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The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein which regulates intracellular pH in mammalian cells. Nine isoforms of the Na+/H+ exchanger have been identified. The isoform first discovered has two domains: an N-terminal membrane domain containing approximately 500 amino acids and a C-terminal regulatory domain containing approximately 315 amino acids. The exchanger, which resides in the plasma membrane, exchanges an intracellular proton for an extracellular sodium, thereby regulating intracellular pH. It is involved in cell growth and differentiation, cell migration, and regulation of sodium fluxes. The Na+/H+ exchanger plays an important role in myocardial damage during ischemia and reperfusion and has recently been implicated as a mediator of cardiac hypertrophy. Inhibitors of the Na+/H+ exchanger, which may prove useful in the clinical treatment of these conditions, are currently being developed and clinical trials are underway.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by exchanging one intracellular H(+) for one extracellular Na(+). It is composed of an N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the structural and functional aspects of the critical transmembrane segment VII (TM VII, residues 251-273) by using alanine scanning mutagenesis and high resolution NMR. Each residue of TM VII was mutated to alanine, the full-length protein expressed, and its activity characterized. TM VII was sensitive to mutation. Mutations at 13 of 22 residues resulted in severely reduced activity, whereas other mutants exhibited varying degrees of decreases in activity. The impaired activities sometimes resulted from low expression and/or low surface targeting. Three of the alanine scanning mutant proteins displayed increased, and two displayed decreased resistance to the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 inhibitor EMD87580. The structure of a peptide of TM VII was determined by using high resolution NMR in dodecylphosphocholine micelles. TM VII is predominantly alpha-helical, with a break in the helix at the functionally critical residues Gly(261)-Glu(262). The relative positions and orientations of the N- and C-terminal helical segments are seen to vary about this extended segment in the ensemble of NMR structures. Our results show that TM VII is a critical transmembrane segment structured as an interrupted helix, with several residues that are essential to both protein function and sensitivity to inhibition.  相似文献   

To assess the role of Ca2+in regulation of theNa+/H+exchanger (NHE1), we used CCL-39 fibroblasts overexpressing theNa+/Ca2+exchanger (NCX1). Expression of NCX1 markedly inhibited the transient cytoplasmic Ca2+ rise andlong-lasting cytoplasmic alkalinization (60-80% inhibition) induced by -thrombin. In contrast, coexpression of NCX1 did not inhibit this alkalinization in cells expressing the NHE1 mutant withthe calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain deleted (amino acids 637-656),suggesting that the effect of NCX1 transfection involves Ca2+-CaM binding. Expression ofNCX1 only slightly inhibited platelet-derived growth factor BB-inducedalkalinization and did not affect hyperosmolarity- or phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate-induced alkalinization. Downregulation ofprotein kinase C (PKC) inhibited thrombin-induced alkalinization partially in control cells and abolished it completely inNCX1-transfected cells, suggesting that the thrombin effect is mediatedexclusively via Ca2+ and PKC. Onthe other hand, deletion mutant study revealed that PKC-dependentregulation occurs through a small cytoplasmic segment (amino aids566-595). These data suggest that a mechanism involving directCa2+-CaM binding lasts for arelatively long period after agonist stimulation, despite apparentshort-lived Ca2+ mobilization, andfurther support our previous conclusion that Ca2+- and PKC-dependent mechanismsare mediated through distinct segments of the NHE1 cytoplasmic domain.


拟南芥液泡膜Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐分是植物生长发育的主要限制因素之一,而离子在胞内区室之间的选择性运动对提高植物耐盐性是至关重要的。来自于拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的AtNHX1基因可编码Na /H 逆向转运蛋白,而Na /H 逆向转运蛋白AtNHX1可将细胞质中多余的Na 排进液泡来消除Na 的毒害,维持细胞的渗透平衡,提高植物的耐盐性。简要综述了AtNHX1基因及Na /H 逆向转运蛋白AtNHX1的特征,AtNHX1的耐盐机制以及植物耐盐基因工程改良等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH. It extrudes 1 intracellular H+ in exchange for 1 extracellular Na+. It has 2 large domains, an N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the cysteine accessibility of amino acids of the critical transmembrane segment TM VII. Residues Leu 255, Leu 258, Glu 262, Leu 265, Asn 266, Asp 267, Val 269, Val 272, and Leu 273 were all mutated to cysteine residues in the cysteineless NHE1 isoform. Mutation of amino acids E262, N266, and D267 caused severe defects in activity and targeting of the intact full length protein. The balance of the active mutants were examined for sensitivity to the sulfhydryl reactive reagents, positively charged MTSET ((2- (trimethylammonium)ethyl)methanethiosulfonate) and negatively charged MTSES ((2-sulfonatoethyl)methanethiosulfonate). Leu 255 and Leu 258 were sensitive to MTSET but not to MTSES. The results suggest that these amino acids are pore-lining residues. We present a model of TM VII that shows that residues Leu 255, Leu 258, Glu 262, Asn 266, and Asp 267 lie near the same face of TM VII, lining the ion transduction pore.  相似文献   

Mammalian Na+/Ca2+ (NCX) and Na+/Ca2+-K+ exchangers (NCKX) are polytopic membrane proteins that play critical roles in calcium homeostasis in many cells. Although hydropathy plots for NCX and NCKX are very similar, reported topological models for NCX1 and NCKX2 differ in the orientation of the three C-terminal transmembrane segments (TMS). NCX1 is thought to have 9 TMS and a re-entrant loop, whereas NCKX2 is thought to have 10 TMS. The current topological model of NCKX2 is very similar to the 10 membrane spanning helices seen in the recently reported crystal structure of NCX_MJ, a distantly related archaebacterial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Here we reinvestigate the orientation of the three C-terminal TMS of NCX1 and NCKX2 using mass-tagging experiments of substituted cysteine residues. Our results suggest that NCX1, NCKX2 and NCX_MJ all share the same 10 TMS topology.  相似文献   

王立光 《生物工程学报》2019,35(8):1424-1432
拟南芥内膜Na,K~+/H~+反向转运体(Endosomal NHX)的亚细胞定位、离子转运特性及生物学功能阐释取得了重要进展。拟南芥内膜Na~+,K~+/H~+反向转运体包含AtNHX5和AtNHX6两个成员,它们的氨基酸序列相似性为78.7%。研究表明,AtNHX5和AtNHX6具有功能冗余,它们都定位在高尔基体(Golgi)、反面高尔基体管网状结构(TGN)、内质网(ER)和液胞前体(PVC),参与调控耐盐胁迫、pH平衡和K~+平衡等。有报道显示内膜NHXs跨膜结构域存在能够调控自身离子活性的酸性保守氨基酸残基,对其自身功能具有决定性作用。最新研究结果表明,拟南芥内膜NHXs影响囊泡运输和蛋白存贮,并参与生长素介导的植物生长和发育。文中主要对拟南芥内膜NHXs的亚细胞定位、离子转运、功能及应用进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by removing one intracellular H(+) in exchange for one extracellular Na(+). It has a large N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the cysteine accessibility of amino acids of the putative transmembrane segment IX (residues 339-363). Each residue was mutated to cysteine in a functional cysteineless NHE1 protein. Of 25 amino acids mutated, 5 were inactive or nearly so after mutation to cysteine. Several of these showed aberrant targeting to the plasma membrane and reduced expression of the intact protein, whereas others were expressed and targeted correctly but had defective NHE1 function. Of the active mutants, Glu(346) and Ser(351) were inhibited >70% by positively charged [2-(trimethylammonium)-ethyl]methanethiosulfonate but not by anionic [2-sulfonatoethyl]methanethiosulfonate, suggesting that they are pore lining and make up part of the cation conduction pathway. Both mutants also had decreased affinity for Na(+) and decreased activation by intracellular protons. The structure of a peptide representing amino acids 338-365 was determined by using high resolution NMR in dodecylphosphocholine micelles. The structure contained two helical regions (amino acids Met(340)-Ser(344) and Ile(353)-Ser(359)) kinked with a large bend angle around a pivot point at amino acid Ser(351). The results suggest that transmembrane IX is critical with pore-lining residues and a kink at the functionally important residue Ser(351).  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH in mammals. We characterized the structural and functional aspects of the critical transmembrane (TM) segment IV. Each residue was mutated to cysteine in cysteine-less NHE1. TM IV was exquisitely sensitive to mutation with 10 of 23 mutations causing greatly reduced expression and/or activity. The Phe(161) --> Cys mutant was inhibited by treatment with the water-soluble sulfhydryl-reactive compounds [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate and [2-sulfonatoethyl]methanethiosulfonate, suggesting it is a pore-lining residue. The structure of purified TM IV peptide was determined using high resolution NMR in a CD(3)OH:CDCl(3):H(2)O mixture and in Me(2)SO. In CD(3)OH: CDCl(3):H(2)O, TM IV was structured but not as a canonical alpha-helix. Residues Asp(159)-Leu(162) were a series of beta-turns; residues Leu(165)-Pro(168) showed an extended structure, and residues Ile(169)-Phe(176) were helical in character. These three structured regions rotated quite freely with respect to the others. In Me(2)SO, the structure was much less defined. Our results demonstrate that TM IV is an unusually structured transmembrane segment that is exquisitely sensitive to mutagenesis and that Phe(161) is a pore-lining residue.  相似文献   

Intracellular Na(+)/H(+) (NHX) antiporters have important roles in cellular pH and Na(+), K(+) homeostasis. The six Arabidopsis thaliana intracellular NHX members are divided into two groups, endosomal (NHX5 and NHX6) and vacuolar (NHX1 to NHX4). Of the vacuolar members, NHX1 has been characterized functionally, but the remaining members have largely unknown roles. Using reverse genetics, we show that, unlike the single knockouts nhx1 or nhx2, the double knockout nhx1 nhx2 had significantly reduced growth, smaller cells, shorter hypocotyls in etiolated seedlings and abnormal stamens in mature flowers. Filaments of nhx1 nhx2 did not elongate and lacked the ability to dehisce and release pollen, resulting in a near lack of silique formation. Pollen viability and germination was not affected. Quantification of vacuolar pH and intravacuolar K(+) concentrations indicated that nhx1 nhx2 vacuoles were more acidic and accumulated only 30% of the wild-type K(+) concentration, highlighting the roles of NHX1 and NHX2 in mediating vacuolar K(+)/H(+) exchange. Growth under added Na(+), but not K(+), partly rescued the flower and growth phenotypes. Our results demonstrate the roles of NHX1 and NHX2 in regulating intravacuolar K(+) and pH, which are essential to cell expansion and flower development.  相似文献   

Sodium proton exchangers (NHEs) constitute a large family of polytopic membrane protein transporters found in organisms across all domains of life. They are responsible for the exchange of protons for sodium ions. In archaea, bacteria, yeast and plants they provide increased salt tolerance by removing sodium in exchanger for extracellular protons. In humans they have a host of physiological functions, the most prominent of which is removal of intracellular protons in exchange for extracellular sodium. Human NHE is also involved in heart disease, cell growth and in cell differentiation. NHE’s physiological roles and the intriguing pathological consequences of their actions, make them a very important target of structural and functional studies. There are nine isoforms identified to date in humans. This review provides a brief overview of the human NHE’s physiological and pathological roles and cellular/tissue distribution, with special attention to the exemplar member NHE1. A summary of our knowledge to date of the structure and function of NHE1 is included focusing on a discussion of the recent discrepancies reported on the topology of NHE1. Finally we discuss a newly discovered relative of the NHE1 isoform, the Na+/Li+ exchanger, focusing on its predicted topology and its potential roles in disease.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform-1 (NHE-1) is the key member of a family of exchangers that regulates intracellular pH and cell volume. Activation of NHE-1 by growth factors is rapid, correlates with increased NHE-1 phosphorylation and cell alkalinization, and plays a role in cell cycle progression. By two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping of immunoprecipitated NHE-1, we identify serine 703 as the major serum-stimulated amino acid. Mutation of serine 703 to alanine had no effect on acid-stimulated Na+/H+ exchange but completely prevented the growth factor-mediated increase in NHE-1 affinity for H+. In addition, we show that p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90(RSK)) is a key NHE-1 kinase since p90(RSK) phosphorylates NHE-1 serine 703 stoichiometrically in vitro, and transfection with kinase-inactive p90(RSK) inhibits serum-induced phosphorylation of NHE-1 serine 703 in transfected 293 cells. These findings establish p90(RSK) as a serum-stimulated NHE-1 kinase and a mediator of increased Na+/H+ exchange in vivo.  相似文献   

Na+-inhibitory sites of the Na+/H+ exchanger are Li+ substrate sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amiloride-inhibitable Li+ influx in dog red blood cells is mediated by the Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE. However, there are substantial differences between the properties of Li+ transport and Na+ transport through the NHE. Li+ influx is activated by cell shrinkage, and Na+ influx is not, as we reported previously (Dunham PB, Kelley SJ, and Logue PJ. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 287: C336-C344, 2004). Li+ influx is a sigmoidal function of its concentration, and Na+ activation is linear at low Na+ concentrations. Li+ does not inhibit its own influx; in contrast, Na+ inhibits Na+ influx. Li+ prevents this inhibition by Na+. Na+ is a mixed or noncompetitive inhibitor of Li+ influx, implying that both a Na+ and a Li+ can be bound at the same time. In contrast, Li+ is a competitive inhibitor of Na+ influx, suggesting Li+ binding at one class of sites on the transporter. Because the properties of Li+ transport and Na+ transport are different, a simple explanation is that Na+ and Li+ are transported by separate sites. The similarities of the properties of Li+ transport and the inhibition of Na+ transport by Na+ suggest that Li+ is transported by the Na+-inhibitory sites.  相似文献   

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