatments included the use of 1.0% (w/v) agarose instead of 0.5% (w/v) for medium solidification, inclusion of mannitol (0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 M) in regeneration medium, or 24 h partial desiccation of calli. When the agarose concentration of the regeneration medium was increased from 0.5% to 1.0% (w/v), the frequency of shoot formation in Pusa Basmati 1 from cell suspension-derived calli increased by over eightfold, to 86%. Mannitol, at 0.1 to 0.2 M concentration, stimulated the frequency of shoot regeneration in Pusa Basmati 1 by fivefold but had no effect in Basmati 385. Mannitol at 0.4 M concentration completely inhibited shoot regeneration but promoted embryogenesis. These calli regenerated shoots with greater frequencies when transferred to mannitol-free medium. Partial desiccation of rice calli resulted in an up to threefold increase in the shoot regeneration frequency. Best regeneration frequencies (54–98%) were obtained when 24 hdesiccated calli were grown on regeneration medium with 1.0% (w/v) agarose. A similar stimulatory effect of water stress on plant regeneration was observed in another Indica rice variety, IR43, and a Japonica rice variety, Taipei 309.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA -napthaleneacetic acid On leave from Department of Genetic, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India  相似文献   

Paraquat toxicity is reduced by metal chelators in rice leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possible mediatory role of transition metals in paraquat (PQ) toxicity in rice leaves was investigated. Metal chelators (2,2'-bipyridine, 8-hydroxylquinoline and 1,10-phenanthroline) reduced PQ toxicity in rice leaves. The reduction of PQ toxicity by 1,10-phenanthroline (PA) is closely associated with the decrease in lipid peroxidation and increase in activities of enzymes detoxifying active oxygen species. Our results support the notion that iron or copper plays a major role in PQ toxicity in detached rice leaves. Reduction of PQ toxicity by PA in detached rice leaves is most likely mediated through chelation of iron or copper and an increase in superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase activities.  相似文献   

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