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Vestibular hair cells (V–HCs) in the inner ear have important roles and various functions. When V–HCs are damaged, crippling symptoms, such as vertigo, visual field oscillation, and imbalance, are often seen. Recently, several studies have reported differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells, as pluripotent stem cells, to HCs, though a method for producing V–HCs has yet to be established. In the present study, we used vestibular cell conditioned medium (V-CM) and effectively induced ES cells to differentiate into V–HCs. Expressions of V-HC-related markers (Math1, Myosin6, Brn3c, Dnah5) were significantly increased in ES cells cultured in V-CM for 2 weeks, while those were not observed in ES cells cultured without V-CM. On the other hand, the cochlear HC-related marker Lmod3 was either not detected or detected only faintly in those cells when cultured in V-CM. Our results demonstrate that V-CM has an ability to specifically induce differentiation of ES cells into V–HCs.  相似文献   

Emx2 is a homeodomain protein that plays a critical role in inner ear development. Homozygous null mice die at birth with a range of defects in the CNS, renal system and skeleton. The cochlea is shorter than normal with about 60% fewer auditory hair cells. It appears to lack outer hair cells and some supporting cells are either absent or fail to differentiate. Many of the hair cells differentiate in pairs and although their hair bundles develop normally their planar cell polarity is compromised. Measurements of cell polarity suggest that classic planar cell polarity molecules are not directly influenced by Emx2 and that polarity is compromised by developmental defects in the sensory precursor population or by defects in epithelial cues for cell alignment. Planar cell polarity is normal in the vestibular epithelia although polarity reversal across the striola is absent in both the utricular and saccular maculae. In contrast, cochlear hair cell polarity is disorganized. The expression domain for Bmp4 is expanded and Fgfr1 and Prox1 are expressed in fewer cells in the cochlear sensory epithelium of Emx2 null mice. We conclude that Emx2 regulates early developmental events that balance cell proliferation and differentiation in the sensory precursor population.  相似文献   

In the inner ear, Notch signaling has been proposed to specify the sensory regions, as well as regulate the differentiation of hair cells and supporting cell within those regions. In addition, Notch plays an important role in otic neurogenesis, by determining which cells differentiate as neurons, sensory cells and non-sensory cells. Here, I review the evidence for the complex and myriad roles Notch participates in during inner ear development. A particular challenge for those studying ear development and Notch is to decipher how activation of a single pathway can lead to different outcomes within the ear, which may include changes in the intrinsic properties of the cell, Notch modulation, and potential non-canonical pathways.  相似文献   

Sensory hair cells and supporting cells of the mammalian cochlea and vestibular (balance) organs exit the cell cycle during embryogenesis and do not proliferate thereafter. Here, we have studied the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of the postmitotic state and the proliferative capacity of these cells. We provide the first evidence of the role of cyclin D1 in cell cycle regulation in these cells. Cyclin D1 expression disappeared from embryonic hair cells as differentiation started. The expression was transiently upregulated in cochlear hair cells early postnatally, paralleling the spatiotemporal pattern of unscheduled cell cycle re-entry of cochlear hair cells from the p19Ink4d/p21Cip1 compound mutant mice. Cyclin D1 misexpression in vitro in neonatal vestibular HCs from these mutant mice triggered S-phase re-entry. Thus, cyclin D1 suppression is important for hair cell's quiescence, together with the maintained expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. In contrast to hair cells, cyclin D1 expression was maintained in supporting cells when differentiation started. The expression continued during the neonatal period when supporting cells have been shown to re-enter the cell cycle upon stimulation with exogenous mitogens. Thereafter, the steep decline in supporting cell's proliferative activity paralleled with cyclin D1 downregulation. Thus, cyclin D1 critically contributes to the proliferative plasticity of supporting cells. These data suggest that targeted cyclin D1 induction in supporting cells might be an avenue for proliferative regeneration in the inner ear.  相似文献   

We applied a micro-cDNA-based subtraction method to identify genes expressed in the regenerating sensory epithelia (SE) of the chicken inner ear. Sensory hair cells in the avian utricle SE are in a constant state of turnover, where dying hair cells are replaced by new ones derived from supporting cells. In contrast, hair cells in the cochlea remain quiescent unless damaged. We used this difference to enrich for utricle-specific genes, using reiterative cDNA subtraction and demonstrate enrichment for utricle-specific sequences. A total of 1710 cDNA sequence reads revealed the presence of many cDNAs encoding known structural components of the SE (for example, Harmonin and beta-tectorin), proteins involved in cellular proliferation, such as P311, HIPK2, and SPALT1, among many others of unknown function. These libraries are the first of their kind and should prove useful for the discovery of candidate genes for hearing disorders, regenerative and apoptotic pathways, and novel chicken ESTs.  相似文献   

Atoh1 is required for differentiation of sensory hair cells in the vertebrate inner ear. Moreover, misexpression of Atoh1 is sufficient to establish ectopic sensory epithelia, making Atoh1 a good candidate for gene therapy to restore hearing. However, competence to form sensory epithelia appears to be limited to discrete regions of the inner ear. To better understand the developmental factors influencing sensory-competence, we examined the effects of misexpressing atoh1a in zebrafish embryos under various developmental conditions. Activation of a heat shock-inducible transgene, hs:atoh1a, resulted in ectopic expression of early markers of sensory development within 2 h, and mature hair cells marked by brn3c:GFP began to accumulate 9 h after heat shock. The ability of atoh1a to induce ectopic sensory epithelia was maximal when activated during placodal or early otic vesicle stages but declined rapidly thereafter. At no stage was atoh1a sufficient to induce sensory development in dorsal or lateral non-sensory regions of the otic vesicle. However, co-misexpression of atoh1a with fgf3, fgf8 or sox2, genes normally acting in the same gene network with atoh1a, stimulated sensory development in all regions of the otic vesicle. Thus, expression of fgf3, fgf8 or sox2 strongly enhances competence to respond to Atoh1.  相似文献   

The induction of inner ear hair cells from stem cells or progenitor cells in the inner ear proceeds through a committed inner ear sensory progenitor cell stage prior to hair cell differentiation. To increase the efficacy of inducing inner ear hair cell differentiation from the stem cells or progenitor cells, it is essential to identify comprehensive markers for the stem cells/progenitor cells from the inner ear, the committed inner ear sensory progenitor cells and the differentiating hair cells to optimize induction conditions. Here, we report that we efficiently isolated and expanded the stem cells or progenitor cells from postnatal mouse cochleae, and induced the generation of inner ear progenitor cells and subsequent differentiation of hair cells. We profiled the gene expression of the stem cells or progenitor cells, the inner ear progenitor cells, and hair cells using aRNA microarray analysis. The pathway and gene ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes was performed. Analysis of genes exclusively detected in one particular cellular population revealed 30, 38, and 31 genes specific for inner ear stem cells, inner ear progenitor cells, and hair cells, respectively. We further examined the expression of these genes in vivo and determined that Gdf10+Ccdc121, Tmprss9+Orm1, and Chrna9+Espnl are marker genes specific for inner ear stem cells, inner ear progenitor cells, and differentiating hair cells, respectively. The identification of these marker genes will likely help the effort to increase the efficacy of hair cell induction from the stem cells or progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Sox2 has been variously implicated in maintenance of pluripotent stem cells or, alternatively, early stages of cell differentiation, depending on context. In the developing inner ear, Sox2 initially marks all cells in the nascent sensory epithelium and, in mouse, is required for sensory epithelium formation. Sox2 is eventually downregulated in hair cells but is maintained in support cells, the functional significance of which is unknown. Here we describe regulation and function of sox2 in the zebrafish inner ear. Expression of sox2 begins after the onset of sensory epithelium development and is regulated by Atoh1a/b, Fgf and Notch. Knockdown of sox2 does not prevent hair cell production, but the rate of accumulation is reduced due to sporadic death of differentiated hair cells. We next tested the capacity for hair cell regeneration following laser ablation of mature brn3c:gfp-labeled hair cells. In control embryos, regeneration of lost hair cells begins by 12 h post-ablation and involves transdifferentiation of support cells rather than asymmetric cell division. In contrast, regeneration does not occur in sox2-depleted embryos. These data show that zebrafish sox2 is required for hair cell survival, as well as for transdifferentiation of support cells into hair cells during regeneration.  相似文献   

In mammals, auditory information is processed by the hair cells (HCs) located in the cochlea and then rapidly transmitted to the CNS via a specialized cluster of bipolar afferent connections known as the spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). Although many anatomical aspects of SGNs are well described, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying their genesis, how they are precisely arranged along the cochlear duct, and the guidance mechanisms that promote the innervation of their hair cell targets are only now being understood. Building upon foundational studies of neurogenesis and neurotrophins, we review here new concepts and technologies that are helping to enrich our understanding of the development of the nervous system within the inner ear.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for isolation and culture of microvascular endothelial cells of the inner ear were devised to provide an in-vitro system for studying endothelial functions in this tissue. Capillaries from the stria vascularis and spiral ligament were treated enzymatically to free them from surrounding tissue. Contamination by extraneous tissue was minimized by banding capillary segments in Percoll gradients and culture in plasma-derived serum on a fibronectin-coated substrate. Although only small amounts of inner ear tissue were available, tritiated thymidine autoradiography demonstrated that considerable growth in culture was possible. Addition of heparin and endothelial cell growth supplement to the medium enhanced proliferation. The endothelial origin of the cultured cells was confirmed by immunofluorescent demonstration of the presence of Factor VIII-related antigen and angiotensin-converting enzyme. In addition, tight junctions between cells were observed in both thin sections and platinum replicas obtained by freezefracture techniques. Endothelial cells from neither the stria vascularis nor the spiral ligament allowed passage of horseradish peroxidase across the monolayer during a 5-min period. However, endothelial cells from the stria vascularis exhibited a greater amount of pinocytotic activity than those of the spiral ligament, a difference that is also observed in vivo. Methods for expanding a small population of endothelial cells with retention of specialized properties into one of sufficient size for morphologic and biochemical studies have been demonstrated for the inner ear.  相似文献   

The occurrence of dark staining cells in different tissues has been suggested to be artefactual and caused during the fixation process. In inner ear sensory epithelia, dark hair cells (DHC) have been suggested to be apoptotic cells. We have examined whether dark cells represent dying cells or whether they are the results of fixation artefacts. The effects of buffer osmolarity and different fixation methods on the incidence of dark hair cells in the inner ear macula sacculi of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were investigated by light and electron microscopy. Glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer with osmolarities of 0, 135, 225, 425, and 560 mosmol were used for fixation by immersion. For comparison, fixation by vascular perfusion as well as the effects of mechanical injury and delayed fixation were studied. DHC were found in all examined saccular maculae except for the delayed fixation protocol where almost all the sensory cells were lost. The number of DHC accounted for 2.5–12.9‰ of the sensory cells. Neither the buffer osmolarity nor the fixation method had significant effects on the frequencies of DHC. Mitotic cell division events were seen exclusively in the apical cell strata of the sensory epithelium. The DHC are suggested to be associated with apoptosis rather than fixation artefacts.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial coordination of multiple cell fate decisions is essential for proper organogenesis. Here, we define gene interactions that transform the neurogenic epithelium of the developing inner ear into specialized mechanosensory receptors. By Cre-loxP fate mapping, we show that vestibular sensory hair cells derive from a previously neurogenic region of the inner ear. The related bHLH genes Ngn1 (Neurog1) and Math1 (Atoh1) are required, respectively, for neural and sensory epithelial development in this system. Our analysis of mouse mutants indicates that a mutual antagonism between Ngn1 and Math1 regulates the transition from neurogenesis to sensory cell production during ear development. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the transition to sensory cell production involves distinct autoregulatory behaviors of Ngn1 (negative) and Math1 (positive). We propose that Ngn1, as well as promoting neurogenesis, maintains an uncommitted progenitor cell population through Notch-mediated lateral inhibition, and Math1 irreversibly commits these progenitors to a hair-cell fate.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear develops from an ectodermal placode adjacent to rhombomeres 4 to 6 of the segmented hindbrain. The placode then transforms into a vesicle and becomes regionalised along its anteroposterior, dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. To investigate the role of hindbrain signals in instructing otic vesicle regionalisation, we analysed ear development in zebrafish mutants for vhnf1, a gene expressed in the caudal hindbrain during otic induction and regionalisation. We show that, in vhnf1 homozygous embryos, the patterning of the otic vesicle is affected along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. First, anterior gene expression domains are either expanded along the whole anteroposterior axis of the vesicle or duplicated in the posterior region. Second, the dorsal domain is severely reduced, and cell groups normally located ventrally are shifted dorsally, sometimes forming a single dorsal patch along the whole AP extent of the otic vesicle. Third, and probably as a consequence, the size and organization of the sensory and neurogenic epithelia are disturbed. These results demonstrate that, in zebrafish, signals from the hindbrain control the patterning of the otic vesicle, not only along the anteroposterior axis, but also, as in amniotes, along the dorsoventral axis. They suggest that, despite the evolution of inner ear structure and function, some of the mechanisms underlying the regionalisation of the otic vesicle in fish and amniotes have been conserved.  相似文献   

Cadherin 23 is required for normal development of the sensory hair bundle, and recent evidence suggests it is a component of the tip links, filamentous structures thought to gate the hair cells' mechano-electrical transducer channels. Antibodies against unique peptide epitopes were used to study the properties of cadherin 23 and its spatio-temporal expression patterns in developing cochlear hair cells. In the rat, intra- and extracellular domain epitopes are readily detected in the developing hair bundle between E18 and P5, and become progressively restricted to the distal tip of the hair bundle. From P13 onwards, these epitopes are no longer detected in hair bundles, but immunoreactivity is observed in the apical, vesicle-rich, pericuticular region of the hair cell. In the P2-P3 mouse cochlea, immunogold labeling reveals cadherin 23 is associated with kinocilial links and transient lateral links located between and within stereociliary rows. At this stage, the cadherin 23 ectodomain epitope remains on the hair bundle following BAPTA or La(3+) treatment, but is lost following exposure to the protease subtilisin. In contrast, mechano-electrical transduction is abolished by BAPTA but unaffected by subtilisin. These results suggest cadherin 23 is associated with transient lateral links that have properties distinct from those of the tip-link.  相似文献   

Summary The cochleas from chinchilla inner ears were processed in the cold through Lowicryl K4M, and cured by UV light. Thick (2 m) sections were reacted with primary antibodies raised against actin, and anti-actin antibodies localized by FITC epifluorescence. On thin sections from the same blocks anti-actin antibodies were localized ultrastructurally with secondary antibodies coupled to colloidal gold.In the hair cells, actin was present in the stereocilia and cuticular plate, regions where thin filaments were observed by electron microscopy. Colloidal gold was uniformly distributed over these regions and over the stereocilia rootlets demonstrating that actin was present in this region although previously in permeabilized cells, the rootlet was not decorated with myosin subfragment S-1. Actin was present in the pillar and Deiters supporting cells at the reticular lamina and at the basilar membrane, where a meshwork of thin filaments was seen by electron microscopy. Colloidal gold particles were also localized over the thin processes of the pillar and Deiters cells, and over the region of the Deiters cell which envelops the base of the outer hair cell. In these regions actin co-localized with microtubules along the entire length of the supporting cells.  相似文献   

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