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Bidwell RG  Levin WB  Shephard DC 《Plant physiology》1969,44(7):946-949,951-954
A chloroplast fraction isolated from Acetabularia mediterrania carries on photosynthesis at rates essentially equal to those of whole cells. Electron and phase contrast microscopy reveals that the chloroplasts are intact and well preserved. Preparations contain no identifiable peroxisomes, but some cytoplasmic and mitochondrial contamination is present. Photosynthesis and CO2 production in light by chloroplast preparations are in many respects similar to that of bean leaves, although the measured rates are somewhat lower. Respiration and photosynthesis of chloroplast preparations and whole cells of Acetabularia is essentially similar except that cells have a strong dark-type respiration which continues in light and is CO2 dependent, the substrate being mainly recent photosynthate. The data suggest that chloroplasts are the site of photorespiration.  相似文献   

Radioautographic and radiochemical techniques were used to establish the presence of replicating DNA in the chloroplasts of Acetabularia mediterranea. These techniques also demonstrated that these chloroplasts synthesize RNA. It was found that label from thymine was also incorporated into DNA and RNA in these chloroplasts.

With the establishment of protein and nucleic acid synthesis in Acetabularia chloroplasts, it is clear that these chloroplasts carry out those metabolic processes which are most characteristic of autonomous cells.


The O(2) concentration in intact and osmotically disrupted isolated spinach (Spinacia oleracea, L.) chloroplasts during photosynthesis was estimated. The chloroplasts were allowed to reduce 3-phosphoglycerate, CO(2), or ferricyanide in light until the rate of O(2) production was linear. When the light was turned off O(2) evolution from the chloroplasts continued for a few seconds. This prolonged O(2) evolution is due to an O(2) surplus inside the chloroplasts which equilibrates with that in the medium. From this surplus the O(2) concentration inside the chloroplasts at the moment when the light had been switched off was calculated. In all experiments the O(2) concentration inside the photosynthesizing chloroplasts was higher than that outside, but was dependent upon the O(2) concentration of the chloroplast medium. At low external O(2) concentration (30 mum) the ratio of the internal to the external O(2) concentration was about 5, whereas at concentrations corresponding to those in airsaturated water this ratio was close to 1. With osmotically broken chloroplasts this ratio was 1.2 at 30 mum O(2) and almost 1 from 150 mum onward. When the O(2) surplus found in broken chloroplasts during photosynthesis was related to the volume of the thylakoids, a ratio of about 2.3 was observed.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were isolated using aqueous and nonaqueous procedures.Aqueous chloroplasts lost approximately 50 per cent, of theirsoluble proteins during isolation. Nonaqueous chloroplasts retainedall their soluble enzymes, but lost their ability to performthe light reactions of photosynthesis. It was possible to reconstitutea chloroplast system of higher activity by adding soluble enzymesfrom nonaqueous chloroplasts to protein-deficient aqueous chloroplasts.The properties of the reconstituted chloroplast system wereas follows: 1. The CO2 fixation rate of the reconstituted chloroplast system( 4 µM./. chlorophyll/hr.) was 3–4 times that ofthe aqueous chloroplasts ( I µM./. chlorophyll/hr.). Thefixation of aqueous chloroplasts isapparently limited in partby lack of soluble enzymes. 2. During light-fixation, the reconstituted chloroplast systemaccumulated PGA. This indicates that the reduction of PGA totriosephosphate is a rate-limiting step in this system. 3. It was possible to increase the CO2 fixation to 12 µM.CO2/mg. chlorophyll/ hr. by addition of ATP and TPNH to thesystem, but the reduction of PGA was still rate-limiting. 4. Further increase in the fixation rate was obtained by concentratingthe reaction mixture. Part of the striking differences of theCO2-fixing capabilities of chloroplasts in vivo and in vitrois caused by dilution effects. Extrapolation of the dilutioneffect to the protein concentration which exists in chloroplastsyields a CO2 fixation rate of approximately 30 µM./mg.chlorophyll/hr. 5. Inhibitors which are located in vivo outside the chloroplastsaffect the CO2 fixation in vitro. 6. Under consideration of the examined factors which influencethe CO2 fixation of isolated chloroplasts, it is possible toraise the fixation from approximately 1 per cent, to at least15 per cent, of the fixation in vivo.  相似文献   

In isolated barley chloroplasts, the presence of 2 millimolar ZnSO4 inhibits the electron transport activity of photosystem II, as measured by photoreduction of dichlorophenolindophenol, O2 evolution, and chlorophyll a fluorescence. The inhibition of photosystem II activity can be restored by the addition of the electron donor hydroxylamine or diphenylcarbazide, but not by benzidine and MnCl2. These observations suggest that Zn inhibits electron flow at the oxidizing side of photosystem II at a site prior to the electron donating site(s) of hydroxylamine and diphenylcarbazide. No inhibition of photosystem I-dependent electron transport by 3 millimolar ZnSO4 is observed. However, with concentrations of ZnSO4 above 5 millimolar, photosystem I activity is partially inactivated. Washing Zn2+-treated chloroplasts partially restores the O2-evolving activity.  相似文献   

Kirk PR  Leech RM 《Plant physiology》1972,50(2):228-234
The pool sizes of the common amino acids in purified intact chloroplasts from Vicia faba L. were measured (nanomoles per milligram chlorophyll). The three amino acids present in the highest concentrations were glutamate, aspartate, and threonine. Alanine, serine, and glycine were each present at levels between 15 and 20 nanomoles per milligram chlorophyll and 13 other amino acids were detectable at levels below 10.  相似文献   

低渗膨胀对菠菜完整叶绿体光合作用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菠菜离体完整叶绿体需要合适的介质渗透压(约0.9MPa)以保持其较高的光合作用速率。当渗透压因降低介质中山梨醇浓度(从0.33mol/L至0.17mol/L)而降低时,叶绿体的完整率保持不变。低于临界渗透压(约0.5MPa),叶绿体被膜就发生破裂.并丧失CO2同化能力。在轻度低渗条件下,虽然叶绿体被膜未破,但依赖CO2的放氧速率已受抑制。渗透压在0.9MPa与0.5MPa之间,叶绿体依赖PGA的放氧抑制,可由加入山梨醇至正常浓度(0.33mol/L)而解除。膨涨叶绿体的ATP合成水平与正常叶绿体相同,而NADPH形成速率则明显降低。利用能透过被膜的不同电子受体NC2、PGA和OAA发现,在膨胀叶绿体中,NO2的还原不受形响,而PGA及OAA的还原明显被抑制。我们推测,低渗膨胀叶绿体中光合作用的抑制,至少有一个原因是Fd-NADP氧化还原酶作用的受阻。  相似文献   

Intact chloroplasts were isolated from protoplasts of the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Sedum praealtum D.C. Typical rates of CO2 fixation or CO2-dependent O2 evolution ranged from 20 to 30 micromoles per milligram chlorophyll per hour and could be stimulated 30 to 50% by several Calvin cycle intermediates. The pH optimum for CO2 fixation was 7.0 to 7.6 with considerable activity as low as pH 6.4. Low concentrations of orthophosphate (Pi) (optimum 0.4 millimolar) stimulated photosynthesis while high concentrations (5 millimolar) caused some inhibition. Both CO2 fixation and CO2-dependent O2 evolution exhibited a relatively long lag phase (4 to 6 minutes) which remained constant between 0.4 to 5 millimolar Pi. The lag phase could be decreased by addition of dihydroxyacetone-phosphate or ribose 5-phosphate. Further results are presented which suggest these chloroplasts have a functional phosphate translocator.  相似文献   

Changes in levels of metabolites in isolated spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasts seen upon addition of antimycin A suggest that the activities of enzymes mediating several regulated reactions are affected. Apparently, the presence of added antimycin A does not increase the level of CO2 in the chloroplasts, nor does it stimulate CO2 fixation by increasing the level of the carboxylation substrate, ribulose-1,5-diphosphate. Rather, it appears that antimycin A increases CO2 fixation rate by indirectly stimulating the enzyme, ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase (E.C., which mediates the carboxylation of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate to give 3-phosphoglycerate. Another rate-limiting enzyme of the reductive pentose phosphate cycle, hexose diphosphatase (E.C., seems also to be stimulated. The synthesis of polysaccharides (mostly starch) seems also to be stimulated. These results are interpreted as indicating that antimycin A addition enhances the general activation of those enzymes which already are activated during photosynthesis but are inactive in the dark. The ratio of adenosine triphosphate-adenosine diphosphate under conditions of photosynthesis was only moderately decreased in the presence of antimycin A, perhaps accounting in part for an observed increase in accumulation of 3-phosphoglycerate as compared with dihydroxyacetone phosphate. No significant effect on movement of metabolites from the chloroplast to the medium was seen.  相似文献   

选取自然条件下生长的雌雄银杏植株为实验材料,测定了银杏叶片在衰老过程中部分光合生理指标及叶绿体超微结构的变化。检测结果表明:银杏叶片在衰老过程中净光合速率、叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势,SOD、CAT、APX活性均先上升后下降,MDA含量则一直呈现上升趋势。叶片衰老过程中叶绿体类囊体膜片层逐渐松散,直至膜结构逐渐解体,叶绿体内油脂颗粒增大增多,最终解体。雌雄银杏植株在各项生理指标上差异不显著。  相似文献   

The relationship between the rate of orthophosphate (Pi) transport into the stroma and the rate of CO2 fixation by intact chloroplasts was investigated. High Pi concentrations in the medium lead to a depletion of stromal metabolites, due to excessive Pi transport into the stroma, resulting in the inhibition of CO2 fixation. This inhibitory effect of Pi is released by inhibitors of Pi transport, such as pyrophosphate, citrate or pyridoxal-5-phosphate. The latter compound appeared to be specially valuable in inhibiting Pi transport without affecting stromal reactions.  相似文献   

观测了OAA和MA对菠菜叶片和完整叶绿体光合作用的影响.结果显示,当叶片切块在20μmol/L的OAA存在时,其叶片的光合放氧速率增加了89%,经OAA处理的离体完整叶绿体的光合放氧速率增加了72%;当反应体系中存在有较高浓度的NaHCO3时,OAA的作用不明显.叶片经20 μmol/L的MA处理后,叶片光合放氧速率比对照高127%.用CO2分析仪观测了处理后叶片的净光合速率(Pn),结果显示,OAA和MA处理后的叶片Pn值分别是对照的117%和111%.对在C3植物中建立C4微循环系统来提高光合作用效率的可能性进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Light-induced structural changes of chloroplasts and their lamellae were studied in leaves of Pisum sativum L., cv. Blue Bantam, using electron microscopy. Upon illumination of 14-day-old plants with 2000 lux, the chloroplasts decreased in thickness by about 23% with an accompanying increase in electron scattering by the stroma. Concomitantly, the average thickness of granal lamellae (thylakoids) decreased from 195 ± 4 angstroms in the dark to 152 ± 4 angstroms in the light, and this change was half-saturated at only 50 lux. Lamellar flattening at 50 lux and its reversal in the dark both had half-times of a minute or less. The thickness of a partition (a pair of apposed lamellar membranes) was 140 ± 9 angstroms in both the light and the dark, indicating that the observed light-induced change was in the volume enclosed within the thylakoid. The effect of illumination could be inhibited by various uncouplers of photophosphorylation but not by 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea, suggesting that it depended on ATP (or its precursor). In the presence of 0.5 micromolar nigericin, the thickness of the granal lamellae increased in the light to 213 ± 3 angstroms; this may reflect an uptake of K+ into an osmotically responding space within the thylakoids.  相似文献   

With a photocatalyzed characteristic, nanoanatase TiO2 under light could cause an oxidation–reduction reaction. Our studies had proved that nano-TiO2 could promote photosynthesis and greatly improve spinach growth. However, the mechanism of nano-TiO2 on promoting conversion from light energy to electron energy and from electron energy to active chemistry energy remains largely unclear. In this study, we report that the electron transfer, oxygen evolution, and photophosphorylation of chloroplast (Chl) from nanoanatase-TiO2-treated spinach were greatly increased under visible light and ultraviolet light illumination. It was demonstrated that nanoanatase TiO2 could greatly improve whole chain electron transport, photoreduction activity of photosystem II, O2-evolving and photophosphorylation activity of spinach Chl not only under visible light, but also energy-enriched electron from nanoanatase TiO2, which entered Chl under ultraviolet light and was transferred in photosynthetic electron transport chain and made NADP+ be reduced into NADPH, and coupled to photophosphorylation and made electron energy be transformed to ATP. Moreover, nanoanatase h+, which photogenerated electron holes, captured an electron from water, which accelerated water photolysis and O2 evolution.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition was studied in osmotically broken chloroplasts isolated from spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea L.). Both whole chain electron transport (measured as ferricyanide-dependent O2 evolution in the presence of NH4Cl) and photosystem II activity (measured as O2 evolution in the presence of either silicomolybdate plus 3-(3,4-diphenyl)-1,1 dimethylurea or parabenzoquinone) showed similar decreases in activity in response to a photoinhibitory treatment (8 minutes of high light given in the absence of an electron acceptor other than O2). Photosystem I activity was less affected. Photoinhibition of silicomolybdate reduction was largely reversible by an 8 minute dark incubation following the light treatment. Decreasing the O2 concentration during photoinhibition below 2% increased photoinhibition of whole chain electron transport. Addition of superoxide dismutase to the reaction medium did not affect photoinhibition. Photoinhibition of both photosystem I and photosystem II activity increased as the rate of electron transfer during the treatment increased, and was largely prevented when 3-(3,4-diphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea was present during the photoinhibition period. Noncyclic photophosphorylation was decreased as a consequence of whole chain electron transfer photoinhibition. Since diphenyl carbazide added after light treatment did not relieve photoinhibition of dichlorophenol indophenol reduction, we conclude that the site of inhibition is located within or near the photosystem II reaction center.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the pathways of carbon in photosynthesis was examined in chloroplast preparations from Acetabularia mediterranea. The flow of carbon into a number of photosynthetic intermediates, particularly sucrose, glycine, serine, glycolate, and the insoluble fraction, was strongly influenced by pH. At higher pH a much larger portion of the 14C entered intermediates of the glycolate pathway. Although maximal apparent photosynthesis occurred at pH 7.6 to 7.7, cytoplasmic pH was found to be 8.0 to 8.4, using indicators. The pattern of distribution of 14C in intermediates of whole cells was closest to that in chloroplasts at the higher pH range.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):383-389
Autoxidation of 5–hydroxyprimaquine, a putative metabolite of the antimalarial primaquine, was studied by oxygen consumption and ESR spectroscopy. 5–Hydroxyprirnaquine undenvent fast autoxidation under mild conditions (pH 7.4-8. 5, 25°C. and presence of I mM diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid); each mol of the drug consumed 0.75 mol of oxygen and formed 0.5 mol of hydrogen peroxide. Direct-ESR experiments demonstrated that 5–hydroxyprimaquine autoxidation was accompanied by generation of a drug-derived free radical that is oxygen sensitive. Generation of hydroxyl radical was also established by spin-trapping experiments in the presence of 5,5–dimethyl-l-pyrroline N-oxide. The effect of antioxidant enzymes on hydroxyl radical adduct yield and analysis of autoxidation stoichiometry suggest that the main route for hydroxyl radical generation is the iron-catalyzed reaction between the drug-derived free radical and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

1. Two clock proteins were identified in A. cliftonii. The first has a molecular weight (mol. wt) of 200 kDa (P200) and its synthesis shows a 24 hr periodicity. The second has mol. wt of 130 kDa (P130) and shows a semicircadian rhythm with a periodicity of about 12 hr. 2. cDNA libraries from A. cliftonii and A. mediterranea were prepared by cloning cDNA in lambda gt10 and lambda gt11, respectively. 3. One clone each of the two libraries hybridized with the human beta-actin pseudogene. One clone of the A. mediterranea and 4 clones of the A. cliftonii libraries hybridized to Chlamydomonas heat-shock gene.  相似文献   

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