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Tetrahymena cilia contain a three-headed 22S (outer arm) dynein and a single-headed 14S dynein. In this study, we have employed an in vitro assay of microtubule translocation along dynein-coated glass surfaces to characterize the motile properties of 14S dynein, 22S dynein, and proteolytic fragments of 22S dynein. Microtubule translocation produced by intact 22S dynein and 14S dynein differ in a number of respects including (a) the maximal velocities of movement; (b) the ability of 22S dynein but not 14S dynein to utilize ATP gamma S to induce movement; (c) the optimal pH and ionic conditions for movement; and (d) the effects of Triton X-100 on the velocity of movement. These results indicate that 22S and 14S dyneins have distinct microtubule translocating properties and suggest that these dyneins may have specialized roles in ciliary beating. We have also explored the function of the multiple ATPase heads of 22S dynein by preparing one- and two-headed proteolytic fragments of this three-headed molecule and examining their motile activity in vitro. Unlike the single-headed 14S dynein, the single-headed fragment of 22S dynein did not induce movement, even though it was capable of binding to microtubules. The two-headed fragment, on the other hand, translocated microtubules at velocities similar to those measured for intact 22S dynein (10 microns/sec). This finding indicates that the intact three-headed structure of 22S dynein is not essential for generating microtubule movement, which raises the possibility that multiple heads may serve some regulatory function or may be required for maximal force production in the beating cilium.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella are equipped with multiple species of dyneins that have diverse motor properties. To assess the properties of various axonemal dyneins of Chlamydomonas, in vitro microtubule translocation by isolated dyneins was examined with and without flow of the medium. With one inner-arm dynein species, dynein c, most microtubules became aligned parallel to the flow and translocated downstream after the onset of flow. When the flow was stopped, the gliding direction was gradually randomized. In contrast, with inner-arm dyneins d and g, microtubules tended to translocate at a shallow right angle to the flow. When the flow was stopped, each microtubule turned to the right, making a curved track. The clockwise translocation was not accompanied by lateral displacement, indicating that these dyneins generate torque that bends the microtubule. The torque generated by these dyneins in the axoneme may modulate the relative orientation between adjacent doublet microtubules and lead to more efficient functioning of total dyneins.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic studies on dyneins from Tetrahymena cilia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We examined the effects of Ca ions on the gliding movement of Tetrahymena ciliary doublet microtubules induced by 14S or 22S dyneins in an in vitro motility assay system. The doublet microtubule appeared as circular-arc in solution, about 5 to 6 microns in length [1]. The doublet microtubules glided distal-end first on a 14S or 22S dynein-coated glass surface either clockwise or counterclockwise following the addition of ATP. The diameter of the circular path changed according to Ca concentration in the solution. Gliding velocity was from 1 to 5 microns/s. The addition of 0.1% Nonidet P-40 was necessary to induce the gliding movement on 22S dynein. This movement on 22S dynein was strongly inhibited above 0.5 mM ATP in the presence of 10(-9) M Ca, and at 0.05 to 1 mM ATP in the presence of 10(-3) M Ca. Many studies have indicated that Ca ions regulate ciliary movement [2-8] in which dyneins and doublet microtubule in the axoneme may play an essential role. The inhibition of the gliding movement of doublet microtubule on dyneins at appropriate concentrations of Ca and ATP as observed in this study may be the key for understanding Ca regulation of ciliary motility.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of dyneins from Paramecium cilia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dynein ATPases were purified from Paramecium cilia by salt extraction followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and anion exchange chromatography. The two major dyneins sedimented in sucrose gradients as species of 22 S and 12 S. After purification by anion exchange chromatography, their specific activities were about 0.4 and 0.5 mumol/min per mg, respectively. The dyneins could be distinguished by subunit composition and immunological crossreactivity. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed additional ATPase activity in the region between the 22 S and 12 S dyneins, including a 19 S activity. Mg2+-ATPase activities of the dyneins and the 19 S activity were inhibited by vanadate and Zn2+, and were activated by Triton X-100. Antibodies against the 22 S dynein from Paramecium reacted on immunoblots with most of the polypeptides of 22 S dynein, and showed that the heavy chains of 22 S dynein are not identical to those that sediment at 19 S and 12 S. Several minor ATPase activities were revealed by anion exchange chromatography of fractions from the 22 S, 19 S and 12 S regions of sucrose gradients. These minor activities were stimulated by Mg2+, inhibited by vanadate, and could be distinguished from each other by their elution positions and polypeptide compositions.  相似文献   

In the course of an attempt to isolate the calmodulin-binding proteins (CaMBPs) from cilia of Tetrahymena, it was found that some CaMBPs tend to interact with axonemal microtubules. The present study demonstrates this interaction by cosedimentation experiments using in vitro polymerized Tetrahymena axonemal microtubules and Tetrahymena CaMBPs purified from axonemes by calmodulin affinity column chromatography. Analysis by the [125I]calmodulin overlay method showed that at least three CaMBPs (Mr69, 45, and 37 kDa) cosediment with microtubules. Furthermore, without any addition of exogenous CaMBPs, microtubules purified after three cycles of temperature-dependent polymerization and depolymerization included the above CaMBPs and additional CaMBPs (Mr30, 26, and 22 kDa) which could not cosediment with microtubules. From the results, we have classified these microtubule-associated CaMBPs into two groups: (i) CaMBPs which interact with microtubules only during polymerization (30, 26, and 22 kDa), and (ii) CaMBPs which interact not only with microtubules during polymerization, but also with polymerized microtubules (69, 45, and 37 kDa). These results suggest that the microtubule-associated CaMBPs, especially those of the latter group, are located on the surface of ciliary microtubules, and may become the target molecules of calmodulin at Ca2+-triggered ciliary reversal.  相似文献   

1. Isolated cilia were prepared from Tetrahymena vorax using the local anaesthetic dibucaine in the deciliation step. 2. ATPase was cytochemically localized on microtubules of isolated cilia using the Washstein-Meisel incubation; deposition of lead phosphate indicated the sites of enzyme activity. 3. Mild fixation conditions gave optimum localizations. Satisfactory results were attained using 0.5% glutaraldehyde with a fixation time of 30 min. 4. An increase in ATPase activity, as judged by lead phosphate precipitation, was observed when cytochemical incubations were increased from 5 min to 1 hr. An incubation time of 15 min gave optimum results. 5. No advantage was gained with incubation times over 1 hr as diffusion of reaction product may occur. 6. No ATPase activity was observed in control incubations where the enzyme substrate ATP was omitted. 7. Purified cilia preparations provide useful starting material for the study of microtubular ATPase.  相似文献   

In frayed axonemes of cilia isolated from Tetrahymena pyriformis, observed in negative stain, the central apparatus remains intact, stabilized in part by the sheath projections that encircle the two singlet central microtubules. The projections terminate ca. 1.5 +/- 0.5 micron before the microtubules themselves end. The microtubules are capped together at their tips by a distinct structure, the central pair cap. The cap, ca. 50 nm across and 90 nm long, consists of a stack of two disks and a ball, similar in shape to a finial. The cap is the only part of the axoneme that extends to the distalmost point of the ciliary membrane and, therefore, it may be of significance in length determination or in shaping the ciliary tip.  相似文献   

The orientation and configuration of the central-pair microtubules in cilia were studied by serial thin-section analysis of "instantaneously fixed" paramecia. Cilia were frozen in various positions in metachronal waves by such a fixation. The spatial sequence of these positions across the wave represents the temporal sequence of the positions during the active beat cycle of a cilium. Systematic shifts of central- pair orientation across the wave indicate that the central pair rotates 360 degrees counterclockwise (viewed from outside) with each ciliary beat cycle (C. K. Omoto, 1979, Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison; C. K. Omoto and C. Kung, 1979, Nature [Lond.] 279:532-534). This is true even for paramecia with different directions of effective stroke as in forward- or backward-swimming cells. The systematic shifts of central-pair orientation cannot be seen in Ni++-paralyzed cells or sluggish mutants which do not have metachronal waves. Both serial thin- section and thick-section high-voltage electron microscopy show that whenever a twist in the central pair is seen, it is always left-handed. This twist is consistent with the hypothesis that the central pair continuously rotates counterclockwise with the rotation originating at the base of the cilium. That the rotation of the central pair is most likely with respect to the peripheral tubules as well as the cell surface is discussed. These results are incorporated into a model in which the central-pair complex is a component in the regulation of the mechanism needed for three-dimensional ciliary movement.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the motility of flagellar and ciliary axonemes in many organisms are influenced by the concentration of both ATP and ADP. Detergent-extracted cell models of Chlamydomonas oda1, a mutant lacking flagellar outer-arm dynein, displayed slightly lower flagellar beating frequencies when reactivated with ATP in the presence of an ATP-regenerating system, composed of creatine phosphate and creatine phosphokinase, than when reactivated with ATP alone. Thus, presence of a low concentration of ADP may somehow stimulate axonemal motility. To see if this motility stimulation is due to a direct effect on dynein, we analyzed the effect of ADP on the in vitro microtubule translocation caused by isolated inner-arm dyneins in the presence of ATP. Of the seven inner-arm dyneins (species a-g) fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography, most species translocated microtubules at faster speed in the presence of 0.1 mM ATP and 0.1 mM ADP than in the presence of 0.1 mM ATP alone. Most notably, species a and e did not translocate microtubules at all in the presence of the ATP-regenerating system, indicating that a trace amount of ADP is necessary for their motility. This regulation may be effected through binding of ADP to some of the four nucleotide binding sites in each dynein heavy chain.  相似文献   

Phosphonolipids in Tetrahymena cilia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Heterogeneity of microtubule proteins from Tetrahymena cilia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In vitro translocation of organelles along microtubules   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
T A Schroer  R B Kelly 《Cell》1985,40(4):729-730

The substrate specificity of dynein from Tetrahymena cilia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The substrate specificity of the 22S dynein ATPase from Tetrahymena cilia was investigated. The 22S dynein exhibited a high specificity for ATP in terms of both apparent Km and Vmax: naturally occurring nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP were hydrolyzed slowly with an apparent Km of 0.25-1 mM, a sharp contrast to that of ATP hydrolysis (1-4 microM). Pyrophosphate was a poor inhibitor for the dynein ATPase, indicating weak affinity. Since dynein binds ATP tightly and hydrolyzes it at a high rate, a method to determine a trace amount of ATP in the presence of other nucleoside triphosphates has been developed by taking advantage of this enzymatic characteristic of dynein. The effect of P1,P5-di(adenosine-5'-)-pentaphosphate (Ap5A) on the 22S dynein ATPase was also investigated. Ap5A acted as a weak competitive inhibitor of the ciliary 22S dynein ATPase and the nonlinearity of the double-reciprocal plot of the ATPase was confirmed in the presence of Ap5A.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2259-2269
The distal ends of ciliary microtubules are attached to the membrane by microtubule-capping structures. The capping structures are located at the sites of tubulin addition and loss in vivo and may be part of the regulatory system that directs ciliary and flagellar microtubule assembly. This study describes conditions for the release and stabilization of microtubule capping structures as a first step in their purification. Two types of capping structures, the distal filaments and the central microtubule caps, are selectively and independently released from the axoneme by CaCl2 and MgCl2 but not by MgSO4, ZnCl2, NaCl, KCl, or KI. The release of the caps and filaments is specific for Ca+2, Mg+2, and Cl- and is not simply a function of ionic strength. The capping structures are released without major disruption of the axonemal structure. In addition to providing a means to purify and identify the cap and filament components, these results suggest ways in which their binding to the axoneme may be modulated during periods of microtubule growth or shortening. This report also reveals that the distal filaments are composed of two separable components, a small bead inserted into the end of each A-tubule and a "Y"-shaped plug and filament that slips through the bead.  相似文献   

Dyneins are responsible for essential movements in eukaryotic cells. The motor activity of each dynein complex resides in its complement of heavy chains. In the present study, we examined 136 heavy chain sequences from the completed genomes of 11 diverse model organisms, including examples from Viridiplantae, Excavata, Chromalveolata, and Metazoa. In many cases, we discovered dynein heavy chains previously not identified. For example, Tetrahymena expresses a total of 25 DYH genes rather than the previously identified 14. The Tetrahymena DYH genes are nonaxonemal DYH1 and DYH2; axonemal outer arm alpha, beta, and gamma; axonemal two-headed inner arm 1alpha and 1beta; and 18 single-headed inner arm heavy chains. The heavy chains divide into nine classes; six of these are highly conserved in sequence and number of isoforms in a given organism. The other three are single-headed inner arm dyneins, whose numbers vary significantly in different organisms. These findings lead to two conclusions. One, the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes expressed nine different dynein heavy chains. Two, subsequent to the divergences leading to different organisms, additional dynein heavy chains emerged. These newer dyneins are not well conserved across species and the variation may reflect different motility requirements in different organisms. Together, these results suggest that each of the nine classes of dyneins is functionally distinct, but members within some of the classes are not specialized. An understanding of the relationships among the various dynein heavy chains is important when deducing functions across species.  相似文献   

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