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The results of comparative investigation of diucifon effect on the level of natural killer cell activity in young and old mice are presented. An increase in the natural cytotoxic activity, as indicated by 51Cr-release micro-test, was considerably higher in old than in young mice during 1-3 days after diucifon administration. However, after diucifon stimulation the level of natural killer cell activity in old mice was significantly lower than in intact young mice.  相似文献   

Wounds, 1 cm in length, reaching the cutaneous muscle were inflicted to rats, aged 11 days, 2 and 2 1/2 months, under the right scapula. In 48 hours the animals were subjected to pain irritation with electric current. Mitotic activity was determined in the cells of the basal layer of cutaneous epithelium. Pain stimulation decreased the mitotic index of the cutaneous epithelium cells in animals of all the age groups under study considerably (several times). There was an increase of mitotic index from the early to later periods of postnatal ontogenesis.  相似文献   

The paper studied the effect of Taktivin on antibody forming cells of the spleen of Wistar rats which were injected in doses 0.5 Hg and 1.0 Hg. Infusions of Taktivin were made in 24 h and 72 h after antigen immunization.  相似文献   

The effects of "splenic protein-free extract" and its fractions as well as splenin on the functional activity of the rat mast cells have been studied. It is established that this extract unlike splenin has no histamine-releasing activity, however it is able to inhibit histamine release from mast cels under the influence of specific liberator--substance 48/80. The found effect is associated with biologically active substances contained in fraction III of splenic protein-free extract.  相似文献   

The surface activity of the seven-fold washing of the right lung was measured on the modified Wilhelmy's balance after the leftside pneumonectomy in rats. It appeared to be normal (gamma min-23--24 dynes/cm) up to the 5th day, and at the remote postoperative periods. The intracellular edema of the air-blood barrier components and the release of the edema fluid into the alveolar lumen in the "vesicle" composition failed to influence the surface properties of the lung surfactant. A sharp increase of the alveolar dimensions on the 5th--7th postoperative day was followed by an increase of the surface-active properties of the lung washings (gamma-min-11--15 dynes/cm) and by the intensified secretion of the material of the osmiophilic lamellar bodies from the alveolar cells of the 2nd type into the alveolar lumen. The cytological mechanisms providing the intensified production of the surfactant in the hypertrophic alveoli are activation of the lipid synthesis in the alveolar cells of the 2nd type, their hypertrophy, and also the appearance of binuclear cells.  相似文献   

Dynamics of phospholipid metabolism in rat thymocytes and bone marrow cells was studied 1-6 months after fractionated irradiation. The rate of total and individual lipid synthesis was shown to increase in the exposed cells. The rate of lipid synthesis increased 1 and 2 months after irradiation and was normalized 3 and 6 months after irradiation.  相似文献   

Polyclonal rabbit antibodies to thyroxine, human myoglobin, human growth hormone, human thyrotropin, human alpha-fetoprotein, and human thyroglobulin were fractionated into clonotypic antibodies with different isoelectric points by agarose isoelectric focusing or chromatofocusing. The effect of pH on the binding of these antigens by their respective clonotypic antibodies was assessed by radioimmunoassay. The profiles of the pH effect differed both for different antigens and for different pI's of the antibodies used. The pH optima in the radioimmunoassays for protein antigens were found to be expressed as a function of pI and molecular weight of both antigen and antibody molecules.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on a possibility of compensation of growth retardation in hypothyroid rats by insulin. In 30-day rats, compensation is not complete, although hypothyroidism is less significant as compared to that in animals which received merkazolil together with insulin. Further administration of insulin to rats up to the 90th day, resulted in a significant increase in the growth rate of skeletal muscles, body mass, protein content of skeletal muscles, as well as glycogen content of the liver and skeletal muscles. Thyroid insufficiency may be compensated by insulin alone, i.e. without simultaneous administration of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

Developmental, neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of early morphine addiction in female rat pups were investigated. compared with controls, body weights of morphine-injected animals, regardless of treatment age, were depressed during treatment and remained depressed for periods up to 49 days; growth rates of these animals were decreased during drug treatment but temporarily surpassed those of controls following termination of morphine administration. Delayed eye opening and early vaginal opening occurred in some of the animals administered morphine before Day 14. Behaviorally, animals treated with the narcotic from Days 15–21 showed impaired activity in the open field test; all animals, in any early morphine treatment group, showed normal resting pituitary-adrenal activity at 30 days of age and showed no neuroendocrine signs of protracted dependence. However, rats neonatally narcotic-treated on Days 15–21 showed a decreased corticosterone rise in response to morphine challenge of 30 mg/kg for as late as Day 62. The persistence of the weight and endocrine effects suggest that exposure of the immature female rat to morphine results in prolonged morphine-specific alteration of brain mechanisms concerned with behavioral and neuroendocrine processes and supports the suitability of using a rat model to study long-term effects of neonatal narcotic addiction.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同性别及性腺功能对梭曼引起大鼠低温的影响。方法:用数字体温计测量大鼠的结肠温度,观察梭曼引起正常雄性和雌性大鼠低温反应的性别差异以及切除性腺后对其作用的影响。结果:①雌性大鼠对梭曼引起的低温反应比雄鼠更敏感。②切除雄性大鼠睾丸后能明显提高对梭曼低温反应的敏感性,而切除卵巢的雌性大鼠对梭曼的低温反应与模拟手术组无明显差异。结论:雄性和雌性大鼠对梭曼敏感性的性别差异主要取决于睾丸的功能。  相似文献   

In male Wistar rats, weighing 140-160 g, the block of the liver mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) was carried out by means of "carbonyl iron" (type R-100F, particle size 1-1.5 micron). It was induced 2 hours before or 3 and 18 hours after partial hepatectomy. Iron injection previously or at the early prereplicative regeneration period led to a significant delay of the hepatocyte nucleus labeling and mitotic indices peaks against the background of an overall depression of hepatocyte proliferation. The MPS block during the intensive DNA synthesis by regenerating liver hepatocytes was less effective. The facts testify to the importance of Kupffer's cells in the regulation of the reparative liver regeneration.  相似文献   

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